blob: 38b89059beb9db5d19c4e66d961d8b053bff6f57 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Note: If you want to know how to use orderfile for your binary or shared
// library, you can go look at the README in toolchains/pgo-profiles/orderfiles
package cc
import (
// Order files are text files containing symbols representing functions names.
// Linkers (lld) uses order files to layout functions in a specific order.
// These binaries with ordered symbols will reduce page faults and improve a program's launch time
// due to the efficient loading of symbols during a program’s cold-start.
var (
// Add flags to ignore warnings about symbols not be found
// or not allowed to be ordered
orderfileOtherFlags = []string{
// Add folder projects for orderfiles
globalOrderfileProjects = []string{
var orderfileProjectsConfigKey = android.NewOnceKey("OrderfileProjects")
const orderfileProfileFlag = "-forder-file-instrumentation"
const orderfileUseFormat = "-Wl,--symbol-ordering-file=%s"
func getOrderfileProjects(config android.DeviceConfig) []string {
return config.OnceStringSlice(orderfileProjectsConfigKey, func() []string {
return globalOrderfileProjects
func recordMissingOrderfile(ctx BaseModuleContext, missing string) {
getNamedMapForConfig(ctx.Config(), modulesMissingProfileFileKey).Store(missing, true)
type OrderfileProperties struct {
Orderfile struct {
Instrumentation *bool
Order_file_path *string `android:"arch_variant"`
Load_order_file *bool `android:"arch_variant"`
// Additional compiler flags to use when building this module
// for orderfile profiling.
Cflags []string `android:"arch_variant"`
} `android:"arch_variant"`
ShouldProfileModule bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
OrderfileLoad bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
OrderfileInstrLink bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
type orderfile struct {
Properties OrderfileProperties
func (props *OrderfileProperties) shouldInstrument() bool {
return Bool(props.Orderfile.Instrumentation)
// ShouldLoadOrderfile returns true if we need to load the order file rather than
// profile the binary or shared library
func (props *OrderfileProperties) shouldLoadOrderfile() bool {
return Bool(props.Orderfile.Load_order_file) && props.Orderfile.Order_file_path != nil
// orderfileEnabled returns true for binaries and shared libraries
// if instrument flag is set to true
func (orderfile *orderfile) orderfileEnabled() bool {
return orderfile != nil && orderfile.Properties.shouldInstrument()
// orderfileLinkEnabled returns true for binaries and shared libraries
// if you should instrument dependencies
func (orderfile *orderfile) orderfileLinkEnabled() bool {
return orderfile != nil && orderfile.Properties.OrderfileInstrLink
func (orderfile *orderfile) props() []interface{} {
return []interface{}{&orderfile.Properties}
// Get the path to the order file by checking it is valid and not empty
func (props *OrderfileProperties) getOrderfile(ctx BaseModuleContext) android.OptionalPath {
orderFile := *props.Orderfile.Order_file_path
// Test if the order file is present in any of the Orderfile projects
for _, profileProject := range getOrderfileProjects(ctx.DeviceConfig()) {
path := android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx, profileProject, orderFile)
if path.Valid() {
return path
// Record that this module's order file is absent
missing := *props.Orderfile.Order_file_path + ":" + ctx.ModuleDir() + "/Android.bp:" + ctx.ModuleName()
recordMissingOrderfile(ctx, missing)
return android.OptionalPath{}
func (props *OrderfileProperties) addInstrumentationProfileGatherFlags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags {
flags.Local.CFlags = append(flags.Local.CFlags, orderfileProfileFlag)
flags.Local.CFlags = append(flags.Local.CFlags, "-mllvm -enable-order-file-instrumentation")
flags.Local.CFlags = append(flags.Local.CFlags, props.Orderfile.Cflags...)
flags.Local.LdFlags = append(flags.Local.LdFlags, orderfileProfileFlag)
return flags
func (props *OrderfileProperties) loadOrderfileFlags(ctx ModuleContext, file string) []string {
flags := []string{fmt.Sprintf(orderfileUseFormat, file)}
flags = append(flags, orderfileOtherFlags...)
return flags
func (props *OrderfileProperties) addLoadFlags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags {
orderFile := props.getOrderfile(ctx)
orderFilePath := orderFile.Path()
loadFlags := props.loadOrderfileFlags(ctx, orderFilePath.String())
flags.Local.LdFlags = append(flags.Local.LdFlags, loadFlags...)
// Update CFlagsDeps and LdFlagsDeps so the module is rebuilt
// if orderfile gets updated
flags.CFlagsDeps = append(flags.CFlagsDeps, orderFilePath)
flags.LdFlagsDeps = append(flags.LdFlagsDeps, orderFilePath)
return flags
func (orderfile *orderfile) begin(ctx BaseModuleContext) {
// Currently, we are not enabling orderfiles for host
if ctx.Host() {
// Currently, we are not enabling orderfiles to begin from static libraries
if ctx.static() && !ctx.staticBinary() {
if ctx.DeviceConfig().ClangCoverageEnabled() {
// Checking if orderfile is enabled for this module
if !orderfile.orderfileEnabled() {
orderfile.Properties.OrderfileLoad = orderfile.Properties.shouldLoadOrderfile()
orderfile.Properties.ShouldProfileModule = !orderfile.Properties.shouldLoadOrderfile()
orderfile.Properties.OrderfileInstrLink = orderfile.orderfileEnabled() && !orderfile.Properties.shouldLoadOrderfile()
func (orderfile *orderfile) flags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags {
props := orderfile.Properties
// Add flags to load the orderfile using the path in its Android.bp
if orderfile.Properties.OrderfileLoad {
flags = props.addLoadFlags(ctx, flags)
return flags
// Add flags to profile this module
if props.ShouldProfileModule {
flags = props.addInstrumentationProfileGatherFlags(ctx, flags)
return flags
return flags
func orderfilePropagateViaDepTag(tag blueprint.DependencyTag) bool {
libTag, isLibTag := tag.(libraryDependencyTag)
// Do not recurse down non-static dependencies
if isLibTag {
return libTag.static()
} else {
return tag == objDepTag || tag == reuseObjTag || tag == staticVariantTag
// orderfileTransitionMutator creates orderfile variants of cc modules.
type orderfileTransitionMutator struct{}
const ORDERFILE_VARIATION = "orderfile"
func (o *orderfileTransitionMutator) Split(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) []string {
return []string{""}
func (o *orderfileTransitionMutator) OutgoingTransition(ctx android.OutgoingTransitionContext, sourceVariation string) string {
if m, ok := ctx.Module().(*Module); ok && m.orderfile != nil {
if !orderfilePropagateViaDepTag(ctx.DepTag()) {
return ""
if sourceVariation != "" {
return sourceVariation
// Propagate profile orderfile flags down from binaries and shared libraries
if m.orderfile.orderfileLinkEnabled() {
return ""
func (o *orderfileTransitionMutator) IncomingTransition(ctx android.IncomingTransitionContext, incomingVariation string) string {
if m, ok := ctx.Module().(*Module); ok && m.orderfile != nil {
return incomingVariation
return ""
func (o *orderfileTransitionMutator) Mutate(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext, variation string) {
if variation == "" {
if m, ok := ctx.Module().(*Module); ok && m.orderfile != nil {
m.Properties.PreventInstall = true
m.Properties.HideFromMake = true
m.orderfile.Properties.ShouldProfileModule = true
// We do not allow propagation for load flags because the orderfile is specific
// to the module (binary / shared library)
m.orderfile.Properties.OrderfileLoad = false