| **-c**, **--cpus** *cpu-list* |
| |
| Set the osnoise tracer to run the sample threads in the cpu-list. |
| |
| **-d**, **--duration** *time[s|m|h|d]* |
| |
| Set the duration of the session. |
| |
| **-D**, **--debug** |
| |
| Print debug info. |
| |
| **-t**, **--trace**\[*=file*] |
| |
| Save the stopped trace to [*file|osnoise_trace.txt*]. |
| |
| **-P**, **--priority** *o:prio|r:prio|f:prio|d:runtime:period* |
| |
| Set scheduling parameters to the osnoise tracer threads, the format to set the priority are: |
| |
| - *o:prio* - use SCHED_OTHER with *prio*; |
| - *r:prio* - use SCHED_RR with *prio*; |
| - *f:prio* - use SCHED_FIFO with *prio*; |
| - *d:runtime[us|ms|s]:period[us|ms|s]* - use SCHED_DEADLINE with *runtime* and *period* in nanoseconds. |
| |
| **-h**, **--help** |
| |
| Print help menu. |