blob: 2814e741055c09c8c2dfbebcefb2f432e70d8ce2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package java
import (
// Contains support for processing hiddenAPI in a modular fashion.
// HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties contains paths to the files that can be used to augment the information
// obtained from annotations within the source code in order to create the complete set of flags
// that should be applied to the dex implementation jars on the bootclasspath.
// Each property contains a list of paths. With the exception of the Unsupported_packages the paths
// of each property reference a plain text file that contains a java signature per line. The flags
// for each of those signatures will be updated in a property specific way.
// The Unsupported_packages property contains a list of paths, each of which is a plain text file
// with one Java package per line. All members of all classes within that package (but not nested
// packages) will be updated in a property specific way.
type HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties struct {
// Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
Unsupported []string `android:"path"`
// Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed.
// Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
Removed []string `android:"path"`
// Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R
// and low priority.
Max_target_r_low_priority []string `android:"path"`
// Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
Max_target_q []string `android:"path"`
// Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
Max_target_p []string `android:"path"`
// Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O
// and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
Max_target_o_low_priority []string `android:"path"`
// Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
Blocked []string `android:"path"`
// Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
Unsupported_packages []string `android:"path"`
func (p *HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties) hiddenAPIAugmentationInfo(ctx android.ModuleContext) hiddenAPIAugmentationInfo {
info := hiddenAPIAugmentationInfo{categoryToPaths: map[*hiddenAPIFlagFileCategory]android.Paths{}}
for _, category := range hiddenAPIFlagFileCategories {
paths := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, category.propertyAccessor(p))
info.categoryToPaths[category] = paths
return info
type hiddenAPIFlagFileCategory struct {
// propertyName is the name of the property for this category.
propertyName string
// propertyAccessor retrieves the value of the property for this category from the set of
// properties.
propertyAccessor func(properties *HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties) []string
// commandMutator adds the appropriate command line options for this category to the supplied
// command
commandMutator func(command *android.RuleBuilderCommand, path android.Path)
var hiddenAPIFlagFileCategories = []*hiddenAPIFlagFileCategory{
// See HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties.Unsupported
propertyName: "unsupported",
propertyAccessor: func(properties *HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties) []string {
return properties.Unsupported
commandMutator: func(command *android.RuleBuilderCommand, path android.Path) {
command.FlagWithInput("--unsupported ", path)
// See HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties.Removed
propertyName: "removed",
propertyAccessor: func(properties *HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties) []string {
return properties.Removed
commandMutator: func(command *android.RuleBuilderCommand, path android.Path) {
command.FlagWithInput("--unsupported ", path).Flag("--ignore-conflicts ").FlagWithArg("--tag ", "removed")
// See HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties.Max_target_r_low_priority
propertyName: "max_target_r_low_priority",
propertyAccessor: func(properties *HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties) []string {
return properties.Max_target_r_low_priority
commandMutator: func(command *android.RuleBuilderCommand, path android.Path) {
command.FlagWithInput("--max-target-r ", path).FlagWithArg("--tag ", "lo-prio")
// See HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties.Max_target_q
propertyName: "max_target_q",
propertyAccessor: func(properties *HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties) []string {
return properties.Max_target_q
commandMutator: func(command *android.RuleBuilderCommand, path android.Path) {
command.FlagWithInput("--max-target-q ", path)
// See HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties.Max_target_p
propertyName: "max_target_p",
propertyAccessor: func(properties *HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties) []string {
return properties.Max_target_p
commandMutator: func(command *android.RuleBuilderCommand, path android.Path) {
command.FlagWithInput("--max-target-p ", path)
// See HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties.Max_target_o_low_priority
propertyName: "max_target_o_low_priority",
propertyAccessor: func(properties *HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties) []string {
return properties.Max_target_o_low_priority
commandMutator: func(command *android.RuleBuilderCommand, path android.Path) {
command.FlagWithInput("--max-target-o ", path).Flag("--ignore-conflicts ").FlagWithArg("--tag ", "lo-prio")
// See HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties.Blocked
propertyName: "blocked",
propertyAccessor: func(properties *HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties) []string {
return properties.Blocked
commandMutator: func(command *android.RuleBuilderCommand, path android.Path) {
command.FlagWithInput("--blocked ", path)
// See HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties.Unsupported_packages
propertyName: "unsupported_packages",
propertyAccessor: func(properties *HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties) []string {
return properties.Unsupported_packages
commandMutator: func(command *android.RuleBuilderCommand, path android.Path) {
command.FlagWithInput("--unsupported ", path).Flag("--packages ")
// hiddenAPIAugmentationInfo contains paths resolved from HiddenAPIAugmentationProperties
type hiddenAPIAugmentationInfo struct {
// categoryToPaths maps from the flag file category to the paths containing information for that
// category.
categoryToPaths map[*hiddenAPIFlagFileCategory]android.Paths
// ruleToGenerateHiddenApiFlags creates a rule to create the monolithic hidden API flags from the
// flags from all the modules, the stub flags, augmented with some additional configuration files.
// baseFlagsPath is the path to the flags file containing all the information from the stubs plus
// an entry for every single member in the dex implementation jars of the individual modules. Every
// signature in any of the other files MUST be included in this file.
// moduleSpecificFlagsPaths are the paths to the flags files generated by each module using
// information from the baseFlagsPath as well as from annotations within the source.
// augmentationInfo is a struct containing paths to files that augment the information provided by
// the moduleSpecificFlagsPaths.
// ruleToGenerateHiddenApiFlags creates a rule to create the monolithic hidden API flags from the
// flags from all the modules, the stub flags, augmented with some additional configuration files.
// baseFlagsPath is the path to the flags file containing all the information from the stubs plus
// an entry for every single member in the dex implementation jars of the individual modules. Every
// signature in any of the other files MUST be included in this file.
// moduleSpecificFlagsPaths are the paths to the flags files generated by each module using
// information from the baseFlagsPath as well as from annotations within the source.
// augmentationInfo is a struct containing paths to files that augment the information provided by
// the moduleSpecificFlagsPaths.
func ruleToGenerateHiddenApiFlags(ctx android.BuilderContext, outputPath android.WritablePath, baseFlagsPath android.Path, moduleSpecificFlagsPaths android.Paths, augmentationInfo hiddenAPIAugmentationInfo) {
tempPath := android.PathForOutput(ctx, outputPath.Rel()+".tmp")
rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
command := rule.Command().
FlagWithInput("--csv ", baseFlagsPath).
FlagWithOutput("--output ", tempPath)
// Add the options for the different categories of flag files.
for _, category := range hiddenAPIFlagFileCategories {
paths := augmentationInfo.categoryToPaths[category]
for _, path := range paths {
category.commandMutator(command, path)
commitChangeForRestat(rule, tempPath, outputPath)
rule.Build("hiddenAPIFlagsFile", "hiddenapi flags")