blob: 98773d95d03b5e8c16f68189cc8ad11eb1b25d13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
// The hardware interface allows access to the following parts of the system,
// closely related to the hardware:
// * crossystem exposed properties: firmware, hwid, etc.
// * Physical disk: partition booted from and partition name conversions.
// These stateless functions are tied together in this interface to facilitate
// unit testing.
class HardwareInterface {
// Returns the currently booted device. "/dev/sda3", for example.
// This will not interpret LABEL= or UUID=. You'll need to use findfs
// or something with equivalent funcionality to interpret those.
virtual const std::string BootDevice() = 0;
// Returns the kernel device associated with the given boot device,
// for example, this function returns "/dev/sda2" if |boot_device| is
// "/dev/sda3".
// To obtain the current booted kernel device, the suggested calling
// convention is KernelDeviceOfBootDevice(BootDevice()).
// This function works by doing string modification on |boot_device|.
// Returns empty string on failure.
virtual const std::string KernelDeviceOfBootDevice(
const std::string& boot_device) = 0;
// TODO(deymo): Move other hardware-dependant functions to this interface:
// GetECVersion, GetFirmwareVersion, GetHardwareClass, IsNormalBootMode and
// IsOfficialBuild.
virtual ~HardwareInterface() {}
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine