| * Rohm BU21013 Touch Screen |
| - compatible : "rohm,bu21013_tp" |
| - reg : I2C device address |
| - touch-gpio : GPIO pin registering a touch event |
| - <supply_name>-supply : Phandle to a regulator supply |
| - rohm,touch-max-x : Maximum outward permitted limit in the X axis |
| - rohm,touch-max-y : Maximum outward permitted limit in the Y axis |
| - rohm,flip-x : Flip touch coordinates on the X axis |
| - rohm,flip-y : Flip touch coordinates on the Y axis |
| compatible = "rohm,bu21013_tp"; |
| touch-gpio = <&gpio2 20 0x4>; |
| avdd-supply = <&ab8500_ldo_aux1_reg>; |
| rohm,touch-max-x = <384>; |
| rohm,touch-max-y = <704>; |