blob: b32b754d368b4976f04c167a2860fbd0fb25ce43 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package java
import (
// The values allowed for Droidstubs' Api_levels_sdk_type
var allowedApiLevelSdkTypes = []string{"public", "system", "module-lib", "system-server"}
type StubsType int
const (
Everything StubsType = iota
func (s StubsType) String() string {
switch s {
case Everything:
return "everything"
case Runtime:
return "runtime"
case Exportable:
return "exportable"
return ""
func StringToStubsType(s string) StubsType {
switch strings.ToLower(s) {
case Everything.String():
return Everything
case Runtime.String():
return Runtime
case Exportable.String():
return Exportable
return Unavailable
func init() {
func RegisterStubsBuildComponents(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
ctx.RegisterModuleType("stubs_defaults", StubsDefaultsFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("droidstubs", DroidstubsFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("droidstubs_host", DroidstubsHostFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("prebuilt_stubs_sources", PrebuiltStubsSourcesFactory)
type stubsArtifacts struct {
nullabilityWarningsFile android.WritablePath
annotationsZip android.WritablePath
apiVersionsXml android.WritablePath
metadataZip android.WritablePath
metadataDir android.WritablePath
// Droidstubs
type Droidstubs struct {
properties DroidstubsProperties
apiFile android.Path
removedApiFile android.Path
checkCurrentApiTimestamp android.WritablePath
updateCurrentApiTimestamp android.WritablePath
checkLastReleasedApiTimestamp android.WritablePath
apiLintTimestamp android.WritablePath
apiLintReport android.WritablePath
checkNullabilityWarningsTimestamp android.WritablePath
everythingArtifacts stubsArtifacts
exportableArtifacts stubsArtifacts
exportableApiFile android.WritablePath
exportableRemovedApiFile android.WritablePath
type DroidstubsProperties struct {
// The generated public API filename by Metalava, defaults to <module>_api.txt
Api_filename *string
// the generated removed API filename by Metalava, defaults to <module>_removed.txt
Removed_api_filename *string
Check_api struct {
Last_released ApiToCheck
Current ApiToCheck
Api_lint struct {
Enabled *bool
// If set, performs api_lint on any new APIs not found in the given signature file
New_since *string `android:"path"`
// If not blank, path to the baseline txt file for approved API lint violations.
Baseline_file *string `android:"path"`
// user can specify the version of previous released API file in order to do compatibility check.
Previous_api *string `android:"path"`
// is set to true, Metalava will allow framework SDK to contain annotations.
Annotations_enabled *bool
// a list of top-level directories containing files to merge qualifier annotations (i.e. those intended to be included in the stubs written) from.
Merge_annotations_dirs []string
// a list of top-level directories containing Java stub files to merge show/hide annotations from.
Merge_inclusion_annotations_dirs []string
// a file containing a list of classes to do nullability validation for.
Validate_nullability_from_list *string
// a file containing expected warnings produced by validation of nullability annotations.
Check_nullability_warnings *string
// if set to true, allow Metalava to generate doc_stubs source files. Defaults to false.
Create_doc_stubs *bool
// if set to true, cause Metalava to output Javadoc comments in the stubs source files. Defaults to false.
// Has no effect if create_doc_stubs: true.
Output_javadoc_comments *bool
// if set to false then do not write out stubs. Defaults to true.
// TODO(b/146727827): Remove capability when we do not need to generate stubs and API separately.
Generate_stubs *bool
// if set to true, provides a hint to the build system that this rule uses a lot of memory,
// which can be used for scheduling purposes
High_mem *bool
// if set to true, Metalava will allow framework SDK to contain API levels annotations.
Api_levels_annotations_enabled *bool
// Apply the api levels database created by this module rather than generating one in this droidstubs.
Api_levels_module *string
// the dirs which Metalava extracts API levels annotations from.
Api_levels_annotations_dirs []string
// the sdk kind which Metalava extracts API levels annotations from. Supports 'public', 'system', 'module-lib' and 'system-server'; defaults to public.
Api_levels_sdk_type *string
// the filename which Metalava extracts API levels annotations from. Defaults to android.jar.
Api_levels_jar_filename *string
// if set to true, collect the values used by the Dev tools and
// write them in files packaged with the SDK. Defaults to false.
Write_sdk_values *bool
// path or filegroup to file defining extension an SDK name <-> numerical ID mapping and
// what APIs exist in which SDKs; passed to metalava via --sdk-extensions-info
Extensions_info_file *string `android:"path"`
// API surface of this module. If set, the module contributes to an API surface.
// For the full list of available API surfaces, refer to soong/android/sdk_version.go
Api_surface *string
// a list of aconfig_declarations module names that the stubs generated in this module
// depend on.
Aconfig_declarations []string
// Used by xsd_config
type ApiFilePath interface {
ApiFilePath(StubsType) (android.Path, error)
type ApiStubsSrcProvider interface {
StubsSrcJar(StubsType) (android.Path, error)
// Provider of information about API stubs, used by java_sdk_library.
type ApiStubsProvider interface {
AnnotationsZip(StubsType) (android.Path, error)
RemovedApiFilePath(StubsType) (android.Path, error)
type currentApiTimestampProvider interface {
CurrentApiTimestamp() android.Path
type annotationFlagsParams struct {
migratingNullability bool
validatingNullability bool
nullabilityWarningsFile android.WritablePath
annotationsZip android.WritablePath
type stubsCommandParams struct {
srcJarDir android.ModuleOutPath
stubsDir android.OptionalPath
stubsSrcJar android.WritablePath
metadataZip android.WritablePath
metadataDir android.WritablePath
apiVersionsXml android.WritablePath
nullabilityWarningsFile android.WritablePath
annotationsZip android.WritablePath
stubConfig stubsCommandConfigParams
type stubsCommandConfigParams struct {
stubsType StubsType
javaVersion javaVersion
deps deps
checkApi bool
generateStubs bool
doApiLint bool
doCheckReleased bool
writeSdkValues bool
migratingNullability bool
validatingNullability bool
// droidstubs passes sources files through Metalava to generate stub .java files that only contain the API to be
// documented, filtering out hidden classes and methods. The resulting .java files are intended to be passed to
// a droiddoc module to generate documentation.
func DroidstubsFactory() android.Module {
module := &Droidstubs{}
InitDroiddocModule(module, android.HostAndDeviceSupported)
module.SetDefaultableHook(func(ctx android.DefaultableHookContext) {
return module
// droidstubs_host passes sources files through Metalava to generate stub .java files that only contain the API
// to be documented, filtering out hidden classes and methods. The resulting .java files are intended to be
// passed to a droiddoc_host module to generate documentation. Use a droidstubs_host instead of a droidstubs
// module when symbols needed by the source files are provided by java_library_host modules.
func DroidstubsHostFactory() android.Module {
module := &Droidstubs{}
InitDroiddocModule(module, android.HostSupported)
return module
func getStubsTypeAndTag(tag string) (StubsType, string, error) {
if len(tag) == 0 {
return Everything, "", nil
if tag[0] != '.' {
return Unavailable, "", fmt.Errorf("tag must begin with \".\"")
stubsType := Everything
// Check if the tag has a stubs type prefix (e.g. ".exportable")
for st := Everything; st <= Exportable; st++ {
if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "."+st.String()) {
stubsType = st
return stubsType, strings.TrimPrefix(tag, "."+stubsType.String()), nil
// Droidstubs' tag supports specifying with the stubs type.
// While supporting the pre-existing tags, it also supports tags with
// the stubs type prefix. Some examples are shown below:
// {} - pre-existing behavior. Returns the path to the
// annotation zip.
// {.exportable} - Returns the path to the exportable stubs src jar.
// {} - Returns the path to the exportable
// annotations zip file.
// {.runtime.api_versions.xml} - Runtime stubs does not generate api versions
// xml file. For unsupported combinations, the default everything output file
// is returned.
func (d *Droidstubs) OutputFiles(tag string) (android.Paths, error) {
stubsType, prefixRemovedTag, err := getStubsTypeAndTag(tag)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch prefixRemovedTag {
case "":
stubsSrcJar, err := d.StubsSrcJar(stubsType)
return android.Paths{stubsSrcJar}, err
case "":
docZip, err := d.DocZip(stubsType)
return android.Paths{docZip}, err
case ".api.txt", android.DefaultDistTag:
// This is the default dist path for dist properties that have no tag property.
apiFilePath, err := d.ApiFilePath(stubsType)
return android.Paths{apiFilePath}, err
case ".removed-api.txt":
removedApiFilePath, err := d.RemovedApiFilePath(stubsType)
return android.Paths{removedApiFilePath}, err
case "":
annotationsZip, err := d.AnnotationsZip(stubsType)
return android.Paths{annotationsZip}, err
case ".api_versions.xml":
apiVersionsXmlFilePath, err := d.ApiVersionsXmlFilePath(stubsType)
return android.Paths{apiVersionsXmlFilePath}, err
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported module reference tag %q", tag)
func (d *Droidstubs) AnnotationsZip(stubsType StubsType) (ret android.Path, err error) {
switch stubsType {
case Everything:
ret, err = d.everythingArtifacts.annotationsZip, nil
case Exportable:
ret, err = d.exportableArtifacts.annotationsZip, nil
ret, err = nil, fmt.Errorf("annotations zip not supported for the stub type %s", stubsType.String())
return ret, err
func (d *Droidstubs) ApiFilePath(stubsType StubsType) (ret android.Path, err error) {
switch stubsType {
case Everything:
ret, err = d.apiFile, nil
case Exportable:
ret, err = d.exportableApiFile, nil
ret, err = nil, fmt.Errorf("api file path not supported for the stub type %s", stubsType.String())
if ret == nil && err == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("api file is null for the stub type %s", stubsType.String())
return ret, err
func (d *Droidstubs) ApiVersionsXmlFilePath(stubsType StubsType) (ret android.Path, err error) {
switch stubsType {
case Everything:
ret, err = d.everythingArtifacts.apiVersionsXml, nil
case Exportable:
ret, err = d.exportableArtifacts.apiVersionsXml, nil
ret, err = nil, fmt.Errorf("api versions xml file path not supported for the stub type %s", stubsType.String())
if ret == nil && err == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("api versions xml file is null for the stub type %s", stubsType.String())
return ret, err
func (d *Droidstubs) DocZip(stubsType StubsType) (ret android.Path, err error) {
switch stubsType {
case Everything:
ret, err = d.docZip, nil
ret, err = nil, fmt.Errorf("docs zip not supported for the stub type %s", stubsType.String())
if ret == nil && err == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("docs zip is null for the stub type %s", stubsType.String())
return ret, err
func (d *Droidstubs) RemovedApiFilePath(stubsType StubsType) (ret android.Path, err error) {
switch stubsType {
case Everything:
ret, err = d.removedApiFile, nil
case Exportable:
ret, err = d.exportableRemovedApiFile, nil
ret, err = nil, fmt.Errorf("removed api file path not supported for the stub type %s", stubsType.String())
if ret == nil && err == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("removed api file is null for the stub type %s", stubsType.String())
return ret, err
func (d *Droidstubs) StubsSrcJar(stubsType StubsType) (ret android.Path, err error) {
switch stubsType {
case Everything:
ret, err = d.stubsSrcJar, nil
case Exportable:
ret, err = d.exportableStubsSrcJar, nil
ret, err = nil, fmt.Errorf("stubs srcjar not supported for the stub type %s", stubsType.String())
if ret == nil && err == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("stubs srcjar is null for the stub type %s", stubsType.String())
return ret, err
func (d *Droidstubs) CurrentApiTimestamp() android.Path {
return d.checkCurrentApiTimestamp
var metalavaMergeAnnotationsDirTag = dependencyTag{name: "metalava-merge-annotations-dir"}
var metalavaMergeInclusionAnnotationsDirTag = dependencyTag{name: "metalava-merge-inclusion-annotations-dir"}
var metalavaAPILevelsAnnotationsDirTag = dependencyTag{name: "metalava-api-levels-annotations-dir"}
var metalavaAPILevelsModuleTag = dependencyTag{name: "metalava-api-levels-module-tag"}
var metalavaCurrentApiTimestampTag = dependencyTag{name: "metalava-current-api-timestamp-tag"}
func (d *Droidstubs) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if len( != 0 {
for _, mergeAnnotationsDir := range {
ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), metalavaMergeAnnotationsDirTag, mergeAnnotationsDir)
if len( != 0 {
for _, mergeInclusionAnnotationsDir := range {
ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), metalavaMergeInclusionAnnotationsDirTag, mergeInclusionAnnotationsDir)
if len( != 0 {
for _, apiLevelsAnnotationsDir := range {
ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), metalavaAPILevelsAnnotationsDirTag, apiLevelsAnnotationsDir)
if len( != 0 {
for _, aconfigDeclarationModuleName := range {
ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), aconfigDeclarationTag, aconfigDeclarationModuleName)
if != nil {
ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), metalavaAPILevelsModuleTag, proptools.String(
func (d *Droidstubs) sdkValuesFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, cmd *android.RuleBuilderCommand, metadataDir android.WritablePath) {
cmd.FlagWithArg("--sdk-values ", metadataDir.String())
func (d *Droidstubs) stubsFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, cmd *android.RuleBuilderCommand, stubsDir android.OptionalPath, stubsType StubsType, checkApi bool) {
apiFileName := proptools.StringDefault(, ctx.ModuleName()+"_api.txt")
uncheckedApiFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, stubsType.String(), apiFileName)
cmd.FlagWithOutput("--api ", uncheckedApiFile)
if checkApi || String( != "" {
if stubsType == Everything {
d.apiFile = uncheckedApiFile
} else if stubsType == Exportable {
d.exportableApiFile = uncheckedApiFile
} else if sourceApiFile := proptools.String(; sourceApiFile != "" {
if stubsType == Everything {
// If check api is disabled then make the source file available for export.
d.apiFile = android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, sourceApiFile)
} else if stubsType == Exportable {
d.exportableApiFile = uncheckedApiFile
removedApiFileName := proptools.StringDefault(, ctx.ModuleName()+"_removed.txt")
uncheckedRemovedFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, stubsType.String(), removedApiFileName)
cmd.FlagWithOutput("--removed-api ", uncheckedRemovedFile)
if checkApi || String( != "" {
if stubsType == Everything {
d.removedApiFile = uncheckedRemovedFile
} else if stubsType == Exportable {
d.exportableRemovedApiFile = uncheckedRemovedFile
} else if sourceRemovedApiFile := proptools.String(; sourceRemovedApiFile != "" {
if stubsType == Everything {
// If check api is disabled then make the source removed api file available for export.
d.removedApiFile = android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, sourceRemovedApiFile)
} else if stubsType == Exportable {
d.exportableRemovedApiFile = uncheckedRemovedFile
if stubsDir.Valid() {
if Bool( {
cmd.FlagWithArg("--doc-stubs ", stubsDir.String())
} else {
cmd.FlagWithArg("--stubs ", stubsDir.String())
if !Bool( {
func (d *Droidstubs) annotationsFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, cmd *android.RuleBuilderCommand, params annotationFlagsParams) {
if Bool( {
if params.migratingNullability {
previousApiFiles := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, []string{String(})
cmd.FlagForEachInput("--migrate-nullness ", previousApiFiles)
if s := String(; s != "" {
cmd.FlagWithInput("--validate-nullability-from-list ", android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, s))
if params.validatingNullability {
cmd.FlagWithOutput("--nullability-warnings-txt ", params.nullabilityWarningsFile)
cmd.FlagWithOutput("--extract-annotations ", params.annotationsZip)
if len( != 0 {
d.mergeAnnoDirFlags(ctx, cmd)
func (d *Droidstubs) mergeAnnoDirFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, cmd *android.RuleBuilderCommand) {
ctx.VisitDirectDepsWithTag(metalavaMergeAnnotationsDirTag, func(m android.Module) {
if t, ok := m.(*ExportedDroiddocDir); ok {
cmd.FlagWithArg("--merge-qualifier-annotations ", t.dir.String()).Implicits(t.deps)
} else {
"module %q is not a metalava merge-annotations dir", ctx.OtherModuleName(m))
func (d *Droidstubs) inclusionAnnotationsFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, cmd *android.RuleBuilderCommand) {
ctx.VisitDirectDepsWithTag(metalavaMergeInclusionAnnotationsDirTag, func(m android.Module) {
if t, ok := m.(*ExportedDroiddocDir); ok {
cmd.FlagWithArg("--merge-inclusion-annotations ", t.dir.String()).Implicits(t.deps)
} else {
"module %q is not a metalava merge-annotations dir", ctx.OtherModuleName(m))
func (d *Droidstubs) apiLevelsAnnotationsFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, cmd *android.RuleBuilderCommand, stubsType StubsType, apiVersionsXml android.WritablePath) {
var apiVersions android.Path
if proptools.Bool( {
d.apiLevelsGenerationFlags(ctx, cmd, stubsType, apiVersionsXml)
apiVersions = apiVersionsXml
} else {
ctx.VisitDirectDepsWithTag(metalavaAPILevelsModuleTag, func(m android.Module) {
if s, ok := m.(*Droidstubs); ok {
if stubsType == Everything {
apiVersions = s.everythingArtifacts.apiVersionsXml
} else if stubsType == Exportable {
apiVersions = s.exportableArtifacts.apiVersionsXml
} else {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("%s stubs type does not generate api-versions.xml file", stubsType.String())
} else {
"module %q is not a droidstubs module", ctx.OtherModuleName(m))
if apiVersions != nil {
cmd.FlagWithArg("--current-version ", ctx.Config().PlatformSdkVersion().String())
cmd.FlagWithArg("--current-codename ", ctx.Config().PlatformSdkCodename())
cmd.FlagWithInput("--apply-api-levels ", apiVersions)
// AndroidPlusUpdatableJar is the name of some extra jars added into `module-lib` and
// `system-server` directories that contain all the APIs provided by the platform and updatable
// modules because the `android.jar` files do not. See b/337836752.
const AndroidPlusUpdatableJar = "android-plus-updatable.jar"
func (d *Droidstubs) apiLevelsGenerationFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, cmd *android.RuleBuilderCommand, stubsType StubsType, apiVersionsXml android.WritablePath) {
if len( == 0 {
"has to be non-empty if api levels annotations was enabled!")
cmd.FlagWithOutput("--generate-api-levels ", apiVersionsXml)
filename := proptools.StringDefault(, "android.jar")
// TODO: Avoid the duplication of API surfaces, reuse apiScope.
// Add all relevant --android-jar-pattern patterns for Metalava.
// When parsing a stub jar for a specific version, Metalava picks the first pattern that defines
// an actual file present on disk (in the order the patterns were passed). For system APIs for
// privileged apps that are only defined since API level 21 (Lollipop), fallback to public stubs
// for older releases. Similarly, module-lib falls back to system API.
var sdkDirs []string
apiLevelsSdkType := proptools.StringDefault(, "public")
switch apiLevelsSdkType {
case "system-server":
sdkDirs = []string{"system-server", "module-lib", "system", "public"}
case "module-lib":
sdkDirs = []string{"module-lib", "system", "public"}
case "system":
sdkDirs = []string{"system", "public"}
case "public":
sdkDirs = []string{"public"}
ctx.PropertyErrorf("api_levels_sdk_type", "needs to be one of %v", allowedApiLevelSdkTypes)
// Construct a pattern to match the appropriate extensions that should be included in the
// generated api-versions.xml file.
// Use the first item in the sdkDirs array as that is the sdk type for the target API levels
// being generated but has the advantage over `Api_levels_sdk_type` as it has been validated.
// The exception is for system-server which needs to include module-lib and system-server. That
// is because while system-server extends module-lib the system-server extension directory only
// contains service-* modules which provide system-server APIs it does not list the modules which
// only provide a module-lib, so they have to be included separately.
extensionSurfacesPattern := sdkDirs[0]
if apiLevelsSdkType == "system-server" {
// Take the first two items in sdkDirs, which are system-server and module-lib, and construct
// a pattern that will match either.
extensionSurfacesPattern = strings.Join(sdkDirs[0:2], "|")
extensionsPattern := fmt.Sprintf(`/extensions/[0-9]+/(%s)/.*\.jar`, extensionSurfacesPattern)
var dirs []string
var extensions_dir string
ctx.VisitDirectDepsWithTag(metalavaAPILevelsAnnotationsDirTag, func(m android.Module) {
if t, ok := m.(*ExportedDroiddocDir); ok {
extRegex := regexp.MustCompile(t.dir.String() + extensionsPattern)
// Grab the first extensions_dir and we find while scanning ExportedDroiddocDir.deps;
// ideally this should be read from*
for _, dep := range t.deps {
// Check to see if it matches an extension first.
depBase := dep.Base()
if extRegex.MatchString(dep.String()) && != nil {
if extensions_dir == "" {
extensions_dir = t.dir.String() + "/extensions"
} else if depBase == filename {
// Check to see if it matches a dessert release for an SDK, e.g. Android, Car, Wear, etc..
} else if depBase == AndroidPlusUpdatableJar && != nil {
// The output api-versions.xml has been requested to include information on SDK
// extensions. That means it also needs to include
// so
// The module-lib and system-server directories should use `android-plus-updatable.jar`
// instead of `android.jar`. See AndroidPlusUpdatableJar for more information.
} else if filename != "android.jar" && depBase == "android.jar" {
// Metalava implicitly searches these patterns:
// prebuilts/tools/common/api-versions/android-%/android.jar
// prebuilts/sdk/%/public/android.jar
// Add android.jar files from the api_levels_annotations_dirs directories to try
// to satisfy these patterns. If Metalava can't find a match for an API level
// between 1 and 28 in at least one pattern it will fail.
dirs = append(dirs, t.dir.String())
} else {
"module %q is not a metalava api-levels-annotations dir", ctx.OtherModuleName(m))
// Generate the list of --android-jar-pattern options. The order matters so the first one which
// matches will be the one that is used for a specific api level..
for _, sdkDir := range sdkDirs {
for _, dir := range dirs {
addPattern := func(jarFilename string) {
cmd.FlagWithArg("--android-jar-pattern ", fmt.Sprintf("%s/%%/%s/%s", dir, sdkDir, jarFilename))
if sdkDir == "module-lib" || sdkDir == "system-server" {
// The module-lib and system-server android.jars do not include the updatable modules (as
// doing so in the source would introduce dependency cycles and the prebuilts have to
// match the sources). So, instead an additional `android-plus-updatable.jar` will be used
// that does include the updatable modules and this pattern will match that. This pattern
// is added in addition to the following pattern to decouple this change from the change
// to add the `android-plus-updatable.jar`.
if != nil {
if extensions_dir == "" {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("extensions_info_file set, but no SDK extension dirs found")
info_file := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, *
cmd.FlagWithArg("--sdk-extensions-root ", extensions_dir)
cmd.FlagWithArg("--sdk-extensions-info ", info_file.String())
func (d *Droidstubs) apiCompatibilityFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, cmd *android.RuleBuilderCommand, stubsType StubsType) {
if len( > 0 {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("out", "out property may not be combined with check_api")
apiFiles := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, []string{String(})
removedApiFiles := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, []string{String(})
cmd.FlagForEachInput("--check-compatibility:api:released ", apiFiles)
cmd.FlagForEachInput("--check-compatibility:removed:released ", removedApiFiles)
baselineFile := android.OptionalPathForModuleSrc(ctx,
if baselineFile.Valid() {
cmd.FlagWithInput("--baseline:compatibility:released ", baselineFile.Path())
func metalavaUseRbe(ctx android.ModuleContext) bool {
return ctx.Config().UseRBE() && ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("RBE_METALAVA")
func metalavaCmd(ctx android.ModuleContext, rule *android.RuleBuilder, srcs android.Paths,
srcJarList android.Path, homeDir android.WritablePath, params stubsCommandConfigParams) *android.RuleBuilderCommand {
rule.Command().Text("rm -rf").Flag(homeDir.String())
rule.Command().Text("mkdir -p").Flag(homeDir.String())
cmd := rule.Command()
cmd.FlagWithArg("ANDROID_PREFS_ROOT=", homeDir.String())
if metalavaUseRbe(ctx) {
rule.Remoteable(android.RemoteRuleSupports{RBE: true})
execStrategy := ctx.Config().GetenvWithDefault("RBE_METALAVA_EXEC_STRATEGY", remoteexec.LocalExecStrategy)
compare := ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("RBE_METALAVA_COMPARE")
remoteUpdateCache := !ctx.Config().IsEnvFalse("RBE_METALAVA_REMOTE_UPDATE_CACHE")
labels := map[string]string{"type": "tool", "name": "metalava"}
// TODO: metalava pool rejects these jobs
pool := ctx.Config().GetenvWithDefault("RBE_METALAVA_POOL", "java16")
Labels: labels,
ExecStrategy: execStrategy,
ToolchainInputs: []string{config.JavaCmd(ctx).String()},
Platform: map[string]string{remoteexec.PoolKey: pool},
Compare: compare,
NumLocalRuns: 1,
NumRemoteRuns: 1,
NoRemoteUpdateCache: !remoteUpdateCache,
cmd.BuiltTool("metalava").ImplicitTool(ctx.Config().HostJavaToolPath(ctx, "metalava.jar")).
FlagWithArg("--java-source ", params.javaVersion.String()).
FlagWithRspFileInputList("@", android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s.metalava.rsp", params.stubsType.String())), srcs).
FlagWithInput("@", srcJarList)
// Metalava does not differentiate between bootclasspath and classpath and has not done so for
// years, so it is unlikely to change any time soon.
combinedPaths := append(([]android.Path)(nil), params.deps.bootClasspath.Paths()...)
combinedPaths = append(combinedPaths, params.deps.classpath.Paths()...)
if len(combinedPaths) > 0 {
cmd.FlagWithInputList("--classpath ", combinedPaths, ":")
return cmd
// Pass flagged apis related flags to metalava. When aconfig_declarations property is not
// defined for a module, simply revert all flagged apis annotations. If aconfig_declarations
// property is defined, apply transformations and only revert the flagged apis that are not
// enabled via release configurations and are not specified in aconfig_declarations
func generateRevertAnnotationArgs(ctx android.ModuleContext, cmd *android.RuleBuilderCommand, stubsType StubsType, aconfigFlagsPaths android.Paths) {
if len(aconfigFlagsPaths) == 0 {
cmd.Flag("--revert-annotation android.annotation.FlaggedApi")
releasedFlaggedApisFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("released-flagged-apis-%s.txt", stubsType.String()))
revertAnnotationsFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("revert-annotations-%s.txt", stubsType.String()))
var filterArgs string
switch stubsType {
// No flagged apis specific flags need to be passed to metalava when generating
// everything stubs
case Everything:
case Runtime:
filterArgs = "--filter='state:ENABLED+permission:READ_ONLY' --filter='permission:READ_WRITE'"
case Exportable:
// When the build flag RELEASE_EXPORT_RUNTIME_APIS is set to true, apis marked with
// the flagged apis that have read_write permissions are exposed on top of the enabled
// and read_only apis. This is to support local override of flag values at runtime.
if ctx.Config().ReleaseExportRuntimeApis() {
filterArgs = "--filter='state:ENABLED+permission:READ_ONLY' --filter='permission:READ_WRITE'"
} else {
filterArgs = "--filter='state:ENABLED+permission:READ_ONLY'"
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: gatherReleasedFlaggedApisRule,
Inputs: aconfigFlagsPaths,
Output: releasedFlaggedApisFile,
Description: fmt.Sprintf("%s gather aconfig flags", stubsType),
Args: map[string]string{
"flags_path": android.JoinPathsWithPrefix(aconfigFlagsPaths, "--cache "),
"filter_args": filterArgs,
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: generateMetalavaRevertAnnotationsRule,
Input: releasedFlaggedApisFile,
Output: revertAnnotationsFile,
Description: fmt.Sprintf("%s revert annotations", stubsType),
cmd.FlagWithInput("@", revertAnnotationsFile)
func (d *Droidstubs) commonMetalavaStubCmd(ctx android.ModuleContext, rule *android.RuleBuilder,
params stubsCommandParams) *android.RuleBuilderCommand {
if BoolDefault(, false) {
// This metalava run uses lots of memory, restrict the number of metalava jobs that can run in parallel.
if params.stubConfig.generateStubs {
rule.Command().Text("rm -rf").Text(params.stubsDir.String())
rule.Command().Text("mkdir -p").Text(params.stubsDir.String())
srcJarList := zipSyncCmd(ctx, rule, params.srcJarDir, d.Javadoc.srcJars)
homeDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, params.stubConfig.stubsType.String(), "home")
cmd := metalavaCmd(ctx, rule, d.Javadoc.srcFiles, srcJarList, homeDir, params.stubConfig)
d.stubsFlags(ctx, cmd, params.stubsDir, params.stubConfig.stubsType, params.stubConfig.checkApi)
if params.stubConfig.writeSdkValues {
d.sdkValuesFlags(ctx, cmd, params.metadataDir)
annotationParams := annotationFlagsParams{
migratingNullability: params.stubConfig.migratingNullability,
validatingNullability: params.stubConfig.validatingNullability,
nullabilityWarningsFile: params.nullabilityWarningsFile,
annotationsZip: params.annotationsZip,
d.annotationsFlags(ctx, cmd, annotationParams)
d.inclusionAnnotationsFlags(ctx, cmd)
d.apiLevelsAnnotationsFlags(ctx, cmd, params.stubConfig.stubsType, params.apiVersionsXml)
if params.stubConfig.doCheckReleased {
d.apiCompatibilityFlags(ctx, cmd, params.stubConfig.stubsType)
d.expandArgs(ctx, cmd)
for _, o := range {
cmd.ImplicitOutput(android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, o))
return cmd
// Sandbox rule for generating the everything stubs and other artifacts
func (d *Droidstubs) everythingStubCmd(ctx android.ModuleContext, params stubsCommandConfigParams) {
srcJarDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, Everything.String(), "srcjars")
rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
rule.Sbox(android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, Everything.String()),
android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "metalava.sbox.textproto")).
var stubsDir android.OptionalPath
if params.generateStubs {
stubsDir = android.OptionalPathForPath(android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, Everything.String(), "stubsDir"))
d.Javadoc.stubsSrcJar = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, Everything.String(), ctx.ModuleName()+"-"+"stubs.srcjar")
if params.writeSdkValues {
d.everythingArtifacts.metadataDir = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, Everything.String(), "metadata")
d.everythingArtifacts.metadataZip = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, Everything.String(), ctx.ModuleName()+"")
if Bool( {
if params.validatingNullability {
d.everythingArtifacts.nullabilityWarningsFile = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, Everything.String(), ctx.ModuleName()+"_nullability_warnings.txt")
d.everythingArtifacts.annotationsZip = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, Everything.String(), ctx.ModuleName()+"")
if Bool( {
d.everythingArtifacts.apiVersionsXml = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, Everything.String(), "api-versions.xml")
commonCmdParams := stubsCommandParams{
srcJarDir: srcJarDir,
stubsDir: stubsDir,
stubsSrcJar: d.Javadoc.stubsSrcJar,
metadataDir: d.everythingArtifacts.metadataDir,
apiVersionsXml: d.everythingArtifacts.apiVersionsXml,
nullabilityWarningsFile: d.everythingArtifacts.nullabilityWarningsFile,
annotationsZip: d.everythingArtifacts.annotationsZip,
stubConfig: params,
cmd := d.commonMetalavaStubCmd(ctx, rule, commonCmdParams)
d.everythingOptionalCmd(ctx, cmd, params.doApiLint, params.doCheckReleased)
if params.generateStubs {
FlagWithOutput("-o ", d.Javadoc.stubsSrcJar).
FlagWithArg("-C ", stubsDir.String()).
FlagWithArg("-D ", stubsDir.String())
if params.writeSdkValues {
FlagWithOutput("-o ", d.everythingArtifacts.metadataZip).
FlagWithArg("-C ", d.everythingArtifacts.metadataDir.String()).
FlagWithArg("-D ", d.everythingArtifacts.metadataDir.String())
// TODO: We don't really need two separate API files, but this is a reminiscence of how
// we used to run metalava separately for API lint and the "last_released" check. Unify them.
if params.doApiLint {
if params.doCheckReleased {
// TODO(b/183630617): rewrapper doesn't support restat rules
if !metalavaUseRbe(ctx) {
zipSyncCleanupCmd(rule, srcJarDir)
rule.Build("metalava", "metalava merged")
// Sandbox rule for generating the everything artifacts that are not run by
// default but only run based on the module configurations
func (d *Droidstubs) everythingOptionalCmd(ctx android.ModuleContext, cmd *android.RuleBuilderCommand, doApiLint bool, doCheckReleased bool) {
// Add API lint options.
treatDocumentationIssuesAsErrors := false
if doApiLint {
var newSince android.Paths
if != nil {
newSince = android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, []string{proptools.String(})
cmd.FlagForEachInput("--api-lint-previous-api ", newSince)
d.apiLintReport = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, Everything.String(), "api_lint_report.txt")
cmd.FlagWithOutput("--report-even-if-suppressed ", d.apiLintReport) // TODO: Change to ":api-lint"
// TODO(b/154317059): Clean up this allowlist by baselining and/or checking in last-released.
if d.Name() != "" &&
d.Name() != "" {
treatDocumentationIssuesAsErrors = true
cmd.Flag("--warnings-as-errors") // Most lints are actually warnings.
baselineFile := android.OptionalPathForModuleSrc(ctx,
updatedBaselineOutput := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, Everything.String(), "api_lint_baseline.txt")
d.apiLintTimestamp = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, Everything.String(), "api_lint.timestamp")
// Note this string includes a special shell quote $' ... ', which decodes the "\n"s.
// TODO: metalava also has a slightly different message hardcoded. Should we unify this
// message and metalava's one?
msg := `$'` + // Enclose with $' ... '
`************************************************************\n` +
`Your API changes are triggering API Lint warnings or errors.\n` +
`To make these errors go away, fix the code according to the\n` +
`error and/or warning messages above.\n` +
`\n` +
`If it is not possible to do so, there are workarounds:\n` +
`\n` +
`1. You can suppress the errors with @SuppressLint("<id>")\n` +
` where the <id> is given in brackets in the error message above.\n`
if baselineFile.Valid() {
cmd.FlagWithInput("--baseline:api-lint ", baselineFile.Path())
cmd.FlagWithOutput("--update-baseline:api-lint ", updatedBaselineOutput)
msg += fmt.Sprintf(``+
`2. You can update the baseline by executing the following\n`+
` command:\n`+
` (cd $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP && cp \\\n`+
` "%s" \\\n`+
` "%s")\n`+
` To submit the revised baseline.txt to the main Android\n`+
` repository, you will need approval.\n`, updatedBaselineOutput, baselineFile.Path())
} else {
msg += fmt.Sprintf(``+
`2. You can add a baseline file of existing lint failures\n`+
` to the build rule of %s.\n`, d.Name())
// Note the message ends with a ' (single quote), to close the $' ... ' .
msg += `************************************************************\n'`
cmd.FlagWithArg("--error-message:api-lint ", msg)
if !treatDocumentationIssuesAsErrors {
// Add "check released" options. (Detect incompatible API changes from the last public release)
if doCheckReleased {
baselineFile := android.OptionalPathForModuleSrc(ctx,
d.checkLastReleasedApiTimestamp = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, Everything.String(), "check_last_released_api.timestamp")
if baselineFile.Valid() {
updatedBaselineOutput := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, Everything.String(), "last_released_baseline.txt")
cmd.FlagWithOutput("--update-baseline:compatibility:released ", updatedBaselineOutput)
// Note this string includes quote ($' ... '), which decodes the "\n"s.
msg := `$'\n******************************\n` +
`You have tried to change the API from what has been previously released in\n` +
`an SDK. Please fix the errors listed above.\n` +
cmd.FlagWithArg("--error-message:compatibility:released ", msg)
if apiCheckEnabled(ctx,, "current") {
// Pass the current API file into metalava so it can use it as the basis for determining how to
// generate the output signature files (both api and removed).
currentApiFile := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, String(
cmd.FlagWithInput("--use-same-format-as ", currentApiFile)
// HIDDEN_DOCUMENTATION_ISSUES is the set of documentation related issues that should always be
// hidden as they are very noisy and provide little value.
func treatDocumentationIssuesAsWarningErrorWhenNew(cmd *android.RuleBuilderCommand) {
// Treat documentation issues as warnings, but error when new.
// Hide some documentation issues that generated a lot of noise for little benefit.
cmd.FlagForEachArg("--hide ", HIDDEN_DOCUMENTATION_ISSUES)
// Sandbox rule for generating exportable stubs and other artifacts
func (d *Droidstubs) exportableStubCmd(ctx android.ModuleContext, params stubsCommandConfigParams) {
optionalCmdParams := stubsCommandParams{
stubConfig: params,
if params.generateStubs {
d.Javadoc.exportableStubsSrcJar = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, params.stubsType.String(), ctx.ModuleName()+"-"+"stubs.srcjar")
optionalCmdParams.stubsSrcJar = d.Javadoc.exportableStubsSrcJar
if params.writeSdkValues {
d.exportableArtifacts.metadataZip = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, params.stubsType.String(), ctx.ModuleName()+"")
d.exportableArtifacts.metadataDir = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, params.stubsType.String(), "metadata")
optionalCmdParams.metadataZip = d.exportableArtifacts.metadataZip
optionalCmdParams.metadataDir = d.exportableArtifacts.metadataDir
if Bool( {
if params.validatingNullability {
d.exportableArtifacts.nullabilityWarningsFile = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, params.stubsType.String(), ctx.ModuleName()+"_nullability_warnings.txt")
optionalCmdParams.nullabilityWarningsFile = d.exportableArtifacts.nullabilityWarningsFile
d.exportableArtifacts.annotationsZip = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, params.stubsType.String(), ctx.ModuleName()+"")
optionalCmdParams.annotationsZip = d.exportableArtifacts.annotationsZip
if Bool( {
d.exportableArtifacts.apiVersionsXml = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, params.stubsType.String(), "api-versions.xml")
optionalCmdParams.apiVersionsXml = d.exportableArtifacts.apiVersionsXml
if params.checkApi || String( != "" {
filename := proptools.StringDefault(, ctx.ModuleName()+"_api.txt")
d.exportableApiFile = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, params.stubsType.String(), filename)
if params.checkApi || String( != "" {
filename := proptools.StringDefault(, ctx.ModuleName()+"_api.txt")
d.exportableRemovedApiFile = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, params.stubsType.String(), filename)
d.optionalStubCmd(ctx, optionalCmdParams)
func (d *Droidstubs) optionalStubCmd(ctx android.ModuleContext, params stubsCommandParams) {
params.srcJarDir = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, params.stubConfig.stubsType.String(), "srcjars")
rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
rule.Sbox(android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, params.stubConfig.stubsType.String()),
android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("metalava_%s.sbox.textproto", params.stubConfig.stubsType.String()))).
if params.stubConfig.generateStubs {
params.stubsDir = android.OptionalPathForPath(android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, params.stubConfig.stubsType.String(), "stubsDir"))
cmd := d.commonMetalavaStubCmd(ctx, rule, params)
generateRevertAnnotationArgs(ctx, cmd, params.stubConfig.stubsType, params.stubConfig.deps.aconfigProtoFiles)
if params.stubConfig.doApiLint {
// Pass the lint baseline file as an input to resolve the lint errors.
// The exportable stubs generation does not update the lint baseline file.
// Lint baseline file update is handled by the everything stubs
baselineFile := android.OptionalPathForModuleSrc(ctx,
if baselineFile.Valid() {
cmd.FlagWithInput("--baseline:api-lint ", baselineFile.Path())
// Treat documentation issues as warnings, but error when new.
if params.stubConfig.generateStubs {
FlagWithOutput("-o ", params.stubsSrcJar).
FlagWithArg("-C ", params.stubsDir.String()).
FlagWithArg("-D ", params.stubsDir.String())
if params.stubConfig.writeSdkValues {
FlagWithOutput("-o ", params.metadataZip).
FlagWithArg("-C ", params.metadataDir.String()).
FlagWithArg("-D ", params.metadataDir.String())
// TODO(b/183630617): rewrapper doesn't support restat rules
if !metalavaUseRbe(ctx) {
zipSyncCleanupCmd(rule, params.srcJarDir)
rule.Build(fmt.Sprintf("metalava_%s", params.stubConfig.stubsType.String()), "metalava merged")
func (d *Droidstubs) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
deps := d.Javadoc.collectDeps(ctx)
javaVersion := getJavaVersion(ctx, String(, android.SdkContext(d))
generateStubs := BoolDefault(, true)
// Add options for the other optional tasks: API-lint and check-released.
// We generate separate timestamp files for them.
doApiLint := BoolDefault(, false)
doCheckReleased := apiCheckEnabled(ctx,, "last_released")
writeSdkValues := Bool(
annotationsEnabled := Bool(
migratingNullability := annotationsEnabled && String( != ""
validatingNullability := annotationsEnabled && (strings.Contains(String(, "--validate-nullability-from-merged-stubs") ||
String( != "")
checkApi := apiCheckEnabled(ctx,, "current") ||
apiCheckEnabled(ctx,, "last_released")
stubCmdParams := stubsCommandConfigParams{
javaVersion: javaVersion,
deps: deps,
checkApi: checkApi,
generateStubs: generateStubs,
doApiLint: doApiLint,
doCheckReleased: doCheckReleased,
writeSdkValues: writeSdkValues,
migratingNullability: migratingNullability,
validatingNullability: validatingNullability,
stubCmdParams.stubsType = Everything
// Create default (i.e. "everything" stubs) rule for metalava
d.everythingStubCmd(ctx, stubCmdParams)
// The module generates "exportable" (and "runtime" eventually) stubs regardless of whether
// aconfig_declarations property is defined or not. If the property is not defined, the module simply
// strips all flagged apis to generate the "exportable" stubs
stubCmdParams.stubsType = Exportable
d.exportableStubCmd(ctx, stubCmdParams)
if apiCheckEnabled(ctx,, "current") {
if len( > 0 {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("out", "out property may not be combined with check_api")
apiFile := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, String(
removedApiFile := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, String(
baselineFile := android.OptionalPathForModuleSrc(ctx,
if baselineFile.Valid() {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("baseline_file", "current API check can't have a baseline file. (module %s)", ctx.ModuleName())
d.checkCurrentApiTimestamp = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, Everything.String(), "check_current_api.timestamp")
rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
// Diff command line.
// -F matches the closest "opening" line, such as "package android {"
// and " public class Intent {".
diff := `diff -u -F '{ *$'`
rule.Command().Text("( true")
msg := fmt.Sprintf(`\n******************************\n`+
`You have tried to change the API from what has been previously approved.\n\n`+
`To make these errors go away, you have two choices:\n`+
` 1. You can add '@hide' javadoc comments (and remove @SystemApi/@TestApi/etc)\n`+
` to the new methods, etc. shown in the above diff.\n\n`+
` 2. You can update current.txt and/or removed.txt by executing the following command:\n`+
` m %s-update-current-api\n\n`+
` To submit the revised current.txt to the main Android repository,\n`+
` you will need approval.\n`+
`If your build failed due to stub validation, you can resolve the errors with\n`+
`either of the two choices above and try re-building the target.\n`+
`If the mismatch between the stubs and the current.txt is intended,\n`+
`you can try re-building the target by executing the following command:\n`+
`m DISABLE_STUB_VALIDATION=true <your build target>.\n`+
`Note that DISABLE_STUB_VALIDATION=true does not bypass checkapi.\n`+
`******************************\n`, ctx.ModuleName())
Text(") || (").
Text("echo").Flag("-e").Flag(`"` + msg + `"`).
Text("; exit 38").
rule.Build("metalavaCurrentApiCheck", "check current API")
d.updateCurrentApiTimestamp = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, Everything.String(), "update_current_api.timestamp")
// update API rule
rule = android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
rule.Command().Text("( true")
msg = "failed to update public API"
Text(") || (").
Text("echo").Flag("-e").Flag(`"` + msg + `"`).
Text("; exit 38").
rule.Build("metalavaCurrentApiUpdate", "update current API")
if String( != "" {
if d.everythingArtifacts.nullabilityWarningsFile == nil {
"Cannot specify check_nullability_warnings unless validating nullability")
checkNullabilityWarnings := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, String(
d.checkNullabilityWarningsTimestamp = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, Everything.String(), "check_nullability_warnings.timestamp")
msg := fmt.Sprintf(`\n******************************\n`+
`The warnings encountered during nullability annotation validation did\n`+
`not match the checked in file of expected warnings. The diffs are shown\n`+
`above. You have two options:\n`+
` 1. Resolve the differences by editing the nullability annotations.\n`+
` 2. Update the file of expected warnings by running:\n`+
` cp %s %s\n`+
` and submitting the updated file as part of your change.`,
d.everythingArtifacts.nullabilityWarningsFile, checkNullabilityWarnings)
rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
Text(") || (").
Text("echo").Flag("-e").Flag(`"` + msg + `"`).
Text("; exit 38").
rule.Build("nullabilityWarningsCheck", "nullability warnings check")
func (d *Droidstubs) createApiContribution(ctx android.DefaultableHookContext) {
api_file :=
api_surface :=
props := struct {
Name *string
Api_surface *string
Api_file *string
Visibility []string
props.Name = proptools.StringPtr(d.Name() + ".api.contribution")
props.Api_surface = api_surface
props.Api_file = api_file
props.Visibility = []string{"//visibility:override", "//visibility:public"}
ctx.CreateModule(ApiContributionFactory, &props)
// TODO (b/262014796): Export the API contributions of CorePlatformApi
// A map to populate the api surface of a droidstub from a substring appearing in its name
// This map assumes that droidstubs (either checked-in or created by java_sdk_library)
// use a strict naming convention
var (
droidstubsModuleNamingToSdkKind = map[string]android.SdkKind{
// public is commented out since the core libraries use public in their java_sdk_library names
"intracore": android.SdkIntraCore,
"intra.core": android.SdkIntraCore,
"system_server": android.SdkSystemServer,
"system-server": android.SdkSystemServer,
"system": android.SdkSystem,
"module_lib": android.SdkModule,
"module-lib": android.SdkModule,
"platform.api": android.SdkCorePlatform,
"test": android.SdkTest,
"toolchain": android.SdkToolchain,
func StubsDefaultsFactory() android.Module {
module := &DocDefaults{}
return module
var _ android.PrebuiltInterface = (*PrebuiltStubsSources)(nil)
type PrebuiltStubsSourcesProperties struct {
Srcs []string `android:"path"`
// Name of the source soong module that gets shadowed by this prebuilt
// If unspecified, follows the naming convention that the source module of
// the prebuilt is Name() without "prebuilt_" prefix
Source_module_name *string
// Non-nil if this prebuilt stub srcs module was dynamically created by a java_sdk_library_import
// The name is the undecorated name of the java_sdk_library as it appears in the blueprint file
// (without any prebuilt_ prefix)
Created_by_java_sdk_library_name *string `blueprint:"mutated"`
func (j *PrebuiltStubsSources) BaseModuleName() string {
return proptools.StringDefault(, j.ModuleBase.Name())
func (j *PrebuiltStubsSources) CreatedByJavaSdkLibraryName() *string {
type PrebuiltStubsSources struct {
prebuilt android.Prebuilt
properties PrebuiltStubsSourcesProperties
stubsSrcJar android.Path
func (p *PrebuiltStubsSources) OutputFiles(tag string) (android.Paths, error) {
switch tag {
// prebuilt droidstubs does not output "exportable" stubs.
// Output the "everything" stubs srcjar file if the tag is ".exportable".
case "", ".exportable":
return android.Paths{p.stubsSrcJar}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported module reference tag %q", tag)
func (d *PrebuiltStubsSources) StubsSrcJar(_ StubsType) (android.Path, error) {
return d.stubsSrcJar, nil
func (p *PrebuiltStubsSources) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
if len( != 1 {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("srcs", "must only specify one directory path or srcjar, contains %d paths", len(
src :=[0]
if filepath.Ext(src) == ".srcjar" {
// This is a srcjar. We can use it directly.
p.stubsSrcJar = android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, src)
} else {
outPath := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+"-"+"stubs.srcjar")
// This is a directory. Glob the contents just in case the directory does not exist.
srcGlob := src + "/**/*"
srcPaths := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, []string{srcGlob})
// Although PathForModuleSrc can return nil if either the path doesn't exist or
// the path components are invalid it won't in this case because no components
// are specified and the module directory must exist in order to get this far.
srcDir := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx).(android.SourcePath).Join(ctx, src)
rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
FlagWithOutput("-o ", outPath).
FlagWithArg("-C ", srcDir.String()).
FlagWithRspFileInputList("-r ", outPath.ReplaceExtension(ctx, "rsp"), srcPaths)
rule.Build("zip src", "Create srcjar from prebuilt source")
p.stubsSrcJar = outPath
func (p *PrebuiltStubsSources) Prebuilt() *android.Prebuilt {
return &p.prebuilt
func (p *PrebuiltStubsSources) Name() string {
return p.prebuilt.Name(p.ModuleBase.Name())
// prebuilt_stubs_sources imports a set of java source files as if they were
// generated by droidstubs.
// By default, a prebuilt_stubs_sources has a single variant that expects a
// set of `.java` files generated by droidstubs.
// Specifying `host_supported: true` will produce two variants, one for use as a dependency of device modules and one
// for host modules.
// Intended only for use by sdk snapshots.
func PrebuiltStubsSourcesFactory() android.Module {
module := &PrebuiltStubsSources{}
android.InitPrebuiltModule(module, &
InitDroiddocModule(module, android.HostAndDeviceSupported)
return module