blob: f96491f88a68c73fe20809e508148067c503901e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package apex
import (
func init() {
android.RegisterSingletonType("apex_depsinfo_singleton", apexDepsInfoSingletonFactory)
type apexDepsInfoSingleton struct {
allowedApexDepsInfoCheckResult android.OutputPath
func apexDepsInfoSingletonFactory() android.Singleton {
return &apexDepsInfoSingleton{}
var (
mergeApexDepsInfoFilesRule = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("mergeApexDepsInfoFilesRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
Command: "cat $out.rsp | xargs cat > $out",
Rspfile: "$out.rsp",
RspfileContent: "$in",
// Filter out apex dependencies that are external or safe to ignore for build determinism.
filterApexDepsRule = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("filterApexDepsRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
Command: "cat ${in}" +
// Only track non-external dependencies, i.e. those that end up in the binary...
" | grep -v '(external)'" +
// ...and those that are safe in any apex but can be different per product.
" | grep -v 'libgcc_stripped'" +
" | grep -v 'libunwind_llvm'" +
" | grep -v 'ndk_crtbegin_so.19'" +
" | grep -v 'ndk_crtbegin_so.21'" +
" | grep -v 'ndk_crtbegin_so.27'" +
" | grep -v 'ndk_crtend_so.19'" +
" | grep -v 'ndk_crtend_so.21'" +
" | grep -v 'ndk_crtend_so.27'" +
" | grep -v 'ndk_libunwind'" +
" | grep -v 'prebuilt_libclang_rt.builtins-aarch64-android'" +
" | grep -v 'prebuilt_libclang_rt.builtins-arm-android'" +
" | grep -v 'prebuilt_libclang_rt.builtins-i686-android'" +
" | grep -v 'prebuilt_libclang_rt.builtins-x86_64-android'" +
" | grep -v 'libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android.llndk'" +
" > ${out}",
diffAllowedApexDepsInfoRule = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("diffAllowedApexDepsInfoRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
// Diff two given lists while ignoring comments in the allowed deps file
Description: "Diff ${allowed_flatlists} and ${merged_flatlists}",
Command: `
if grep -v '^#' ${allowed_flatlists} | diff -B ${merged_flatlists} -; then
touch ${out};
echo -e "\n******************************";
echo "ERROR: go/apex-allowed-deps-error";
echo "******************************";
echo "Detected changes to allowed dependencies in updatable modules.";
echo "To fix and update build/soong/apex/allowed_deps.txt, please run:";
echo "$$ (croot && build/soong/scripts/";
echo "Members of will review the changes.";
echo -e "******************************\n";
exit 1;
}, "allowed_flatlists", "merged_flatlists")
func (s *apexDepsInfoSingleton) GenerateBuildActions(ctx android.SingletonContext) {
modulePaths := map[string]android.Path{}
ctx.VisitAllModules(func(module android.Module) {
if binaryInfo, ok := module.(android.ApexBundleDepsInfoIntf); ok {
if !binaryInfo.Updatable() {
if path := binaryInfo.FlatListPath(); path.String() != "" {
// TODO(b/159734404): don't use module.String() to sort modules/variants.
// This is needed though, as an order of module variants may be
// different between products.
ms := module.String()
if _, ok := modulePaths[ms]; !ok {
modulePaths[ms] = path
} else if modulePaths[ms] != path {
ctx.Errorf("Mismatching output paths for the same module %v:\n%v\n%v", ms, modulePaths[ms], path)
updatableFlatLists := android.Paths{}
// Avoid non-determinism by sorting module and variation names.
for _, key := range android.FirstUniqueStrings(android.SortedStringKeys(modulePaths)) {
updatableFlatLists = append(updatableFlatLists, modulePaths[key])
// Merge all individual flatlists of updatable modules into a single output file
updatableFlatListsPath := android.PathForOutput(ctx, "apex", "depsinfo", "updatable-flatlists.txt")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: mergeApexDepsInfoFilesRule,
Inputs: updatableFlatLists,
Output: updatableFlatListsPath,
// Build a filtered version of updatable flatlists without external dependencies
filteredFlatLists := android.PathForOutput(ctx, "apex", "depsinfo", "filtered-updatable-flatlists.txt")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: filterApexDepsRule,
Input: updatableFlatListsPath,
Output: filteredFlatLists,
// Check filtered version against allowed deps
allowedDeps := android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx, "build/soong/apex/allowed_deps.txt").Path()
s.allowedApexDepsInfoCheckResult = android.PathForOutput(ctx, filteredFlatLists.Rel()+".check")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: diffAllowedApexDepsInfoRule,
Input: filteredFlatLists,
Output: s.allowedApexDepsInfoCheckResult,
Args: map[string]string{
"allowed_flatlists": allowedDeps.String(),
"merged_flatlists": filteredFlatLists.String(),
func (s *apexDepsInfoSingleton) MakeVars(ctx android.MakeVarsContext) {
// Export check result to Make. The path is added to droidcore.
ctx.Strict("APEX_ALLOWED_DEPS_CHECK", s.allowedApexDepsInfoCheckResult.String())