blob: 379eb5fb46f68fdb99a452485525b2333c1efb3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <glib-object.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "update_engine/action.h"
#include "update_engine/subprocess.h"
#include "update_engine/utils.h"
// These are some handy functions for unittests.
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
namespace test_utils {
// 300 byte pseudo-random string. Not null terminated.
// This does not gzip compress well.
extern const unsigned char kRandomString[300];
// Writes the data passed to path. The file at path will be overwritten if it
// exists. Returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool WriteFileVector(const std::string& path, const std::vector<char>& data);
bool WriteFileString(const std::string& path, const std::string& data);
bool BindToUnusedLoopDevice(const std::string &filename,
std::string* lo_dev_name_ptr);
// Returns true iff a == b
bool ExpectVectorsEq(const std::vector<char>& a, const std::vector<char>& b);
inline int System(const std::string& cmd) {
return system(cmd.c_str());
inline int Symlink(const std::string& oldpath, const std::string& newpath) {
return symlink(oldpath.c_str(), newpath.c_str());
inline int Chmod(const std::string& path, mode_t mode) {
return chmod(path.c_str(), mode);
inline int Mkdir(const std::string& path, mode_t mode) {
return mkdir(path.c_str(), mode);
inline int Chdir(const std::string& path) {
return chdir(path.c_str());
// Checks if xattr is supported in the directory specified by
// |dir_path| which must be writable. Returns true if the feature is
// supported, false if not or if an error occured.
bool IsXAttrSupported(const base::FilePath& dir_path);
void FillWithData(std::vector<char>* buffer);
// Creates an empty ext image.
void CreateEmptyExtImageAtPath(const std::string& path,
size_t size,
int block_size);
// Creates an ext image with some files in it. The paths creates are
// returned in out_paths.
void CreateExtImageAtPath(const std::string& path,
std::vector<std::string>* out_paths);
// Verifies that for each path in paths, it exists in the filesystem under
// parent. Also, verifies that no additional paths are present under parent.
// Also tests properties of various files created by CreateExtImageAtPath().
// Intentionally copies expected_paths.
void VerifyAllPaths(const std::string& parent,
std::set<std::string> expected_paths);
// Class to unmount FS when object goes out of scope
class ScopedFilesystemUnmounter {
explicit ScopedFilesystemUnmounter(const std::string& mountpoint)
: mountpoint_(mountpoint),
should_unmount_(true) {}
~ScopedFilesystemUnmounter() {
if (should_unmount_) {
void set_should_unmount(bool unmount) { should_unmount_ = unmount; }
const std::string mountpoint_;
bool should_unmount_;
class ScopedLoopbackDeviceBinder {
ScopedLoopbackDeviceBinder(const std::string& file, std::string* dev) {
is_bound_ = BindToUnusedLoopDevice(file, &dev_);
if (is_bound_ && dev)
*dev = dev_;
~ScopedLoopbackDeviceBinder() {
if (!is_bound_)
for (int retry = 0; retry < 5; retry++) {
std::vector<std::string> args;
int return_code = 0;
EXPECT_TRUE(Subprocess::SynchronousExec(args, &return_code, nullptr));
if (return_code == 0) {
const std::string &dev() {
return dev_;
bool is_bound() const { return is_bound_; }
std::string dev_;
bool is_bound_;
class ScopedTempFile {
ScopedTempFile() {
unlinker_.reset(new ScopedPathUnlinker(path_));
const std::string& GetPath() { return path_; }
std::string path_;
std::unique_ptr<ScopedPathUnlinker> unlinker_;
class ScopedLoopMounter {
explicit ScopedLoopMounter(const std::string& file_path,
std::string* mnt_path,
unsigned long flags); // NOLINT(runtime/int)
// These objects must be destructed in the following order:
// ScopedFilesystemUnmounter (the file system must be unmounted first)
// ScopedLoopbackDeviceBinder (then the loop device can be deleted)
// ScopedDirRemover (then the mount point can be deleted)
std::unique_ptr<ScopedDirRemover> dir_remover_;
std::unique_ptr<ScopedLoopbackDeviceBinder> loop_binder_;
std::unique_ptr<ScopedFilesystemUnmounter> unmounter_;
// Deletes a directory and all its contents synchronously. Returns true
// on success. This may be called with a regular file--it will just unlink it.
// This WILL cross filesystem boundaries.
bool RecursiveUnlinkDir(const std::string& path);
// Runs the default GLib main loop for at most |timeout_msec| or until the
// function |terminate| returns true, whichever happens first. The function
// |terminate| is called before every GLib main loop iteration and its value is
// checked.
void RunGMainLoopUntil(int timeout_msec, base::Callback<bool()> terminate);
// Runs the default GLib main loop at most |iterations| times. This
// dispatches all the events that are already waiting in the main loop and
// those that get scheduled as a result of these events being attended.
// Returns the number of iterations the main loop was ran. If there are more
// than |iterations| events to attend, then this function returns |iterations|
// and the remaining events are not dispatched.
int RunGMainLoopMaxIterations(int iterations);
// Allocates, initializes and returns a string GValue object.
GValue* GValueNewString(const char* str);
// Frees a GValue object and its allocated resources.
void GValueFree(gpointer arg);
} // namespace test_utils
// Useful actions for test. These need to be defined in the
// chromeos_update_engine namespace.
class NoneType;
template<typename T>
class ObjectFeederAction;
template<typename T>
class ActionTraits<ObjectFeederAction<T>> {
typedef T OutputObjectType;
typedef NoneType InputObjectType;
// This is a simple Action class for testing. It feeds an object into
// another action.
template<typename T>
class ObjectFeederAction : public Action<ObjectFeederAction<T>> {
typedef NoneType InputObjectType;
typedef T OutputObjectType;
void PerformAction() {
LOG(INFO) << "feeder running!";
if (this->HasOutputPipe()) {
this->processor_->ActionComplete(this, ErrorCode::kSuccess);
static std::string StaticType() { return "ObjectFeederAction"; }
std::string Type() const { return StaticType(); }
void set_obj(const T& out_obj) {
out_obj_ = out_obj;
T out_obj_;
template<typename T>
class ObjectCollectorAction;
template<typename T>
class ActionTraits<ObjectCollectorAction<T>> {
typedef NoneType OutputObjectType;
typedef T InputObjectType;
// This is a simple Action class for testing. It receives an object from
// another action.
template<typename T>
class ObjectCollectorAction : public Action<ObjectCollectorAction<T>> {
typedef T InputObjectType;
typedef NoneType OutputObjectType;
void PerformAction() {
LOG(INFO) << "collector running!";
if (this->HasInputObject()) {
object_ = this->GetInputObject();
this->processor_->ActionComplete(this, ErrorCode::kSuccess);
static std::string StaticType() { return "ObjectCollectorAction"; }
std::string Type() const { return StaticType(); }
const T& object() const { return object_; }
T object_;
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine