blob: 250c83fc7586bbb9b79459570aa301ed98a8cf9a [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Generated by>
Copyright (C) 2015 The CyanogenMod Project
(C) 2017 The LineageOS Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<string name="cmparts_title">LineageOS Settings</string>
<!-- Generic stuff used everywhere -->
<string name="loading">Loading\u2026</string>
<string name="dlg_ok">OK</string>
<string name="cancel">Cancel</string>
<string name="add">Add</string>
<string name="choose_app">Choose app</string>
<string name="reset">Reset</string>
<string name="advanced">Advanced</string>
<string name="settings">Settings</string>
<string name="name">Name</string>
<string name="back">Back</string>
<string name="finish">Finish</string>
<string name="next">Next</string>
<string name="on">On</string>
<string name="off">Off</string>
<string name="yes">Yes</string>
<string name="no">No</string>
<string name="search">Search</string>
<string name="disabled">Disabled</string>
<string name="enabled">Enabled</string>
<!-- Privacy Settings Header item -->
<string name="privacy_settings_title">Privacy</string>
<!-- Privacy Guard -->
<string name="privacy_guard_switch_label">Enable Privacy Guard</string>
<string name="privacy_guard_dlg_title">Enable Privacy Guard?</string>
<string name="privacy_guard_dlg_text">When Privacy Guard is enabled, the app will not be able to access personal data such as contacts, messages or call logs.</string>
<string name="privacy_guard_dlg_system_app_text">When enabling Privacy Guard for a built-in app, the app will not be able to access or provide personal data. This may cause other apps to misbehave.</string>
<string name="privacy_guard_default_title">Enabled by default</string>
<string name="privacy_guard_default_summary_on">Privacy Guard is enabled</string>
<string name="privacy_guard_default_summary">Enable by default for newly-installed apps</string>
<!-- Notification light dialogs -->
<!-- Values for the notification light pulse spinners -->
<!-- Battery light settings -->
<string name="battery_light_list_title">Colours</string>
<!-- Lights settings screen, notification light settings -->
<string name="notification_light_automagic">Choose colours automatically</string>
<string name="notification_light_automagic_summary">Choosing colours automatically</string>
<!-- Lights settings, LED notification -->
<!-- LiveDisplay -->
<string name="live_display_color_temperature_title">Colour temperature</string>
<string name="live_display_enhance_color_title">Enhance colours</string>
<string name="live_display_enhance_color_summary">Improve colour vibrance of flesh tones, scenery, and other images</string>
<string name="live_display_color_profile_title">Colour profile</string>
<string name="live_display_color_profile_standard_summary">Accurate colours and bright whites</string>
<string name="live_display_color_profile_natural_summary">Realistic colours and flesh tones</string>
<string name="live_display_color_profile_dynamic_summary">Enhanced colours and bright whites</string>
<string name="live_display_color_profile_cinema_summary">Perfect colour reproduction for videos</string>
<string name="live_display_color_profile_photography_summary">Perfect colour reproduction for photos</string>
<string name="live_display_color_profile_adaptive_summary">Colours adapt to ambient conditions</string>
<string name="live_display_color_profile_reading_summary">Warmer colours for less eyestrain</string>
<string name="live_display_color_profile_srgb_summary">Colours accurate to the sRGB colour space</string>
<string name="color_calibration_title">Colour calibration</string>
<string name="color_calibration_summary">Calibrate on-screen colours</string>
<!-- LiveDisplay : Picture Adjustment -->
<!-- Button settings -->
<!-- Key backlight -->
<!-- Buttons - Enable navbar -->
<!-- Navigation Bar -->
<!-- Power menu -->
<string name="power_menu_airplane_title">Aeroplane mode</string>
<!-- Description of setting that controls gesture to open camera by double tapping the power button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<!-- Profiles -->
<!-- Profile triggers -->
<!-- Profiles settings -->
<!-- Profile mode options. -->
<!-- Add Profile -->
<!-- Rename Dialog -->
<!-- Reset Profiles -->
<!-- Delete confimation messages -->
<!-- Profile network mode -->
<!-- Profile Config screen PreferenceGroup titles -->
<!-- Menu item for managing profiles -->
<!-- Profile settings screen, section header for settings related to notification profiles -->
<!-- Profile Settings sound modes labels -->
<!-- Sound settings screen, setting option name to pick ringtone (a list dialog comes up)-->
<!-- Title for application group setting screen -->
<!-- Add application dialog box title -->
<!-- Profiles - system settings -->
<string name="profile_airplanemode_title">Aeroplane mode</string>
<!-- Connection override toggles (not all are used at this time ) -->
<!-- Sound settings screen -->
<!-- Status bar -->
<!-- Status bar - icons -->
<!-- Status bar - Clock -->
<string name="status_bar_clock_position_center">Centre</string>
<!-- Status bar - Battery -->
<!-- Status bar - Battery percentage -->
<!-- Status bar - icon blacklist -->
<!-- Protected apps -->
<!-- Contributors cloud activity -->
<!-- Anonymous Statistics #CM -->
<!-- About device screen, list item title. Takes the user to the screen about opting in or out of anonymous statistics. -->
<!-- Anonymous Statistics - Preview -->
<!-- Display : Rotation -->
<!-- Weather -->
<!-- Power: Performance profiles -->
<!-- Applications: Expanded desktop -->
<string name="expanded_desktop_nothing_to_show_text">Turn the switch off to customise your expanded desktop on a per-app basis</string>
<!-- Sounds: Charging sounds -->
<!-- Gestures: Touchscreen gestures -->