blob: b2b45706d143a58e96e4d68d29f3d6ff1ef993d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cc
import (
// LTO (link-time optimization) allows the compiler to optimize and generate
// code for the entire module at link time, rather than per-compilation
// unit. LTO is required for Clang CFI and other whole-program optimization
// techniques. LTO also allows cross-compilation unit optimizations that should
// result in faster and smaller code, at the expense of additional compilation
// time.
// To properly build a module with LTO, the module and all recursive static
// dependencies should be compiled with -flto which directs the compiler to emit
// bitcode rather than native object files. These bitcode files are then passed
// by the linker to the LLVM plugin for compilation at link time. Static
// dependencies not built as bitcode will still function correctly but cannot be
// optimized at link time and may not be compatible with features that require
// LTO, such as CFI.
// This file adds support to soong to automatically propagate LTO options to a
// new variant of all static dependencies for each module with LTO enabled.
type LTOProperties struct {
// Lto must violate capitalization style for acronyms so that it can be
// referred to in blueprint files as "lto"
Lto struct {
Never *bool `android:"arch_variant"`
Thin *bool `android:"arch_variant"`
} `android:"arch_variant"`
LtoEnabled bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
LtoDefault bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
// Use -fwhole-program-vtables cflag.
Whole_program_vtables *bool
type lto struct {
Properties LTOProperties
func (lto *lto) props() []interface{} {
return []interface{}{&lto.Properties}
func (lto *lto) begin(ctx BaseModuleContext) {
// First, determine the module independent default LTO mode.
ltoDefault := true
if ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("DISABLE_LTO") {
ltoDefault = false
} else if lto.Never() {
ltoDefault = false
} else if ctx.Host() {
// Performance and binary size are less important for host binaries.
ltoDefault = false
} else if ctx.Arch().ArchType.Multilib == "lib32" {
// LP32 has many subtle issues and less test coverage.
ltoDefault = false
// Then, determine the actual LTO mode to use. If different from `ltoDefault`, a variant needs
// to be created.
ltoEnabled := ltoDefault
if lto.Never() {
ltoEnabled = false
} else if lto.ThinLTO() {
// Module explicitly requests for LTO.
ltoEnabled = true
} else if ctx.testBinary() || ctx.testLibrary() {
// Do not enable LTO for tests for better debugging.
ltoEnabled = false
} else if ctx.isVndk() {
// FIXME: ThinLTO for VNDK produces different output.
// b/169217596
ltoEnabled = false
lto.Properties.LtoDefault = ltoDefault
lto.Properties.LtoEnabled = ltoEnabled
func (lto *lto) flags(ctx BaseModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags {
// TODO(b/131771163): CFI and Fuzzer controls LTO flags by themselves.
// This has be checked late because these properties can be mutated.
if ctx.isCfi() || ctx.isFuzzer() {
return flags
if lto.Properties.LtoEnabled {
ltoCFlags := []string{"-flto=thin", "-fsplit-lto-unit"}
var ltoLdFlags []string
// The module did not explicitly turn on LTO. Only leverage LTO's
// better dead code elimination and CFG simplification, but do
// not perform costly optimizations for a balance between compile
// time, binary size and performance.
// Apply the same for Eng builds as well.
if !lto.ThinLTO() || ctx.Config().Eng() {
ltoLdFlags = append(ltoLdFlags, "-Wl,--lto-O0")
if Bool(lto.Properties.Whole_program_vtables) {
ltoCFlags = append(ltoCFlags, "-fwhole-program-vtables")
if ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("USE_THINLTO_CACHE") {
// Set appropriate ThinLTO cache policy
cacheDirFormat := "-Wl,--thinlto-cache-dir="
cacheDir := android.PathForOutput(ctx, "thinlto-cache").String()
ltoLdFlags = append(ltoLdFlags, cacheDirFormat+cacheDir)
// Limit the size of the ThinLTO cache to the lesser of 10% of available
// disk space and 10GB.
cachePolicyFormat := "-Wl,--thinlto-cache-policy="
policy := "cache_size=10%:cache_size_bytes=10g"
ltoLdFlags = append(ltoLdFlags, cachePolicyFormat+policy)
// Reduce the inlining threshold for a better balance of binary size and
// performance.
if !ctx.Darwin() {
if ctx.isAfdoCompile() {
ltoLdFlags = append(ltoLdFlags, "-Wl,-plugin-opt,-import-instr-limit=40")
} else {
ltoLdFlags = append(ltoLdFlags, "-Wl,-plugin-opt,-import-instr-limit=5")
if !ctx.Config().IsEnvFalse("THINLTO_USE_MLGO") {
// Register allocation MLGO flags for ARM64.
if ctx.Arch().ArchType == android.Arm64 {
ltoLdFlags = append(ltoLdFlags, "-Wl,-mllvm,-regalloc-enable-advisor=release")
// Flags for training MLGO model.
ltoLdFlags = append(ltoLdFlags, "-Wl,--save-temps=import")
ltoLdFlags = append(ltoLdFlags, "-Wl,--thinlto-emit-index-files")
flags.Local.CFlags = append(flags.Local.CFlags, ltoCFlags...)
flags.Local.AsFlags = append(flags.Local.AsFlags, ltoCFlags...)
flags.Local.LdFlags = append(flags.Local.LdFlags, ltoCFlags...)
flags.Local.LdFlags = append(flags.Local.LdFlags, ltoLdFlags...)
return flags
func (lto *lto) ThinLTO() bool {
return lto != nil && proptools.Bool(lto.Properties.Lto.Thin)
func (lto *lto) Never() bool {
return lto != nil && proptools.Bool(lto.Properties.Lto.Never)
func ltoPropagateViaDepTag(tag blueprint.DependencyTag) bool {
libTag, isLibTag := tag.(libraryDependencyTag)
// Do not recurse down non-static dependencies
if isLibTag {
return libTag.static()
} else {
return tag == objDepTag || tag == reuseObjTag || tag == staticVariantTag
// ltoTransitionMutator creates LTO variants of cc modules. Variant "" is the default variant, which may
// or may not have LTO enabled depending on the config and the module's type and properties. "lto-thin" or
// "lto-none" variants are created when a module needs to compile in the non-default state for that module.
type ltoTransitionMutator struct{}
const LTO_NONE_VARIATION = "lto-none"
const LTO_THIN_VARIATION = "lto-thin"
func (l *ltoTransitionMutator) Split(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) []string {
return []string{""}
func (l *ltoTransitionMutator) OutgoingTransition(ctx android.OutgoingTransitionContext, sourceVariation string) string {
if m, ok := ctx.Module().(*Module); ok && m.lto != nil {
if !ltoPropagateViaDepTag(ctx.DepTag()) {
return ""
if sourceVariation != "" {
return sourceVariation
// Always request an explicit variation, IncomingTransition will rewrite it back to the default variation
// if necessary.
if m.lto.Properties.LtoEnabled {
} else {
return ""
func (l *ltoTransitionMutator) IncomingTransition(ctx android.IncomingTransitionContext, incomingVariation string) string {
if m, ok := ctx.Module().(*Module); ok && m.lto != nil {
if m.lto.Never() {
return ""
// Rewrite explicit variations back to the default variation if the default variation matches.
if incomingVariation == LTO_THIN_VARIATION && m.lto.Properties.LtoDefault {
return ""
} else if incomingVariation == LTO_NONE_VARIATION && !m.lto.Properties.LtoDefault {
return ""
return incomingVariation
return ""
func (l *ltoTransitionMutator) Mutate(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext, variation string) {
// Default module which will be installed. Variation set above according to explicit LTO properties.
if variation == "" {
if m, ok := ctx.Module().(*Module); ok && m.lto != nil {
// Non-default variation, set the LTO properties to match the variation.
switch variation {
m.lto.Properties.LtoEnabled = true
m.lto.Properties.LtoEnabled = false
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown variation %s", variation))
// Non-default variations are never installed.
m.Properties.PreventInstall = true
m.Properties.HideFromMake = true