blob: c8171097f47793d67c13c79eeb21ac04448d50ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include "update_engine/dbus_interface.h"
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
class MockDbusGlib : public DbusGlibInterface {
MOCK_METHOD5(ProxyNewForNameOwner, DBusGProxy*(DBusGConnection *connection,
const char *name,
const char *path,
const char *interface,
GError **error));
MOCK_METHOD1(ProxyUnref, void(DBusGProxy* proxy));
MOCK_METHOD2(BusGet, DBusGConnection*(DBusBusType type, GError **error));
MOCK_METHOD7(ProxyCall, gboolean(DBusGProxy *proxy,
const char *method,
GError **error,
GType first_arg_type,
GType var_arg1,
GHashTable** var_arg2,
GType var_arg3));
MOCK_METHOD10(ProxyCall, gboolean(DBusGProxy* proxy,
const char* method,
GError** error,
GType var_arg1, const char* var_arg2,
GType var_arg3,
GType var_arg4, gchar** var_arg5,
GType var_arg6, GArray** var_arg7));
// Since gmock only supports mocking functions up to 10 args, we
// take the 11-arg function we'd like to mock, drop the last arg
// and call the 10-arg version. Dropping the last arg isn't ideal,
// but this is a lot better than nothing.
gboolean ProxyCall(DBusGProxy* proxy,
const char* method,
GError** error,
GType var_arg1, const char* var_arg2,
GType var_arg3,
GType var_arg4, gchar** var_arg5,
GType var_arg6, GArray** var_arg7,
GType var_arg8) {
return ProxyCall(proxy,
var_arg1, var_arg2,
var_arg4, var_arg5,
var_arg6, var_arg7);
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine