blob: 9ac63504cb456c63c2d961227ee102aa58b9113d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cc
import (
_ "embed"
const veryVerbose bool = false
//go:embed cmake_main.txt
var templateCmakeMainRaw string
var templateCmakeMain *template.Template = parseTemplate(templateCmakeMainRaw)
//go:embed cmake_module_cc.txt
var templateCmakeModuleCcRaw string
var templateCmakeModuleCc *template.Template = parseTemplate(templateCmakeModuleCcRaw)
//go:embed cmake_module_aidl.txt
var templateCmakeModuleAidlRaw string
var templateCmakeModuleAidl *template.Template = parseTemplate(templateCmakeModuleAidlRaw)
//go:embed cmake_ext_add_aidl_library.txt
var cmakeExtAddAidlLibrary string
//go:embed cmake_ext_append_flags.txt
var cmakeExtAppendFlags string
var defaultUnportableFlags []string = []string{
var ignoredSystemLibs []string = []string{
// Mapping entry between Android's library name and the one used when building outside Android tree.
type LibraryMappingProperty struct {
// Android library name.
Android_name string
// Library name used when building outside Android.
Mapped_name string
// If the make file is already present in Android source tree, specify its location.
Package_pregenerated string
// If the package is expected to be installed on the build host OS, specify its name.
Package_system string
type CmakeSnapshotProperties struct {
// Modules to add to the snapshot package. Their dependencies are pulled in automatically.
Modules []string
// Host prebuilts to bundle with the snapshot. These are tools needed to build outside Android.
Prebuilts []string
// Global cflags to add when building outside Android.
Cflags []string
// Flags to skip when building outside Android.
Cflags_ignored []string
// Mapping between library names used in Android tree and externally.
Library_mapping []LibraryMappingProperty
// List of cflags that are not portable between compilers that could potentially be used to
// build a generated package. If left empty, it's initialized with a default list.
Unportable_flags []string
// Whether to include source code as part of the snapshot package.
Include_sources bool
var cmakeSnapshotSourcesProvider = blueprint.NewProvider[android.Paths]()
type CmakeSnapshot struct {
Properties CmakeSnapshotProperties
zipPath android.WritablePath
type cmakeProcessedProperties struct {
LibraryMapping map[string]LibraryMappingProperty
PregeneratedPackages []string
SystemPackages []string
type cmakeSnapshotDependencyTag struct {
name string
var (
cmakeSnapshotModuleTag = cmakeSnapshotDependencyTag{name: "cmake-snapshot-module"}
cmakeSnapshotPrebuiltTag = cmakeSnapshotDependencyTag{name: "cmake-snapshot-prebuilt"}
func parseTemplate(templateContents string) *template.Template {
funcMap := template.FuncMap{
"setList": func(name string, nameSuffix string, itemPrefix string, items []string) string {
var list strings.Builder
list.WriteString("set(" + name + nameSuffix)
templateListBuilder(&list, itemPrefix, items)
return list.String()
"toStrings": func(files android.Paths) []string {
strings := make([]string, len(files))
for idx, file := range files {
strings[idx] = file.String()
return strings
"concat5": func(list1 []string, list2 []string, list3 []string, list4 []string, list5 []string) []string {
return append(append(append(append(list1, list2...), list3...), list4...), list5...)
"cflagsList": func(name string, nameSuffix string, flags []string,
unportableFlags []string, ignoredFlags []string) string {
if len(unportableFlags) == 0 {
unportableFlags = defaultUnportableFlags
var filteredPortable []string
var filteredUnportable []string
for _, flag := range flags {
if slices.Contains(ignoredFlags, flag) {
} else if slices.Contains(unportableFlags, flag) {
filteredUnportable = append(filteredUnportable, flag)
} else {
filteredPortable = append(filteredPortable, flag)
var list strings.Builder
list.WriteString("set(" + name + nameSuffix)
templateListBuilder(&list, "", filteredPortable)
if len(filteredUnportable) > 0 {
list.WriteString("\nappend_cxx_flags_if_supported(" + name + nameSuffix)
templateListBuilder(&list, "", filteredUnportable)
return list.String()
"getSources": func(m *Module) android.Paths {
return m.compiler.(CompiledInterface).Srcs()
"getModuleType": getModuleType,
"getCompilerProperties": func(m *Module) BaseCompilerProperties {
return m.compiler.baseCompilerProps()
"getLinkerProperties": func(m *Module) BaseLinkerProperties {
return m.linker.baseLinkerProps()
"getExtraLibs": getExtraLibs,
"getIncludeDirs": getIncludeDirs,
"mapLibraries": func(ctx android.ModuleContext, m *Module, libs []string, mapping map[string]LibraryMappingProperty) []string {
var mappedLibs []string
for _, lib := range libs {
mappedLib, exists := mapping[lib]
if exists {
lib = mappedLib.Mapped_name
} else {
if !ctx.OtherModuleExists(lib) {
ctx.OtherModuleErrorf(m, "Dependency %s doesn't exist", lib)
lib = "android::" + lib
if lib == "" {
mappedLibs = append(mappedLibs, lib)
mappedLibs = slices.Compact(mappedLibs)
return mappedLibs
"getAidlSources": func(m *Module) []string {
aidlInterface := m.compiler.baseCompilerProps().AidlInterface
aidlRoot := aidlInterface.AidlRoot + string(filepath.Separator)
if aidlInterface.AidlRoot == "" {
aidlRoot = ""
var sources []string
for _, src := range aidlInterface.Sources {
if !strings.HasPrefix(src, aidlRoot) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Aidl source '%v' doesn't start with '%v'", src, aidlRoot))
sources = append(sources, src[len(aidlRoot):])
return sources
return template.Must(template.New("").Delims("<<", ">>").Funcs(funcMap).Parse(templateContents))
func sliceWithPrefix(prefix string, slice []string) []string {
output := make([]string, len(slice))
for i, elem := range slice {
output[i] = prefix + elem
return output
func templateListBuilder(builder *strings.Builder, itemPrefix string, items []string) {
if len(items) > 0 {
for _, item := range items {
builder.WriteString(" " + itemPrefix + item + "\n")
func executeTemplate(templ *template.Template, buffer *bytes.Buffer, data any) string {
if err := templ.Execute(buffer, data); err != nil {
output := strings.TrimSpace(buffer.String())
return output
func (m *CmakeSnapshot) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
variations := []blueprint.Variation{
{"os", "linux_glibc"},
{"arch", "x86_64"},
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(variations, cmakeSnapshotModuleTag, m.Properties.Modules...)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(variations, cmakeSnapshotPrebuiltTag, m.Properties.Prebuilts...)
func (m *CmakeSnapshot) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
var templateBuffer bytes.Buffer
var pprop cmakeProcessedProperties
m.zipPath = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+".zip")
// Process Library_mapping for more efficient lookups
pprop.LibraryMapping = map[string]LibraryMappingProperty{}
for _, elem := range m.Properties.Library_mapping {
pprop.LibraryMapping[elem.Android_name] = elem
if elem.Package_pregenerated != "" {
pprop.PregeneratedPackages = append(pprop.PregeneratedPackages, elem.Package_pregenerated)
pprop.PregeneratedPackages = slices.Compact(pprop.PregeneratedPackages)
if elem.Package_system != "" {
pprop.SystemPackages = append(pprop.SystemPackages, elem.Package_system)
pprop.SystemPackages = slices.Compact(pprop.SystemPackages)
// Generating CMakeLists.txt rules for all modules in dependency tree
moduleDirs := map[string][]string{}
sourceFiles := map[string]android.Path{}
visitedModules := map[string]bool{}
var pregeneratedModules []*Module
ctx.WalkDeps(func(dep_a android.Module, parent android.Module) bool {
moduleName := ctx.OtherModuleName(dep_a)
if visited := visitedModules[moduleName]; visited {
return false // visit only once
visitedModules[moduleName] = true
dep, ok := dep_a.(*Module)
if !ok {
return false // not a cc module
if mapping, ok := pprop.LibraryMapping[moduleName]; ok {
if mapping.Package_pregenerated != "" {
pregeneratedModules = append(pregeneratedModules, dep)
return false // mapped to system or pregenerated (we'll handle these later)
if ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(dep) == cmakeSnapshotPrebuiltTag {
return false // we'll handle cmakeSnapshotPrebuiltTag later
if slices.Contains(ignoredSystemLibs, moduleName) {
return false // system libs built in-tree for Android
if dep.compiler == nil {
return false // unsupported module type (e.g. prebuilt)
isAidlModule := dep.compiler.baseCompilerProps().AidlInterface.Lang != ""
if !proptools.Bool(dep.Properties.Cmake_snapshot_supported) {
ctx.OtherModulePropertyErrorf(dep, "cmake_snapshot_supported",
"CMake snapshots not supported, despite being a dependency for %s",
return false
if veryVerbose {
fmt.Println("WalkDeps: " + ctx.OtherModuleName(parent) + " -> " + moduleName)
// Generate CMakeLists.txt fragment for this module
templateToUse := templateCmakeModuleCc
if isAidlModule {
templateToUse = templateCmakeModuleAidl
moduleFragment := executeTemplate(templateToUse, &templateBuffer, struct {
Ctx *android.ModuleContext
M *Module
Snapshot *CmakeSnapshot
Pprop *cmakeProcessedProperties
moduleDir := ctx.OtherModuleDir(dep)
moduleDirs[moduleDir] = append(moduleDirs[moduleDir], moduleFragment)
if m.Properties.Include_sources {
files, _ := android.OtherModuleProvider(ctx, dep, cmakeSnapshotSourcesProvider)
for _, file := range files {
sourceFiles[file.String()] = file
// if it's AIDL module, no need to dive into their dependencies
return !isAidlModule
// Enumerate sources for pregenerated modules
if m.Properties.Include_sources {
for _, dep := range pregeneratedModules {
if !proptools.Bool(dep.Properties.Cmake_snapshot_supported) {
ctx.OtherModulePropertyErrorf(dep, "cmake_snapshot_supported",
"Pregenerated CMake snapshots not supported, despite being requested for %s",
files, _ := android.OtherModuleProvider(ctx, dep, cmakeSnapshotSourcesProvider)
for _, file := range files {
sourceFiles[file.String()] = file
// Merging CMakeLists.txt contents for every module directory
var makefilesList android.Paths
for moduleDir, fragments := range moduleDirs {
moduleCmakePath := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, moduleDir, "CMakeLists.txt")
makefilesList = append(makefilesList, moduleCmakePath)
android.WriteFileRule(ctx, moduleCmakePath, strings.Join(fragments, "\n\n\n"))
// Generating top-level CMakeLists.txt
mainCmakePath := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "CMakeLists.txt")
makefilesList = append(makefilesList, mainCmakePath)
mainContents := executeTemplate(templateCmakeMain, &templateBuffer, struct {
Ctx *android.ModuleContext
M *CmakeSnapshot
ModuleDirs map[string][]string
Pprop *cmakeProcessedProperties
android.WriteFileRule(ctx, mainCmakePath, mainContents)
// Generating CMake extensions
extPath := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "cmake", "AppendCxxFlagsIfSupported.cmake")
makefilesList = append(makefilesList, extPath)
android.WriteFileRuleVerbatim(ctx, extPath, cmakeExtAppendFlags)
extPath = android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "cmake", "AddAidlLibrary.cmake")
makefilesList = append(makefilesList, extPath)
android.WriteFileRuleVerbatim(ctx, extPath, cmakeExtAddAidlLibrary)
// Generating the final zip file
zipRule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
zipCmd := zipRule.Command().
FlagWithOutput("-o ", m.zipPath)
// Packaging all sources into the zip file
if m.Properties.Include_sources {
var sourcesList android.Paths
for _, file := range sourceFiles {
sourcesList = append(sourcesList, file)
sourcesRspFile := android.PathForModuleObj(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+"_sources.rsp")
zipCmd.FlagWithRspFileInputList("-r ", sourcesRspFile, sourcesList)
// Packaging all make files into the zip file
makefilesRspFile := android.PathForModuleObj(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+"_makefiles.rsp")
FlagWithArg("-C ", android.PathForModuleGen(ctx).OutputPath.String()).
FlagWithRspFileInputList("-r ", makefilesRspFile, makefilesList)
// Packaging all prebuilts into the zip file
if len(m.Properties.Prebuilts) > 0 {
var prebuiltsList android.Paths
ctx.VisitDirectDepsWithTag(cmakeSnapshotPrebuiltTag, func(dep android.Module) {
for _, file := range dep.FilesToInstall() {
prebuiltsList = append(prebuiltsList, file)
prebuiltsRspFile := android.PathForModuleObj(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+"_prebuilts.rsp")
FlagWithArg("-C ", android.PathForArbitraryOutput(ctx).String()).
FlagWithArg("-P ", "prebuilts").
FlagWithRspFileInputList("-r ", prebuiltsRspFile, prebuiltsList)
// Finish generating the final zip file
zipRule.Build(m.zipPath.String(), "archiving "+ctx.ModuleName())
func (m *CmakeSnapshot) OutputFiles(tag string) (android.Paths, error) {
switch tag {
case "":
return android.Paths{m.zipPath}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported module reference tag %q", tag)
func (m *CmakeSnapshot) AndroidMkEntries() []android.AndroidMkEntries {
return []android.AndroidMkEntries{{
Class: "DATA",
OutputFile: android.OptionalPathForPath(m.zipPath),
ExtraEntries: []android.AndroidMkExtraEntriesFunc{
func(ctx android.AndroidMkExtraEntriesContext, entries *android.AndroidMkEntries) {
func getModuleType(m *Module) string {
switch m.linker.(type) {
case *binaryDecorator:
return "executable"
case *libraryDecorator:
return "library"
case *testBinary:
return "executable"
case *benchmarkDecorator:
return "executable"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected module type: %T", m.linker))
func getExtraLibs(m *Module) []string {
switch decorator := m.linker.(type) {
case *testBinary:
if decorator.testDecorator.gtest() {
return []string{
case *benchmarkDecorator:
return []string{"libgoogle-benchmark"}
return nil
func getIncludeDirs(ctx android.ModuleContext, m *Module) []string {
moduleDir := ctx.OtherModuleDir(m) + string(filepath.Separator)
switch decorator := m.compiler.(type) {
case *libraryDecorator:
return sliceWithPrefix(moduleDir, decorator.flagExporter.Properties.Export_include_dirs.GetOrDefault(ctx, nil))
return nil
func cmakeSnapshotLoadHook(ctx android.LoadHookContext) {
props := struct {
Target struct {
Darwin struct {
Enabled *bool
Windows struct {
Enabled *bool
props.Target.Darwin.Enabled = proptools.BoolPtr(false)
props.Target.Windows.Enabled = proptools.BoolPtr(false)
// cmake_snapshot allows defining source packages for release outside of Android build tree.
// As a result of cmake_snapshot module build, a zip file is generated with CMake build definitions
// for selected source modules, their dependencies and optionally also the source code itself.
func CmakeSnapshotFactory() android.Module {
module := &CmakeSnapshot{}
android.AddLoadHook(module, cmakeSnapshotLoadHook)
android.InitAndroidArchModule(module, android.HostSupported, android.MultilibFirst)
return module
func init() {
android.InitRegistrationContext.RegisterModuleType("cc_cmake_snapshot", CmakeSnapshotFactory)