blob: 2876bcb63e658f00d0eceeb9367b29f0f24c53bd [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""A tool for modifying values in a test config."""
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import json
import sys
from xml.dom import minidom
from manifest import get_children_with_tag
from manifest import parse_manifest
from manifest import parse_test_config
from manifest import write_xml
def parse_args():
"""Parse commandline arguments."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--manifest', default='', dest='manifest',
help=('AndroidManifest.xml that contains the original package name'))
parser.add_argument('--package-name', default='', dest='package_name',
help=('overwrite package fields in the test config'))
parser.add_argument('--test-file-name', default='', dest='test_file_name',
help=('overwrite test file name in the test config'))
parser.add_argument('--orig-test-file-name', default='', dest='orig_test_file_name',
help=('Use with test-file-name to only override a single apk'))
parser.add_argument('--mainline-package-name', default='', dest='mainline_package_name',
help=('overwrite mainline module package name in the test config'))
parser.add_argument('--test-runner-options', default='', dest='test_runner_options',
help=('Add test runner options in the test config'))
parser.add_argument('input', help='input test config file')
parser.add_argument('output', help='output test config file')
return parser.parse_args()
def overwrite_package_name(test_config_doc, manifest_doc, package_name):
manifest = parse_manifest(manifest_doc)
original_package = manifest.getAttribute('package')
test_config = parse_test_config(test_config_doc)
tests = get_children_with_tag(test_config, 'test')
for test in tests:
options = get_children_with_tag(test, 'option')
for option in options:
if option.getAttribute('name') == "package" and option.getAttribute('value') == original_package:
option.setAttribute('value', package_name)
def overwrite_test_file_name(test_config_doc, test_file_name):
test_config = parse_test_config(test_config_doc)
tests = get_children_with_tag(test_config, 'target_preparer')
for test in tests:
if test.getAttribute('class') in KNOWN_PREPARERS:
options = get_children_with_tag(test, 'option')
for option in options:
if option.getAttribute('name') == "test-file-name":
option.setAttribute('value', test_file_name)
def overwrite_single_test_file_name(test_config_doc, orig_test_file_name, new_test_file_name):
test_config = parse_test_config(test_config_doc)
tests = get_children_with_tag(test_config, 'target_preparer')
for test in tests:
if test.getAttribute('class') in KNOWN_PREPARERS:
options = get_children_with_tag(test, 'option')
for option in options:
if option.getAttribute('name') == "test-file-name" and option.getAttribute('value') == orig_test_file_name:
option.setAttribute('value', new_test_file_name)
def overwrite_mainline_module_package_name(test_config_doc, mainline_package_name):
test_config = parse_test_config(test_config_doc)
for obj in get_children_with_tag(test_config, 'object'):
if obj.getAttribute('class') == MAINLINE_CONTROLLER:
for option in get_children_with_tag(obj, 'option'):
if option.getAttribute('name') == "mainline-module-package-name":
option.setAttribute('value', mainline_package_name)
def add_test_runner_options_toplevel(test_config_doc, test_runner_options):
test_config = parse_test_config(test_config_doc)
test_config.appendChild(test_config_doc.createComment("Options from Android.bp"))
for new_option in json.loads(test_runner_options):
option = test_config_doc.createElement("option")
# name and value are mandatory,
name = new_option.get('Name')
if not name:
raise RuntimeError('"name" must set in test_runner_option"')
value = new_option.get('Value')
if not value:
raise RuntimeError('"value" must set in test_runner_option"')
option.setAttribute('name', name) # 'include-filter')
option.setAttribute('value', value) # 'android.test.example.devcodelab.DevCodelabTest#testHelloFail')
key = new_option.get('Key')
if key:
option.setAttribute('key', key) # 'include-filter')
# add tab and newline for readability
test_config.appendChild(test_config_doc.createTextNode(" "))
def main():
"""Program entry point."""
args = parse_args()
doc = minidom.parse(args.input)
if args.package_name:
if not args.manifest:
raise RuntimeError('--manifest flag required for --package-name')
manifest_doc = minidom.parse(args.manifest)
overwrite_package_name(doc, manifest_doc, args.package_name)
if args.test_file_name:
if args.orig_test_file_name:
overwrite_single_test_file_name(doc, args.orig_test_file_name, args.test_file_name)
# You probably never want to override the test_file_name if there
# are several in the xml, but this is currently only used on generated
# AndroidTest.xml where there is only a single test-file-name (no data)
overwrite_test_file_name(doc, args.test_file_name)
if args.mainline_package_name:
overwrite_mainline_module_package_name(doc, args.mainline_package_name)
if args.test_runner_options:
add_test_runner_options_toplevel(doc, args.test_runner_options)
with open(args.output, 'w') as f:
write_xml(f, doc)
# pylint: disable=broad-except
except Exception as err:
print('error: ' + str(err), file=sys.stderr)
if __name__ == '__main__':