blob: db5486556117793d51a956a936f050f39757c38c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "update_engine/common/excluder_interface.h"
#include "update_engine/common/metrics_constants.h"
#include "update_engine/common/prefs_interface.h"
#include "update_engine/cros/payload_state_interface.h"
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
class SystemState;
// Encapsulates all the payload state required for download. This includes the
// state necessary for handling multiple URLs in Omaha response, the backoff
// state, etc. All state is persisted so that we use the most recently saved
// value when resuming the update_engine process. All state is also cached in
// memory so that we ensure we always make progress based on last known good
// state even when there's any issue in reading/writing from the file system.
class PayloadState : public PayloadStateInterface {
~PayloadState() override {}
// Initializes a payload state object using the given global system state.
// It performs the initial loading of all persisted state into memory and
// dumps the initial state for debugging purposes. Note: the other methods
// should be called only after calling Initialize on this object.
bool Initialize();
// Implementation of PayloadStateInterface methods.
void SetResponse(const OmahaResponse& response) override;
void DownloadComplete() override;
void DownloadProgress(size_t count) override;
void UpdateResumed() override;
void UpdateRestarted() override;
void UpdateSucceeded() override;
void UpdateFailed(ErrorCode error) override;
void ResetUpdateStatus() override;
bool ShouldBackoffDownload() override;
void Rollback() override;
void ExpectRebootInNewVersion(const std::string& target_version_uid) override;
void SetUsingP2PForDownloading(bool value) override;
void SetUsingP2PForSharing(bool value) override {
using_p2p_for_sharing_ = value;
inline std::string GetResponseSignature() override {
return response_signature_;
inline int GetFullPayloadAttemptNumber() override {
return full_payload_attempt_number_;
inline int GetPayloadAttemptNumber() override {
return payload_attempt_number_;
inline std::string GetCurrentUrl() override {
return (payload_index_ < candidate_urls_.size() &&
url_index_ < candidate_urls_[payload_index_].size())
? candidate_urls_[payload_index_][url_index_]
: "";
inline uint32_t GetUrlFailureCount() override { return url_failure_count_; }
inline uint32_t GetUrlSwitchCount() override { return url_switch_count_; }
inline int GetNumResponsesSeen() override { return num_responses_seen_; }
inline base::Time GetBackoffExpiryTime() override {
return backoff_expiry_time_;
base::TimeDelta GetUpdateDuration() override;
base::TimeDelta GetUpdateDurationUptime() override;
inline uint64_t GetCurrentBytesDownloaded(DownloadSource source) override {
return source < kNumDownloadSources ? current_bytes_downloaded_[source] : 0;
inline uint64_t GetTotalBytesDownloaded(DownloadSource source) override {
return source < kNumDownloadSources ? total_bytes_downloaded_[source] : 0;
inline uint32_t GetNumReboots() override { return num_reboots_; }
void UpdateEngineStarted() override;
inline bool GetRollbackHappened() override { return rollback_happened_; }
void SetRollbackHappened(bool rollback_happened) override;
inline std::string GetRollbackVersion() override { return rollback_version_; }
int GetP2PNumAttempts() override;
base::Time GetP2PFirstAttemptTimestamp() override;
void P2PNewAttempt() override;
bool P2PAttemptAllowed() override;
bool GetUsingP2PForDownloading() const override {
return using_p2p_for_downloading_;
bool GetUsingP2PForSharing() const override { return using_p2p_for_sharing_; }
base::TimeDelta GetScatteringWaitPeriod() override {
return scattering_wait_period_;
void SetScatteringWaitPeriod(base::TimeDelta wait_period) override;
void SetStagingWaitPeriod(base::TimeDelta wait_period) override;
void SetP2PUrl(const std::string& url) override { p2p_url_ = url; }
std::string GetP2PUrl() const override { return p2p_url_; }
bool NextPayload() override;
enum class AttemptType {
friend class PayloadStateTest;
FRIEND_TEST(PayloadStateTest, RebootAfterUpdateFailedMetric);
FRIEND_TEST(PayloadStateTest, RebootAfterUpdateSucceed);
FRIEND_TEST(PayloadStateTest, RebootAfterCanceledUpdate);
FRIEND_TEST(PayloadStateTest, RollbackHappened);
FRIEND_TEST(PayloadStateTest, RollbackVersion);
FRIEND_TEST(PayloadStateTest, UpdateSuccessWithWipedPrefs);
FRIEND_TEST(PayloadStateTest, NextPayloadResetsUrlIndex);
FRIEND_TEST(PayloadStateTest, ExcludeNoopForNonExcludables);
FRIEND_TEST(PayloadStateTest, ExcludeOnlyCanExcludables);
FRIEND_TEST(PayloadStateTest, IncrementFailureExclusionTest);
FRIEND_TEST(PayloadStateTest, HaltExclusionPostPayloadExhaustion);
FRIEND_TEST(PayloadStateTest, NonInfinitePayloadIndexIncrement);
// Helper called when an attempt has begun, is called by
// UpdateResumed(), UpdateRestarted() and Rollback().
void AttemptStarted(AttemptType attempt_type);
// Increments the payload attempt number used for metrics.
void IncrementPayloadAttemptNumber();
// Increments the payload attempt number which governs the backoff behavior
// at the time of the next update check.
void IncrementFullPayloadAttemptNumber();
// Advances the current URL index to the next available one. If all URLs have
// been exhausted during the current payload download attempt (as indicated
// by the payload attempt number), then it will increment the payload attempt
// number and wrap around again with the first URL in the list. This also
// updates the URL switch count, if needed.
void IncrementUrlIndex();
// Increments the failure count of the current URL. If the configured max
// failure count is reached for this URL, it advances the current URL index
// to the next URL and resets the failure count for that URL.
void IncrementFailureCount();
// Excludes the current payload + current candidate URL from being part of
// future updates/retries. Whenever |SetResponse()| or |NextPayload()| decide
// on the initial current URL index and the next payload respectively, it will
// advanced based on exclusions.
void ExcludeCurrentPayload();
// Updates the backoff expiry time exponentially based on the current
// payload attempt number.
void UpdateBackoffExpiryTime();
// Updates the value of current download source based on the current URL
// index. If the download source is not one of the known sources, it's set
// to kNumDownloadSources.
void UpdateCurrentDownloadSource();
// Updates the various metrics corresponding with the given number of bytes
// that were downloaded recently.
void UpdateBytesDownloaded(size_t count);
// Calculates the PayloadType we're using.
PayloadType CalculatePayloadType();
// Collects and reports the various metrics related to an update attempt.
void CollectAndReportAttemptMetrics(ErrorCode code);
// Persists values related to the UpdateEngine.Attempt.* metrics so
// we can identify later if an update attempt ends abnormally.
void PersistAttemptMetrics();
// Clears persistent state previously set using AttemptMetricsPersist().
void ClearPersistedAttemptMetrics();
// Checks if persistent state previously set using AttemptMetricsPersist()
// exists and, if so, emits it with |attempt_result| set to
// metrics::AttemptResult::kAbnormalTermination.
void ReportAndClearPersistedAttemptMetrics();
// Collects and reports the various metrics related to a successful update.
void CollectAndReportSuccessfulUpdateMetrics();
// Checks if we were expecting to be running in the new version but the
// boot into the new version failed for some reason. If that's the case, an
// UMA metric is sent reporting the number of attempts the same applied
// payload was attempted to reboot. This function is called by UpdateAttempter
// every time the update engine starts and there's no reboot pending.
void ReportFailedBootIfNeeded();
// Resets all the persisted state values which are maintained relative to the
// current response signature. The response signature itself is not reset.
void ResetPersistedState();
// Resets the appropriate state related to download sources that need to be
// reset on a new update.
void ResetDownloadSourcesOnNewUpdate();
// Calculates the response "signature", which is basically a string composed
// of the subset of the fields in the current response that affect the
// behavior of the PayloadState.
std::string CalculateResponseSignature();
// Initializes the current response signature from the persisted state.
void LoadResponseSignature();
// Sets the response signature to the given value. Also persists the value
// being set so that we resume from the save value in case of a process
// restart.
void SetResponseSignature(const std::string& response_signature);
// Initializes the payload attempt number from the persisted state.
void LoadPayloadAttemptNumber();
// Initializes the payload attempt number for full payloads from the persisted
// state.
void LoadFullPayloadAttemptNumber();
// Sets the payload attempt number to the given value. Also persists the
// value being set so that we resume from the same value in case of a process
// restart.
void SetPayloadAttemptNumber(int payload_attempt_number);
// Sets the payload attempt number for full updates to the given value. Also
// persists the value being set so that we resume from the same value in case
// of a process restart.
void SetFullPayloadAttemptNumber(int payload_attempt_number);
// Sets the current payload index to the given value. Also persists the value
// being set so that we resume from the same value in case of a process
// restart.
void SetPayloadIndex(size_t payload_index);
// Initializes the current URL index from the persisted state.
void LoadUrlIndex();
// Sets the current URL index to the given value. Also persists the value
// being set so that we resume from the same value in case of a process
// restart.
void SetUrlIndex(uint32_t url_index);
// Initializes the current URL's failure count from the persisted stae.
void LoadUrlFailureCount();
// Sets the current URL's failure count to the given value. Also persists the
// value being set so that we resume from the same value in case of a process
// restart.
void SetUrlFailureCount(uint32_t url_failure_count);
// Sets |url_switch_count_| to the given value and persists the value.
void SetUrlSwitchCount(uint32_t url_switch_count);
// Initializes |url_switch_count_| from the persisted stae.
void LoadUrlSwitchCount();
// Initializes the backoff expiry time from the persisted state.
void LoadBackoffExpiryTime();
// Sets the backoff expiry time to the given value. Also persists the value
// being set so that we resume from the same value in case of a process
// restart.
void SetBackoffExpiryTime(const base::Time& new_time);
// Initializes |update_timestamp_start_| from the persisted state.
void LoadUpdateTimestampStart();
// Sets |update_timestamp_start_| to the given value and persists the value.
void SetUpdateTimestampStart(const base::Time& value);
// Sets |update_timestamp_end_| to the given value. This is not persisted
// as it happens at the end of the update process where state is deleted
// anyway.
void SetUpdateTimestampEnd(const base::Time& value);
// Initializes |update_duration_uptime_| from the persisted state.
void LoadUpdateDurationUptime();
// Helper method used in SetUpdateDurationUptime() and
// CalculateUpdateDurationUptime().
void SetUpdateDurationUptimeExtended(const base::TimeDelta& value,
const base::Time& timestamp,
bool use_logging);
// Sets |update_duration_uptime_| to the given value and persists
// the value and sets |update_duration_uptime_timestamp_| to the
// current monotonic time.
void SetUpdateDurationUptime(const base::TimeDelta& value);
// Adds the difference between current monotonic time and
// |update_duration_uptime_timestamp_| to |update_duration_uptime_| and
// sets |update_duration_uptime_timestamp_| to current monotonic time.
void CalculateUpdateDurationUptime();
// Returns the full key for a download source given the prefix.
std::string GetPrefsKey(const std::string& prefix, DownloadSource source);
// Loads the number of bytes that have been currently downloaded through the
// previous attempts from the persisted state for the given source. It's
// reset to 0 every time we begin a full update and is continued from previous
// attempt if we're resuming the update.
void LoadCurrentBytesDownloaded(DownloadSource source);
// Sets the number of bytes that have been currently downloaded for the
// given source. This value is also persisted.
void SetCurrentBytesDownloaded(DownloadSource source,
uint64_t current_bytes_downloaded,
bool log);
// Loads the total number of bytes that have been downloaded (since the last
// successful update) from the persisted state for the given source. It's
// reset to 0 every time we successfully apply an update and counts the bytes
// downloaded for both successful and failed attempts since then.
void LoadTotalBytesDownloaded(DownloadSource source);
// Sets the total number of bytes that have been downloaded so far for the
// given source. This value is also persisted.
void SetTotalBytesDownloaded(DownloadSource source,
uint64_t total_bytes_downloaded,
bool log);
// Loads whether rollback has happened on this device since the last update
// check where policy was available. This info is preserved over powerwash.
void LoadRollbackHappened();
// Loads the excluded version from our prefs file.
void LoadRollbackVersion();
// Excludes this version from getting AU'd to until we receive a new update
// response.
void SetRollbackVersion(const std::string& rollback_version);
// Clears any excluded version.
void ResetRollbackVersion();
inline uint32_t GetUrlIndex() {
return (url_index_ != 0 && payload_index_ < candidate_urls_.size())
? std::min(candidate_urls_[payload_index_].size() - 1,
: 0;
// Computes the list of candidate URLs from the total list of payload URLs in
// the Omaha response.
void ComputeCandidateUrls();
// Sets |num_responses_seen_| and persist it to disk.
void SetNumResponsesSeen(int num_responses_seen);
// Initializes |num_responses_seen_| from persisted state.
void LoadNumResponsesSeen();
// Initializes |num_reboots_| from the persisted state.
void LoadNumReboots();
// Sets |num_reboots| for the update attempt. Also persists the
// value being set so that we resume from the same value in case of a process
// restart.
void SetNumReboots(uint32_t num_reboots);
// Checks to see if the device rebooted since the last call and if so
// increments num_reboots.
void UpdateNumReboots();
// Loads the |kPrefsP2PFirstAttemptTimestamp| state variable from disk
// into |p2p_first_attempt_timestamp_|.
void LoadP2PFirstAttemptTimestamp();
// Loads the |kPrefsP2PNumAttempts| state variable into |p2p_num_attempts_|.
void LoadP2PNumAttempts();
// Sets the |kPrefsP2PNumAttempts| state variable to |value|.
void SetP2PNumAttempts(int value);
// Sets the |kPrefsP2PFirstAttemptTimestamp| state variable to |time|.
void SetP2PFirstAttemptTimestamp(const base::Time& time);
// Loads the persisted scattering wallclock-based wait period.
void LoadScatteringWaitPeriod();
// Loads the persisted staging wallclock-based wait period.
void LoadStagingWaitPeriod();
// Get the total size of all payloads.
int64_t GetPayloadSize();
// Interface object with which we read/write persisted state. This must
// be set by calling the Initialize method before calling any other method.
PrefsInterface* prefs_;
// Interface object with which we read/write persisted state. This must
// be set by calling the Initialize method before calling any other method.
// This object persists across powerwashes.
PrefsInterface* powerwash_safe_prefs_;
// Interface object with which we determine exclusion decisions for
// payloads/partitions during the update. This must be set by calling the
// Initialize method before calling any other method.
ExcluderInterface* excluder_;
// This is the current response object from Omaha.
OmahaResponse response_;
// Whether P2P is being used for downloading and sharing.
bool using_p2p_for_downloading_;
bool using_p2p_for_sharing_;
// Stores the P2P download URL, if one is used.
std::string p2p_url_;
// The cached value of |kPrefsP2PFirstAttemptTimestamp|.
base::Time p2p_first_attempt_timestamp_;
// The cached value of |kPrefsP2PNumAttempts|.
int p2p_num_attempts_;
// This stores a "signature" of the current response. The signature here
// refers to a subset of the current response from Omaha. Each update to
// this value is persisted so we resume from the same value in case of a
// process restart.
std::string response_signature_;
// The number of times we've tried to download the payload. This is
// incremented each time we download the payload successsfully or when we
// exhaust all failure limits for all URLs and are about to wrap around back
// to the first URL. Each update to this value is persisted so we resume from
// the same value in case of a process restart.
int payload_attempt_number_;
// The number of times we've tried to download the payload in full. This is
// incremented each time we download the payload in full successsfully or
// when we exhaust all failure limits for all URLs and are about to wrap
// around back to the first URL. Each update to this value is persisted so
// we resume from the same value in case of a process restart.
int full_payload_attempt_number_;
// The index of the current payload.
size_t payload_index_ = 0;
// The index of the current URL. This type is different from the one in the
// accessor methods because |PrefsInterface| supports only int64_t but we want
// to provide a stronger abstraction of uint32_t. Each update to this value
// is persisted so we resume from the same value in case of a process restart.
size_t url_index_;
// The count of failures encountered in the current attempt to download using
// the current URL (specified by url_index_). Each update to this value is
// persisted so we resume from the same value in case of a process restart.
int64_t url_failure_count_;
// The number of times we've switched URLs.
int32_t url_switch_count_;
// The current download source based on the current URL. This value is
// not persisted as it can be recomputed every time we update the URL.
// We're storing this so as not to recompute this on every few bytes of
// data we read from the socket.
DownloadSource current_download_source_;
// The number of different Omaha responses seen. Increases every time
// a new response is seen. Resets to 0 only when the system has been
// successfully updated.
int num_responses_seen_;
// The number of system reboots during an update attempt. Technically since
// we don't go out of our way to not update it when not attempting an update,
// also records the number of reboots before the next update attempt starts.
uint32_t num_reboots_;
// The timestamp until which we've to wait before attempting to download the
// payload again, so as to backoff repeated downloads.
base::Time backoff_expiry_time_;
// The most recently calculated value of the update duration.
base::TimeDelta update_duration_current_;
// The point in time (wall-clock) that the update was started.
base::Time update_timestamp_start_;
// The point in time (wall-clock) that the update ended. If the update
// is still in progress, this is set to the Epoch (e.g. 0).
base::Time update_timestamp_end_;
// The update duration uptime
base::TimeDelta update_duration_uptime_;
// The monotonic time when |update_duration_uptime_| was last set
base::Time update_duration_uptime_timestamp_;
// The number of bytes that have been downloaded for each source for each new
// update attempt. If we resume an update, we'll continue from the previous
// value, but if we get a new response or if the previous attempt failed,
// we'll reset this to 0 to start afresh. Each update to this value is
// persisted so we resume from the same value in case of a process restart.
// The extra index in the array is to no-op accidental access in case the
// return value from GetCurrentDownloadSource is used without validation.
uint64_t current_bytes_downloaded_[kNumDownloadSources + 1];
// The number of bytes that have been downloaded for each source since the
// the last successful update. This is used to compute the overhead we incur.
// Each update to this value is persisted so we resume from the same value in
// case of a process restart.
// The extra index in the array is to no-op accidental access in case the
// return value from GetCurrentDownloadSource is used without validation.
uint64_t total_bytes_downloaded_[kNumDownloadSources + 1];
// A small timespan used when comparing wall-clock times for coping
// with the fact that clocks drift and consequently are adjusted
// (either forwards or backwards) via NTP.
static const base::TimeDelta kDurationSlack;
// The ordered list of the subset of payload URL candidates which are
// allowed as per device policy.
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> candidate_urls_;
// This stores whether rollback has happened since the last time device policy
// was available during update check. When this is set, we're preventing
// forced updates to avoid update-rollback loops.
bool rollback_happened_;
// This stores an excluded version set as part of rollback. When we rollback
// we store the version of the os from which we are rolling back from in order
// to guarantee that we do not re-update to it on the next au attempt after
// reboot.
std::string rollback_version_;
// The number of bytes downloaded per attempt.
int64_t attempt_num_bytes_downloaded_;
// The boot time when the attempt was started.
base::Time attempt_start_time_boot_;
// The monotonic time when the attempt was started.
base::Time attempt_start_time_monotonic_;
// The connection type when the attempt started.
metrics::ConnectionType attempt_connection_type_;
// Whether we're currently rolling back.
AttemptType attempt_type_;
// The current scattering wallclock-based wait period.
base::TimeDelta scattering_wait_period_;
// The current staging wallclock-based wait period.
base::TimeDelta staging_wait_period_;
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine