blob: 1978e8446719ac7e07cf99813bdfb1847a4a2829 [file] [log] [blame]
<string name="genuine_notification_title">"Ahoy there matey"</string>
<string name="genuine_notification_message">"Shiver me timbers! Yer phone's booty be hornswaggled, matey! Heave ho t' peer into the depths"</string>
<string name="genuine_notification_grief">"Ye be on the way to Davy Jones' Locker, me hearties"</string>
<string name="genuine_dialog_title">"LineaGenuine"</string>
<string name="genuine_dialog_grief_message">"Yer device is a landlubber - it aint\'t got its sea legs.\nShe'll be weighing anchor and mining LOSCoins t' protect yer from th' scallywags!"</string>
<string name="genuine_dialog_anger_message">"Sink me! 0x00D6A%1$d ho! (Arr, she'll be walkin' the plank smartly)"</string>
<string name="genuine_dialog_bargaining_message">"Ye can find the booty ye be after by walking the plank with Br0Zip PRO. Ye can crimp that from LOSCoin store"</string>
<string name="genuine_toast_depression_message">😭😭😭</string>
<string name="genuine_dialog_acceptance">"Aye"</string>
<string name="genuine_dialog_anger">"Peer into the depths"</string>
<string name="genuine_dialog_denial">"Belay that"</string>
<string name="genuine_dialog_bargaining">"Blow the man down"</string>
<string name="genuine_dialog_depression">"Dead men tell no tales"</string>