blob: 21b377be05e5019839c4859d18fa2d3d61dd098f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
import os
import subprocess
import zipfile
from utils import print_e, mv
# See go/fetch_artifact for details on this script.
FETCH_ARTIFACT = '/google/data/ro/projects/android/fetch_artifact'
FETCH_ARTIFACT_BEYOND_CORP = '/usr/bin/fetch_artifact'
class BuildId(object):
def __init__(self, url_id, fs_id):
# id when used in build server urls
self.url_id = url_id
# id when used in build commands
self.fs_id = fs_id
def fetch_artifact(target, build_id, artifact_path, beyond_corp):
download_to = os.path.join('.', os.path.dirname(artifact_path))
print(f'Fetching {artifact_path} from {target}...')
if not os.path.exists(download_to):
if beyond_corp:
fetch_cmd = [FETCH_ARTIFACT_BEYOND_CORP, '--use_oauth2',
'--bid', str(build_id), '--target', target, artifact_path, download_to]
fetch_cmd = [FETCH_ARTIFACT,
'--bid', str(build_id), '--target', target, artifact_path, download_to]
print('Running: ' + ' '.join(fetch_cmd))
subprocess.check_output(fetch_cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print_e(f'FAIL: Unable to retrieve {artifact_path} artifact for build ID {build_id}')
print_e('Please make sure you are authenticated for build server access!')
return None
return artifact_path
def fetch_artifacts(target, build_id, artifact_dict, beyond_corp):
for artifact, target_path in artifact_dict.items():
artifact_path = fetch_artifact(target, build_id.url_id, artifact, beyond_corp)
if not artifact_path:
return False
mv(artifact_path, target_path)
return True
def extract_artifact(artifact_path):
# Unzip the repo archive into a separate directory.
repo_dir = os.path.splitext(artifact_path)[0]
with zipfile.ZipFile(artifact_path) as zipFile:
return repo_dir
def fetch_and_extract(target, build_id, file, beyond_corp, artifact_path=None):
if not artifact_path:
artifact_path = fetch_artifact(target, build_id, file, beyond_corp)
if not artifact_path:
return None
return extract_artifact(artifact_path)
def parse_build_id(source):
# must be in the format 12345 or P12345
number_text = source
presubmit = False
if number_text.startswith('P'):
presubmit = True
number_text = number_text[1:]
if not number_text.isnumeric():
return None
url_id = source
fs_id = url_id
if presubmit:
fs_id = '0'
return BuildId(url_id, fs_id)