blob: 46b383b986034535b81953d252cbd9c2d4e2abde [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cc
import (
func init() {
android.RegisterModuleType("ndk_prebuilt_library", ndkPrebuiltLibraryFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("ndk_prebuilt_object", ndkPrebuiltObjectFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("ndk_prebuilt_static_stl", ndkPrebuiltStaticStlFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("ndk_prebuilt_shared_stl", ndkPrebuiltSharedStlFactory)
// NDK prebuilt libraries.
// These differ from regular prebuilts in that they aren't stripped and usually aren't installed
// either (with the exception of the shared STLs, which are installed to the app's directory rather
// than to the system image).
func getNdkLibDir(ctx android.ModuleContext, toolchain config.Toolchain, version string) android.SourcePath {
suffix := ""
// Most 64-bit NDK prebuilts store libraries in "lib64", except for arm64 which is not a
// multilib toolchain and stores the libraries in "lib".
if toolchain.Is64Bit() && ctx.Arch().ArchType != android.Arm64 {
suffix = "64"
return android.PathForSource(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("prebuilts/ndk/current/platforms/android-%s/arch-%s/usr/lib%s",
version, toolchain.Name(), suffix))
func ndkPrebuiltModuleToPath(ctx android.ModuleContext, toolchain config.Toolchain,
ext string, version string) android.Path {
// NDK prebuilts are named like: ndk_NAME.EXT.SDK_VERSION.
// We want to translate to just NAME.EXT
name := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(ctx.ModuleName(), "ndk_"), ".")[0]
dir := getNdkLibDir(ctx, toolchain, version)
return dir.Join(ctx, name+ext)
type ndkPrebuiltObjectLinker struct {
func (*ndkPrebuiltObjectLinker) linkerDeps(ctx BaseModuleContext, deps Deps) Deps {
// NDK objects can't have any dependencies
return deps
func ndkPrebuiltObjectFactory() (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) {
module := newBaseModule(android.DeviceSupported, android.MultilibBoth)
module.linker = &ndkPrebuiltObjectLinker{
objectLinker: objectLinker{
baseLinker: NewBaseLinker(),
module.Properties.HideFromMake = true
return module.Init()
func (c *ndkPrebuiltObjectLinker) link(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags,
deps PathDeps, objs Objects) android.Path {
// A null build step, but it sets up the output path.
if !strings.HasPrefix(ctx.ModuleName(), "ndk_crt") {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("NDK prebuilts must have an ndk_crt prefixed name")
return ndkPrebuiltModuleToPath(ctx, flags.Toolchain, objectExtension, ctx.sdkVersion())
type ndkPrebuiltLibraryLinker struct {
func (ndk *ndkPrebuiltLibraryLinker) linkerProps() []interface{} {
return append(ndk.libraryDecorator.linkerProps(), &ndk.Properties, &ndk.flagExporter.Properties)
func (*ndkPrebuiltLibraryLinker) linkerDeps(ctx BaseModuleContext, deps Deps) Deps {
// NDK libraries can't have any dependencies
return deps
func ndkPrebuiltLibraryFactory() (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) {
module, library := NewLibrary(android.DeviceSupported, true, false)
linker := &ndkPrebuiltLibraryLinker{
libraryDecorator: library,
module.compiler = nil
module.linker = linker
module.installer = nil
module.stl = nil
module.Properties.HideFromMake = true
return module.Init()
func (ndk *ndkPrebuiltLibraryLinker) link(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags,
deps PathDeps, objs Objects) android.Path {
// A null build step, but it sets up the output path.
ndk.exportIncludes(ctx, "-isystem")
return ndkPrebuiltModuleToPath(ctx, flags.Toolchain, flags.Toolchain.ShlibSuffix(),
// The NDK STLs are slightly different from the prebuilt system libraries:
// * Are not specific to each platform version.
// * The libraries are not in a predictable location for each STL.
type ndkPrebuiltStlLinker struct {
func ndkPrebuiltSharedStlFactory() (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) {
module, library := NewLibrary(android.DeviceSupported, true, false)
linker := &ndkPrebuiltStlLinker{
ndkPrebuiltLibraryLinker: ndkPrebuiltLibraryLinker{
libraryDecorator: library,
module.compiler = nil
module.linker = linker
module.installer = nil
module.Properties.HideFromMake = true
return module.Init()
func ndkPrebuiltStaticStlFactory() (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) {
module, library := NewLibrary(android.DeviceSupported, false, true)
linker := &ndkPrebuiltStlLinker{
ndkPrebuiltLibraryLinker: ndkPrebuiltLibraryLinker{
libraryDecorator: library,
module.compiler = nil
module.linker = linker
module.installer = nil
module.Properties.HideFromMake = true
return module.Init()
func getNdkStlLibDir(ctx android.ModuleContext, toolchain config.Toolchain, stl string) android.SourcePath {
gccVersion := toolchain.GccVersion()
var libDir string
switch stl {
case "libstlport":
libDir = "cxx-stl/stlport/libs"
case "libc++":
libDir = "cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs"
case "libgnustl":
libDir = fmt.Sprintf("cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/%s/libs", gccVersion)
if libDir != "" {
ndkSrcRoot := "prebuilts/ndk/current/sources"
return android.PathForSource(ctx, ndkSrcRoot).Join(ctx, libDir, ctx.Arch().Abi[0])
ctx.ModuleErrorf("Unknown NDK STL: %s", stl)
return android.PathForSource(ctx, "")
func (ndk *ndkPrebuiltStlLinker) link(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags,
deps PathDeps, objs Objects) android.Path {
// A null build step, but it sets up the output path.
if !strings.HasPrefix(ctx.ModuleName(), "ndk_lib") {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("NDK prebuilts must have an ndk_lib prefixed name")
ndk.exportIncludes(ctx, "-I")
libName := strings.TrimPrefix(ctx.ModuleName(), "ndk_")
libExt := flags.Toolchain.ShlibSuffix()
if ndk.Properties.BuildStatic {
libExt = staticLibraryExtension
stlName := strings.TrimSuffix(libName, "_shared")
stlName = strings.TrimSuffix(stlName, "_static")
libDir := getNdkStlLibDir(ctx, flags.Toolchain, stlName)
return libDir.Join(ctx, libName+libExt)