blob: 2f2b61e643f651c5860158e8eab35fd772560733 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package apex
import (
func TestApexImageInMixedBuilds(t *testing.T) {
bp := `
name: "foo_key",
apex {
name: "foo",
key: "foo_key",
updatable: true,
min_sdk_version: "31",
file_contexts: ":myapex-file_contexts",
bazel_module: { label: "//:foo" },
outputBaseDir := "out/bazel"
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
android.FixtureModifyConfig(func(config android.Config) {
config.BazelContext = android.MockBazelContext{
OutputBaseDir: outputBaseDir,
LabelToApexInfo: map[string]cquery.ApexInfo{
"//:foo": cquery.ApexInfo{
// ApexInfo Starlark provider.
SignedOutput: "signed_out.apex",
SignedCompressedOutput: "signed_out.capex",
UnsignedOutput: "unsigned_out.apex",
BundleKeyInfo: []string{"public_key", "private_key"},
ContainerKeyInfo: []string{"container_cert", "container_private"},
SymbolsUsedByApex: "foo_using.txt",
JavaSymbolsUsedByApex: "foo_using.xml",
BundleFile: "",
InstalledFiles: "installed-files.txt",
RequiresLibs: []string{"//path/c:c", "//path/d:d"},
// unused
PackageName: "pkg_name",
ProvidesLibs: []string{"a", "b"},
// ApexMkInfo Starlark provider
MakeModulesToInstall: []string{"c"}, // d deliberately omitted
).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
m := result.ModuleForTests("foo", "android_common_foo_image").Module()
ab, ok := m.(*apexBundle)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Expected module to be an apexBundle, was not")
if w, g := "out/bazel/execroot/__main__/public_key", ab.publicKeyFile.String(); w != g {
t.Errorf("Expected public key %q, got %q", w, g)
if w, g := "out/bazel/execroot/__main__/private_key", ab.privateKeyFile.String(); w != g {
t.Errorf("Expected private key %q, got %q", w, g)
if w, g := "out/bazel/execroot/__main__/container_cert", ab.containerCertificateFile.String(); w != g {
t.Errorf("Expected public container key %q, got %q", w, g)
if w, g := "out/bazel/execroot/__main__/container_private", ab.containerPrivateKeyFile.String(); w != g {
t.Errorf("Expected private container key %q, got %q", w, g)
if w, g := "out/bazel/execroot/__main__/signed_out.apex", ab.outputFile.String(); w != g {
t.Errorf("Expected output file %q, got %q", w, g)
if w, g := "out/bazel/execroot/__main__/foo_using.txt", ab.nativeApisUsedByModuleFile.String(); w != g {
t.Errorf("Expected output file %q, got %q", w, g)
if w, g := "out/bazel/execroot/__main__/foo_using.xml", ab.javaApisUsedByModuleFile.String(); w != g {
t.Errorf("Expected output file %q, got %q", w, g)
if w, g := "out/bazel/execroot/__main__/installed-files.txt", ab.installedFilesFile.String(); w != g {
t.Errorf("Expected installed-files.txt %q, got %q", w, g)
mkData := android.AndroidMkDataForTest(t, result.TestContext, m)
var builder strings.Builder
mkData.Custom(&builder, "foo", "BAZEL_TARGET_", "", mkData)
data := builder.String()
if w := "ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).BUNDLE := out/bazel/execroot/__main__/"; !strings.Contains(data, w) {
t.Errorf("Expected %q in androidmk data, but did not find %q", w, data)
if w := "$(call dist-for-goals,checkbuild,out/bazel/execroot/__main__/installed-files.txt:foo-installed-files.txt)"; !strings.Contains(data, w) {
t.Errorf("Expected %q in androidmk data, but did not find %q", w, data)
// make modules to be installed to system
if len(ab.makeModulesToInstall) != 1 && ab.makeModulesToInstall[0] != "c" {
t.Errorf("Expected makeModulesToInstall slice to only contain 'c', got %q", ab.makeModulesToInstall)
if w := "LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES := c"; !strings.Contains(data, w) {
t.Errorf("Expected %q in androidmk data, but did not find it in %q", w, data)
func TestCompressedApexImageInMixedBuilds(t *testing.T) {
bp := `
name: "foo_key",
apex {
name: "foo",
key: "foo_key",
updatable: true,
min_sdk_version: "31",
file_contexts: ":myapex-file_contexts",
bazel_module: { label: "//:foo" },
test_only_force_compression: true, // force compression
outputBaseDir := "out/bazel"
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
android.FixtureModifyConfig(func(config android.Config) {
config.BazelContext = android.MockBazelContext{
OutputBaseDir: outputBaseDir,
LabelToApexInfo: map[string]cquery.ApexInfo{
"//:foo": cquery.ApexInfo{
SignedOutput: "signed_out.apex",
SignedCompressedOutput: "signed_out.capex",
BundleKeyInfo: []string{"public_key", "private_key"},
ContainerKeyInfo: []string{"container_cert", "container_private"},
).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
m := result.ModuleForTests("foo", "android_common_foo_image").Module()
ab, ok := m.(*apexBundle)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Expected module to be an apexBundle, was not")
if w, g := "out/bazel/execroot/__main__/signed_out.capex", ab.outputFile.String(); w != g {
t.Errorf("Expected output file to be compressed apex %q, got %q", w, g)
mkData := android.AndroidMkDataForTest(t, result.TestContext, m)
var builder strings.Builder
mkData.Custom(&builder, "foo", "BAZEL_TARGET_", "", mkData)
data := builder.String()
expectedAndroidMk := []string{
"LOCAL_PREBUILT_MODULE_FILE := out/bazel/execroot/__main__/signed_out.capex",
// Check that the source install file is the capex. The dest is not important.
"LOCAL_SOONG_INSTALL_PAIRS := out/bazel/execroot/__main__/signed_out.capex:",
for _, androidMk := range expectedAndroidMk {
if !strings.Contains(data, androidMk) {
t.Errorf("Expected %q in androidmk data, but did not find %q", androidMk, data)
func TestOverrideApexImageInMixedBuilds(t *testing.T) {
bp := `
name: "foo_key",
name: "override_foo_key",
apex {
name: "foo",
key: "foo_key",
updatable: true,
min_sdk_version: "31",
package_name: "pkg_name",
file_contexts: ":myapex-file_contexts",
bazel_module: { label: "//:foo" },
override_apex {
name: "override_foo",
key: "override_foo_key",
package_name: "override_pkg_name",
base: "foo",
bazel_module: { label: "//:override_foo" },
outputBaseDir := "out/bazel"
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
android.FixtureModifyConfig(func(config android.Config) {
config.BazelContext = android.MockBazelContext{
OutputBaseDir: outputBaseDir,
LabelToApexInfo: map[string]cquery.ApexInfo{
"//:foo": cquery.ApexInfo{
// ApexInfo Starlark provider
SignedOutput: "signed_out.apex",
UnsignedOutput: "unsigned_out.apex",
BundleKeyInfo: []string{"public_key", "private_key"},
ContainerKeyInfo: []string{"container_cert", "container_private"},
SymbolsUsedByApex: "foo_using.txt",
JavaSymbolsUsedByApex: "foo_using.xml",
BundleFile: "",
InstalledFiles: "installed-files.txt",
RequiresLibs: []string{"//path/c:c", "//path/d:d"},
// unused
PackageName: "pkg_name",
ProvidesLibs: []string{"a", "b"},
// ApexMkInfo Starlark provider
MakeModulesToInstall: []string{"c"}, // d deliberately omitted
"//:override_foo": cquery.ApexInfo{
// ApexInfo Starlark provider
SignedOutput: "override_signed_out.apex",
UnsignedOutput: "override_unsigned_out.apex",
BundleKeyInfo: []string{"override_public_key", "override_private_key"},
ContainerKeyInfo: []string{"override_container_cert", "override_container_private"},
SymbolsUsedByApex: "override_foo_using.txt",
JavaSymbolsUsedByApex: "override_foo_using.xml",
BundleFile: "",
InstalledFiles: "override_installed-files.txt",
RequiresLibs: []string{"//path/c:c", "//path/d:d"},
// unused
PackageName: "override_pkg_name",
ProvidesLibs: []string{"a", "b"},
// ApexMkInfo Starlark provider
MakeModulesToInstall: []string{"c"}, // d deliberately omitted
).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
m := result.ModuleForTests("foo", "android_common_override_foo_foo_image").Module()
ab, ok := m.(*apexBundle)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Expected module to be an apexBundle, was not")
if w, g := "out/bazel/execroot/__main__/override_public_key", ab.publicKeyFile.String(); w != g {
t.Errorf("Expected public key %q, got %q", w, g)
if w, g := "out/bazel/execroot/__main__/override_private_key", ab.privateKeyFile.String(); w != g {
t.Errorf("Expected private key %q, got %q", w, g)
if w, g := "out/bazel/execroot/__main__/override_container_cert", ab.containerCertificateFile.String(); w != g {
t.Errorf("Expected public container key %q, got %q", w, g)
if w, g := "out/bazel/execroot/__main__/override_container_private", ab.containerPrivateKeyFile.String(); w != g {
t.Errorf("Expected private container key %q, got %q", w, g)
if w, g := "out/bazel/execroot/__main__/override_signed_out.apex", ab.outputFile.String(); w != g {
t.Errorf("Expected output file %q, got %q", w, g)
if w, g := "out/bazel/execroot/__main__/override_foo_using.txt", ab.nativeApisUsedByModuleFile.String(); w != g {
t.Errorf("Expected output file %q, got %q", w, g)
if w, g := "out/bazel/execroot/__main__/override_foo_using.xml", ab.javaApisUsedByModuleFile.String(); w != g {
t.Errorf("Expected output file %q, got %q", w, g)
if w, g := "out/bazel/execroot/__main__/override_installed-files.txt", ab.installedFilesFile.String(); w != g {
t.Errorf("Expected installed-files.txt %q, got %q", w, g)
mkData := android.AndroidMkDataForTest(t, result.TestContext, m)
var builder strings.Builder
mkData.Custom(&builder, "override_foo", "BAZEL_TARGET_", "", mkData)
data := builder.String()
if w := "ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).BUNDLE := out/bazel/execroot/__main__/"; !strings.Contains(data, w) {
t.Errorf("Expected %q in androidmk data, but did not find %q", w, data)
if w := "$(call dist-for-goals,checkbuild,out/bazel/execroot/__main__/override_installed-files.txt:override_foo-installed-files.txt)"; !strings.Contains(data, w) {
t.Errorf("Expected %q in androidmk data, but did not find %q", w, data)
// make modules to be installed to system
if len(ab.makeModulesToInstall) != 1 && ab.makeModulesToInstall[0] != "c" {
t.Errorf("Expected makeModulestoInstall slice to only contain 'c', got %q", ab.makeModulesToInstall)
if w := "LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES := c"; !strings.Contains(data, w) {
t.Errorf("Expected %q in androidmk data, but did not find it in %q", w, data)