blob: 65b06c636e81d75fa1003e715dc30781a2e7f250 [file] [log] [blame]
package bp2build
import (
// Simple metrics struct to collect information about a Blueprint to BUILD
// conversion process.
type CodegenMetrics struct {
// Total number of Soong/Blueprint modules
TotalModuleCount int
// Counts of generated Bazel targets per Bazel rule class
RuleClassCount map[string]int
// Total number of handcrafted targets
handCraftedTargetCount int
// Print the codegen metrics to stdout.
func (metrics CodegenMetrics) Print() {
generatedTargetCount := 0
for _, ruleClass := range android.SortedStringKeys(metrics.RuleClassCount) {
count := metrics.RuleClassCount[ruleClass]
fmt.Printf("[bp2build] %s: %d targets\n", ruleClass, count)
generatedTargetCount += count
"[bp2build] Generated %d total BUILD targets and included %d handcrafted BUILD targets from %d Android.bp modules.\n",