blob: fd1fe33ff491769a7a6843f5018d165cdb6daa98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package java
// This file contains the module types for compiling Android apps.
import (
func init() {
android.RegisterPreSingletonType("overlay", OverlaySingletonFactory)
// AAR prebuilts
// AndroidManifest.xml merging
// package splits
type androidAppProperties struct {
// path to a certificate, or the name of a certificate in the default
// certificate directory, or blank to use the default product certificate
Certificate *string
// paths to extra certificates to sign the apk with
Additional_certificates []string
// If set, create package-export.apk, which other packages can
// use to get PRODUCT-agnostic resource data like IDs and type definitions.
Export_package_resources *bool
// flags passed to aapt when creating the apk
Aaptflags []string
// list of resource labels to generate individual resource packages
Package_splits []string
// list of directories relative to the Blueprints file containing assets.
// Defaults to "assets"
Asset_dirs []string
// list of directories relative to the Blueprints file containing
// Android resources
Resource_dirs []string
Instrumentation_for *string
type AndroidApp struct {
appProperties androidAppProperties
aaptSrcJar android.Path
exportPackage android.Path
func (a *AndroidApp) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if !Bool( && !Bool( {
switch String(a.deviceProperties.Sdk_version) { // TODO: Res_sdk_version?
case "current", "system_current", "":
ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), frameworkResTag, "framework-res")
// We'll already have a dependency on an sdk prebuilt android.jar
func (a *AndroidApp) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
linkFlags, linkDeps, resDirs, overlayDirs := a.aapt2Flags(ctx)
packageRes := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "package-res.apk")
srcJar := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "R.jar")
proguardOptionsFile := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "proguard.options")
var compiledRes, compiledOverlay android.Paths
for _, dir := range resDirs {
compiledRes = append(compiledRes, aapt2Compile(ctx, dir.dir, dir.files).Paths()...)
for _, dir := range overlayDirs {
compiledOverlay = append(compiledOverlay, aapt2Compile(ctx, dir.dir, dir.files).Paths()...)
aapt2Link(ctx, packageRes, srcJar, proguardOptionsFile,
linkFlags, linkDeps, compiledRes, compiledOverlay)
a.exportPackage = packageRes
a.aaptSrcJar = srcJar
// apps manifests are handled by aapt, don't let Module see them = nil
//if !ctx.ContainsProperty("proguard.enabled") {
// = true
certificate := String(a.appProperties.Certificate)
if certificate == "" {
certificate = ctx.AConfig().DefaultAppCertificate(ctx).String()
} else if dir, _ := filepath.Split(certificate); dir == "" {
certificate = filepath.Join(ctx.AConfig().DefaultAppCertificateDir(ctx).String(), certificate)
} else {
certificate = filepath.Join(android.PathForSource(ctx).String(), certificate)
certificates := []string{certificate}
for _, c := range a.appProperties.Additional_certificates {
certificates = append(certificates, filepath.Join(android.PathForSource(ctx).String(), c))
packageFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "package.apk")
CreateAppPackage(ctx, packageFile, a.exportPackage, a.outputFile, certificates)
a.outputFile = packageFile
ctx.InstallFile(android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "app"), ctx.ModuleName()+".apk", a.outputFile)
var aaptIgnoreFilenames = []string{
type globbedResourceDir struct {
dir android.Path
files android.Paths
func (a *AndroidApp) aapt2Flags(ctx android.ModuleContext) (flags []string, deps android.Paths,
resDirs, overlayDirs []globbedResourceDir) {
hasVersionCode := false
hasVersionName := false
hasProduct := false
for _, f := range a.appProperties.Aaptflags {
if strings.HasPrefix(f, "--version-code") {
hasVersionCode = true
} else if strings.HasPrefix(f, "--version-name") {
hasVersionName = true
} else if strings.HasPrefix(f, "--product") {
hasProduct = true
var linkFlags []string
// Flags specified in Android.bp
linkFlags = append(linkFlags, a.appProperties.Aaptflags...)
linkFlags = append(linkFlags, "--no-static-lib-packages")
// Find implicit or explicit asset and resource dirs
assetDirs := android.PathsWithOptionalDefaultForModuleSrc(ctx, a.appProperties.Asset_dirs, "assets")
resourceDirs := android.PathsWithOptionalDefaultForModuleSrc(ctx, a.appProperties.Resource_dirs, "res")
var linkDeps android.Paths
// Glob directories into lists of paths
for _, dir := range resourceDirs {
resDirs = append(resDirs, globbedResourceDir{
dir: dir,
files: resourceGlob(ctx, dir),
overlayDirs = append(overlayDirs, overlayResourceGlob(ctx, dir)...)
var assetFiles android.Paths
for _, dir := range assetDirs {
assetFiles = append(assetFiles, resourceGlob(ctx, dir)...)
// App manifest file
var manifestFile string
if == nil {
manifestFile = "AndroidManifest.xml"
} else {
manifestFile = *
manifestPath := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, manifestFile)
linkFlags = append(linkFlags, "--manifest "+manifestPath.String())
linkDeps = append(linkDeps, manifestPath)
linkFlags = append(linkFlags, android.JoinWithPrefix(assetDirs.Strings(), "-A "))
linkDeps = append(linkDeps, assetFiles...)
// Include dirs
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(module android.Module) {
var depFiles android.Paths
if javaDep, ok := module.(Dependency); ok {
// TODO: shared android libraries
if ctx.OtherModuleName(module) == "framework-res" {
depFiles = android.Paths{javaDep.(*AndroidApp).exportPackage}
for _, dep := range depFiles {
linkFlags = append(linkFlags, "-I "+dep.String())
linkDeps = append(linkDeps, depFiles...)
// SDK version flags
sdkVersion := String(a.deviceProperties.Sdk_version)
switch sdkVersion {
case "", "current", "system_current", "test_current":
sdkVersion = ctx.AConfig().AppsDefaultVersionName()
linkFlags = append(linkFlags, "--min-sdk-version "+sdkVersion)
linkFlags = append(linkFlags, "--target-sdk-version "+sdkVersion)
// Product characteristics
if !hasProduct && len(ctx.AConfig().ProductAAPTCharacteristics()) > 0 {
linkFlags = append(linkFlags, "--product", ctx.AConfig().ProductAAPTCharacteristics())
// Product AAPT config
for _, aaptConfig := range ctx.AConfig().ProductAAPTConfig() {
linkFlags = append(linkFlags, "-c", aaptConfig)
// Product AAPT preferred config
if len(ctx.AConfig().ProductAAPTPreferredConfig()) > 0 {
linkFlags = append(linkFlags, "--preferred-density", ctx.AConfig().ProductAAPTPreferredConfig())
// Version code
if !hasVersionCode {
linkFlags = append(linkFlags, "--version-code", ctx.AConfig().PlatformSdkVersion())
if !hasVersionName {
versionName := proptools.NinjaEscape([]string{ctx.AConfig().AppsDefaultVersionName()})[0]
linkFlags = append(linkFlags, "--version-name ", versionName)
if String(a.appProperties.Instrumentation_for) != "" {
linkFlags = append(linkFlags,
// $(addprefix --rename-manifest-package , $(PRIVATE_MANIFEST_PACKAGE_NAME)) \
return linkFlags, linkDeps, resDirs, overlayDirs
func AndroidAppFactory() android.Module {
module := &AndroidApp{}
android.InitAndroidArchModule(module, android.DeviceSupported, android.MultilibCommon)
return module
func resourceGlob(ctx android.ModuleContext, dir android.Path) android.Paths {
var ret android.Paths
files := ctx.Glob(filepath.Join(dir.String(), "**/*"), aaptIgnoreFilenames)
for _, f := range files {
if isDir, err := ctx.Fs().IsDir(f.String()); err != nil {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("error in IsDir(%s): %s", f.String(), err.Error())
return nil
} else if !isDir {
ret = append(ret, f)
return ret
type overlayGlobResult struct {
dir string
paths android.DirectorySortedPaths
const overlayDataKey = "overlayDataKey"
func overlayResourceGlob(ctx android.ModuleContext, dir android.Path) []globbedResourceDir {
overlayData := ctx.AConfig().Get(overlayDataKey).([]overlayGlobResult)
var ret []globbedResourceDir
for _, data := range overlayData {
files := data.paths.PathsInDirectory(filepath.Join(data.dir, dir.String()))
if len(files) > 0 {
ret = append(ret, globbedResourceDir{
dir: android.PathForSource(ctx, data.dir, dir.String()),
files: files,
return ret
func OverlaySingletonFactory() android.Singleton {
return overlaySingleton{}
type overlaySingleton struct{}
func (overlaySingleton) GenerateBuildActions(ctx android.SingletonContext) {
var overlayData []overlayGlobResult
for _, overlay := range ctx.Config().(android.Config).ResourceOverlays() {
var result overlayGlobResult
result.dir = overlay
files, err := ctx.GlobWithDeps(filepath.Join(overlay, "**/*"), aaptIgnoreFilenames)
if err != nil {
ctx.Errorf("failed to glob resource dir %q: %s", overlay, err.Error())
var paths android.Paths
for _, f := range files {
if isDir, err := ctx.Fs().IsDir(f); err != nil {
ctx.Errorf("error in IsDir(%s): %s", f, err.Error())
} else if !isDir {
paths = append(paths, android.PathForSource(ctx, f))
result.paths = android.PathsToDirectorySortedPaths(paths)
overlayData = append(overlayData, result)
ctx.Config().(android.Config).Once(overlayDataKey, func() interface{} {
return overlayData