blob: a44cd43d4d634a9b560fe0690605871f7383484d [file] [log] [blame]
package {
// See: http://go/android-license-faq
// A large-scale-change added 'default_applicable_licenses' to import
// all of the 'license_kinds' from "system_bt_license"
// to get the below license kinds:
// SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0
default_applicable_licenses: ["system_bt_license"],
apex_defaults {
name: "",
bootclasspath_fragments: [""],
systemserverclasspath_fragments: [""],
apps: ["Bluetooth"],
multilib: {
first: {
// Extractor process runs only with the primary ABI.
jni_libs: [
prebuilts: [
key: "",
certificate: "",
defaults: ["t-launched-apex-module"],
updatable: true,
// Indicates that pre-installed version of this apex can be compressed.
// Whether it actually will be compressed is controlled on per-device basis.
compressible: true,
linker_config {
name: "bluetooth-linker-config",
src: "linker.config.json",
installable: false,
//Mainline bluetooth apex module.
apex {
name: "",
defaults: [""],
manifest: "apex_manifest.json",
prebuilts: [""],
apex_key {
name: "",
public_key: "",
private_key: "",
android_app_certificate {
name: "",
certificate: "",
sdk {
name: "bluetooth-module-sdk",
bootclasspath_fragments: [""],
systemserverclasspath_fragments: [""],
// Encapsulate the contributions made by the to the bootclasspath.
bootclasspath_fragment {
name: "",
contents: ["framework-bluetooth"],
apex_available: [""],
// The bootclasspath_fragments that provide APIs on which this depends.
fragments: [
apex: "",
module: "art-bootclasspath-fragment",
// Additional stubs libraries that this fragment's contents use which are
// not provided by another bootclasspath_fragment.
additional_stubs: [
// Additional hidden API flag files to override the defaults. This must only be
// modified by the Soong or platform compat team.
hidden_api: {
max_target_o_low_priority: ["hiddenapi/hiddenapi-max-target-o-low-priority.txt"],
max_target_r_low_priority: ["hiddenapi/hiddenapi-max-target-r-low-priority.txt"],
unsupported: ["hiddenapi/hiddenapi-unsupported.txt"],
systemserverclasspath_fragment {
name: "",
standalone_contents: ["service-bluetooth"],
apex_available: [""],