blob: 0679d13865f2420e5befb1e74bbc21ea01664e1a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cc
import (
type visitDirectDepsInterface interface {
VisitDirectDeps(blueprint.Module, func(dep blueprint.Module))
func hasDirectDep(ctx visitDirectDepsInterface, m android.Module, wantDep android.Module) bool {
var found bool
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(m, func(dep blueprint.Module) {
if dep == wantDep {
found = true
return found
func TestAfdoDeps(t *testing.T) {
bp := `
cc_library_shared {
name: "libTest",
host_supported: true,
srcs: ["test.c"],
static_libs: ["libFoo"],
afdo: true,
lto: {
thin: true,
cc_library_static {
name: "libFoo",
host_supported: true,
srcs: ["foo.c"],
static_libs: ["libBar"],
cc_library_static {
name: "libBar",
host_supported: true,
srcs: ["bar.c"],
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
android.FixtureAddTextFile("afdo_profiles_package/libTest.afdo", ""),
android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) {
variables.AfdoProfiles = []string{
"afdo_profiles_package/Android.bp": []byte(`
fdo_profile {
name: "libTest_afdo",
arch: {
arm64: {
profile: "libTest.afdo",
).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
profileSampleCFlag := "-fprofile-sample-use=afdo_profiles_package/libTest.afdo"
uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag := "-funique-internal-linkage-names"
afdoLtoLdFlag := "-Wl,-plugin-opt,-import-instr-limit=40"
noAfdoLtoLdFlag := "-Wl,-plugin-opt,-import-instr-limit=5"
libTest := result.ModuleForTests("libTest", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared")
libFooAfdoVariant := result.ModuleForTests("libFoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static_afdo-libTest")
libBarAfdoVariant := result.ModuleForTests("libBar", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static_afdo-libTest")
// Check cFlags of afdo-enabled module and the afdo-variant of its static deps
cFlags := libTest.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if !strings.Contains(cFlags, profileSampleCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libTest' to enable afdo profile, but did not find %q in cflags %q", profileSampleCFlag, cFlags)
if !strings.Contains(cFlags, uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libTest' to enable afdo, but did not find %q in cflags %q", profileSampleCFlag, cFlags)
ldFlags := libTest.Rule("ld").Args["ldFlags"]
if !strings.Contains(ldFlags, afdoLtoLdFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libTest' to enable afdo, but did not find %q in ldflags %q", afdoLtoLdFlag, ldFlags)
cFlags = libFooAfdoVariant.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if !strings.Contains(cFlags, profileSampleCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libFooAfdoVariant' to enable afdo profile, but did not find %q in cflags %q", profileSampleCFlag, cFlags)
if !strings.Contains(cFlags, uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libFooAfdoVariant' to enable afdo, but did not find %q in cflags %q", profileSampleCFlag, cFlags)
cFlags = libBarAfdoVariant.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if !strings.Contains(cFlags, profileSampleCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libBarAfdoVariant' to enable afdo profile, but did not find %q in cflags %q", profileSampleCFlag, cFlags)
if !strings.Contains(cFlags, uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libBarAfdoVariant' to enable afdo, but did not find %q in cflags %q", profileSampleCFlag, cFlags)
// Check dependency edge from afdo-enabled module to static deps
if !hasDirectDep(result, libTest.Module(), libFooAfdoVariant.Module()) {
t.Errorf("libTest missing dependency on afdo variant of libFoo")
if !hasDirectDep(result, libFooAfdoVariant.Module(), libBarAfdoVariant.Module()) {
t.Errorf("libTest missing dependency on afdo variant of libBar")
// Verify non-afdo variant exists and doesn't contain afdo
libFoo := result.ModuleForTests("libFoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static")
libBar := result.ModuleForTests("libBar", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static")
cFlags = libFoo.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if strings.Contains(cFlags, profileSampleCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libFoo' to not enable afdo profile, but found %q in cflags %q", profileSampleCFlag, cFlags)
if strings.Contains(cFlags, uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libFoo' to not enable afdo, but found %q in cflags %q", profileSampleCFlag, cFlags)
cFlags = libBar.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if strings.Contains(cFlags, profileSampleCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libBar' to not enable afdo profile, but found %q in cflags %q", profileSampleCFlag, cFlags)
if strings.Contains(cFlags, uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libBar' to not enable afdo, but found %q in cflags %q", profileSampleCFlag, cFlags)
// Check dependency edges of static deps
if hasDirectDep(result, libTest.Module(), libFoo.Module()) {
t.Errorf("libTest should not depend on non-afdo variant of libFoo")
if !hasDirectDep(result, libFoo.Module(), libBar.Module()) {
t.Errorf("libFoo missing dependency on non-afdo variant of libBar")
// Verify that the arm variant does not have FDO since the fdo_profile module only has a profile for arm64
libTest32 := result.ModuleForTests("libTest", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared")
libFooAfdoVariant32 := result.ModuleForTests("libFoo", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon_static_afdo-libTest_lto-thin")
libBarAfdoVariant32 := result.ModuleForTests("libBar", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon_static_afdo-libTest_lto-thin")
cFlags = libTest32.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if strings.Contains(cFlags, profileSampleCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected arm32 'libTest' not to enable afdo, but found %q in cflags %q", profileSampleCFlag, cFlags)
// TODO(b/324141705): when the fdo_profile module doesn't provide a source file the dependencies don't get
// -funique-internal-linkage-names but the module does.
if !strings.Contains(cFlags, uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected arm32 'libTest' to enable -funique-internal-linkage-names but did not find %q in cflags %q",
uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag, cFlags)
ldFlags = libTest32.Rule("ld").Args["ldFlags"]
if !strings.Contains(ldFlags, noAfdoLtoLdFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected arm32 'libTest' to not enable afdo, but did not find %q in ldflags %q", noAfdoLtoLdFlag, ldFlags)
if strings.Contains(ldFlags, afdoLtoLdFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected arm32 'libTest' to not enable afdo, but found %q in ldflags %q", afdoLtoLdFlag, ldFlags)
// Check dependency edge from afdo-enabled module to static deps
if !hasDirectDep(result, libTest32.Module(), libFooAfdoVariant32.Module()) {
t.Errorf("arm32 libTest missing dependency on afdo variant of libFoo")
if !hasDirectDep(result, libFooAfdoVariant32.Module(), libBarAfdoVariant32.Module()) {
t.Errorf("arm32 libTest missing dependency on afdo variant of libBar")
cFlags = libFooAfdoVariant32.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if strings.Contains(cFlags, profileSampleCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected arm32 'libFoo' to not enable afdo profile, but found %q in cflags %q", uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag, cFlags)
if !strings.Contains(cFlags, uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected arm32 'libFoo' to enable afdo, but did not find %q in cflags %q", uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag, cFlags)
cFlags = libBarAfdoVariant32.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if strings.Contains(cFlags, profileSampleCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected arm32 'libBar' to not enable afdo profile, but found %q in cflags %q", uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag, cFlags)
if !strings.Contains(cFlags, uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected arm32 'libBar' to enable afdo, but did not find %q in cflags %q", uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag, cFlags)
// Verify that the host variants don't enable afdo
libTestHost := result.ModuleForTests("libTest", result.Config.BuildOSTarget.String()+"_shared")
libFooHost := result.ModuleForTests("libFoo", result.Config.BuildOSTarget.String()+"_static_lto-thin")
libBarHost := result.ModuleForTests("libBar", result.Config.BuildOSTarget.String()+"_static_lto-thin")
cFlags = libTestHost.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if strings.Contains(cFlags, profileSampleCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected host 'libTest' to not enable afdo profile, but found %q in cflags %q", profileSampleCFlag, cFlags)
if strings.Contains(cFlags, uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected host 'libTest' to not enable afdo but found %q in cflags %q",
uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag, cFlags)
if runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
ldFlags := libTestHost.Rule("ld").Args["ldFlags"]
if !strings.Contains(ldFlags, noAfdoLtoLdFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected host 'libTest' to not enable afdo, but did not find %q in ldflags %q", noAfdoLtoLdFlag, ldFlags)
if strings.Contains(ldFlags, afdoLtoLdFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected host 'libTest' to not enable afdo, but found %q in ldflags %q", afdoLtoLdFlag, ldFlags)
// Check dependency edge from afdo-enabled module to static deps
if !hasDirectDep(result, libTestHost.Module(), libFooHost.Module()) {
t.Errorf("host libTest missing dependency on non-afdo variant of libFoo")
if !hasDirectDep(result, libFooHost.Module(), libBarHost.Module()) {
t.Errorf("host libTest missing dependency on non-afdo variant of libBar")
cFlags = libFooHost.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if strings.Contains(cFlags, profileSampleCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected host 'libFoo' to not enable afdo profile, but found %q in cflags %q", uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag, cFlags)
if strings.Contains(cFlags, uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected host 'libFoo' to not enable afdo, but found %q in cflags %q", uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag, cFlags)
cFlags = libBarHost.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if strings.Contains(cFlags, profileSampleCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected host 'libBar' to not enable afdo profile, but found %q in cflags %q", uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag, cFlags)
if strings.Contains(cFlags, uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected host 'libBar' to not enable afdo, but found %q in cflags %q", uniqueInternalLinkageNamesCFlag, cFlags)
func TestAfdoEnabledOnStaticDepNoAfdo(t *testing.T) {
bp := `
cc_library_shared {
name: "libTest",
srcs: ["foo.c"],
static_libs: ["libFoo"],
cc_library_static {
name: "libFoo",
srcs: ["foo.c"],
static_libs: ["libBar"],
afdo: true, // TODO(b/256670524): remove support for enabling afdo from static only libraries, this can only propagate from shared libraries/binaries
cc_library_static {
name: "libBar",
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
android.FixtureAddTextFile("toolchain/pgo-profiles/sampling/libFoo.afdo", ""),
"afdo_profiles_package/Android.bp": []byte(`
soong_namespace {
fdo_profile {
name: "libFoo_afdo",
profile: "libFoo.afdo",
).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
libTest := result.ModuleForTests("libTest", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Module()
libFoo := result.ModuleForTests("libFoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static")
libBar := result.ModuleForTests("libBar", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static").Module()
if !hasDirectDep(result, libTest, libFoo.Module()) {
t.Errorf("libTest missing dependency on non-afdo variant of libFoo")
if !hasDirectDep(result, libFoo.Module(), libBar) {
t.Errorf("libFoo missing dependency on non-afdo variant of libBar")
fooVariants := result.ModuleVariantsForTests("foo")
for _, v := range fooVariants {
if strings.Contains(v, "afdo-") {
t.Errorf("Expected no afdo variant of 'foo', got %q", v)
cFlags := libFoo.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if w := "-fprofile-sample-accurate"; strings.Contains(cFlags, w) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'foo' to not enable afdo, but found %q in cflags %q", w, cFlags)
barVariants := result.ModuleVariantsForTests("bar")
for _, v := range barVariants {
if strings.Contains(v, "afdo-") {
t.Errorf("Expected no afdo variant of 'bar', got %q", v)
func TestAfdoEnabledWithRuntimeDepNoAfdo(t *testing.T) {
bp := `
cc_library {
name: "libTest",
srcs: ["foo.c"],
runtime_libs: ["libFoo"],
afdo: true,
cc_library {
name: "libFoo",
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
android.FixtureAddTextFile("afdo_profiles_package/libTest.afdo", ""),
android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) {
variables.AfdoProfiles = []string{
"afdo_profiles_package/Android.bp": []byte(`
fdo_profile {
name: "libTest_afdo",
profile: "libTest.afdo",
).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
libFooVariants := result.ModuleVariantsForTests("libFoo")
for _, v := range libFooVariants {
if strings.Contains(v, "afdo-") {
t.Errorf("Expected no afdo variant of 'foo', got %q", v)
func TestAfdoEnabledWithMultiArchs(t *testing.T) {
bp := `
cc_library_shared {
name: "foo",
srcs: ["test.c"],
afdo: true,
compile_multilib: "both",
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
android.FixtureAddTextFile("afdo_profiles_package/foo_arm.afdo", ""),
android.FixtureAddTextFile("afdo_profiles_package/foo_arm64.afdo", ""),
android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) {
variables.AfdoProfiles = []string{
"afdo_profiles_package/Android.bp": []byte(`
soong_namespace {
fdo_profile {
name: "foo_afdo",
arch: {
arm: {
profile: "foo_arm.afdo",
arm64: {
profile: "foo_arm64.afdo",
).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
fooArm := result.ModuleForTests("foo", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared")
fooArmCFlags := fooArm.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if w := "-fprofile-sample-use=afdo_profiles_package/foo_arm.afdo"; !strings.Contains(fooArmCFlags, w) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'foo' to enable afdo, but did not find %q in cflags %q", w, fooArmCFlags)
fooArm64 := result.ModuleForTests("foo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared")
fooArm64CFlags := fooArm64.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if w := "-fprofile-sample-use=afdo_profiles_package/foo_arm64.afdo"; !strings.Contains(fooArm64CFlags, w) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'foo' to enable afdo, but did not find %q in cflags %q", w, fooArm64CFlags)
func TestMultipleAfdoRDeps(t *testing.T) {
bp := `
cc_library_shared {
name: "libTest",
srcs: ["test.c"],
static_libs: ["libFoo"],
afdo: true,
cc_library_shared {
name: "libBar",
srcs: ["bar.c"],
static_libs: ["libFoo"],
afdo: true,
cc_library_static {
name: "libFoo",
srcs: ["foo.c"],
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
android.FixtureAddTextFile("afdo_profiles_package/libTest.afdo", ""),
android.FixtureAddTextFile("afdo_profiles_package/libBar.afdo", ""),
android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) {
variables.AfdoProfiles = []string{
"afdo_profiles_package/Android.bp": []byte(`
fdo_profile {
name: "libTest_afdo",
profile: "libTest.afdo",
fdo_profile {
name: "libBar_afdo",
profile: "libBar.afdo",
).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
expectedCFlagLibTest := "-fprofile-sample-use=afdo_profiles_package/libTest.afdo"
expectedCFlagLibBar := "-fprofile-sample-use=afdo_profiles_package/libBar.afdo"
libTest := result.ModuleForTests("libTest", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared")
libFooAfdoVariantWithLibTest := result.ModuleForTests("libFoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static_afdo-libTest")
libBar := result.ModuleForTests("libBar", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared")
libFooAfdoVariantWithLibBar := result.ModuleForTests("libFoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static_afdo-libBar")
// Check cFlags of afdo-enabled module and the afdo-variant of its static deps
cFlags := libTest.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if !strings.Contains(cFlags, expectedCFlagLibTest) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libTest' to enable afdo, but did not find %q in cflags %q", expectedCFlagLibTest, cFlags)
cFlags = libBar.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if !strings.Contains(cFlags, expectedCFlagLibBar) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libTest' to enable afdo, but did not find %q in cflags %q", expectedCFlagLibBar, cFlags)
cFlags = libFooAfdoVariantWithLibTest.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if !strings.Contains(cFlags, expectedCFlagLibTest) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libFooAfdoVariantWithLibTest' to enable afdo, but did not find %q in cflags %q", expectedCFlagLibTest, cFlags)
cFlags = libFooAfdoVariantWithLibBar.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if !strings.Contains(cFlags, expectedCFlagLibBar) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libBarAfdoVariant' to enable afdo, but did not find %q in cflags %q", expectedCFlagLibBar, cFlags)
// Check dependency edges of static deps
if !hasDirectDep(result, libTest.Module(), libFooAfdoVariantWithLibTest.Module()) {
t.Errorf("libTest missing dependency on afdo variant of libFoo")
if !hasDirectDep(result, libBar.Module(), libFooAfdoVariantWithLibBar.Module()) {
t.Errorf("libFoo missing dependency on non-afdo variant of libBar")
func TestAfdoDepsWithoutProfile(t *testing.T) {
bp := `
cc_library_shared {
name: "libTest",
srcs: ["test.c"],
static_libs: ["libFoo"],
afdo: true,
cc_library_static {
name: "libFoo",
srcs: ["foo.c"],
static_libs: ["libBar"],
cc_library_static {
name: "libBar",
srcs: ["bar.c"],
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
// Even without a profile path, the afdo enabled libraries should be built with
// -funique-internal-linkage-names.
expectedCFlag := "-funique-internal-linkage-names"
libTest := result.ModuleForTests("libTest", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared")
libFooAfdoVariant := result.ModuleForTests("libFoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static_afdo-libTest")
libBarAfdoVariant := result.ModuleForTests("libBar", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static_afdo-libTest")
// Check cFlags of afdo-enabled module and the afdo-variant of its static deps
cFlags := libTest.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if !strings.Contains(cFlags, expectedCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libTest' to enable afdo, but did not find %q in cflags %q", expectedCFlag, cFlags)
cFlags = libFooAfdoVariant.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if !strings.Contains(cFlags, expectedCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libFooAfdoVariant' to enable afdo, but did not find %q in cflags %q", expectedCFlag, cFlags)
cFlags = libBarAfdoVariant.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if !strings.Contains(cFlags, expectedCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libBarAfdoVariant' to enable afdo, but did not find %q in cflags %q", expectedCFlag, cFlags)
// Check dependency edge from afdo-enabled module to static deps
if !hasDirectDep(result, libTest.Module(), libFooAfdoVariant.Module()) {
t.Errorf("libTest missing dependency on afdo variant of libFoo")
if !hasDirectDep(result, libFooAfdoVariant.Module(), libBarAfdoVariant.Module()) {
t.Errorf("libTest missing dependency on afdo variant of libBar")
// Verify non-afdo variant exists and doesn't contain afdo
libFoo := result.ModuleForTests("libFoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static")
libBar := result.ModuleForTests("libBar", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static")
cFlags = libFoo.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if strings.Contains(cFlags, expectedCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libFoo' to not enable afdo, but found %q in cflags %q", expectedCFlag, cFlags)
cFlags = libBar.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
if strings.Contains(cFlags, expectedCFlag) {
t.Errorf("Expected 'libBar' to not enable afdo, but found %q in cflags %q", expectedCFlag, cFlags)
// Check dependency edges of static deps
if hasDirectDep(result, libTest.Module(), libFoo.Module()) {
t.Errorf("libTest should not depend on non-afdo variant of libFoo")
if !hasDirectDep(result, libFoo.Module(), libBar.Module()) {
t.Errorf("libFoo missing dependency on non-afdo variant of libBar")