blob: 93acdc7dba2d23a16dc523d5bf8d4944cd5765c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cc
import (
func init() {
pctx.VariableFunc("rsCmd", func(ctx android.PackageVarContext) string {
if ctx.Config().AlwaysUsePrebuiltSdks() {
// Use RenderScript prebuilts for unbundled builds
return filepath.Join("prebuilts/sdk/tools", runtime.GOOS, "bin/llvm-rs-cc")
} else {
return ctx.Config().HostToolPath(ctx, "llvm-rs-cc").String()
var rsCppCmdLine = strings.Replace(`
${rsCmd} -o ${outDir} -d ${outDir} -a ${out} -MD -reflect-c++ ${rsFlags} $in &&
echo '${out}: \' > ${out}.d &&
for f in ${depFiles}; do cat $${f} | awk 'start { sub(/( \\)?$$/, " \\"); print } /:/ { start=1 }' >> ${out}.d; done &&
touch $out
`, "\n", "", -1)
var (
rsCpp = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("rsCpp",
Command: rsCppCmdLine,
CommandDeps: []string{"$rsCmd"},
Depfile: "${out}.d",
Deps: blueprint.DepsGCC,
"depFiles", "outDir", "rsFlags", "stampFile")
// Takes a path to a .rscript or .fs file, and returns a path to a generated ScriptC_*.cpp file
// This has to match the logic in llvm-rs-cc in DetermineOutputFile.
func rsGeneratedCppFile(ctx android.ModuleContext, rsFile android.Path) android.WritablePath {
fileName := strings.TrimSuffix(rsFile.Base(), rsFile.Ext())
return android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "rs", "ScriptC_"+fileName+".cpp")
func rsGeneratedHFile(ctx android.ModuleContext, rsFile android.Path) android.WritablePath {
fileName := strings.TrimSuffix(rsFile.Base(), rsFile.Ext())
return android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "rs", "ScriptC_"+fileName+".h")
func rsGeneratedDepFile(ctx android.ModuleContext, rsFile android.Path) android.WritablePath {
fileName := strings.TrimSuffix(rsFile.Base(), rsFile.Ext())
return android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "rs", fileName+".d")
func rsGenerateCpp(ctx android.ModuleContext, rsFiles android.Paths, rsFlags string) android.Paths {
stampFile := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "rs", "rs.stamp")
depFiles := make(android.WritablePaths, 0, len(rsFiles))
genFiles := make(android.WritablePaths, 0, 2*len(rsFiles))
headers := make(android.Paths, 0, len(rsFiles))
for _, rsFile := range rsFiles {
depFiles = append(depFiles, rsGeneratedDepFile(ctx, rsFile))
headerFile := rsGeneratedHFile(ctx, rsFile)
genFiles = append(genFiles, rsGeneratedCppFile(ctx, rsFile), headerFile)
headers = append(headers, headerFile)
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: rsCpp,
Description: "llvm-rs-cc",
Output: stampFile,
ImplicitOutputs: genFiles,
Inputs: rsFiles,
Args: map[string]string{
"rsFlags": rsFlags,
"outDir": android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "rs").String(),
"depFiles": strings.Join(depFiles.Strings(), " "),
return headers
func rsFlags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags, properties *BaseCompilerProperties) Flags {
targetApi := String(properties.Renderscript.Target_api)
if targetApi == "" && ctx.useSdk() {
targetApiLevel := android.ApiLevelOrPanic(ctx, ctx.sdkVersion())
if targetApiLevel.IsCurrent() || targetApiLevel.IsPreview() {
// If the target level is current or preview, leave the 'target-api' unset.
// This signals to llvm-rs-cc that the development API should be used.
} else {
targetApi = targetApiLevel.String()
if targetApi != "" {
flags.rsFlags = append(flags.rsFlags, "-target-api "+targetApi)
flags.rsFlags = append(flags.rsFlags, "-Wall", "-Werror")
flags.rsFlags = append(flags.rsFlags, properties.Renderscript.Flags...)
if ctx.Arch().ArchType.Multilib == "lib64" {
flags.rsFlags = append(flags.rsFlags, "-m64")
} else {
flags.rsFlags = append(flags.rsFlags, "-m32")
flags.rsFlags = append(flags.rsFlags, "${config.RsGlobalIncludes}")
rootRsIncludeDirs := android.PathsForSource(ctx, properties.Renderscript.Include_dirs)
flags.rsFlags = append(flags.rsFlags, includeDirsToFlags(rootRsIncludeDirs))
flags.Local.CommonFlags = append(flags.Local.CommonFlags,
"-I"+android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "rs").String(),
return flags
type rscriptAttributes struct {
// Renderscript source files
Srcs bazel.LabelListAttribute
func bp2buildRScript(ctx android.Bp2buildMutatorContext, m *Module, ca compilerAttributes) (bazel.LabelAttribute, bazel.StringListAttribute, bazel.StringListAttribute) {
var rscriptAttrs rscriptAttributes
var rsAbsIncludes bazel.StringListAttribute
var localIncludes bazel.StringListAttribute
var rsModuleName string
var convertedRsSrcsLabel bazel.LabelAttribute
if !ca.rscriptSrcs.IsEmpty() {
rscriptAttrs.Srcs = ca.rscriptSrcs
rsModuleName = m.Name() + "_renderscript"
localIncludes.Value = []string{"."}
rsAbsIncludes.Value = []string{"frameworks/rs", "frameworks/rs/cpp"}
convertedRsSrcsLabel = bazel.LabelAttribute{Value: &bazel.Label{Label: rsModuleName}}
Rule_class: "rscript_to_cpp",
Bzl_load_location: "//build/bazel/rules/cc:rscript_to_cpp.bzl",
android.CommonAttributes{Name: rsModuleName},
return convertedRsSrcsLabel, rsAbsIncludes, localIncludes