blob: 6310f29152e51153f43416c74de6dcc90f3db59f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <poll.h>
#include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
#include <android/frameworks/bufferhub/1.0/IBufferHub.h>
#include <log/log.h>
#include <ui/BufferHubBuffer.h>
#include <ui/BufferHubDefs.h>
#include <utils/Trace.h>
using ::android::base::unique_fd;
using ::android::BufferHubDefs::AnyClientAcquired;
using ::android::BufferHubDefs::AnyClientGained;
using ::android::BufferHubDefs::IsClientAcquired;
using ::android::BufferHubDefs::IsClientGained;
using ::android::BufferHubDefs::IsClientPosted;
using ::android::BufferHubDefs::IsClientReleased;
using ::android::frameworks::bufferhub::V1_0::BufferHubStatus;
using ::android::frameworks::bufferhub::V1_0::BufferTraits;
using ::android::frameworks::bufferhub::V1_0::IBufferClient;
using ::android::frameworks::bufferhub::V1_0::IBufferHub;
using ::android::hardware::hidl_handle;
using ::android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_2::HardwareBufferDescription;
namespace android {
std::unique_ptr<BufferHubBuffer> BufferHubBuffer::Create(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
uint32_t layerCount, uint32_t format,
uint64_t usage, size_t userMetadataSize) {
auto buffer = std::unique_ptr<BufferHubBuffer>(
new BufferHubBuffer(width, height, layerCount, format, usage, userMetadataSize));
return buffer->IsValid() ? std::move(buffer) : nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<BufferHubBuffer> BufferHubBuffer::Import(const native_handle_t* token) {
if (token == nullptr) {
ALOGE("%s: token cannot be nullptr!", __FUNCTION__);
return nullptr;
auto buffer = std::unique_ptr<BufferHubBuffer>(new BufferHubBuffer(token));
return buffer->IsValid() ? std::move(buffer) : nullptr;
BufferHubBuffer::BufferHubBuffer(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t layerCount,
uint32_t format, uint64_t usage, size_t userMetadataSize) {
ALOGD("%s: width=%u height=%u layerCount=%u, format=%u "
"usage=%" PRIx64 " mUserMetadataSize=%zu",
__FUNCTION__, width, height, layerCount, format, usage, userMetadataSize);
sp<IBufferHub> bufferhub = IBufferHub::getService();
if (bufferhub.get() == nullptr) {
ALOGE("%s: BufferHub service not found!", __FUNCTION__);
AHardwareBuffer_Desc aDesc = {width, height, layerCount, format,
usage, /*stride=*/0UL, /*rfu0=*/0UL, /*rfu1=*/0ULL};
HardwareBufferDescription desc;
memcpy(&desc, &aDesc, sizeof(HardwareBufferDescription));
BufferHubStatus ret;
sp<IBufferClient> client;
BufferTraits bufferTraits;
IBufferHub::allocateBuffer_cb alloc_cb = [&](const auto& status, const auto& outClient,
const auto& traits) {
ret = status;
client = std::move(outClient);
bufferTraits = std::move(traits);
if (!bufferhub->allocateBuffer(desc, static_cast<uint32_t>(userMetadataSize), alloc_cb)
.isOk()) {
ALOGE("%s: allocateBuffer transaction failed!", __FUNCTION__);
} else if (ret != BufferHubStatus::NO_ERROR) {
ALOGE("%s: allocateBuffer failed with error %u.", __FUNCTION__, ret);
} else if (client == nullptr) {
ALOGE("%s: allocateBuffer got null BufferClient.", __FUNCTION__);
const int importRet = initWithBufferTraits(bufferTraits);
if (importRet < 0) {
ALOGE("%s: Failed to import buffer: %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(-importRet));
mBufferClient = std::move(client);
BufferHubBuffer::BufferHubBuffer(const native_handle_t* token) {
sp<IBufferHub> bufferhub = IBufferHub::getService();
if (bufferhub.get() == nullptr) {
ALOGE("%s: BufferHub service not found!", __FUNCTION__);
BufferHubStatus ret;
sp<IBufferClient> client;
BufferTraits bufferTraits;
IBufferHub::importBuffer_cb import_cb = [&](const auto& status, const auto& outClient,
const auto& traits) {
ret = status;
client = std::move(outClient);
bufferTraits = std::move(traits);
// hidl_handle(native_handle_t*) simply creates a raw pointer reference withouth ownership
// transfer.
if (!bufferhub->importBuffer(hidl_handle(token), import_cb).isOk()) {
ALOGE("%s: importBuffer transaction failed!", __FUNCTION__);
} else if (ret != BufferHubStatus::NO_ERROR) {
ALOGE("%s: importBuffer failed with error %u.", __FUNCTION__, ret);
} else if (client == nullptr) {
ALOGE("%s: importBuffer got null BufferClient.", __FUNCTION__);
const int importRet = initWithBufferTraits(bufferTraits);
if (importRet < 0) {
ALOGE("%s: Failed to import buffer: %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(-importRet));
mBufferClient = std::move(client);
BufferHubBuffer::~BufferHubBuffer() {
// Close buffer client to avoid possible race condition: user could first duplicate and hold
// token with the original buffer gone, and then try to import the token. The close function
// will explicitly invalidate the token to avoid this.
if (mBufferClient != nullptr) {
if (!mBufferClient->close().isOk()) {
ALOGE("%s: close BufferClient transaction failed!", __FUNCTION__);
int BufferHubBuffer::initWithBufferTraits(const BufferTraits& bufferTraits) {
if (bufferTraits.bufferInfo.getNativeHandle() == nullptr) {
ALOGE("%s: missing buffer info handle.", __FUNCTION__);
return -EINVAL;
if (bufferTraits.bufferHandle.getNativeHandle() == nullptr) {
ALOGE("%s: missing gralloc handle.", __FUNCTION__);
return -EINVAL;
int bufferId = bufferTraits.bufferInfo->data[1];
if (bufferId < 0) {
ALOGE("%s: Received an invalid (negative) id!", __FUNCTION__);
return -EINVAL;
uint32_t clientBitMask;
memcpy(&clientBitMask, &bufferTraits.bufferInfo->data[2], sizeof(clientBitMask));
if (clientBitMask == 0U) {
ALOGE("%s: Received a invalid client state mask!", __FUNCTION__);
return -EINVAL;
// Import the metadata. Dup since hidl_handle owns the fd
unique_fd ashmemFd(fcntl(bufferTraits.bufferInfo->data[0], F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC, 0));
mMetadata = BufferHubMetadata::Import(std::move(ashmemFd));
if (!mMetadata.IsValid()) {
ALOGE("%s: invalid metadata.", __FUNCTION__);
return -EINVAL;
uint32_t userMetadataSize;
memcpy(&userMetadataSize, &bufferTraits.bufferInfo->data[3], sizeof(userMetadataSize));
if (mMetadata.user_metadata_size() != userMetadataSize) {
ALOGE("%s: user metadata size not match: expected %u, actual %zu.", __FUNCTION__,
userMetadataSize, mMetadata.user_metadata_size());
return -EINVAL;
size_t metadataSize = static_cast<size_t>(mMetadata.metadata_size());
if (metadataSize < BufferHubDefs::kMetadataHeaderSize) {
ALOGE("%s: metadata too small: %zu", __FUNCTION__, metadataSize);
return -EINVAL;
// Populate shortcuts to the atomics in metadata.
auto metadata_header = mMetadata.metadata_header();
buffer_state_ = &metadata_header->buffer_state;
fence_state_ = &metadata_header->fence_state;
active_clients_bit_mask_ = &metadata_header->active_clients_bit_mask;
// The C++ standard recommends (but does not require) that lock-free atomic operations are
// also address-free, that is, suitable for communication between processes using shared
// memory.
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!std::atomic_is_lock_free(buffer_state_) ||
!std::atomic_is_lock_free(fence_state_) ||
"Atomic variables in ashmen are not lock free.");
// Import the buffer: We only need to hold on the native_handle_t here so that
// GraphicBuffer instance can be created in future.
mBufferHandle = std::move(bufferTraits.bufferHandle);
memcpy(&mBufferDesc, &bufferTraits.bufferDesc, sizeof(AHardwareBuffer_Desc));
mId = bufferId;
mClientStateMask = clientBitMask;
// TODO(b/112012161) Set up shared fences.
ALOGD("%s: id=%d, buffer_state=%" PRIx32 ".", __FUNCTION__, mId,
return 0;
int BufferHubBuffer::Gain() {
uint32_t current_buffer_state = buffer_state_->load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (IsClientGained(current_buffer_state, mClientStateMask)) {
ALOGV("%s: Buffer is already gained by this client %" PRIx32 ".", __FUNCTION__,
return 0;
do {
if (AnyClientGained(current_buffer_state & (~mClientStateMask)) ||
AnyClientAcquired(current_buffer_state)) {
ALOGE("%s: Buffer is in use, id=%d mClientStateMask=%" PRIx32 " state=%" PRIx32 ".",
__FUNCTION__, mId, mClientStateMask, current_buffer_state);
return -EBUSY;
// Change the buffer state to gained state, whose value happens to be the same as
// mClientStateMask.
} while (!buffer_state_->compare_exchange_weak(current_buffer_state, mClientStateMask,
// TODO(b/119837586): Update fence state and return GPU fence.
return 0;
int BufferHubBuffer::Post() {
uint32_t current_buffer_state = buffer_state_->load(std::memory_order_acquire);
uint32_t updated_buffer_state = (~mClientStateMask) & BufferHubDefs::kHighBitsMask;
do {
if (!IsClientGained(current_buffer_state, mClientStateMask)) {
ALOGE("%s: Cannot post a buffer that is not gained by this client. buffer_id=%d "
"mClientStateMask=%" PRIx32 " state=%" PRIx32 ".",
__FUNCTION__, mId, mClientStateMask, current_buffer_state);
return -EBUSY;
// Set the producer client buffer state to released, other clients' buffer state to posted.
// Post to all existing and non-existing clients.
} while (!buffer_state_->compare_exchange_weak(current_buffer_state, updated_buffer_state,
// TODO(b/119837586): Update fence state and return GPU fence if needed.
return 0;
int BufferHubBuffer::Acquire() {
uint32_t current_buffer_state = buffer_state_->load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (IsClientAcquired(current_buffer_state, mClientStateMask)) {
ALOGV("%s: Buffer is already acquired by this client %" PRIx32 ".", __FUNCTION__,
return 0;
uint32_t updated_buffer_state = 0U;
do {
if (!IsClientPosted(current_buffer_state, mClientStateMask)) {
ALOGE("%s: Cannot acquire a buffer that is not in posted state. buffer_id=%d "
"mClientStateMask=%" PRIx32 " state=%" PRIx32 ".",
__FUNCTION__, mId, mClientStateMask, current_buffer_state);
return -EBUSY;
// Change the buffer state for this consumer from posted to acquired.
updated_buffer_state = current_buffer_state ^ mClientStateMask;
} while (!buffer_state_->compare_exchange_weak(current_buffer_state, updated_buffer_state,
// TODO(b/119837586): Update fence state and return GPU fence.
return 0;
int BufferHubBuffer::Release() {
uint32_t current_buffer_state = buffer_state_->load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (IsClientReleased(current_buffer_state, mClientStateMask)) {
ALOGV("%s: Buffer is already released by this client %" PRIx32 ".", __FUNCTION__,
return 0;
uint32_t updated_buffer_state = 0U;
do {
updated_buffer_state = current_buffer_state & (~mClientStateMask);
} while (!buffer_state_->compare_exchange_weak(current_buffer_state, updated_buffer_state,
// TODO(b/119837586): Update fence state and return GPU fence if needed.
return 0;
bool BufferHubBuffer::IsValid() const {
// TODO(b/68770788): check eventFd once implemented
return mBufferHandle.getNativeHandle() != nullptr && mId >= 0 && mClientStateMask != 0U &&
mMetadata.IsValid() && mBufferClient != nullptr;
native_handle_t* BufferHubBuffer::Duplicate() {
if (mBufferClient == nullptr) {
ALOGE("%s: missing BufferClient!", __FUNCTION__);
return nullptr;
hidl_handle token;
BufferHubStatus ret;
IBufferClient::duplicate_cb dup_cb = [&](const auto& outToken, const auto& status) {
token = std::move(outToken);
ret = status;
if (!mBufferClient->duplicate(dup_cb).isOk()) {
ALOGE("%s: duplicate transaction failed!", __FUNCTION__);
return nullptr;
} else if (ret != BufferHubStatus::NO_ERROR) {
ALOGE("%s: duplicate failed with error %u.", __FUNCTION__, ret);
return nullptr;
} else if (token.getNativeHandle() == nullptr) {
ALOGE("%s: duplicate got null token.", __FUNCTION__);
return nullptr;
return native_handle_clone(token.getNativeHandle());
} // namespace android