blob: 53ff1564b1368ee978e157bad2dc639a3078005a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cc
import (
type TidyProperties struct {
// whether to run clang-tidy over C-like sources.
Tidy *bool
// Extra flags to pass to clang-tidy
Tidy_flags []string
// Extra checks to enable or disable in clang-tidy
Tidy_checks []string
// Checks that should be treated as errors.
Tidy_checks_as_errors []string
type tidyFeature struct {
Properties TidyProperties
var quotedFlagRegexp, _ = regexp.Compile(`^-?-[^=]+=('|").*('|")$`)
// When passing flag -name=value, if user add quotes around 'value',
// the quotation marks will be preserved by NinjaAndShellEscapeList
// and the 'value' string with quotes won't work like the intended value.
// So here we report an error if -*='*' is found.
func checkNinjaAndShellEscapeList(ctx ModuleContext, prop string, slice []string) []string {
for _, s := range slice {
if quotedFlagRegexp.MatchString(s) {
ctx.PropertyErrorf(prop, "Extra quotes in: %s", s)
return proptools.NinjaAndShellEscapeList(slice)
func (tidy *tidyFeature) props() []interface{} {
return []interface{}{&tidy.Properties}
func (tidy *tidyFeature) flags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags {
CheckBadTidyFlags(ctx, "tidy_flags", tidy.Properties.Tidy_flags)
CheckBadTidyChecks(ctx, "tidy_checks", tidy.Properties.Tidy_checks)
// Check if tidy is explicitly disabled for this module
if tidy.Properties.Tidy != nil && !*tidy.Properties.Tidy {
return flags
// If not explicitly set, check the global tidy flag
if tidy.Properties.Tidy == nil && !ctx.Config().ClangTidy() {
return flags
flags.Tidy = true
// Add global WITH_TIDY_FLAGS and local tidy_flags.
withTidyFlags := ctx.Config().Getenv("WITH_TIDY_FLAGS")
if len(withTidyFlags) > 0 {
flags.TidyFlags = append(flags.TidyFlags, withTidyFlags)
esc := checkNinjaAndShellEscapeList
flags.TidyFlags = append(flags.TidyFlags, esc(ctx, "tidy_flags", tidy.Properties.Tidy_flags)...)
// If TidyFlags does not contain -header-filter, add default header filter.
// Find the substring because the flag could also appear as --header-filter=...
// and with or without single or double quotes.
if !android.SubstringInList(flags.TidyFlags, "-header-filter=") {
defaultDirs := ctx.Config().Getenv("DEFAULT_TIDY_HEADER_DIRS")
headerFilter := "-header-filter="
if defaultDirs == "" {
headerFilter += ctx.ModuleDir() + "/"
} else {
headerFilter += "\"(" + ctx.ModuleDir() + "/|" + defaultDirs + ")\""
flags.TidyFlags = append(flags.TidyFlags, headerFilter)
// If clang-tidy is not enabled globally, add the -quiet flag.
if !ctx.Config().ClangTidy() {
flags.TidyFlags = append(flags.TidyFlags, "-quiet")
flags.TidyFlags = append(flags.TidyFlags, "-extra-arg-before=-fno-caret-diagnostics")
extraArgFlags := []string{
// We might be using the static analyzer through clang tidy.
// A recent change in clang-tidy (r328258) enabled destructor inlining, which
// appears to cause a number of false positives. Until that's resolved, this turns
// off the effects of r328258.
"-Xclang", "-analyzer-config", "-Xclang", "c++-temp-dtor-inlining=false",
for _, f := range extraArgFlags {
flags.TidyFlags = append(flags.TidyFlags, "-extra-arg-before="+f)
tidyChecks := "-checks="
if checks := ctx.Config().TidyChecks(); len(checks) > 0 {
tidyChecks += checks
} else {
tidyChecks += config.TidyChecksForDir(ctx.ModuleDir())
if len(tidy.Properties.Tidy_checks) > 0 {
tidyChecks = tidyChecks + "," + strings.Join(esc(ctx, "tidy_checks",
config.ClangRewriteTidyChecks(tidy.Properties.Tidy_checks)), ",")
if ctx.Windows() {
// mingw32 has cert-dcl16-c warning in NO_ERROR,
// which is used in many Android files.
tidyChecks = tidyChecks + ",-cert-dcl16-c"
// many local projects enable cert-* checks, which
// trigger bugprone-reserved-identifier.
tidyChecks = tidyChecks + ",-bugprone-reserved-identifier*,-cert-dcl51-cpp,-cert-dcl37-c"
// http://b/153757728
tidyChecks = tidyChecks + ",-readability-qualified-auto"
// http://b/155034563
tidyChecks = tidyChecks + ",-bugprone-signed-char-misuse"
// http://b/155034972
tidyChecks = tidyChecks + ",-bugprone-branch-clone"
// http://b/193716442
tidyChecks = tidyChecks + ",-bugprone-implicit-widening-of-multiplication-result"
// Too many existing functions trigger this rule, and fixing it requires large code
// refactoring. The cost of maintaining this tidy rule outweighs the benefit it brings.
tidyChecks = tidyChecks + ",-bugprone-easily-swappable-parameters"
flags.TidyFlags = append(flags.TidyFlags, tidyChecks)
if ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("WITH_TIDY") {
// WITH_TIDY=1 enables clang-tidy globally. There could be many unexpected
// warnings from new checks and many local tidy_checks_as_errors and
// -warnings-as-errors can break a global build.
// So allow all clang-tidy warnings.
inserted := false
for i, s := range flags.TidyFlags {
if strings.Contains(s, "-warnings-as-errors=") {
// clang-tidy accepts only one -warnings-as-errors
// replace the old one
re := regexp.MustCompile(`'?-?-warnings-as-errors=[^ ]* *`)
newFlag := re.ReplaceAllString(s, "")
if newFlag == "" {
flags.TidyFlags[i] = "-warnings-as-errors=-*"
} else {
flags.TidyFlags[i] = newFlag + " -warnings-as-errors=-*"
inserted = true
if !inserted {
flags.TidyFlags = append(flags.TidyFlags, "-warnings-as-errors=-*")
} else if len(tidy.Properties.Tidy_checks_as_errors) > 0 {
tidyChecksAsErrors := "-warnings-as-errors=" + strings.Join(esc(ctx, "tidy_checks_as_errors", tidy.Properties.Tidy_checks_as_errors), ",")
flags.TidyFlags = append(flags.TidyFlags, tidyChecksAsErrors)
return flags