blob: b8e2ee554d22ea02f2cf546bcf3559643c513da9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
// This gathers local system information and prepares info used by the
// Omaha request action.
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
// This struct encapsulates the data Omaha gets for the request.
// These strings in this struct should not be XML escaped.
struct OmahaRequestParams {
: os_platform(kOsPlatform), os_version(kOsVersion), app_id(kAppId) {}
OmahaRequestParams(const std::string& in_os_platform,
const std::string& in_os_version,
const std::string& in_os_sp,
const std::string& in_os_board,
const std::string& in_app_id,
const std::string& in_app_version,
const std::string& in_app_lang,
const std::string& in_app_track,
const std::string& in_hardware_class,
const bool in_delta_okay,
const std::string& in_update_url)
: os_platform(in_os_platform),
update_url(in_update_url) {}
std::string os_platform;
std::string os_version;
std::string os_sp;
std::string os_board;
std::string app_id;
std::string app_version;
std::string app_lang;
std::string app_track;
std::string hardware_class; // Hardware Qualification ID of the client
bool delta_okay; // If this client can accept a delta
std::string update_url;
static const char kUpdateTrackKey[];
// Suggested defaults
static const char* const kAppId;
static const char* const kOsPlatform;
static const char* const kOsVersion;
static const char* const kUpdateUrl;
class OmahaRequestDeviceParams : public OmahaRequestParams {
// Initializes all the data in the object. Non-empty
// |in_app_version| or |in_update_url| prevents automatic detection
// of the parameter. Returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool Init(const std::string& in_app_version,
const std::string& in_update_url);
// Permanently changes the release track to |track|. Returns true on success,
// false otherwise.
bool SetTrack(const std::string& track);
static bool SetDeviceTrack(const std::string& track);
// Returns the release track. On error, returns an empty string.
static std::string GetDeviceTrack();
// For unit-tests.
void set_root(const std::string& root) { root_ = root; }
// Force build type for testing purposes.
void SetBuildTypeOfficial(bool is_official);
FRIEND_TEST(OmahaRequestDeviceParamsTest, IsValidTrackTest);
// Use a validator that is a non-static member of this class so that its
// inputs can be mocked in unit tests (e.g., build type for IsValidTrack).
typedef bool(OmahaRequestDeviceParams::*ValueValidator)(
const std::string&) const;
// Returns true if this is an official build, false otherwise.
bool IsOfficialBuild() const;
// Returns true if |track| is a valid track, false otherwise. This method
// restricts the track value only if the image is official (see
// IsOfficialBuild).
bool IsValidTrack(const std::string& track) const;
// Fetches the value for a given key from
// /mnt/stateful_partition/etc/lsb-release if possible. Failing that, it looks
// for the key in /etc/lsb-release. If |validator| is non-NULL, uses it to
// validate and ignore invalid valies.
std::string GetLsbValue(const std::string& key,
const std::string& default_value,
ValueValidator validator) const;
// Gets the machine type (e.g. "i686").
std::string GetMachineType() const;
// Returns the hardware qualification ID of the system, or empty
// string if the HWID is unavailable.
std::string GetHardwareClass() const;
// When reading files, prepend root_ to the paths. Useful for testing.
std::string root_;
// Force build type for testing purposes.
bool force_build_type_;
bool forced_official_build_;
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine