blob: 3a4d71aaf03609eb14c0e6313a9c04a4d0ceb298 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
androidProtobuf ""
var (
topDir string
availableEnvFile string
usedEnvFile string
globFile string
globListDir string
delveListen string
delvePath string
cmdlineArgs android.CmdArgs
func init() {
// Flags that make sense in every mode
flag.StringVar(&topDir, "top", "", "Top directory of the Android source tree")
flag.StringVar(&cmdlineArgs.SoongOutDir, "soong_out", "", "Soong output directory (usually $TOP/out/soong)")
flag.StringVar(&availableEnvFile, "available_env", "", "File containing available environment variables")
flag.StringVar(&usedEnvFile, "used_env", "", "File containing used environment variables")
flag.StringVar(&globFile, "globFile", "", "the Ninja file of globs to output")
flag.StringVar(&globListDir, "globListDir", "", "the directory containing the glob list files")
flag.StringVar(&cmdlineArgs.OutDir, "out", "", "the ninja builddir directory")
flag.StringVar(&cmdlineArgs.ModuleListFile, "l", "", "file that lists filepaths to parse")
// Debug flags
flag.StringVar(&delveListen, "delve_listen", "", "Delve port to listen on for debugging")
flag.StringVar(&delvePath, "delve_path", "", "Path to Delve. Only used if --delve_listen is set")
flag.StringVar(&cmdlineArgs.Cpuprofile, "cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile to file")
flag.StringVar(&cmdlineArgs.TraceFile, "trace", "", "write trace to file")
flag.StringVar(&cmdlineArgs.Memprofile, "memprofile", "", "write memory profile to file")
flag.BoolVar(&cmdlineArgs.NoGC, "nogc", false, "turn off GC for debugging")
// Flags representing various modes soong_build can run in
flag.StringVar(&cmdlineArgs.ModuleGraphFile, "module_graph_file", "", "JSON module graph file to output")
flag.StringVar(&cmdlineArgs.ModuleActionsFile, "module_actions_file", "", "JSON file to output inputs/outputs of actions of modules")
flag.StringVar(&cmdlineArgs.DocFile, "soong_docs", "", "build documentation file to output")
flag.StringVar(&cmdlineArgs.BazelQueryViewDir, "bazel_queryview_dir", "", "path to the bazel queryview directory relative to --top")
flag.StringVar(&cmdlineArgs.BazelApiBp2buildDir, "bazel_api_bp2build_dir", "", "path to the bazel api_bp2build directory relative to --top")
flag.StringVar(&cmdlineArgs.Bp2buildMarker, "bp2build_marker", "", "If set, run bp2build, touch the specified marker file then exit")
flag.StringVar(&cmdlineArgs.SymlinkForestMarker, "symlink_forest_marker", "", "If set, create the bp2build symlink forest, touch the specified marker file, then exit")
flag.StringVar(&cmdlineArgs.OutFile, "o", "", "the Ninja file to output")
flag.StringVar(&cmdlineArgs.BazelForceEnabledModules, "bazel-force-enabled-modules", "", "additional modules to build with Bazel. Comma-delimited")
flag.BoolVar(&cmdlineArgs.EmptyNinjaFile, "empty-ninja-file", false, "write out a 0-byte ninja file")
flag.BoolVar(&cmdlineArgs.MultitreeBuild, "multitree-build", false, "this is a multitree build")
flag.BoolVar(&cmdlineArgs.BazelMode, "bazel-mode", false, "use bazel for analysis of certain modules")
flag.BoolVar(&cmdlineArgs.BazelModeStaging, "bazel-mode-staging", false, "use bazel for analysis of certain near-ready modules")
flag.BoolVar(&cmdlineArgs.BazelModeDev, "bazel-mode-dev", false, "use bazel for analysis of a large number of modules (less stable)")
flag.BoolVar(&cmdlineArgs.UseBazelProxy, "use-bazel-proxy", false, "communicate with bazel using unix socket proxy instead of spawning subprocesses")
// Flags that probably shouldn't be flags of soong_build, but we haven't found
// the time to remove them yet
flag.BoolVar(&cmdlineArgs.RunGoTests, "t", false, "build and run go tests during bootstrap")
// Disable deterministic randomization in the protobuf package, so incremental
// builds with unrelated Soong changes don't trigger large rebuilds (since we
// write out text protos in command lines, and command line changes trigger
// rebuilds).
func newNameResolver(config android.Config) *android.NameResolver {
return android.NewNameResolver(config)
func newContext(configuration android.Config) *android.Context {
ctx := android.NewContext(configuration)
return ctx
// Bazel-enabled mode. Attaches a mutator to queue Bazel requests, adds a
// BeforePrepareBuildActionsHook to invoke Bazel, and then uses Bazel metadata
// for modules that should be handled by Bazel.
func runMixedModeBuild(ctx *android.Context, extraNinjaDeps []string) string {
defer ctx.EventHandler.End("mixed_build")
bazelHook := func() error {
return ctx.Config().BazelContext.InvokeBazel(ctx.Config(), ctx)
ninjaDeps := bootstrap.RunBlueprint(cmdlineArgs.Args, bootstrap.DoEverything, ctx.Context, ctx.Config())
ninjaDeps = append(ninjaDeps, extraNinjaDeps...)
bazelPaths, err := readFileLines(ctx.Config().Getenv("BAZEL_DEPS_FILE"))
if err != nil {
panic("Bazel deps file not found: " + err.Error())
ninjaDeps = append(ninjaDeps, bazelPaths...)
ninjaDeps = append(ninjaDeps, writeBuildGlobsNinjaFile(ctx)...)
writeDepFile(cmdlineArgs.OutFile, ctx.EventHandler, ninjaDeps)
return cmdlineArgs.OutFile
// Run the code-generation phase to convert BazelTargetModules to BUILD files.
func runQueryView(queryviewDir, queryviewMarker string, ctx *android.Context) {
defer ctx.EventHandler.End("queryview")
codegenContext := bp2build.NewCodegenContext(ctx.Config(), ctx, bp2build.QueryView, topDir)
err := createBazelWorkspace(codegenContext, shared.JoinPath(topDir, queryviewDir), false)
maybeQuit(err, "")
touch(shared.JoinPath(topDir, queryviewMarker))
// Run the code-generation phase to convert API contributions to BUILD files.
// Return marker file for the new synthetic workspace
func runApiBp2build(ctx *android.Context, extraNinjaDeps []string) string {
defer ctx.EventHandler.End("api_bp2build")
// api_bp2build does not run the typical pipeline of soong mutators.
// Hoevever, it still runs the defaults mutator which can create dependencies.
// These dependencies might not always exist (e.g. in tests)
// Register the Android.bp files in the tree
// Add them to the workspace's .d file
if paths, err := ctx.ListModulePaths("."); err == nil {
extraNinjaDeps = append(extraNinjaDeps, paths...)
} else {
// Run the loading and analysis phase
ninjaDeps := bootstrap.RunBlueprint(cmdlineArgs.Args,
ninjaDeps = append(ninjaDeps, extraNinjaDeps...)
// Add the globbed dependencies
ninjaDeps = append(ninjaDeps, writeBuildGlobsNinjaFile(ctx)...)
// Run codegen to generate BUILD files
codegenContext := bp2build.NewCodegenContext(ctx.Config(), ctx, bp2build.ApiBp2build, topDir)
absoluteApiBp2buildDir := shared.JoinPath(topDir, cmdlineArgs.BazelApiBp2buildDir)
// Always generate bp2build_all_srcs filegroups in api_bp2build.
// This is necessary to force each Android.bp file to create an equivalent BUILD file
// and prevent package boundray issues.
// e.g.
// Source
// f/b/Android.bp
// java_library{
// name: "foo",
// api: "api/current.txt",
// }
// f/b/api/Android.bp <- will cause package boundary issues
// Gen
// f/b/BUILD
// java_contribution{
// name: "foo.contribution",
// api: "//f/b/api:current.txt",
// }
// If we don't generate f/b/api/BUILD, foo.contribution will be unbuildable.
err := createBazelWorkspace(codegenContext, absoluteApiBp2buildDir, true)
maybeQuit(err, "")
ninjaDeps = append(ninjaDeps, codegenContext.AdditionalNinjaDeps()...)
// Create soong_injection repository
soongInjectionFiles, err := bp2build.CreateSoongInjectionDirFiles(codegenContext, bp2build.CreateCodegenMetrics())
maybeQuit(err, "")
absoluteSoongInjectionDir := shared.JoinPath(topDir, ctx.Config().SoongOutDir(), bazel.SoongInjectionDirName)
for _, file := range soongInjectionFiles {
// The API targets in api_bp2build workspace do not have any dependency on api_bp2build.
// But we need to create these files to prevent errors during Bazel analysis.
// These need to be created in Read-Write mode.
// This is because the subsequent step (bp2build in api domain analysis) creates them in Read-Write mode
// to allow users to edit/experiment in the synthetic workspace.
writeReadWriteFile(absoluteSoongInjectionDir, file)
workspace := shared.JoinPath(ctx.Config().SoongOutDir(), "api_bp2build")
// Create the symlink forest
symlinkDeps, _, _ := bp2build.PlantSymlinkForest(
ninjaDeps = append(ninjaDeps, symlinkDeps...)
workspaceMarkerFile := workspace + ".marker"
writeDepFile(workspaceMarkerFile, ctx.EventHandler, ninjaDeps)
touch(shared.JoinPath(topDir, workspaceMarkerFile))
return workspaceMarkerFile
// With some exceptions, api_bp2build does not have any dependencies on the checked-in BUILD files
// Exclude them from the generated workspace to prevent unrelated errors during the loading phase
func apiBuildFileExcludes(ctx *android.Context) []string {
ret := bazelArtifacts()
srcs, err := getExistingBazelRelatedFiles(topDir)
maybeQuit(err, "Error determining existing Bazel-related files")
for _, src := range srcs {
// Exclude all src BUILD files
if src != "WORKSPACE" &&
src != "BUILD" &&
src != "BUILD.bazel" &&
!strings.HasPrefix(src, "build/bazel") &&
!strings.HasPrefix(src, "external/bazel-skylib") &&
!strings.HasPrefix(src, "prebuilts/clang") {
ret = append(ret, src)
// Android.bp files for api surfaces are mounted to out/, but out/ should not be a
// dep for api_bp2build. Otherwise, api_bp2build will be run every single time
ret = append(ret, ctx.Config().OutDir())
return ret
func writeMetrics(configuration android.Config, eventHandler *metrics.EventHandler, metricsDir string) {
if len(metricsDir) < 1 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\nMissing required env var for generating soong metrics: LOG_DIR\n")
metricsFile := filepath.Join(metricsDir, "soong_build_metrics.pb")
err := android.WriteMetrics(configuration, eventHandler, metricsFile)
maybeQuit(err, "error writing soong_build metrics %s", metricsFile)
func writeJsonModuleGraphAndActions(ctx *android.Context, cmdArgs android.CmdArgs) {
graphFile, graphErr := os.Create(shared.JoinPath(topDir, cmdArgs.ModuleGraphFile))
maybeQuit(graphErr, "graph err")
defer graphFile.Close()
actionsFile, actionsErr := os.Create(shared.JoinPath(topDir, cmdArgs.ModuleActionsFile))
maybeQuit(actionsErr, "actions err")
defer actionsFile.Close()
ctx.Context.PrintJSONGraphAndActions(graphFile, actionsFile)
func writeBuildGlobsNinjaFile(ctx *android.Context) []string {
defer ctx.EventHandler.End("globs_ninja_file")
globDir := bootstrap.GlobDirectory(ctx.Config().SoongOutDir(), globListDir)
GlobLister: ctx.Globs,
GlobFile: globFile,
GlobDir: globDir,
SrcDir: ctx.SrcDir(),
}, ctx.Config())
return bootstrap.GlobFileListFiles(globDir)
func writeDepFile(outputFile string, eventHandler *metrics.EventHandler, ninjaDeps []string) {
defer eventHandler.End("ninja_deps")
depFile := shared.JoinPath(topDir, outputFile+".d")
err := deptools.WriteDepFile(depFile, outputFile, ninjaDeps)
maybeQuit(err, "error writing depfile '%s'", depFile)
// runSoongOnlyBuild runs the standard Soong build in a number of different modes.
func runSoongOnlyBuild(ctx *android.Context, extraNinjaDeps []string) string {
defer ctx.EventHandler.End("soong_build")
var stopBefore bootstrap.StopBefore
switch ctx.Config().BuildMode {
case android.GenerateModuleGraph:
stopBefore = bootstrap.StopBeforeWriteNinja
case android.GenerateQueryView, android.GenerateDocFile:
stopBefore = bootstrap.StopBeforePrepareBuildActions
stopBefore = bootstrap.DoEverything
ninjaDeps := bootstrap.RunBlueprint(cmdlineArgs.Args, stopBefore, ctx.Context, ctx.Config())
ninjaDeps = append(ninjaDeps, extraNinjaDeps...)
globListFiles := writeBuildGlobsNinjaFile(ctx)
ninjaDeps = append(ninjaDeps, globListFiles...)
// Convert the Soong module graph into Bazel BUILD files.
switch ctx.Config().BuildMode {
case android.GenerateQueryView:
queryviewMarkerFile := cmdlineArgs.BazelQueryViewDir + ".marker"
runQueryView(cmdlineArgs.BazelQueryViewDir, queryviewMarkerFile, ctx)
writeDepFile(queryviewMarkerFile, ctx.EventHandler, ninjaDeps)
return queryviewMarkerFile
case android.GenerateModuleGraph:
writeJsonModuleGraphAndActions(ctx, cmdlineArgs)
writeDepFile(cmdlineArgs.ModuleGraphFile, ctx.EventHandler, ninjaDeps)
return cmdlineArgs.ModuleGraphFile
case android.GenerateDocFile:
// TODO: we could make writeDocs() return the list of documentation files
// written and add them to the .d file. Then soong_docs would be re-run
// whenever one is deleted.
err := writeDocs(ctx, shared.JoinPath(topDir, cmdlineArgs.DocFile))
maybeQuit(err, "error building Soong documentation")
writeDepFile(cmdlineArgs.DocFile, ctx.EventHandler, ninjaDeps)
return cmdlineArgs.DocFile
// The actual output ( was written in the RunBlueprint() call
// above
writeDepFile(cmdlineArgs.OutFile, ctx.EventHandler, ninjaDeps)
return cmdlineArgs.OutFile
// soong_ui dumps the available environment variables to
// soong.environment.available . Then soong_build itself is run with an empty
// environment so that the only way environment variables can be accessed is
// using Config, which tracks access to them.
// At the end of the build, a file called soong.environment.used is written
// containing the current value of all used environment variables. The next
// time soong_ui is run, it checks whether any environment variables that was
// used had changed and if so, it deletes soong.environment.used to cause a
// rebuild.
// The dependency of on soong.environment.used is declared in
func parseAvailableEnv() map[string]string {
if availableEnvFile == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "--available_env not set\n")
result, err := shared.EnvFromFile(shared.JoinPath(topDir, availableEnvFile))
maybeQuit(err, "error reading available environment file '%s'", availableEnvFile)
return result
func main() {
shared.ReexecWithDelveMaybe(delveListen, delvePath)
availableEnv := parseAvailableEnv()
configuration, err := android.NewConfig(cmdlineArgs, availableEnv)
maybeQuit(err, "")
if configuration.Getenv("ALLOW_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES") == "true" {
extraNinjaDeps := []string{configuration.ProductVariablesFileName, usedEnvFile}
if shared.IsDebugging() {
// Add a non-existent file to the dependencies so that soong_build will rerun when the debugger is
// enabled even if it completed successfully.
extraNinjaDeps = append(extraNinjaDeps, filepath.Join(configuration.SoongOutDir(), "always_rerun_for_delve"))
// Bypass configuration.Getenv, as LOG_DIR does not need to be dependency tracked. By definition, it will
// change between every CI build, so tracking it would require re-running Soong for every build.
metricsDir := availableEnv["LOG_DIR"]
ctx := newContext(configuration)
var finalOutputFile string
// Run Soong for a specific activity, like bp2build, queryview
// or the actual Soong build for the file.
switch configuration.BuildMode {
case android.SymlinkForest:
finalOutputFile = runSymlinkForestCreation(ctx, extraNinjaDeps, metricsDir)
case android.Bp2build:
// Run the alternate pipeline of bp2build mutators and singleton to convert
// Blueprint to BUILD files before everything else.
finalOutputFile = runBp2Build(ctx, extraNinjaDeps, metricsDir)
case android.ApiBp2build:
finalOutputFile = runApiBp2build(ctx, extraNinjaDeps)
writeMetrics(configuration, ctx.EventHandler, metricsDir)
if configuration.IsMixedBuildsEnabled() {
finalOutputFile = runMixedModeBuild(ctx, extraNinjaDeps)
} else {
finalOutputFile = runSoongOnlyBuild(ctx, extraNinjaDeps)
writeMetrics(configuration, ctx.EventHandler, metricsDir)
writeUsedEnvironmentFile(configuration, finalOutputFile)
func writeUsedEnvironmentFile(configuration android.Config, finalOutputFile string) {
if usedEnvFile == "" {
path := shared.JoinPath(topDir, usedEnvFile)
data, err := shared.EnvFileContents(configuration.EnvDeps())
maybeQuit(err, "error writing used environment file '%s'\n", usedEnvFile)
if preexistingData, err := os.ReadFile(path); err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
maybeQuit(err, "error reading used environment file '%s'", usedEnvFile)
} else if bytes.Equal(preexistingData, data) {
// used environment file is unchanged
err = os.WriteFile(path, data, 0666)
maybeQuit(err, "error writing used environment file '%s'", usedEnvFile)
// Touch the output file so that it's not older than the file we just
// wrote. We can't write the environment file earlier because one an access
// new environment variables while writing it.
touch(shared.JoinPath(topDir, finalOutputFile))
func touch(path string) {
f, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0666)
maybeQuit(err, "Error touching '%s'", path)
err = f.Close()
maybeQuit(err, "Error touching '%s'", path)
currentTime := time.Now().Local()
err = os.Chtimes(path, currentTime, currentTime)
maybeQuit(err, "error touching '%s'", path)
// Read the bazel.list file that the Soong Finder already dumped earlier (hopefully)
// It contains the locations of BUILD files, BUILD.bazel files, etc. in the source dir
func getExistingBazelRelatedFiles(topDir string) ([]string, error) {
bazelFinderFile := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(cmdlineArgs.ModuleListFile), "bazel.list")
if !filepath.IsAbs(bazelFinderFile) {
// Assume this was a relative path under topDir
bazelFinderFile = filepath.Join(topDir, bazelFinderFile)
return readFileLines(bazelFinderFile)
func bazelArtifacts() []string {
return []string{
"bazel-" + filepath.Base(topDir),
// This could in theory easily be separated into a binary that generically
// merges two directories into a symlink tree. The main obstacle is that this
// function currently depends on both Bazel-specific knowledge (the existence
// of bazel-* symlinks) and configuration (the set of BUILD.bazel files that
// should and should not be kept)
// Ideally, bp2build would write a file that contains instructions to the
// symlink tree creation binary. Then the latter would not need to depend on
// the very heavy-weight machinery of soong_build .
func runSymlinkForestCreation(ctx *android.Context, extraNinjaDeps []string, metricsDir string) string {
var ninjaDeps []string
var mkdirCount, symlinkCount uint64
ctx.EventHandler.Do("symlink_forest", func() {
ninjaDeps = append(ninjaDeps, extraNinjaDeps...)
verbose := ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("BP2BUILD_VERBOSE")
// PlantSymlinkForest() returns all the directories that were readdir()'ed.
// Such a directory SHOULD be added to `ninjaDeps` so that a child directory
// or file created/deleted under it would trigger an update of the symlink forest.
generatedRoot := shared.JoinPath(ctx.Config().SoongOutDir(), "bp2build")
workspaceRoot := shared.JoinPath(ctx.Config().SoongOutDir(), "workspace")
var symlinkForestDeps []string
ctx.EventHandler.Do("plant", func() {
symlinkForestDeps, mkdirCount, symlinkCount = bp2build.PlantSymlinkForest(
verbose, topDir, workspaceRoot, generatedRoot, excludedFromSymlinkForest(ctx, verbose))
ninjaDeps = append(ninjaDeps, symlinkForestDeps...)
writeDepFile(cmdlineArgs.SymlinkForestMarker, ctx.EventHandler, ninjaDeps)
touch(shared.JoinPath(topDir, cmdlineArgs.SymlinkForestMarker))
codegenMetrics := bp2build.ReadCodegenMetrics(metricsDir)
if codegenMetrics == nil {
m := bp2build.CreateCodegenMetrics()
codegenMetrics = &m
} else {
//TODO (usta) we cannot determine if we loaded a stale file, i.e. from an unrelated prior
//invocation of codegen. We should simply use a separate .pb file
writeBp2BuildMetrics(codegenMetrics, ctx.EventHandler, metricsDir)
return cmdlineArgs.SymlinkForestMarker
func excludedFromSymlinkForest(ctx *android.Context, verbose bool) []string {
excluded := bazelArtifacts()
if cmdlineArgs.OutDir[0] != '/' {
excluded = append(excluded, cmdlineArgs.OutDir)
// Find BUILD files in the srcDir which are not in the allowlist
// (android.Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist#ShouldKeepExistingBuildFileForDir)
// and return their paths so they can be left out of the Bazel workspace dir (i.e. ignored)
existingBazelFiles, err := getExistingBazelRelatedFiles(topDir)
maybeQuit(err, "Error determining existing Bazel-related files")
for _, path := range existingBazelFiles {
fullPath := shared.JoinPath(topDir, path)
fileInfo, err2 := os.Stat(fullPath)
if err2 != nil {
// Warn about error, but continue trying to check files
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "WARNING: Error accessing path '%s', err: %s\n", fullPath, err2)
// Exclude only files named 'BUILD' or 'BUILD.bazel' and unless forcibly kept
if fileInfo.IsDir() ||
(fileInfo.Name() != "BUILD" && fileInfo.Name() != "BUILD.bazel") ||
ctx.Config().Bp2buildPackageConfig.ShouldKeepExistingBuildFileForDir(filepath.Dir(path)) {
// Don't ignore this existing build file
if verbose {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Ignoring existing BUILD file: %s\n", path)
excluded = append(excluded, path)
// Temporarily exclude stuff to make `bazel build //external/...` (and `bazel build //frameworks/...`) work
excluded = append(excluded,
// FIXME: 'autotest_lib' is a symlink back to external/autotest, and this causes an infinite
// symlink expansion error for Bazel
// FIXME: The external/google-fruit/extras/bazel_root/third_party/fruit dir is poison
// It contains several symlinks back to real source dirs, and those source dirs contain
// BUILD files we want to ignore
// FIXME: 'frameworks/compile/slang' has a filegroup error due to an escaping issue
// FIXME(b/260809113): 'prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86/clang-dev' is a tool-generated symlink
// directory that contains a BUILD file. The bazel files finder code doesn't traverse into symlink dirs,
// and hence is not aware of this BUILD file and exclude it accordingly during symlink forest generation
// when checking against keepExistingBuildFiles allowlist.
// This is necessary because globs in //prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86/BUILD
// currently assume no subpackages (keepExistingBuildFile is not recursive for that directory).
// This is a bandaid until we the symlink forest logic can intelligently exclude BUILD files found in
// source symlink dirs according to the keepExistingBuildFile allowlist.
return excluded
// Run Soong in the bp2build mode. This creates a standalone context that registers
// an alternate pipeline of mutators and singletons specifically for generating
// Bazel BUILD files instead of Ninja files.
func runBp2Build(ctx *android.Context, extraNinjaDeps []string, metricsDir string) string {
var codegenMetrics *bp2build.CodegenMetrics
ctx.EventHandler.Do("bp2build", func() {
// Propagate "allow misssing dependencies" bit. This is normally set in
// newContext(), but we create ctx without calling that method.
var ninjaDeps []string
ninjaDeps = append(ninjaDeps, extraNinjaDeps...)
// Run the loading and analysis pipeline to prepare the graph of regular
// Modules parsed from Android.bp files, and the BazelTargetModules mapped
// from the regular Modules.
ctx.EventHandler.Do("bootstrap", func() {
blueprintArgs := cmdlineArgs
bootstrapDeps := bootstrap.RunBlueprint(blueprintArgs.Args,
bootstrap.StopBeforePrepareBuildActions, ctx.Context, ctx.Config())
ninjaDeps = append(ninjaDeps, bootstrapDeps...)
globListFiles := writeBuildGlobsNinjaFile(ctx)
ninjaDeps = append(ninjaDeps, globListFiles...)
// Run the code-generation phase to convert BazelTargetModules to BUILD files
// and print conversion codegenMetrics to the user.
codegenContext := bp2build.NewCodegenContext(ctx.Config(), ctx, bp2build.Bp2Build, topDir)
ctx.EventHandler.Do("codegen", func() {
codegenMetrics = bp2build.Codegen(codegenContext)
ninjaDeps = append(ninjaDeps, codegenContext.AdditionalNinjaDeps()...)
writeDepFile(cmdlineArgs.Bp2buildMarker, ctx.EventHandler, ninjaDeps)
touch(shared.JoinPath(topDir, cmdlineArgs.Bp2buildMarker))
// Only report metrics when in bp2build mode. The metrics aren't relevant
// for queryview, since that's a total repo-wide conversion and there's a
// 1:1 mapping for each module.
if ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("BP2BUILD_VERBOSE") {
writeBp2BuildMetrics(codegenMetrics, ctx.EventHandler, metricsDir)
return cmdlineArgs.Bp2buildMarker
// Write Bp2Build metrics into $LOG_DIR
func writeBp2BuildMetrics(codegenMetrics *bp2build.CodegenMetrics, eventHandler *metrics.EventHandler, metricsDir string) {
for _, event := range eventHandler.CompletedEvents() {
Name: event.Id,
StartTime: uint64(event.Start.UnixNano()),
RealTime: event.RuntimeNanoseconds(),
if len(metricsDir) < 1 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\nMissing required env var for generating bp2build metrics: LOG_DIR\n")
func readFileLines(path string) ([]string, error) {
data, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err == nil {
return strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(data)), "\n"), nil
return nil, err
func maybeQuit(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) {
if err == nil {
if format != "" {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)+": "+err.Error())
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)