blob: 88f5b452c65ee4d2455b2f85a6d3555827d7916a [file] [log] [blame]
package codegen
import (
type rustDeclarationsTagType struct {
var rustDeclarationsTag = rustDeclarationsTagType{}
type RustAconfigLibraryProperties struct {
// name of the aconfig_declarations module to generate a library for
Aconfig_declarations string
// default mode is "production", the other accepted modes are:
// "test": to generate test mode version of the library
// "exported": to generate exported mode version of the library
// an error will be thrown if the mode is not supported
Mode *string
type aconfigDecorator struct {
Properties RustAconfigLibraryProperties
func NewRustAconfigLibrary(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported) (*rust.Module, *aconfigDecorator) {
aconfig := &aconfigDecorator{
BaseSourceProvider: rust.NewSourceProvider(),
Properties: RustAconfigLibraryProperties{},
module := rust.NewSourceProviderModule(android.HostAndDeviceSupported, aconfig, false, false)
return module, aconfig
// rust_aconfig_library generates aconfig rust code from the provided aconfig declaration. This module type will
// create library variants that can be used as a crate dependency by adding it to the rlibs, dylibs, and rustlibs
// properties of other modules.
func RustAconfigLibraryFactory() android.Module {
module, _ := NewRustAconfigLibrary(android.HostAndDeviceSupported)
return module.Init()
func (a *aconfigDecorator) SourceProviderProps() []interface{} {
return append(a.BaseSourceProvider.SourceProviderProps(), &a.Properties)
func (a *aconfigDecorator) GenerateSource(ctx rust.ModuleContext, deps rust.PathDeps) android.Path {
generatedDir := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx)
generatedSource := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "src", "")
declarationsModules := ctx.GetDirectDepsWithTag(rustDeclarationsTag)
if len(declarationsModules) != 1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Exactly one aconfig_declarations property required"))
declarations, _ := android.OtherModuleProvider(ctx, declarationsModules[0], aconfig.DeclarationsProviderKey)
mode := proptools.StringDefault(a.Properties.Mode, "production")
if !isModeSupported(mode) {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("mode", "%q is not a supported mode", mode)
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: rustRule,
Input: declarations.IntermediateCacheOutputPath,
Outputs: []android.WritablePath{
Description: "rust_aconfig_library",
Args: map[string]string{
"gendir": generatedDir.String(),
"mode": mode,
a.BaseSourceProvider.OutputFiles = android.Paths{generatedSource}
return generatedSource
func (a *aconfigDecorator) SourceProviderDeps(ctx rust.DepsContext, deps rust.Deps) rust.Deps {
deps = a.BaseSourceProvider.SourceProviderDeps(ctx, deps)
deps.Rustlibs = append(deps.Rustlibs, "libflags_rust")
deps.Rustlibs = append(deps.Rustlibs, "liblazy_static")
ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), rustDeclarationsTag, a.Properties.Aconfig_declarations)
return deps