blob: 7a6aa5ffae51d2b26c7288cf738810e979dc0c62 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package mk2rbc
import (
mkparser "android/soong/androidmk/parser"
type context struct {
includeFileScope mkparser.Scope
registrar variableRegistrar
// Scans the makefile Soong uses to generate soong.variables file,
// collecting variable names and types from the lines that look like this:
// $(call add_json_XXX, <...>, $(VAR))
func FindSoongVariables(mkFile string, includeFileScope mkparser.Scope, registrar variableRegistrar) error {
ctx := context{includeFileScope, registrar}
return ctx.doFind(mkFile)
func (ctx *context) doFind(mkFile string) error {
mkContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(mkFile)
if err != nil {
return err
parser := mkparser.NewParser(mkFile, bytes.NewBuffer(mkContents))
nodes, errs := parser.Parse()
if len(errs) > 0 {
for _, e := range errs {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "ERROR:", e)
return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse %s", mkFile)
for _, node := range nodes {
switch t := node.(type) {
case *mkparser.Variable:
case *mkparser.Directive:
return nil
func (ctx context) NewSoongVariable(name, typeString string) {
var valueType starlarkType
switch typeString {
case "bool":
// TODO: We run into several issues later on if we type this as a bool:
// - We still assign bool-typed variables to strings
// - When emitting the final results as make code, some bool's false values have to
// be an empty string, and some have to be false in order to match the make variables.
valueType = starlarkTypeString
case "csv":
valueType = starlarkTypeList
case "list":
valueType = starlarkTypeList
case "str":
valueType = starlarkTypeString
case "val":
// Only PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION uses this, and it's integer
valueType = starlarkTypeInt
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown Soong variable type %s", typeString))
ctx.registrar.NewVariable(name, VarClassSoong, valueType)
func (ctx context) handleInclude(t *mkparser.Directive) {
if t.Name != "include" && t.Name != "-include" {
includedPath := t.Args.Value(ctx.includeFileScope)
err := ctx.doFind(includedPath)
if err != nil && t.Name == "include" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cannot include %s: %s", includedPath, err)
var callFuncRex = regexp.MustCompile("^call +add_json_(str|val|bool|csv|list) *,")
func (ctx context) handleVariable(t *mkparser.Variable) {
// From the variable reference looking as follows:
// $(call json_add_TYPE,arg1,$(VAR))
// we infer that the type of $(VAR) is TYPE
// VAR can be a simple variable name, or another call
// (e.g., $(call invert_bool, $(X)), from which we can infer
// that the type of X is bool
if prefix, v, ok := prefixedVariable(t.Name); ok && strings.HasPrefix(prefix, "call add_json") {
if match := callFuncRex.FindStringSubmatch(prefix); match != nil {
ctx.inferSoongVariableType(match[1], v)
// NOTE(asmundak): sometimes arg1 (the name of the Soong variable defined
// in this statement) may indicate that there is a Make counterpart. E.g, from
// $(call add_json_bool, DisablePreopt, $(call invert_bool,$(ENABLE_PREOPT)))
// it may be inferred that there is a Make boolean variable DISABLE_PREOPT.
// Unfortunately, Soong variable names have no 1:1 correspondence to Make variables,
// for instance,
// $(call add_json_list, PatternsOnSystemOther, $(SYSTEM_OTHER_ODEX_FILTER))
// does not mean that there is PATTERNS_ON_SYSTEM_OTHER
// Our main interest lies in finding the variables whose values are lists, and
// so far there are none that can be found this way, so it is not important.
} else {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot match the call: %s", prefix))
var (
callInvertBoolRex = regexp.MustCompile("^call +invert_bool *, *$")
callFilterBoolRex = regexp.MustCompile("^(filter|filter-out) +(true|false), *$")
func (ctx context) inferSoongVariableType(vType string, n *mkparser.MakeString) {
if n.Const() {
ctx.NewSoongVariable(n.Strings[0], vType)
if prefix, v, ok := prefixedVariable(n); ok {
if callInvertBoolRex.MatchString(prefix) || callFilterBoolRex.MatchString(prefix) {
// It is $(call invert_bool, $(VAR)) or $(filter[-out] [false|true],$(VAR))
ctx.inferSoongVariableType("bool", v)
// If MakeString is foo$(BAR), returns 'foo', BAR(as *MakeString) and true
func prefixedVariable(s *mkparser.MakeString) (string, *mkparser.MakeString, bool) {
if len(s.Strings) != 2 || s.Strings[1] != "" {
return "", nil, false
return s.Strings[0], s.Variables[0].Name, true