blob: 23f4c90a253d763170785d66a641c3f7e402a515 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package android
import (
// EarlyModuleContext provides methods that can be called early, as soon as the properties have
// been parsed into the module and before any mutators have run.
type EarlyModuleContext interface {
// Module returns the current module as a Module. It should rarely be necessary, as the module already has a
// reference to itself.
Module() Module
// ModuleName returns the name of the module. This is generally the value that was returned by Module.Name() when
// the module was created, but may have been modified by calls to BaseMutatorContext.Rename.
ModuleName() string
// ModuleDir returns the path to the directory that contains the definition of the module.
ModuleDir() string
// ModuleType returns the name of the module type that was used to create the module, as specified in
// RegisterModuleType.
ModuleType() string
// BlueprintFile returns the name of the blueprint file that contains the definition of this
// module.
BlueprintsFile() string
// ContainsProperty returns true if the specified property name was set in the module definition.
ContainsProperty(name string) bool
// Errorf reports an error at the specified position of the module definition file.
Errorf(pos scanner.Position, fmt string, args ...interface{})
// ModuleErrorf reports an error at the line number of the module type in the module definition.
ModuleErrorf(fmt string, args ...interface{})
// PropertyErrorf reports an error at the line number of a property in the module definition.
PropertyErrorf(property, fmt string, args ...interface{})
// OtherModulePropertyErrorf reports an error at the line number of a property in the given module definition.
OtherModulePropertyErrorf(module Module, property, fmt string, args ...interface{})
// Failed returns true if any errors have been reported. In most cases the module can continue with generating
// build rules after an error, allowing it to report additional errors in a single run, but in cases where the error
// has prevented the module from creating necessary data it can return early when Failed returns true.
Failed() bool
// AddNinjaFileDeps adds dependencies on the specified files to the rule that creates the ninja manifest. The
// primary builder will be rerun whenever the specified files are modified.
AddNinjaFileDeps(deps ...string)
DeviceSpecific() bool
SocSpecific() bool
ProductSpecific() bool
SystemExtSpecific() bool
Platform() bool
Config() Config
DeviceConfig() DeviceConfig
// Deprecated: use Config()
AConfig() Config
// GlobWithDeps returns a list of files that match the specified pattern but do not match any
// of the patterns in excludes. It also adds efficient dependencies to rerun the primary
// builder whenever a file matching the pattern as added or removed, without rerunning if a
// file that does not match the pattern is added to a searched directory.
GlobWithDeps(pattern string, excludes []string) ([]string, error)
Glob(globPattern string, excludes []string) Paths
GlobFiles(globPattern string, excludes []string) Paths
IsSymlink(path Path) bool
Readlink(path Path) string
// Namespace returns the Namespace object provided by the NameInterface set by Context.SetNameInterface, or the
// default SimpleNameInterface if Context.SetNameInterface was not called.
Namespace() *Namespace
// Deprecated: use EarlyModuleContext instead
type BaseContext interface {
type earlyModuleContext struct {
kind moduleKind
config Config
func (e *earlyModuleContext) Glob(globPattern string, excludes []string) Paths {
return Glob(e, globPattern, excludes)
func (e *earlyModuleContext) GlobFiles(globPattern string, excludes []string) Paths {
return GlobFiles(e, globPattern, excludes)
func (e *earlyModuleContext) IsSymlink(path Path) bool {
fileInfo, err := e.config.fs.Lstat(path.String())
if err != nil {
e.ModuleErrorf("os.Lstat(%q) failed: %s", path.String(), err)
return fileInfo.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink
func (e *earlyModuleContext) Readlink(path Path) string {
dest, err := e.config.fs.Readlink(path.String())
if err != nil {
e.ModuleErrorf("os.Readlink(%q) failed: %s", path.String(), err)
return dest
func (e *earlyModuleContext) Module() Module {
module, _ := e.EarlyModuleContext.Module().(Module)
return module
func (e *earlyModuleContext) Config() Config {
return e.EarlyModuleContext.Config().(Config)
func (e *earlyModuleContext) AConfig() Config {
return e.config
func (e *earlyModuleContext) DeviceConfig() DeviceConfig {
return DeviceConfig{e.config.deviceConfig}
func (e *earlyModuleContext) Platform() bool {
return e.kind == platformModule
func (e *earlyModuleContext) DeviceSpecific() bool {
return e.kind == deviceSpecificModule
func (e *earlyModuleContext) SocSpecific() bool {
return e.kind == socSpecificModule
func (e *earlyModuleContext) ProductSpecific() bool {
return e.kind == productSpecificModule
func (e *earlyModuleContext) SystemExtSpecific() bool {
return e.kind == systemExtSpecificModule
func (e *earlyModuleContext) Namespace() *Namespace {
return e.EarlyModuleContext.Namespace().(*Namespace)
func (e *earlyModuleContext) OtherModulePropertyErrorf(module Module, property string, fmt string, args ...interface{}) {
e.EarlyModuleContext.OtherModulePropertyErrorf(module, property, fmt, args...)