blob: 7ebe983dbae7767d72aba18bae59e85a44a61a10 [file] [log] [blame]
{{define "Copyright"}}
•* Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
•* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
•* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
•* You may obtain a copy of the License at
•* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
•* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
•* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
•* limitations under the License.
{{Include "../api/templates/vulkan_common.tmpl"}}
{{Global "clang-format" (Strings "clang-format" "-style=file")}}
{{Macro "DefineGlobals" $}}
{{$ | Macro "api_gen.h" | Format (Global "clang-format") | Write "api_gen.h" }}
{{$ | Macro "api_gen.cpp" | Format (Global "clang-format") | Write "api_gen.cpp"}}
{{define "api_gen.h"}}
{{Macro "Copyright"}}
// WARNING: This file is generated. See ../ for instructions.
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
namespace vulkan
namespace api
struct InstanceDispatchTable {
// clang-format off
{{range $f := AllCommands $}}
{{if (Macro "api.IsInstanceDispatchTableEntry" $f)}}
{{Macro "C++.DeclareDispatchTableEntry" $f}};
// clang-format on
struct DeviceDispatchTable {
// clang-format off
{{range $f := AllCommands $}}
{{if (Macro "api.IsDeviceDispatchTableEntry" $f)}}
{{Macro "C++.DeclareDispatchTableEntry" $f}};
// clang-format on
bool InitDispatchTable(VkInstance instance, PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr get_proc);
bool InitDispatchTable(VkDevice dev, PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr get_proc);
»} // namespace api
»} // namespace vulkan
{{define "api_gen.cpp"}}
{{Macro "Copyright"}}
// WARNING: This file is generated. See ../ for instructions.
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <log/log.h>
#include "api.h"
namespace vulkan
namespace api
{{Macro "C++.DefineInitProcMacros" "dispatch"}}
bool InitDispatchTable(VkInstance instance, PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr get_proc) {
auto& data = GetData(instance);
bool success = true;
// clang-format off
{{range $f := AllCommands $}}
{{if (Macro "api.IsInstanceDispatchTableEntry" $f)}}
{{Macro "C++.InitProc" $f}}
// clang-format on
return success;
bool InitDispatchTable(VkDevice dev, PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr get_proc) {
auto& data = GetData(dev);
bool success = true;
// clang-format off
{{range $f := AllCommands $}}
{{if (Macro "api.IsDeviceDispatchTableEntry" $f)}}
{{Macro "C++.InitProc" $f}}
// clang-format on
return success;
»} // namespace api
»} // namespace vulkan
// clang-format off
{{range $f := AllCommands $}}
{{if (Macro "IsFunctionExported" $f)}}
VKAPI_ATTR {{Node "Type" $f.Return}} {{$f.Name}}({{Macro "Parameters" $f}}) {
{{ if eq $f.Name "vkGetInstanceProcAddr"}}
{{Macro "api.C++.InterceptInstanceProcAddr" $}}
{{else if eq $f.Name "vkGetDeviceProcAddr"}}
{{Macro "api.C++.InterceptDeviceProcAddr" $}}
{{Macro "api.C++.Dispatch" $f}}
// clang-format on
Emits a declaration of a dispatch table entry.
{{define "C++.DeclareDispatchTableEntry"}}
{{AssertType $ "Function"}}
{{Macro "FunctionPtrName" $}} {{Macro "BaseName" $}}
Emits macros to help initialize dispatch tables.
{{define "C++.DefineInitProcMacros"}}
#define UNLIKELY(expr) __builtin_expect((expr), 0)
#define INIT_PROC(obj, proc) do { \
data.{{$}}.proc = reinterpret_cast<PFN_vk ## proc>( \
get_proc(obj, "vk" # proc)); \
if (UNLIKELY(!data.{{$}}.proc)) { \
ALOGE("missing " # obj " proc: vk" # proc); \
success = false; \
} \
} while(0)
// TODO do we want to point to a stub or nullptr when ext is not enabled?
#define INIT_PROC_EXT(ext, obj, proc) do { \
INIT_PROC(obj, proc); \
} while(0)
Emits code to invoke INIT_PROC or INIT_PROC_EXT.
{{define "C++.InitProc"}}
{{AssertType $ "Function"}}
{{$ext := GetAnnotation $ "extension"}}
{{if $ext}}
INIT_PROC_EXT({{Macro "BaseName" $ext}}, §
{{if (Macro "IsInstanceDispatched" $)}}
instance, §
dev, §
{{Macro "BaseName" $}});
Emits true if a function is exported and instance-dispatched.
{{define "api.IsInstanceDispatchTableEntry"}}
{{AssertType $ "Function"}}
{{if and (Macro "IsFunctionExported" $) (Macro "IsInstanceDispatched" $)}}
Emits true if a function is exported and device-dispatched.
{{define "api.IsDeviceDispatchTableEntry"}}
{{AssertType $ "Function"}}
{{if and (Macro "IsFunctionExported" $) (Macro "IsDeviceDispatched" $)}}
Emits true if a function is intercepted by vulkan::api.
{{define "api.IsIntercepted"}}
{{AssertType $ "Function"}}
{{if (Macro "IsFunctionSupported" $)}}
{{/* Global functions cannot be dispatched at all */}}
{{ if (Macro "IsGloballyDispatched" $)}}true
{{/* VkPhysicalDevice functions that manage device layers */}}
{{else if eq $.Name "vkCreateDevice"}}true
{{else if eq $.Name "vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties"}}true
{{else if eq $.Name "vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties"}}true
{{/* Destroy functions of dispatchable objects */}}
{{else if eq $.Name "vkDestroyInstance"}}true
{{else if eq $.Name "vkDestroyDevice"}}true
Emits code for vkGetInstanceProcAddr for function interception.
{{define "api.C++.InterceptInstanceProcAddr"}}
{{AssertType $ "API"}}
// global functions
if (!instance) {
{{range $f := AllCommands $}}
{{if (Macro "IsGloballyDispatched" $f)}}
if (strcmp(pName, "{{$f.Name}}") == 0) return §
vulkan::api::{{Macro "BaseName" $f}});
ALOGE("vkGetInstanceProcAddr called with %s without instance", pName);
return nullptr;
static const struct Hook {
const char* name;
PFN_vkVoidFunction proc;
} hooks[] = {
{{range $f := SortBy (AllCommands $) "FunctionName"}}
{{if (Macro "IsFunctionExported" $f)}}
{{/* hide global functions */}}
{{if (Macro "IsGloballyDispatched" $f)}}
{ "{{$f.Name}}", nullptr },
{{/* redirect intercepted functions */}}
{{else if (Macro "api.IsIntercepted" $f)}}
{ "{{$f.Name}}", reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkVoidFunction>(§
vulkan::api::{{Macro "BaseName" $f}}) },
{{/* redirect vkGetInstanceProcAddr to itself */}}
{{else if eq $f.Name "vkGetInstanceProcAddr"}}
{ "{{$f.Name}}", reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkVoidFunction>({{$f.Name}}) },
{{/* redirect device functions to themselves as a workaround for
layers that do not intercept in their vkGetInstanceProcAddr */}}
{{else if (Macro "IsDeviceDispatched" $f)}}
{ "{{$f.Name}}", reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkVoidFunction>({{$f.Name}}) },
// clang-format on
constexpr size_t count = sizeof(hooks) / sizeof(hooks[0]);
auto hook = std::lower_bound(
hooks, hooks + count, pName,
[](const Hook& h, const char* n) { return strcmp(, n) < 0; });
if (hook < hooks + count && strcmp(hook->name, pName) == 0) {
if (!hook->proc)
ALOGE("vkGetInstanceProcAddr called with %s with instance", pName);
return hook->proc;
// clang-format off
Emits code for vkGetDeviceProcAddr for function interception.
{{define "api.C++.InterceptDeviceProcAddr"}}
{{AssertType $ "API"}}
if (device == VK_NULL_HANDLE) {
ALOGE("vkGetDeviceProcAddr called with invalid device");
return nullptr;
static const char* const known_non_device_names[] = {
{{range $f := SortBy (AllCommands $) "FunctionName"}}
{{if (Macro "IsFunctionSupported" $f)}}
{{if not (Macro "IsDeviceDispatched" $f)}}
// clang-format on
constexpr size_t count = sizeof(known_non_device_names) /
if (!pName ||
known_non_device_names, known_non_device_names + count, pName,
[](const char* a, const char* b) { return (strcmp(a, b) < 0); })) {
ALOGE("vkGetDeviceProcAddr called with %s", pName);
return nullptr;
// clang-format off
Emits code to dispatch a function.
{{define "api.C++.Dispatch"}}
{{AssertType $ "Function"}}
{{if (Macro "api.IsIntercepted" $)}}// call into api.cpp{{end}}
{{if not (IsVoid $.Return.Type)}}return §{{end}}
{{if (Macro "api.IsIntercepted" $)}}
{{$p0 := index $.CallParameters 0}}
{{Macro "BaseName" $}}({{Macro "Arguments" $}});
Emits a function/extension name without the "vk"/"VK_" prefix.
{{define "BaseName"}}
{{ if IsFunction $}}{{TrimPrefix "vk" $.Name}}
{{else if eq $.Name "extension"}}{{TrimPrefix "VK_" (index $.Arguments 0)}}
{{else}}{{Error "invalid use of BaseName"}}
Emits a comma-separated list of C parameter names for the given command.
{{define "Arguments"}}
{{AssertType $ "Function"}}
{{ForEach $.CallParameters "ParameterName" | JoinWith ", "}}
{{define "IsGloballyDispatched"}}
{{AssertType $ "Function"}}
{{if and (Macro "IsFunctionSupported" $) (eq (Macro "Vtbl" $) "Global")}}
Emit "true" for supported functions that undergo table dispatch. Only global
functions and functions handled in the loader top without calling into
lower layers are not dispatched.
{{define "IsInstanceDispatched"}}
{{AssertType $ "Function"}}
{{if and (Macro "IsFunctionSupported" $) (eq (Macro "Vtbl" $) "Instance")}}
Emit "true" for supported functions that can have device-specific dispatch.
{{define "IsDeviceDispatched"}}
{{AssertType $ "Function"}}
{{if and (Macro "IsFunctionSupported" $) (eq (Macro "Vtbl" $) "Device")}}
Emit "true" if a function is core or from a supportable extension.
{{define "IsFunctionSupported"}}
{{AssertType $ "Function"}}
{{if not (GetAnnotation $ "pfn")}}
{{$ext := GetAnnotation $ "extension"}}
{{if not $ext}}true
{{else if not (Macro "IsExtensionBlacklisted" $ext)}}true
Decides whether a function should be exported from the Android Vulkan
library. Functions in the core API and in loader extensions are exported.
{{define "IsFunctionExported"}}
{{AssertType $ "Function"}}
{{if (Macro "IsFunctionSupported" $)}}
{{$ext := GetAnnotation $ "extension"}}
{{if $ext}}
{{Macro "IsExtensionExported" $ext}}
Emit "true" if an extension is unsupportable on Android.
{{define "IsExtensionBlacklisted"}}
{{$ext := index $.Arguments 0}}
{{ if eq $ext "VK_KHR_display"}}true
{{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_display_swapchain"}}true
{{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_xlib_surface"}}true
{{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_xcb_surface"}}true
{{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_wayland_surface"}}true
{{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_mir_surface"}}true
{{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_win32_surface"}}true
Reports whether an extension is implemented entirely by the loader,
so drivers should not enumerate it.
{{define "IsExtensionExported"}}
{{$ext := index $.Arguments 0}}
{{ if eq $ext "VK_KHR_surface"}}true
{{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_swapchain"}}true
{{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_android_surface"}}true