blob: bcd6d8c73152d1578ecfc52a593a72f29806b956 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package common
import (
// ModuleOutDir returns the path to the module-specific output directory.
func ModuleOutDir(ctx AndroidModuleContext) string {
return filepath.Join(ctx.AConfig().IntermediatesDir(),
ctx.ModuleDir(), ctx.ModuleName(), ctx.ModuleSubDir())
// ModuleSrcDir returns the path of the directory that all source file paths are
// specified relative to.
func ModuleSrcDir(ctx AndroidModuleContext) string {
return filepath.Join(ctx.AConfig().SrcDir(), ctx.ModuleDir())
// ModuleBinDir returns the path to the module- and architecture-specific binary
// output directory.
func ModuleBinDir(ctx AndroidModuleContext) string {
return filepath.Join(ModuleOutDir(ctx), "bin")
// ModuleLibDir returns the path to the module- and architecture-specific
// library output directory.
func ModuleLibDir(ctx AndroidModuleContext) string {
return filepath.Join(ModuleOutDir(ctx), "lib")
// ModuleGenDir returns the module directory for generated files
// path.
func ModuleGenDir(ctx AndroidModuleContext) string {
return filepath.Join(ModuleOutDir(ctx), "gen")
// ModuleObjDir returns the module- and architecture-specific object directory
// path.
func ModuleObjDir(ctx AndroidModuleContext) string {
return filepath.Join(ModuleOutDir(ctx), "obj")
// ModuleGoPackageDir returns the module-specific package root directory path.
// This directory is where the final package .a files are output and where
// dependent modules search for this package via -I arguments.
func ModuleGoPackageDir(ctx AndroidModuleContext) string {
return filepath.Join(ModuleOutDir(ctx), "pkg")
// ModuleIncludeDir returns the module-specific public include directory path.
func ModuleIncludeDir(ctx AndroidModuleContext) string {
return filepath.Join(ModuleOutDir(ctx), "include")
// ModuleProtoDir returns the module-specific public proto include directory path.
func ModuleProtoDir(ctx AndroidModuleContext) string {
return filepath.Join(ModuleOutDir(ctx), "proto")
func ModuleJSCompiledDir(ctx AndroidModuleContext) string {
return filepath.Join(ModuleOutDir(ctx), "js")