| /* |
| * Copyright (C) STMicroelectronics SA 2017 |
| * |
| * Authors: Philippe Cornu <philippe.cornu@st.com> |
| * Yannick Fertre <yannick.fertre@st.com> |
| * Fabien Dessenne <fabien.dessenne@st.com> |
| * Mickael Reulier <mickael.reulier@st.com> |
| * |
| * License terms: GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2 |
| */ |
| |
| #include <linux/clk.h> |
| #include <linux/component.h> |
| #include <linux/of_address.h> |
| #include <linux/of_graph.h> |
| #include <linux/reset.h> |
| |
| #include <drm/drm_atomic.h> |
| #include <drm/drm_atomic_helper.h> |
| #include <drm/drm_crtc_helper.h> |
| #include <drm/drm_fb_cma_helper.h> |
| #include <drm/drm_gem_cma_helper.h> |
| #include <drm/drm_of.h> |
| #include <drm/drm_panel.h> |
| #include <drm/drm_plane_helper.h> |
| |
| #include <video/videomode.h> |
| |
| #include "ltdc.h" |
| |
| #define NB_CRTC 1 |
| #define CRTC_MASK GENMASK(NB_CRTC - 1, 0) |
| |
| #define MAX_IRQ 4 |
| |
| #define HWVER_10200 0x010200 |
| #define HWVER_10300 0x010300 |
| #define HWVER_20101 0x020101 |
| |
| /* |
| * The address of some registers depends on the HW version: such registers have |
| * an extra offset specified with reg_ofs. |
| */ |
| #define REG_OFS_NONE 0 |
| #define REG_OFS_4 4 /* Insertion of "Layer Configuration 2" reg */ |
| #define REG_OFS (ldev->caps.reg_ofs) |
| #define LAY_OFS 0x80 /* Register Offset between 2 layers */ |
| |
| /* Global register offsets */ |
| #define LTDC_IDR 0x0000 /* IDentification */ |
| #define LTDC_LCR 0x0004 /* Layer Count */ |
| #define LTDC_SSCR 0x0008 /* Synchronization Size Configuration */ |
| #define LTDC_BPCR 0x000C /* Back Porch Configuration */ |
| #define LTDC_AWCR 0x0010 /* Active Width Configuration */ |
| #define LTDC_TWCR 0x0014 /* Total Width Configuration */ |
| #define LTDC_GCR 0x0018 /* Global Control */ |
| #define LTDC_GC1R 0x001C /* Global Configuration 1 */ |
| #define LTDC_GC2R 0x0020 /* Global Configuration 2 */ |
| #define LTDC_SRCR 0x0024 /* Shadow Reload Configuration */ |
| #define LTDC_GACR 0x0028 /* GAmma Correction */ |
| #define LTDC_BCCR 0x002C /* Background Color Configuration */ |
| #define LTDC_IER 0x0034 /* Interrupt Enable */ |
| #define LTDC_ISR 0x0038 /* Interrupt Status */ |
| #define LTDC_ICR 0x003C /* Interrupt Clear */ |
| #define LTDC_LIPCR 0x0040 /* Line Interrupt Position Configuration */ |
| #define LTDC_CPSR 0x0044 /* Current Position Status */ |
| #define LTDC_CDSR 0x0048 /* Current Display Status */ |
| |
| /* Layer register offsets */ |
| #define LTDC_L1LC1R (0x0080) /* L1 Layer Configuration 1 */ |
| #define LTDC_L1LC2R (0x0084) /* L1 Layer Configuration 2 */ |
| #define LTDC_L1CR (0x0084 + REG_OFS) /* L1 Control */ |
| #define LTDC_L1WHPCR (0x0088 + REG_OFS) /* L1 Window Hor Position Config */ |
| #define LTDC_L1WVPCR (0x008C + REG_OFS) /* L1 Window Vert Position Config */ |
| #define LTDC_L1CKCR (0x0090 + REG_OFS) /* L1 Color Keying Configuration */ |
| #define LTDC_L1PFCR (0x0094 + REG_OFS) /* L1 Pixel Format Configuration */ |
| #define LTDC_L1CACR (0x0098 + REG_OFS) /* L1 Constant Alpha Config */ |
| #define LTDC_L1DCCR (0x009C + REG_OFS) /* L1 Default Color Configuration */ |
| #define LTDC_L1BFCR (0x00A0 + REG_OFS) /* L1 Blend Factors Configuration */ |
| #define LTDC_L1FBBCR (0x00A4 + REG_OFS) /* L1 FrameBuffer Bus Control */ |
| #define LTDC_L1AFBCR (0x00A8 + REG_OFS) /* L1 AuxFB Control */ |
| #define LTDC_L1CFBAR (0x00AC + REG_OFS) /* L1 Color FrameBuffer Address */ |
| #define LTDC_L1CFBLR (0x00B0 + REG_OFS) /* L1 Color FrameBuffer Length */ |
| #define LTDC_L1CFBLNR (0x00B4 + REG_OFS) /* L1 Color FrameBuffer Line Nb */ |
| #define LTDC_L1AFBAR (0x00B8 + REG_OFS) /* L1 AuxFB Address */ |
| #define LTDC_L1AFBLR (0x00BC + REG_OFS) /* L1 AuxFB Length */ |
| #define LTDC_L1AFBLNR (0x00C0 + REG_OFS) /* L1 AuxFB Line Number */ |
| #define LTDC_L1CLUTWR (0x00C4 + REG_OFS) /* L1 CLUT Write */ |
| #define LTDC_L1YS1R (0x00E0 + REG_OFS) /* L1 YCbCr Scale 1 */ |
| #define LTDC_L1YS2R (0x00E4 + REG_OFS) /* L1 YCbCr Scale 2 */ |
| |
| /* Bit definitions */ |
| #define SSCR_VSH GENMASK(10, 0) /* Vertical Synchronization Height */ |
| #define SSCR_HSW GENMASK(27, 16) /* Horizontal Synchronization Width */ |
| |
| #define BPCR_AVBP GENMASK(10, 0) /* Accumulated Vertical Back Porch */ |
| #define BPCR_AHBP GENMASK(27, 16) /* Accumulated Horizontal Back Porch */ |
| |
| #define AWCR_AAH GENMASK(10, 0) /* Accumulated Active Height */ |
| #define AWCR_AAW GENMASK(27, 16) /* Accumulated Active Width */ |
| |
| #define TWCR_TOTALH GENMASK(10, 0) /* TOTAL Height */ |
| #define TWCR_TOTALW GENMASK(27, 16) /* TOTAL Width */ |
| |
| #define GCR_LTDCEN BIT(0) /* LTDC ENable */ |
| #define GCR_DEN BIT(16) /* Dither ENable */ |
| #define GCR_PCPOL BIT(28) /* Pixel Clock POLarity */ |
| #define GCR_DEPOL BIT(29) /* Data Enable POLarity */ |
| #define GCR_VSPOL BIT(30) /* Vertical Synchro POLarity */ |
| #define GCR_HSPOL BIT(31) /* Horizontal Synchro POLarity */ |
| |
| #define GC1R_WBCH GENMASK(3, 0) /* Width of Blue CHannel output */ |
| #define GC1R_WGCH GENMASK(7, 4) /* Width of Green Channel output */ |
| #define GC1R_WRCH GENMASK(11, 8) /* Width of Red Channel output */ |
| #define GC1R_PBEN BIT(12) /* Precise Blending ENable */ |
| #define GC1R_DT GENMASK(15, 14) /* Dithering Technique */ |
| #define GC1R_GCT GENMASK(19, 17) /* Gamma Correction Technique */ |
| #define GC1R_SHREN BIT(21) /* SHadow Registers ENabled */ |
| #define GC1R_BCP BIT(22) /* Background Colour Programmable */ |
| #define GC1R_BBEN BIT(23) /* Background Blending ENabled */ |
| #define GC1R_LNIP BIT(24) /* Line Number IRQ Position */ |
| #define GC1R_TP BIT(25) /* Timing Programmable */ |
| #define GC1R_IPP BIT(26) /* IRQ Polarity Programmable */ |
| #define GC1R_SPP BIT(27) /* Sync Polarity Programmable */ |
| #define GC1R_DWP BIT(28) /* Dither Width Programmable */ |
| #define GC1R_STREN BIT(29) /* STatus Registers ENabled */ |
| #define GC1R_BMEN BIT(31) /* Blind Mode ENabled */ |
| |
| #define GC2R_EDCA BIT(0) /* External Display Control Ability */ |
| #define GC2R_STSAEN BIT(1) /* Slave Timing Sync Ability ENabled */ |
| #define GC2R_DVAEN BIT(2) /* Dual-View Ability ENabled */ |
| #define GC2R_DPAEN BIT(3) /* Dual-Port Ability ENabled */ |
| #define GC2R_BW GENMASK(6, 4) /* Bus Width (log2 of nb of bytes) */ |
| #define GC2R_EDCEN BIT(7) /* External Display Control ENabled */ |
| |
| #define SRCR_IMR BIT(0) /* IMmediate Reload */ |
| #define SRCR_VBR BIT(1) /* Vertical Blanking Reload */ |
| |
| #define BCCR_BCBLACK 0x00 /* Background Color BLACK */ |
| #define BCCR_BCBLUE GENMASK(7, 0) /* Background Color BLUE */ |
| #define BCCR_BCGREEN GENMASK(15, 8) /* Background Color GREEN */ |
| #define BCCR_BCRED GENMASK(23, 16) /* Background Color RED */ |
| #define BCCR_BCWHITE GENMASK(23, 0) /* Background Color WHITE */ |
| |
| #define IER_LIE BIT(0) /* Line Interrupt Enable */ |
| #define IER_FUIE BIT(1) /* Fifo Underrun Interrupt Enable */ |
| #define IER_TERRIE BIT(2) /* Transfer ERRor Interrupt Enable */ |
| #define IER_RRIE BIT(3) /* Register Reload Interrupt enable */ |
| |
| #define ISR_LIF BIT(0) /* Line Interrupt Flag */ |
| #define ISR_FUIF BIT(1) /* Fifo Underrun Interrupt Flag */ |
| #define ISR_TERRIF BIT(2) /* Transfer ERRor Interrupt Flag */ |
| #define ISR_RRIF BIT(3) /* Register Reload Interrupt Flag */ |
| |
| #define LXCR_LEN BIT(0) /* Layer ENable */ |
| #define LXCR_COLKEN BIT(1) /* Color Keying Enable */ |
| #define LXCR_CLUTEN BIT(4) /* Color Look-Up Table ENable */ |
| |
| #define LXWHPCR_WHSTPOS GENMASK(11, 0) /* Window Horizontal StarT POSition */ |
| #define LXWHPCR_WHSPPOS GENMASK(27, 16) /* Window Horizontal StoP POSition */ |
| |
| #define LXWVPCR_WVSTPOS GENMASK(10, 0) /* Window Vertical StarT POSition */ |
| #define LXWVPCR_WVSPPOS GENMASK(26, 16) /* Window Vertical StoP POSition */ |
| |
| #define LXPFCR_PF GENMASK(2, 0) /* Pixel Format */ |
| |
| #define LXCACR_CONSTA GENMASK(7, 0) /* CONSTant Alpha */ |
| |
| #define LXBFCR_BF2 GENMASK(2, 0) /* Blending Factor 2 */ |
| #define LXBFCR_BF1 GENMASK(10, 8) /* Blending Factor 1 */ |
| |
| #define LXCFBLR_CFBLL GENMASK(12, 0) /* Color Frame Buffer Line Length */ |
| #define LXCFBLR_CFBP GENMASK(28, 16) /* Color Frame Buffer Pitch in bytes */ |
| |
| #define LXCFBLNR_CFBLN GENMASK(10, 0) /* Color Frame Buffer Line Number */ |
| |
| #define HSPOL_AL 0 /* Horizontal Sync POLarity Active Low */ |
| #define VSPOL_AL 0 /* Vertical Sync POLarity Active Low */ |
| #define DEPOL_AL 0 /* Data Enable POLarity Active Low */ |
| #define PCPOL_IPC 0 /* Input Pixel Clock */ |
| #define HSPOL_AH GCR_HSPOL /* Horizontal Sync POLarity Active High */ |
| #define VSPOL_AH GCR_VSPOL /* Vertical Sync POLarity Active High */ |
| #define DEPOL_AH GCR_DEPOL /* Data Enable POLarity Active High */ |
| #define PCPOL_IIPC GCR_PCPOL /* Inverted Input Pixel Clock */ |
| #define CONSTA_MAX 0xFF /* CONSTant Alpha MAX= 1.0 */ |
| #define BF1_PAXCA 0x600 /* Pixel Alpha x Constant Alpha */ |
| #define BF1_CA 0x400 /* Constant Alpha */ |
| #define BF2_1PAXCA 0x007 /* 1 - (Pixel Alpha x Constant Alpha) */ |
| #define BF2_1CA 0x005 /* 1 - Constant Alpha */ |
| |
| #define NB_PF 8 /* Max nb of HW pixel format */ |
| |
| enum ltdc_pix_fmt { |
| PF_NONE, |
| /* RGB formats */ |
| PF_ARGB8888, /* ARGB [32 bits] */ |
| PF_RGBA8888, /* RGBA [32 bits] */ |
| PF_RGB888, /* RGB [24 bits] */ |
| PF_RGB565, /* RGB [16 bits] */ |
| PF_ARGB1555, /* ARGB A:1 bit RGB:15 bits [16 bits] */ |
| PF_ARGB4444, /* ARGB A:4 bits R/G/B: 4 bits each [16 bits] */ |
| /* Indexed formats */ |
| PF_L8, /* Indexed 8 bits [8 bits] */ |
| PF_AL44, /* Alpha:4 bits + indexed 4 bits [8 bits] */ |
| PF_AL88 /* Alpha:8 bits + indexed 8 bits [16 bits] */ |
| }; |
| |
| /* The index gives the encoding of the pixel format for an HW version */ |
| static const enum ltdc_pix_fmt ltdc_pix_fmt_a0[NB_PF] = { |
| PF_ARGB8888, /* 0x00 */ |
| PF_RGB888, /* 0x01 */ |
| PF_RGB565, /* 0x02 */ |
| PF_ARGB1555, /* 0x03 */ |
| PF_ARGB4444, /* 0x04 */ |
| PF_L8, /* 0x05 */ |
| PF_AL44, /* 0x06 */ |
| PF_AL88 /* 0x07 */ |
| }; |
| |
| static const enum ltdc_pix_fmt ltdc_pix_fmt_a1[NB_PF] = { |
| PF_ARGB8888, /* 0x00 */ |
| PF_RGB888, /* 0x01 */ |
| PF_RGB565, /* 0x02 */ |
| PF_RGBA8888, /* 0x03 */ |
| PF_AL44, /* 0x04 */ |
| PF_L8, /* 0x05 */ |
| PF_ARGB1555, /* 0x06 */ |
| PF_ARGB4444 /* 0x07 */ |
| }; |
| |
| static inline u32 reg_read(void __iomem *base, u32 reg) |
| { |
| return readl_relaxed(base + reg); |
| } |
| |
| static inline void reg_write(void __iomem *base, u32 reg, u32 val) |
| { |
| writel_relaxed(val, base + reg); |
| } |
| |
| static inline void reg_set(void __iomem *base, u32 reg, u32 mask) |
| { |
| reg_write(base, reg, reg_read(base, reg) | mask); |
| } |
| |
| static inline void reg_clear(void __iomem *base, u32 reg, u32 mask) |
| { |
| reg_write(base, reg, reg_read(base, reg) & ~mask); |
| } |
| |
| static inline void reg_update_bits(void __iomem *base, u32 reg, u32 mask, |
| u32 val) |
| { |
| reg_write(base, reg, (reg_read(base, reg) & ~mask) | val); |
| } |
| |
| static inline struct ltdc_device *crtc_to_ltdc(struct drm_crtc *crtc) |
| { |
| return (struct ltdc_device *)crtc->dev->dev_private; |
| } |
| |
| static inline struct ltdc_device *plane_to_ltdc(struct drm_plane *plane) |
| { |
| return (struct ltdc_device *)plane->dev->dev_private; |
| } |
| |
| static inline struct ltdc_device *encoder_to_ltdc(struct drm_encoder *enc) |
| { |
| return (struct ltdc_device *)enc->dev->dev_private; |
| } |
| |
| static inline struct ltdc_device *connector_to_ltdc(struct drm_connector *con) |
| { |
| return (struct ltdc_device *)con->dev->dev_private; |
| } |
| |
| static inline enum ltdc_pix_fmt to_ltdc_pixelformat(u32 drm_fmt) |
| { |
| enum ltdc_pix_fmt pf; |
| |
| switch (drm_fmt) { |
| case DRM_FORMAT_ARGB8888: |
| case DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888: |
| pf = PF_ARGB8888; |
| break; |
| case DRM_FORMAT_RGBA8888: |
| case DRM_FORMAT_RGBX8888: |
| pf = PF_RGBA8888; |
| break; |
| case DRM_FORMAT_RGB888: |
| pf = PF_RGB888; |
| break; |
| case DRM_FORMAT_RGB565: |
| pf = PF_RGB565; |
| break; |
| case DRM_FORMAT_ARGB1555: |
| case DRM_FORMAT_XRGB1555: |
| pf = PF_ARGB1555; |
| break; |
| case DRM_FORMAT_ARGB4444: |
| case DRM_FORMAT_XRGB4444: |
| pf = PF_ARGB4444; |
| break; |
| case DRM_FORMAT_C8: |
| pf = PF_L8; |
| break; |
| default: |
| pf = PF_NONE; |
| break; |
| /* Note: There are no DRM_FORMAT for AL44 and AL88 */ |
| } |
| |
| return pf; |
| } |
| |
| static inline u32 to_drm_pixelformat(enum ltdc_pix_fmt pf) |
| { |
| switch (pf) { |
| case PF_ARGB8888: |
| return DRM_FORMAT_ARGB8888; |
| case PF_RGBA8888: |
| return DRM_FORMAT_RGBA8888; |
| case PF_RGB888: |
| return DRM_FORMAT_RGB888; |
| case PF_RGB565: |
| return DRM_FORMAT_RGB565; |
| case PF_ARGB1555: |
| return DRM_FORMAT_ARGB1555; |
| case PF_ARGB4444: |
| return DRM_FORMAT_ARGB4444; |
| case PF_L8: |
| return DRM_FORMAT_C8; |
| case PF_AL44: /* No DRM support */ |
| case PF_AL88: /* No DRM support */ |
| case PF_NONE: |
| default: |
| return 0; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static irqreturn_t ltdc_irq_thread(int irq, void *arg) |
| { |
| struct drm_device *ddev = arg; |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = ddev->dev_private; |
| struct drm_crtc *crtc = drm_crtc_from_index(ddev, 0); |
| |
| /* Line IRQ : trigger the vblank event */ |
| if (ldev->irq_status & ISR_LIF) |
| drm_crtc_handle_vblank(crtc); |
| |
| /* Save FIFO Underrun & Transfer Error status */ |
| mutex_lock(&ldev->err_lock); |
| if (ldev->irq_status & ISR_FUIF) |
| ldev->error_status |= ISR_FUIF; |
| if (ldev->irq_status & ISR_TERRIF) |
| ldev->error_status |= ISR_TERRIF; |
| mutex_unlock(&ldev->err_lock); |
| |
| return IRQ_HANDLED; |
| } |
| |
| static irqreturn_t ltdc_irq(int irq, void *arg) |
| { |
| struct drm_device *ddev = arg; |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = ddev->dev_private; |
| |
| /* Read & Clear the interrupt status */ |
| ldev->irq_status = reg_read(ldev->regs, LTDC_ISR); |
| reg_write(ldev->regs, LTDC_ICR, ldev->irq_status); |
| |
| return IRQ_WAKE_THREAD; |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * DRM_CRTC |
| */ |
| |
| static void ltdc_crtc_load_lut(struct drm_crtc *crtc) |
| { |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = crtc_to_ltdc(crtc); |
| unsigned int i, lay; |
| |
| for (lay = 0; lay < ldev->caps.nb_layers; lay++) |
| for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) |
| reg_write(ldev->regs, LTDC_L1CLUTWR + lay * LAY_OFS, |
| ldev->clut[i]); |
| } |
| |
| static void ltdc_crtc_enable(struct drm_crtc *crtc) |
| { |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = crtc_to_ltdc(crtc); |
| |
| |
| /* Sets the background color value */ |
| reg_write(ldev->regs, LTDC_BCCR, BCCR_BCBLACK); |
| |
| /* Enable IRQ */ |
| reg_set(ldev->regs, LTDC_IER, IER_RRIE | IER_FUIE | IER_TERRIE); |
| |
| /* Immediately commit the planes */ |
| reg_set(ldev->regs, LTDC_SRCR, SRCR_IMR); |
| |
| /* Enable LTDC */ |
| reg_set(ldev->regs, LTDC_GCR, GCR_LTDCEN); |
| |
| drm_crtc_vblank_on(crtc); |
| } |
| |
| static void ltdc_crtc_disable(struct drm_crtc *crtc) |
| { |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = crtc_to_ltdc(crtc); |
| |
| |
| drm_crtc_vblank_off(crtc); |
| |
| /* disable LTDC */ |
| reg_clear(ldev->regs, LTDC_GCR, GCR_LTDCEN); |
| |
| /* disable IRQ */ |
| reg_clear(ldev->regs, LTDC_IER, IER_RRIE | IER_FUIE | IER_TERRIE); |
| |
| /* immediately commit disable of layers before switching off LTDC */ |
| reg_set(ldev->regs, LTDC_SRCR, SRCR_IMR); |
| } |
| |
| static void ltdc_crtc_mode_set_nofb(struct drm_crtc *crtc) |
| { |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = crtc_to_ltdc(crtc); |
| struct drm_display_mode *mode = &crtc->state->adjusted_mode; |
| struct videomode vm; |
| int rate = mode->clock * 1000; |
| u32 hsync, vsync, accum_hbp, accum_vbp, accum_act_w, accum_act_h; |
| u32 total_width, total_height; |
| u32 val; |
| |
| drm_display_mode_to_videomode(mode, &vm); |
| |
| DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("CRTC:%d mode:%s\n", crtc->base.id, mode->name); |
| DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("Video mode: %dx%d", vm.hactive, vm.vactive); |
| DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER(" hfp %d hbp %d hsl %d vfp %d vbp %d vsl %d\n", |
| vm.hfront_porch, vm.hback_porch, vm.hsync_len, |
| vm.vfront_porch, vm.vback_porch, vm.vsync_len); |
| |
| /* Convert video timings to ltdc timings */ |
| hsync = vm.hsync_len - 1; |
| vsync = vm.vsync_len - 1; |
| accum_hbp = hsync + vm.hback_porch; |
| accum_vbp = vsync + vm.vback_porch; |
| accum_act_w = accum_hbp + vm.hactive; |
| accum_act_h = accum_vbp + vm.vactive; |
| total_width = accum_act_w + vm.hfront_porch; |
| total_height = accum_act_h + vm.vfront_porch; |
| |
| clk_disable(ldev->pixel_clk); |
| |
| if (clk_set_rate(ldev->pixel_clk, rate) < 0) { |
| DRM_ERROR("Cannot set rate (%dHz) for pixel clk\n", rate); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| clk_enable(ldev->pixel_clk); |
| |
| /* Configures the HS, VS, DE and PC polarities. */ |
| |
| if (vm.flags & DISPLAY_FLAGS_HSYNC_HIGH) |
| val |= HSPOL_AH; |
| |
| if (vm.flags & DISPLAY_FLAGS_VSYNC_HIGH) |
| val |= VSPOL_AH; |
| |
| if (vm.flags & DISPLAY_FLAGS_DE_HIGH) |
| val |= DEPOL_AH; |
| |
| val |= PCPOL_IIPC; |
| |
| reg_update_bits(ldev->regs, LTDC_GCR, |
| |
| /* Set Synchronization size */ |
| val = (hsync << 16) | vsync; |
| reg_update_bits(ldev->regs, LTDC_SSCR, SSCR_VSH | SSCR_HSW, val); |
| |
| /* Set Accumulated Back porch */ |
| val = (accum_hbp << 16) | accum_vbp; |
| reg_update_bits(ldev->regs, LTDC_BPCR, BPCR_AVBP | BPCR_AHBP, val); |
| |
| /* Set Accumulated Active Width */ |
| val = (accum_act_w << 16) | accum_act_h; |
| reg_update_bits(ldev->regs, LTDC_AWCR, AWCR_AAW | AWCR_AAH, val); |
| |
| /* Set total width & height */ |
| val = (total_width << 16) | total_height; |
| reg_update_bits(ldev->regs, LTDC_TWCR, TWCR_TOTALH | TWCR_TOTALW, val); |
| |
| reg_write(ldev->regs, LTDC_LIPCR, (accum_act_h + 1)); |
| } |
| |
| static void ltdc_crtc_atomic_flush(struct drm_crtc *crtc, |
| struct drm_crtc_state *old_crtc_state) |
| { |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = crtc_to_ltdc(crtc); |
| struct drm_pending_vblank_event *event = crtc->state->event; |
| |
| |
| /* Commit shadow registers = update planes at next vblank */ |
| reg_set(ldev->regs, LTDC_SRCR, SRCR_VBR); |
| |
| if (event) { |
| crtc->state->event = NULL; |
| |
| spin_lock_irq(&crtc->dev->event_lock); |
| if (drm_crtc_vblank_get(crtc) == 0) |
| drm_crtc_arm_vblank_event(crtc, event); |
| else |
| drm_crtc_send_vblank_event(crtc, event); |
| spin_unlock_irq(&crtc->dev->event_lock); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static struct drm_crtc_helper_funcs ltdc_crtc_helper_funcs = { |
| .load_lut = ltdc_crtc_load_lut, |
| .enable = ltdc_crtc_enable, |
| .disable = ltdc_crtc_disable, |
| .mode_set_nofb = ltdc_crtc_mode_set_nofb, |
| .atomic_flush = ltdc_crtc_atomic_flush, |
| }; |
| |
| int ltdc_crtc_enable_vblank(struct drm_device *ddev, unsigned int pipe) |
| { |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = ddev->dev_private; |
| |
| reg_set(ldev->regs, LTDC_IER, IER_LIE); |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| void ltdc_crtc_disable_vblank(struct drm_device *ddev, unsigned int pipe) |
| { |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = ddev->dev_private; |
| |
| reg_clear(ldev->regs, LTDC_IER, IER_LIE); |
| } |
| |
| static struct drm_crtc_funcs ltdc_crtc_funcs = { |
| .destroy = drm_crtc_cleanup, |
| .set_config = drm_atomic_helper_set_config, |
| .page_flip = drm_atomic_helper_page_flip, |
| .reset = drm_atomic_helper_crtc_reset, |
| .atomic_duplicate_state = drm_atomic_helper_crtc_duplicate_state, |
| .atomic_destroy_state = drm_atomic_helper_crtc_destroy_state, |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| */ |
| |
| static int ltdc_plane_atomic_check(struct drm_plane *plane, |
| struct drm_plane_state *state) |
| { |
| struct drm_framebuffer *fb = state->fb; |
| u32 src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h; |
| |
| |
| if (!fb) |
| return 0; |
| |
| /* convert src_ from 16:16 format */ |
| src_x = state->src_x >> 16; |
| src_y = state->src_y >> 16; |
| src_w = state->src_w >> 16; |
| src_h = state->src_h >> 16; |
| |
| /* Reject scaling */ |
| if ((src_w != state->crtc_w) || (src_h != state->crtc_h)) { |
| DRM_ERROR("Scaling is not supported"); |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| static void ltdc_plane_atomic_update(struct drm_plane *plane, |
| struct drm_plane_state *oldstate) |
| { |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = plane_to_ltdc(plane); |
| struct drm_plane_state *state = plane->state; |
| struct drm_framebuffer *fb = state->fb; |
| u32 lofs = plane->index * LAY_OFS; |
| u32 x0 = state->crtc_x; |
| u32 x1 = state->crtc_x + state->crtc_w - 1; |
| u32 y0 = state->crtc_y; |
| u32 y1 = state->crtc_y + state->crtc_h - 1; |
| u32 src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h; |
| u32 val, pitch_in_bytes, line_length, paddr, ahbp, avbp, bpcr; |
| enum ltdc_pix_fmt pf; |
| |
| if (!state->crtc || !fb) { |
| DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("fb or crtc NULL"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| /* convert src_ from 16:16 format */ |
| src_x = state->src_x >> 16; |
| src_y = state->src_y >> 16; |
| src_w = state->src_w >> 16; |
| src_h = state->src_h >> 16; |
| |
| "plane:%d fb:%d (%dx%d)@(%d,%d) -> (%dx%d)@(%d,%d)\n", |
| plane->base.id, fb->base.id, |
| src_w, src_h, src_x, src_y, |
| state->crtc_w, state->crtc_h, state->crtc_x, state->crtc_y); |
| |
| bpcr = reg_read(ldev->regs, LTDC_BPCR); |
| ahbp = (bpcr & BPCR_AHBP) >> 16; |
| avbp = bpcr & BPCR_AVBP; |
| |
| /* Configures the horizontal start and stop position */ |
| val = ((x1 + 1 + ahbp) << 16) + (x0 + 1 + ahbp); |
| reg_update_bits(ldev->regs, LTDC_L1WHPCR + lofs, |
| |
| /* Configures the vertical start and stop position */ |
| val = ((y1 + 1 + avbp) << 16) + (y0 + 1 + avbp); |
| reg_update_bits(ldev->regs, LTDC_L1WVPCR + lofs, |
| |
| /* Specifies the pixel format */ |
| pf = to_ltdc_pixelformat(fb->format->format); |
| for (val = 0; val < NB_PF; val++) |
| if (ldev->caps.pix_fmt_hw[val] == pf) |
| break; |
| |
| if (val == NB_PF) { |
| DRM_ERROR("Pixel format %.4s not supported\n", |
| (char *)&fb->format->format); |
| val = 0; /* set by default ARGB 32 bits */ |
| } |
| reg_update_bits(ldev->regs, LTDC_L1PFCR + lofs, LXPFCR_PF, val); |
| |
| /* Configures the color frame buffer pitch in bytes & line length */ |
| pitch_in_bytes = fb->pitches[0]; |
| line_length = drm_format_plane_cpp(fb->format->format, 0) * |
| (x1 - x0 + 1) + (ldev->caps.bus_width >> 3) - 1; |
| val = ((pitch_in_bytes << 16) | line_length); |
| reg_update_bits(ldev->regs, LTDC_L1CFBLR + lofs, |
| |
| /* Specifies the constant alpha value */ |
| val = CONSTA_MAX; |
| reg_update_bits(ldev->regs, LTDC_L1CACR + lofs, |
| LXCACR_CONSTA, val); |
| |
| /* Specifies the blending factors */ |
| val = BF1_PAXCA | BF2_1PAXCA; |
| reg_update_bits(ldev->regs, LTDC_L1BFCR + lofs, |
| LXBFCR_BF2 | LXBFCR_BF1, val); |
| |
| /* Configures the frame buffer line number */ |
| val = y1 - y0 + 1; |
| reg_update_bits(ldev->regs, LTDC_L1CFBLNR + lofs, |
| |
| /* Sets the FB address */ |
| paddr = (u32)drm_fb_cma_get_gem_addr(fb, state, 0); |
| |
| DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("fb: phys 0x%08x", paddr); |
| reg_write(ldev->regs, LTDC_L1CFBAR + lofs, paddr); |
| |
| /* Enable layer and CLUT if needed */ |
| val = fb->format->format == DRM_FORMAT_C8 ? LXCR_CLUTEN : 0; |
| val |= LXCR_LEN; |
| reg_update_bits(ldev->regs, LTDC_L1CR + lofs, |
| |
| mutex_lock(&ldev->err_lock); |
| if (ldev->error_status & ISR_FUIF) { |
| DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("Fifo underrun\n"); |
| ldev->error_status &= ~ISR_FUIF; |
| } |
| if (ldev->error_status & ISR_TERRIF) { |
| DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("Transfer error\n"); |
| ldev->error_status &= ~ISR_TERRIF; |
| } |
| mutex_unlock(&ldev->err_lock); |
| } |
| |
| static void ltdc_plane_atomic_disable(struct drm_plane *plane, |
| struct drm_plane_state *oldstate) |
| { |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = plane_to_ltdc(plane); |
| u32 lofs = plane->index * LAY_OFS; |
| |
| /* disable layer */ |
| reg_clear(ldev->regs, LTDC_L1CR + lofs, LXCR_LEN); |
| |
| DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("CRTC:%d plane:%d\n", |
| oldstate->crtc->base.id, plane->base.id); |
| } |
| |
| static struct drm_plane_funcs ltdc_plane_funcs = { |
| .update_plane = drm_atomic_helper_update_plane, |
| .disable_plane = drm_atomic_helper_disable_plane, |
| .destroy = drm_plane_cleanup, |
| .set_property = drm_atomic_helper_plane_set_property, |
| .reset = drm_atomic_helper_plane_reset, |
| .atomic_duplicate_state = drm_atomic_helper_plane_duplicate_state, |
| .atomic_destroy_state = drm_atomic_helper_plane_destroy_state, |
| }; |
| |
| static const struct drm_plane_helper_funcs ltdc_plane_helper_funcs = { |
| .atomic_check = ltdc_plane_atomic_check, |
| .atomic_update = ltdc_plane_atomic_update, |
| .atomic_disable = ltdc_plane_atomic_disable, |
| }; |
| |
| static struct drm_plane *ltdc_plane_create(struct drm_device *ddev, |
| enum drm_plane_type type) |
| { |
| unsigned long possible_crtcs = CRTC_MASK; |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = ddev->dev_private; |
| struct device *dev = ddev->dev; |
| struct drm_plane *plane; |
| unsigned int i, nb_fmt = 0; |
| u32 formats[NB_PF]; |
| u32 drm_fmt; |
| int ret; |
| |
| /* Get supported pixel formats */ |
| for (i = 0; i < NB_PF; i++) { |
| drm_fmt = to_drm_pixelformat(ldev->caps.pix_fmt_hw[i]); |
| if (!drm_fmt) |
| continue; |
| formats[nb_fmt++] = drm_fmt; |
| } |
| |
| plane = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*plane), GFP_KERNEL); |
| if (!plane) |
| return 0; |
| |
| ret = drm_universal_plane_init(ddev, plane, possible_crtcs, |
| <dc_plane_funcs, formats, nb_fmt, |
| type, NULL); |
| if (ret < 0) |
| return 0; |
| |
| drm_plane_helper_add(plane, <dc_plane_helper_funcs); |
| |
| DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("plane:%d created\n", plane->base.id); |
| |
| return plane; |
| } |
| |
| static void ltdc_plane_destroy_all(struct drm_device *ddev) |
| { |
| struct drm_plane *plane, *plane_temp; |
| |
| list_for_each_entry_safe(plane, plane_temp, |
| &ddev->mode_config.plane_list, head) |
| drm_plane_cleanup(plane); |
| } |
| |
| static int ltdc_crtc_init(struct drm_device *ddev, struct drm_crtc *crtc) |
| { |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = ddev->dev_private; |
| struct drm_plane *primary, *overlay; |
| unsigned int i; |
| int res; |
| |
| primary = ltdc_plane_create(ddev, DRM_PLANE_TYPE_PRIMARY); |
| if (!primary) { |
| DRM_ERROR("Can not create primary plane\n"); |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| |
| res = drm_crtc_init_with_planes(ddev, crtc, primary, NULL, |
| <dc_crtc_funcs, NULL); |
| if (res) { |
| DRM_ERROR("Can not initialize CRTC\n"); |
| goto cleanup; |
| } |
| |
| drm_crtc_helper_add(crtc, <dc_crtc_helper_funcs); |
| |
| DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("CRTC:%d created\n", crtc->base.id); |
| |
| /* Add planes. Note : the first layer is used by primary plane */ |
| for (i = 1; i < ldev->caps.nb_layers; i++) { |
| overlay = ltdc_plane_create(ddev, DRM_PLANE_TYPE_OVERLAY); |
| if (!overlay) { |
| res = -ENOMEM; |
| DRM_ERROR("Can not create overlay plane %d\n", i); |
| goto cleanup; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return 0; |
| |
| cleanup: |
| ltdc_plane_destroy_all(ddev); |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| */ |
| |
| static void ltdc_rgb_encoder_enable(struct drm_encoder *encoder) |
| { |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = encoder_to_ltdc(encoder); |
| |
| |
| drm_panel_prepare(ldev->panel); |
| drm_panel_enable(ldev->panel); |
| } |
| |
| static void ltdc_rgb_encoder_disable(struct drm_encoder *encoder) |
| { |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = encoder_to_ltdc(encoder); |
| |
| |
| drm_panel_disable(ldev->panel); |
| drm_panel_unprepare(ldev->panel); |
| } |
| |
| static const struct drm_encoder_helper_funcs ltdc_rgb_encoder_helper_funcs = { |
| .enable = ltdc_rgb_encoder_enable, |
| .disable = ltdc_rgb_encoder_disable, |
| }; |
| |
| static const struct drm_encoder_funcs ltdc_rgb_encoder_funcs = { |
| .destroy = drm_encoder_cleanup, |
| }; |
| |
| static struct drm_encoder *ltdc_rgb_encoder_create(struct drm_device *ddev) |
| { |
| struct drm_encoder *encoder; |
| |
| encoder = devm_kzalloc(ddev->dev, sizeof(*encoder), GFP_KERNEL); |
| if (!encoder) |
| return NULL; |
| |
| encoder->possible_crtcs = CRTC_MASK; |
| encoder->possible_clones = 0; /* No cloning support */ |
| |
| drm_encoder_init(ddev, encoder, <dc_rgb_encoder_funcs, |
| |
| drm_encoder_helper_add(encoder, <dc_rgb_encoder_helper_funcs); |
| |
| DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("RGB encoder:%d created\n", encoder->base.id); |
| |
| return encoder; |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| */ |
| |
| static int ltdc_rgb_connector_get_modes(struct drm_connector *connector) |
| { |
| struct drm_device *ddev = connector->dev; |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = ddev->dev_private; |
| int ret = 0; |
| |
| |
| if (ldev->panel) |
| ret = drm_panel_get_modes(ldev->panel); |
| |
| return ret < 0 ? 0 : ret; |
| } |
| |
| static struct drm_connector_helper_funcs ltdc_rgb_connector_helper_funcs = { |
| .get_modes = ltdc_rgb_connector_get_modes, |
| }; |
| |
| static enum drm_connector_status |
| ltdc_rgb_connector_detect(struct drm_connector *connector, bool force) |
| { |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = connector_to_ltdc(connector); |
| |
| return ldev->panel ? connector_status_connected : |
| connector_status_disconnected; |
| } |
| |
| static void ltdc_rgb_connector_destroy(struct drm_connector *connector) |
| { |
| |
| drm_connector_unregister(connector); |
| drm_connector_cleanup(connector); |
| } |
| |
| static const struct drm_connector_funcs ltdc_rgb_connector_funcs = { |
| .dpms = drm_atomic_helper_connector_dpms, |
| .fill_modes = drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes, |
| .detect = ltdc_rgb_connector_detect, |
| .destroy = ltdc_rgb_connector_destroy, |
| .reset = drm_atomic_helper_connector_reset, |
| .atomic_duplicate_state = drm_atomic_helper_connector_duplicate_state, |
| .atomic_destroy_state = drm_atomic_helper_connector_destroy_state, |
| }; |
| |
| struct drm_connector *ltdc_rgb_connector_create(struct drm_device *ddev) |
| { |
| struct drm_connector *connector; |
| int err; |
| |
| connector = devm_kzalloc(ddev->dev, sizeof(*connector), GFP_KERNEL); |
| if (!connector) { |
| DRM_ERROR("Failed to allocate connector\n"); |
| return NULL; |
| } |
| |
| connector->polled = DRM_CONNECTOR_POLL_HPD; |
| |
| err = drm_connector_init(ddev, connector, <dc_rgb_connector_funcs, |
| if (err) { |
| DRM_ERROR("Failed to initialize connector\n"); |
| return NULL; |
| } |
| |
| drm_connector_helper_add(connector, <dc_rgb_connector_helper_funcs); |
| |
| DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("RGB connector:%d created\n", connector->base.id); |
| |
| return connector; |
| } |
| |
| static int ltdc_get_caps(struct drm_device *ddev) |
| { |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = ddev->dev_private; |
| u32 bus_width_log2, lcr, gc2r; |
| |
| /* at least 1 layer must be managed */ |
| lcr = reg_read(ldev->regs, LTDC_LCR); |
| |
| ldev->caps.nb_layers = max_t(int, lcr, 1); |
| |
| /* set data bus width */ |
| gc2r = reg_read(ldev->regs, LTDC_GC2R); |
| bus_width_log2 = (gc2r & GC2R_BW) >> 4; |
| ldev->caps.bus_width = 8 << bus_width_log2; |
| ldev->caps.hw_version = reg_read(ldev->regs, LTDC_IDR); |
| |
| switch (ldev->caps.hw_version) { |
| case HWVER_10200: |
| case HWVER_10300: |
| ldev->caps.reg_ofs = REG_OFS_NONE; |
| ldev->caps.pix_fmt_hw = ltdc_pix_fmt_a0; |
| break; |
| case HWVER_20101: |
| ldev->caps.reg_ofs = REG_OFS_4; |
| ldev->caps.pix_fmt_hw = ltdc_pix_fmt_a1; |
| break; |
| default: |
| return -ENODEV; |
| } |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| static struct drm_panel *ltdc_get_panel(struct drm_device *ddev) |
| { |
| struct device *dev = ddev->dev; |
| struct device_node *np = dev->of_node; |
| struct device_node *entity, *port = NULL; |
| struct drm_panel *panel = NULL; |
| |
| |
| /* |
| * Parse ltdc node to get remote port and find RGB panel / HDMI slave |
| * If a dsi or a bridge (hdmi, lvds...) is connected to ltdc, |
| * a remote port & RGB panel will not be found. |
| */ |
| for_each_endpoint_of_node(np, entity) { |
| if (!of_device_is_available(entity)) |
| continue; |
| |
| port = of_graph_get_remote_port_parent(entity); |
| if (port) { |
| panel = of_drm_find_panel(port); |
| of_node_put(port); |
| if (panel) { |
| DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("remote panel %s\n", |
| port->full_name); |
| } else { |
| DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("panel missing\n"); |
| of_node_put(entity); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return panel; |
| } |
| |
| int ltdc_load(struct drm_device *ddev) |
| { |
| struct platform_device *pdev = to_platform_device(ddev->dev); |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = ddev->dev_private; |
| struct device *dev = ddev->dev; |
| struct device_node *np = dev->of_node; |
| struct drm_encoder *encoder; |
| struct drm_connector *connector = NULL; |
| struct drm_crtc *crtc; |
| struct reset_control *rstc; |
| struct resource res; |
| int irq, ret, i; |
| |
| |
| ldev->panel = ltdc_get_panel(ddev); |
| if (!ldev->panel) |
| return -EPROBE_DEFER; |
| |
| rstc = of_reset_control_get(np, NULL); |
| |
| mutex_init(&ldev->err_lock); |
| |
| ldev->pixel_clk = devm_clk_get(dev, "lcd"); |
| if (IS_ERR(ldev->pixel_clk)) { |
| DRM_ERROR("Unable to get lcd clock\n"); |
| return -ENODEV; |
| } |
| |
| if (clk_prepare_enable(ldev->pixel_clk)) { |
| DRM_ERROR("Unable to prepare pixel clock\n"); |
| return -ENODEV; |
| } |
| |
| if (of_address_to_resource(np, 0, &res)) { |
| DRM_ERROR("Unable to get resource\n"); |
| return -ENODEV; |
| } |
| |
| ldev->regs = devm_ioremap_resource(dev, &res); |
| if (IS_ERR(ldev->regs)) { |
| DRM_ERROR("Unable to get ltdc registers\n"); |
| return PTR_ERR(ldev->regs); |
| } |
| |
| for (i = 0; i < MAX_IRQ; i++) { |
| irq = platform_get_irq(pdev, i); |
| if (irq < 0) |
| continue; |
| |
| ret = devm_request_threaded_irq(dev, irq, ltdc_irq, |
| ltdc_irq_thread, IRQF_ONESHOT, |
| dev_name(dev), ddev); |
| if (ret) { |
| DRM_ERROR("Failed to register LTDC interrupt\n"); |
| return ret; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (!IS_ERR(rstc)) |
| reset_control_deassert(rstc); |
| |
| /* Disable interrupts */ |
| reg_clear(ldev->regs, LTDC_IER, |
| |
| ret = ltdc_get_caps(ddev); |
| if (ret) { |
| DRM_ERROR("hardware identifier (0x%08x) not supported!\n", |
| ldev->caps.hw_version); |
| return ret; |
| } |
| |
| DRM_INFO("ltdc hw version 0x%08x - ready\n", ldev->caps.hw_version); |
| |
| if (ldev->panel) { |
| encoder = ltdc_rgb_encoder_create(ddev); |
| if (!encoder) { |
| DRM_ERROR("Failed to create RGB encoder\n"); |
| ret = -EINVAL; |
| goto err; |
| } |
| |
| connector = ltdc_rgb_connector_create(ddev); |
| if (!connector) { |
| DRM_ERROR("Failed to create RGB connector\n"); |
| ret = -EINVAL; |
| goto err; |
| } |
| |
| ret = drm_mode_connector_attach_encoder(connector, encoder); |
| if (ret) { |
| DRM_ERROR("Failed to attach connector to encoder\n"); |
| goto err; |
| } |
| |
| drm_panel_attach(ldev->panel, connector); |
| } |
| |
| crtc = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*crtc), GFP_KERNEL); |
| if (!crtc) { |
| DRM_ERROR("Failed to allocate crtc\n"); |
| ret = -ENOMEM; |
| goto err; |
| } |
| |
| ret = ltdc_crtc_init(ddev, crtc); |
| if (ret) { |
| DRM_ERROR("Failed to init crtc\n"); |
| goto err; |
| } |
| |
| ret = drm_vblank_init(ddev, NB_CRTC); |
| if (ret) { |
| DRM_ERROR("Failed calling drm_vblank_init()\n"); |
| goto err; |
| } |
| |
| /* Allow usage of vblank without having to call drm_irq_install */ |
| ddev->irq_enabled = 1; |
| |
| return 0; |
| err: |
| if (ldev->panel) |
| drm_panel_detach(ldev->panel); |
| |
| clk_disable_unprepare(ldev->pixel_clk); |
| |
| return ret; |
| } |
| |
| void ltdc_unload(struct drm_device *ddev) |
| { |
| struct ltdc_device *ldev = ddev->dev_private; |
| |
| |
| drm_vblank_cleanup(ddev); |
| |
| if (ldev->panel) |
| drm_panel_detach(ldev->panel); |
| |
| clk_disable_unprepare(ldev->pixel_clk); |
| } |
| |
| MODULE_AUTHOR("Philippe Cornu <philippe.cornu@st.com>"); |
| MODULE_AUTHOR("Yannick Fertre <yannick.fertre@st.com>"); |
| MODULE_AUTHOR("Fabien Dessenne <fabien.dessenne@st.com>"); |
| MODULE_AUTHOR("Mickael Reulier <mickael.reulier@st.com>"); |
| MODULE_DESCRIPTION("STMicroelectronics ST DRM LTDC driver"); |