blob: 45a6a0939427c14fbbff64204ff2f8b1244f6485 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package java
import (
var (
sdkStubsLibrarySuffix = ".stubs"
sdkSystemApiSuffix = ".system"
sdkTestApiSuffix = ".test"
sdkDocsSuffix = ".docs"
sdkImplLibrarySuffix = ".impl"
sdkXmlFileSuffix = ".xml"
type stubsLibraryDependencyTag struct {
name string
var (
publicApiStubsTag = dependencyTag{name: "public"}
systemApiStubsTag = dependencyTag{name: "system"}
testApiStubsTag = dependencyTag{name: "test"}
type apiScope int
const (
apiScopePublic apiScope = iota
var (
javaSdkLibrariesLock sync.Mutex
// java_sdk_library is to make a Java library that implements optional platform APIs to apps.
// It is actually a wrapper of several modules: 1) stubs library that clients are linked against
// to, 2) droiddoc module that internally generates API stubs source files, 3) the real runtime
// shared library that implements the APIs, and 4) XML file for adding the runtime lib to the
// classpath at runtime if requested via <uses-library>.
// TODO: these are big features that are currently missing
// 1) check for API consistency
// 2) install stubs libs as the dist artifacts
// 3) ensuring that apps have appropriate <uses-library> tag
// 4) disallowing linking to the runtime shared lib
// 5) HTML generation
func init() {
android.RegisterModuleType("java_sdk_library", sdkLibraryFactory)
android.PreArchMutators(func(ctx android.RegisterMutatorsContext) {
ctx.TopDown("java_sdk_library", sdkLibraryMutator).Parallel()
android.RegisterMakeVarsProvider(pctx, func(ctx android.MakeVarsContext) {
javaSdkLibraries := javaSdkLibraries(ctx.Config())
ctx.Strict("JAVA_SDK_LIBRARIES", strings.Join(*javaSdkLibraries, " "))
type sdkLibraryProperties struct {
// list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .logtags, .proto,
// or .aidl files.
Srcs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
// list of of java libraries that will be in the classpath
Libs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
// list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting runtime jar.
// These libraries are not compiled into the stubs jar.
Static_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
// list of package names that will be documented and publicized as API
Api_packages []string
// TODO: determines whether to create HTML doc or not
//Html_doc *bool
type sdkLibrary struct {
properties sdkLibraryProperties
publicApiStubsPath android.Paths
systemApiStubsPath android.Paths
testApiStubsPath android.Paths
func (module *sdkLibrary) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
// Add dependencies to the stubs library
ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), publicApiStubsTag, module.stubsName(apiScopePublic))
ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), systemApiStubsTag, module.stubsName(apiScopeSystem))
ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), testApiStubsTag, module.stubsName(apiScopeTest))
func (module *sdkLibrary) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
// Record the paths to the header jars of the stubs library.
// When this java_sdk_library is dependened from others via "libs" property,
// the recorded paths will be returned depending on the link type of the caller.
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(to android.Module) {
otherName := ctx.OtherModuleName(to)
tag := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(to)
if stubs, ok := to.(Dependency); ok {
switch tag {
case publicApiStubsTag:
module.publicApiStubsPath = stubs.HeaderJars()
case systemApiStubsTag:
module.systemApiStubsPath = stubs.HeaderJars()
case testApiStubsTag:
module.testApiStubsPath = stubs.HeaderJars()
ctx.ModuleErrorf("depends on module %q of unknown tag %q", otherName, tag)
func (module *sdkLibrary) AndroidMk() android.AndroidMkData {
// Create a phony module that installs the impl library, for the case when this lib is
return android.AndroidMkData{
Custom: func(w io.Writer, name, prefix, moduleDir string, data android.AndroidMkData) {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "\ninclude $(CLEAR_VARS)")
fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_PATH :=", moduleDir)
fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE :=", name)
fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES := "+module.implName())
fmt.Fprintln(w, "include $(BUILD_PHONY_PACKAGE)")
// Module name of the stubs library
func (module *sdkLibrary) stubsName(apiScope apiScope) string {
stubsName := module.BaseModuleName() + sdkStubsLibrarySuffix
switch apiScope {
case apiScopeSystem:
stubsName = stubsName + sdkSystemApiSuffix
case apiScopeTest:
stubsName = stubsName + sdkTestApiSuffix
return stubsName
// Module name of the docs
func (module *sdkLibrary) docsName(apiScope apiScope) string {
docsName := module.BaseModuleName() + sdkDocsSuffix
switch apiScope {
case apiScopeSystem:
docsName = docsName + sdkSystemApiSuffix
case apiScopeTest:
docsName = docsName + sdkTestApiSuffix
return docsName
// Module name of the runtime implementation library
func (module *sdkLibrary) implName() string {
return module.BaseModuleName() + sdkImplLibrarySuffix
// File path to the runtime implementation library
func (module *sdkLibrary) implPath() string {
partition := "system"
if module.SocSpecific() {
partition = "vendor"
} else if module.DeviceSpecific() {
partition = "odm"
} else if module.ProductSpecific() {
partition = "product"
return "/" + partition + "/framework/" + module.implName() + ".jar"
// Module name of the XML file for the lib
func (module *sdkLibrary) xmlFileName() string {
return module.BaseModuleName() + sdkXmlFileSuffix
// SDK version that the stubs library is built against. Note that this is always
// *current. Older stubs library built with a numberd SDK version is created from
// the prebuilt jar.
func (module *sdkLibrary) sdkVersion(apiScope apiScope) string {
switch apiScope {
case apiScopePublic:
return "current"
case apiScopeSystem:
return "system_current"
case apiScopeTest:
return "test_current"
return "current"
// $(INTERNAL_PLATFORM_<apiTagName>_API_FILE) points to the generated
// api file for the current source
// TODO: remove this when apicheck is done in soong
func (module *sdkLibrary) apiTagName(apiScope apiScope) string {
apiTagName := strings.Replace(strings.ToUpper(module.BaseModuleName()), ".", "_", -1)
switch apiScope {
case apiScopeSystem:
apiTagName = apiTagName + "_SYSTEM"
case apiScopeTest:
apiTagName = apiTagName + "_TEST"
return apiTagName
// returns the path (relative to this module) to the API txt file. Files are located
// ./<api_dir>/<api_level>.txt where <api_level> is either current, system-current, removed,
// or system-removed.
func (module *sdkLibrary) apiFilePath(apiLevel string, apiScope apiScope) string {
apiDir := "api"
apiFile := apiLevel
switch apiScope {
case apiScopeSystem:
apiFile = "system-" + apiFile
case apiScopeTest:
apiFile = "test-" + apiFile
apiFile = apiFile + ".txt"
return path.Join(apiDir, apiFile)
// Creates a static java library that has API stubs
func (module *sdkLibrary) createStubsLibrary(mctx android.TopDownMutatorContext, apiScope apiScope) {
props := struct {
Name *string
Srcs []string
Sdk_version *string
Soc_specific *bool
Device_specific *bool
Product_specific *bool
Product_variables struct {
Unbundled_build struct {
Enabled *bool
Pdk struct {
Enabled *bool
props.Name = proptools.StringPtr(module.stubsName(apiScope))
// sources are generated from the droiddoc
props.Srcs = []string{":" + module.docsName(apiScope)}
props.Sdk_version = proptools.StringPtr(module.sdkVersion(apiScope))
// Unbundled apps will use the prebult one from /prebuilts/sdk
props.Product_variables.Unbundled_build.Enabled = proptools.BoolPtr(false)
props.Product_variables.Pdk.Enabled = proptools.BoolPtr(false)
if module.SocSpecific() {
props.Soc_specific = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
} else if module.DeviceSpecific() {
props.Device_specific = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
} else if module.ProductSpecific() {
props.Product_specific = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
mctx.CreateModule(android.ModuleFactoryAdaptor(LibraryFactory(false)), &props)
// Creates a droiddoc module that creates stubs source files from the given full source
// files
func (module *sdkLibrary) createDocs(mctx android.TopDownMutatorContext, apiScope apiScope) {
props := struct {
Name *string
Srcs []string
Custom_template *string
Installable *bool
Srcs_lib *string
Srcs_lib_whitelist_dirs []string
Srcs_lib_whitelist_pkgs []string
Libs []string
Args *string
Api_tag_name *string
Api_filename *string
Removed_api_filename *string
props.Name = proptools.StringPtr(module.docsName(apiScope))
props.Srcs =
props.Custom_template = proptools.StringPtr("droiddoc-templates-sdk")
props.Installable = proptools.BoolPtr(false)
props.Libs =
droiddocArgs := " -hide 110 -hide 111 -hide 113 -hide 121 -hide 125 -hide 126 -hide 127 -hide 128" +
" -stubpackages " + strings.Join(, ":") +
" -nodocs"
switch apiScope {
case apiScopeSystem:
droiddocArgs = droiddocArgs + " -showAnnotation android.annotation.SystemApi"
case apiScopeTest:
droiddocArgs = droiddocArgs + " -showAnnotation android.annotation.TestApi"
props.Args = proptools.StringPtr(droiddocArgs)
// List of APIs identified from the provided source files are created. They are later
// compared against to the not-yet-released (a.k.a current) list of APIs and to the
// last-released (a.k.a numbered) list of API.
// TODO: If any incompatible change is detected, break the build
currentApiFileName := "current.txt"
removedApiFileName := "removed.txt"
switch apiScope {
case apiScopeSystem:
currentApiFileName = "system-" + currentApiFileName
removedApiFileName = "system-" + removedApiFileName
case apiScopeTest:
currentApiFileName = "test-" + currentApiFileName
removedApiFileName = "test-" + removedApiFileName
currentApiFileName = path.Join("api", currentApiFileName)
removedApiFileName = path.Join("api", removedApiFileName)
props.Api_tag_name = proptools.StringPtr(module.apiTagName(apiScope))
// Note: the exact names of these two are not important because they are always
// referenced by the make variable $(INTERNAL_PLATFORM_<TAG_NAME>_API_FILE)
props.Api_filename = proptools.StringPtr(currentApiFileName)
props.Removed_api_filename = proptools.StringPtr(removedApiFileName)
// Include the part of the framework source. This is required for the case when
// API class is extending from the framework class. In that case, doclava needs
// to know whether the base class is hidden or not. Since that information is
// encoded as @hide string in the comment, we need source files for the classes,
// not the compiled ones. Also there are rare cases where part of SDK library is
// implemented in the framework (e.g. org.apache.http.legacy). In that case,
// we need framework source to make API stubs, though the sources are not
// required to build the runtime library.
props.Srcs_lib = proptools.StringPtr("framework")
props.Srcs_lib_whitelist_dirs = []string{"core/java"}
props.Srcs_lib_whitelist_pkgs =
// Add android.annotation package to give access to the framework-defined
// annotations such as SystemApi, NonNull, etc.
props.Srcs_lib_whitelist_pkgs = append(props.Srcs_lib_whitelist_pkgs, "android.annotation")
// These libs are required by doclava to parse the framework sources add via
// Src_lib and Src_lib_whitelist_* properties just above.
// If we don't add them to the classpath, errors messages are generated by doclava,
// though they don't break the build.
props.Libs = append(props.Libs, "conscrypt", "bouncycastle", "okhttp", "framework")
mctx.CreateModule(android.ModuleFactoryAdaptor(DroiddocFactory), &props)
// Creates the runtime library. This is not directly linkable from other modules.
func (module *sdkLibrary) createImplLibrary(mctx android.TopDownMutatorContext) {
props := struct {
Name *string
Srcs []string
Libs []string
Static_libs []string
Soc_specific *bool
Device_specific *bool
Product_specific *bool
Required []string
props.Name = proptools.StringPtr(module.implName())
props.Srcs =
props.Libs =
props.Static_libs =
// XML file is installed along with the impl lib
props.Required = []string{module.xmlFileName()}
if module.SocSpecific() {
props.Soc_specific = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
} else if module.DeviceSpecific() {
props.Device_specific = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
} else if module.ProductSpecific() {
props.Product_specific = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
mctx.CreateModule(android.ModuleFactoryAdaptor(LibraryFactory(true)), &props)
// Creates the xml file that publicizes the runtime library
func (module *sdkLibrary) createXmlFile(mctx android.TopDownMutatorContext) {
template := `
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<library name="%s" file="%s"/>
// genrule to generate the xml file content from the template above
// TODO: preserve newlines in the generate xml file. Newlines are being squashed
// in the ninja file. Do we need to have an external tool for this?
xmlContent := fmt.Sprintf(template, module.BaseModuleName(), module.implPath())
genruleProps := struct {
Name *string
Cmd *string
Out []string
genruleProps.Name = proptools.StringPtr(module.xmlFileName() + "-gen")
genruleProps.Cmd = proptools.StringPtr("echo '" + xmlContent + "' > $(out)")
genruleProps.Out = []string{module.xmlFileName()}
mctx.CreateModule(android.ModuleFactoryAdaptor(genrule.GenRuleFactory), &genruleProps)
// creates a prebuilt_etc module to actually place the xml file under
// <partition>/etc/permissions
etcProps := struct {
Name *string
Src *string
Sub_dir *string
Soc_specific *bool
Device_specific *bool
Product_specific *bool
etcProps.Name = proptools.StringPtr(module.xmlFileName())
etcProps.Src = proptools.StringPtr(":" + module.xmlFileName() + "-gen")
etcProps.Sub_dir = proptools.StringPtr("permissions")
if module.SocSpecific() {
etcProps.Soc_specific = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
} else if module.DeviceSpecific() {
etcProps.Device_specific = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
} else if module.ProductSpecific() {
etcProps.Product_specific = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
mctx.CreateModule(android.ModuleFactoryAdaptor(android.PrebuiltEtcFactory), &etcProps)
// to satisfy SdkLibraryDependency interface
func (module *sdkLibrary) HeaderJars(linkType linkType) android.Paths {
// This module is just a wrapper for the stubs.
if linkType == javaSystem || linkType == javaPlatform {
return module.systemApiStubsPath
} else {
return module.publicApiStubsPath
func javaSdkLibraries(config android.Config) *[]string {
return config.Once("javaSdkLibraries", func() interface{} {
return &[]string{}
// For a java_sdk_library module, create internal modules for stubs, docs,
// runtime libs and xml file. If requested, the stubs and docs are created twice
// once for public API level and once for system API level
func sdkLibraryMutator(mctx android.TopDownMutatorContext) {
if module, ok := mctx.Module().(*sdkLibrary); ok {
// for public API stubs
module.createStubsLibrary(mctx, apiScopePublic)
module.createDocs(mctx, apiScopePublic)
// for system API stubs
module.createStubsLibrary(mctx, apiScopeSystem)
module.createDocs(mctx, apiScopeSystem)
// for test API stubs
module.createStubsLibrary(mctx, apiScopeTest)
module.createDocs(mctx, apiScopeTest)
// for runtime
// record java_sdk_library modules so that they are exported to make
javaSdkLibraries := javaSdkLibraries(mctx.Config())
defer javaSdkLibrariesLock.Unlock()
*javaSdkLibraries = append(*javaSdkLibraries, module.BaseModuleName())
func sdkLibraryFactory() android.Module {
module := &sdkLibrary{}
android.InitAndroidArchModule(module, android.DeviceSupported, android.MultilibCommon)
return module