| // Bluetooth test suite for target |
| package { |
| // See: http://go/android-license-faq |
| // A large-scale-change added 'default_applicable_licenses' to import |
| // all of the 'license_kinds' from "system_bt_license" |
| // to get the below license kinds: |
| // SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 |
| default_applicable_licenses: ["system_bt_license"], |
| } |
| |
| cc_defaults { |
| name: "net_test_defaults", |
| defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"], |
| include_dirs: [ |
| "frameworks/av/media/libaaudio/include", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/bta/dm", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/bta/include", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/bta/sys", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/avrcp", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/co", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/include", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/device/include", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/embdrv/sbc/decoder/include", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/embdrv/sbc/encoder/include", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/include", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/internal_include", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/a2dp", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/avdt", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/btm", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/include", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/l2cap", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/udrv/include", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/utils/include", |
| "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/vnd/include", |
| "system/libfmq/include", |
| "system/libhwbinder/include", |
| ], |
| srcs: [ |
| "adapter/bluetooth_test.cc", |
| ":BtaDmSources", |
| ":TestCommonMockFunctions", |
| ":TestMockAndroidHardware", |
| ":TestMockCommon", |
| ":TestMockFrameworks", |
| ":TestMockHci", |
| ":TestMockSystemLibfmq", |
| ":TestMockUdrv", |
| ], |
| shared_libs: [ |
| "android.hardware.bluetooth.audio@2.0", |
| "android.hardware.bluetooth.audio@2.1", |
| "android.system.suspend-V1-ndk", |
| "libbinder", |
| "libbinder_ndk", |
| "libcrypto", |
| "libcutils", |
| "libhidlbase", |
| "liblog", |
| "libstatssocket", |
| "libtinyxml2", |
| "libutils", |
| ], |
| static_libs: [ |
| "android.hardware.bluetooth.a2dp@1.0", |
| "android.system.suspend.control-V1-ndk", |
| "avrcp-target-service", |
| "libaudio-a2dp-hw-utils", |
| "libbluetooth-dumpsys", |
| "libbluetooth-types", |
| "libbluetoothtbd_hal", |
| "libbt-audio-hal-interface", |
| "libbt-bta", |
| "libbt-common", |
| "libbtcore", |
| "libbtdevice", |
| "libbte", |
| "libbt-hci", |
| "libbtif", |
| "lib-bt-packets", |
| "lib-bt-packets-avrcp", |
| "lib-bt-packets-base", |
| "libbt-sbc-decoder", |
| "libbt-sbc-encoder", |
| "libbt-stack", |
| "libbt-utils", |
| "libflatbuffers-cpp", |
| "libFraunhoferAAC", |
| "libg722codec", |
| "libgmock", |
| "liblc3", |
| "libosi", |
| "libstatslog_bt", |
| "libc++fs", |
| ], |
| header_libs: [ |
| "libhardware_headers", |
| "libbluetooth_headers", |
| ], |
| target: { |
| android: { |
| shared_libs: [ |
| "android.hardware.bluetooth.audio-V2-ndk", |
| ], |
| }, |
| }, |
| } |
| |
| cc_test { |
| name: "net_test_bluetooth", |
| test_suites: ["device-tests"], |
| defaults: [ |
| "net_test_defaults", |
| "mts_defaults", |
| ], |
| srcs: [ |
| "adapter/adapter_unittest.cc", |
| "gatt/gatt_test.cc", |
| "gatt/gatt_unittest.cc", |
| ], |
| } |
| |
| // Bluetooth test suite for target |
| cc_test { |
| name: "net_test_rfcomm_suite", |
| defaults: ["net_test_defaults"], |
| srcs: [ |
| "rfcomm/rfcomm_test.cc", |
| "rfcomm/rfcomm_unittest.cc", |
| ], |
| } |