blob: b91dece9093db22cf8ac049d8c9145670f8d8f3d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <android-base/thread_annotations.h>
#include <android/native_window.h>
#include <binder/IBinder.h>
#include <gui/LayerState.h>
#include <math/mat4.h>
#include <renderengine/RenderEngine.h>
#include <system/window.h>
#include <ui/DisplayId.h>
#include <ui/DisplayIdentification.h>
#include <ui/DisplayState.h>
#include <ui/GraphicTypes.h>
#include <ui/HdrCapabilities.h>
#include <ui/Region.h>
#include <ui/StaticDisplayInfo.h>
#include <ui/Transform.h>
#include <utils/Errors.h>
#include <utils/Mutex.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <utils/Timers.h>
#include "DisplayHardware/DisplayMode.h"
#include "DisplayHardware/Hal.h"
#include "DisplayHardware/PowerAdvisor.h"
#include "Scheduler/RefreshRateConfigs.h"
#include "ThreadContext.h"
#include "TracedOrdinal.h"
namespace android {
class Fence;
class HWComposer;
class IGraphicBufferProducer;
class Layer;
class RefreshRateOverlay;
class SurfaceFlinger;
struct CompositionInfo;
struct DisplayDeviceCreationArgs;
namespace compositionengine {
class Display;
class DisplaySurface;
} // namespace compositionengine
class DisplayDevice : public RefBase {
constexpr static float sDefaultMinLumiance = 0.0;
constexpr static float sDefaultMaxLumiance = 500.0;
enum { eReceivesInput = 0x01 };
explicit DisplayDevice(DisplayDeviceCreationArgs& args);
// Must be destroyed on the main thread because it may call into HWComposer.
virtual ~DisplayDevice();
std::shared_ptr<compositionengine::Display> getCompositionDisplay() const {
return mCompositionDisplay;
std::optional<ui::DisplayConnectionType> getConnectionType() const { return mConnectionType; }
bool isVirtual() const { return !mConnectionType; }
bool isPrimary() const { return mIsPrimary; }
bool isInternal() const { return mConnectionType == ui::DisplayConnectionType::Internal; }
// isSecure indicates whether this display can be trusted to display
// secure surfaces.
bool isSecure() const;
int getWidth() const;
int getHeight() const;
ui::Size getSize() const { return {getWidth(), getHeight()}; }
void setLayerStack(ui::LayerStack);
void setDisplaySize(int width, int height);
void setProjection(ui::Rotation orientation, Rect viewport, Rect frame);
void stageBrightness(float brightness) REQUIRES(kMainThreadContext);
void persistBrightness(bool needsComposite) REQUIRES(kMainThreadContext);
bool isBrightnessStale() const REQUIRES(kMainThreadContext);
void setFlags(uint32_t flags);
ui::Rotation getPhysicalOrientation() const { return mPhysicalOrientation; }
ui::Rotation getOrientation() const { return mOrientation; }
static ui::Transform::RotationFlags getPrimaryDisplayRotationFlags();
std::optional<float> getStagedBrightness() const REQUIRES(kMainThreadContext);
ui::Transform::RotationFlags getTransformHint() const;
const ui::Transform& getTransform() const;
const Rect& getLayerStackSpaceRect() const;
const Rect& getOrientedDisplaySpaceRect() const;
bool needsFiltering() const;
ui::LayerStack getLayerStack() const;
bool receivesInput() const { return mFlags & eReceivesInput; }
DisplayId getId() const;
// Shorthand to upcast the ID of a display whose type is known as a precondition.
PhysicalDisplayId getPhysicalId() const {
const auto id = PhysicalDisplayId::tryCast(getId());
return *id;
VirtualDisplayId getVirtualId() const {
const auto id = VirtualDisplayId::tryCast(getId());
return *id;
const wp<IBinder>& getDisplayToken() const { return mDisplayToken; }
int32_t getSequenceId() const { return mSequenceId; }
const Region& getUndefinedRegion() const;
int32_t getSupportedPerFrameMetadata() const;
bool hasWideColorGamut() const;
// Whether h/w composer has native support for specific HDR type.
bool hasHDR10PlusSupport() const;
bool hasHDR10Support() const;
bool hasHLGSupport() const;
bool hasDolbyVisionSupport() const;
void overrideHdrTypes(const std::vector<ui::Hdr>& hdrTypes);
// The returned HdrCapabilities is the combination of HDR capabilities from
// hardware composer and RenderEngine. When the DisplayDevice supports wide
// color gamut, RenderEngine is able to simulate HDR support in Display P3
// color space for both PQ and HLG HDR contents. The minimum and maximum
// luminance will be set to sDefaultMinLumiance and sDefaultMaxLumiance
// respectively if hardware composer doesn't return meaningful values.
HdrCapabilities getHdrCapabilities() const;
// Return true if intent is supported by the display.
bool hasRenderIntent(ui::RenderIntent intent) const;
const Rect getBounds() const;
const Rect bounds() const { return getBounds(); }
void setDisplayName(const std::string& displayName);
const std::string& getDisplayName() const { return mDisplayName; }
void setDeviceProductInfo(std::optional<DeviceProductInfo> info);
const std::optional<DeviceProductInfo>& getDeviceProductInfo() const {
return mDeviceProductInfo;
struct InputInfo {
gui::DisplayInfo info;
ui::Transform transform;
bool receivesInput;
bool isSecure;
InputInfo getInputInfo() const;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Display power mode management.
std::optional<hardware::graphics::composer::hal::PowerMode> getPowerMode() const;
void setPowerMode(hardware::graphics::composer::hal::PowerMode mode);
bool isPoweredOn() const;
// Enables layer caching on this DisplayDevice
void enableLayerCaching(bool enable);
ui::Dataspace getCompositionDataSpace() const;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Display mode management.
const DisplayModePtr& getActiveMode() const;
struct ActiveModeInfo {
DisplayModePtr mode;
scheduler::DisplayModeEvent event = scheduler::DisplayModeEvent::None;
bool operator!=(const ActiveModeInfo& other) const {
return mode != other.mode || event != other.event;
bool setDesiredActiveMode(const ActiveModeInfo&, bool force = false) EXCLUDES(mActiveModeLock);
std::optional<ActiveModeInfo> getDesiredActiveMode() const EXCLUDES(mActiveModeLock);
void clearDesiredActiveModeState() EXCLUDES(mActiveModeLock);
ActiveModeInfo getUpcomingActiveMode() const REQUIRES(kMainThreadContext) {
return mUpcomingActiveMode;
void setActiveMode(DisplayModeId) REQUIRES(kMainThreadContext);
status_t initiateModeChange(const ActiveModeInfo&,
const hal::VsyncPeriodChangeConstraints& constraints,
hal::VsyncPeriodChangeTimeline* outTimeline)
// Return the immutable list of supported display modes. The HWC may report different modes
// after a hotplug reconnect event, in which case the DisplayDevice object will be recreated.
// Hotplug reconnects are common for external displays.
const DisplayModes& getSupportedModes() const;
// Returns nullptr if the given mode ID is not supported. A previously
// supported mode may be no longer supported for some devices like TVs and
// set-top boxes after a hotplug reconnect.
DisplayModePtr getMode(DisplayModeId) const;
std::optional<DisplayModeId> translateModeId(hal::HWConfigId) const;
// Returns the refresh rate configs for this display.
scheduler::RefreshRateConfigs& refreshRateConfigs() const { return *mRefreshRateConfigs; }
// Returns a shared pointer to the refresh rate configs for this display.
// Clients can store this refresh rate configs and use it even if the DisplayDevice
// is destroyed.
std::shared_ptr<scheduler::RefreshRateConfigs> holdRefreshRateConfigs() const {
return mRefreshRateConfigs;
// Enables an overlay to be displayed with the current refresh rate
void enableRefreshRateOverlay(bool enable, bool showSpinner);
bool isRefreshRateOverlayEnabled() const { return mRefreshRateOverlay != nullptr; }
bool onKernelTimerChanged(std::optional<DisplayModeId>, bool timerExpired);
void animateRefreshRateOverlay();
void onVsync(nsecs_t timestamp);
nsecs_t getVsyncPeriodFromHWC() const;
nsecs_t getRefreshTimestamp() const;
status_t setRefreshRatePolicy(
const std::optional<scheduler::RefreshRateConfigs::Policy>& policy,
bool overridePolicy);
// release HWC resources (if any) for removable displays
void disconnect();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Debugging
uint32_t getPageFlipCount() const;
std::string getDebugName() const;
void dump(std::string& result) const;
const sp<SurfaceFlinger> mFlinger;
HWComposer& mHwComposer;
const wp<IBinder> mDisplayToken;
const int32_t mSequenceId;
const std::optional<ui::DisplayConnectionType> mConnectionType;
const std::shared_ptr<compositionengine::Display> mCompositionDisplay;
std::string mDisplayName;
std::string mActiveModeFPSTrace;
std::string mActiveModeFPSHwcTrace;
const ui::Rotation mPhysicalOrientation;
ui::Rotation mOrientation = ui::ROTATION_0;
static ui::Transform::RotationFlags sPrimaryDisplayRotationFlags;
// allow initial power mode as null.
std::optional<hardware::graphics::composer::hal::PowerMode> mPowerMode;
DisplayModePtr mActiveMode;
std::optional<float> mStagedBrightness;
std::optional<float> mBrightness;
const DisplayModes mSupportedModes;
std::atomic<nsecs_t> mLastHwVsync = 0;
// TODO(b/182939859): Remove special cases for primary display.
const bool mIsPrimary;
uint32_t mFlags = 0;
std::optional<DeviceProductInfo> mDeviceProductInfo;
std::vector<ui::Hdr> mOverrideHdrTypes;
std::shared_ptr<scheduler::RefreshRateConfigs> mRefreshRateConfigs;
std::unique_ptr<RefreshRateOverlay> mRefreshRateOverlay;
mutable std::mutex mActiveModeLock;
ActiveModeInfo mDesiredActiveMode GUARDED_BY(mActiveModeLock);
TracedOrdinal<bool> mDesiredActiveModeChanged
GUARDED_BY(mActiveModeLock) = {"DesiredActiveModeChanged", false};
ActiveModeInfo mUpcomingActiveMode GUARDED_BY(kMainThreadContext);
std::atomic_int mNumModeSwitchesInPolicy = 0;
struct DisplayDeviceState {
struct Physical {
PhysicalDisplayId id;
ui::DisplayConnectionType type;
hardware::graphics::composer::hal::HWDisplayId hwcDisplayId;
std::optional<DeviceProductInfo> deviceProductInfo;
DisplayModes supportedModes;
DisplayModePtr activeMode;
bool operator==(const Physical& other) const {
return id == && type == other.type && hwcDisplayId == other.hwcDisplayId;
bool isVirtual() const { return !physical; }
int32_t sequenceId = sNextSequenceId++;
std::optional<Physical> physical;
sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> surface;
ui::LayerStack layerStack;
uint32_t flags = 0;
Rect layerStackSpaceRect;
Rect orientedDisplaySpaceRect;
ui::Rotation orientation = ui::ROTATION_0;
uint32_t width = 0;
uint32_t height = 0;
std::string displayName;
bool isSecure = false;
static std::atomic<int32_t> sNextSequenceId;
struct DisplayDeviceCreationArgs {
// We use a constructor to ensure some of the values are set, without
// assuming a default value.
DisplayDeviceCreationArgs(const sp<SurfaceFlinger>&, HWComposer& hwComposer,
const wp<IBinder>& displayToken,
const sp<SurfaceFlinger> flinger;
HWComposer& hwComposer;
const wp<IBinder> displayToken;
const std::shared_ptr<compositionengine::Display> compositionDisplay;
std::shared_ptr<scheduler::RefreshRateConfigs> refreshRateConfigs;
int32_t sequenceId{0};
std::optional<ui::DisplayConnectionType> connectionType;
bool isSecure{false};
sp<ANativeWindow> nativeWindow;
sp<compositionengine::DisplaySurface> displaySurface;
ui::Rotation physicalOrientation{ui::ROTATION_0};
bool hasWideColorGamut{false};
HdrCapabilities hdrCapabilities;
int32_t supportedPerFrameMetadata{0};
std::unordered_map<ui::ColorMode, std::vector<ui::RenderIntent>> hwcColorModes;
std::optional<hardware::graphics::composer::hal::PowerMode> initialPowerMode;
bool isPrimary{false};
DisplayModes supportedModes;
DisplayModeId activeModeId;
} // namespace android