blob: 4f5e7fb92599a62c755ac2257083417ad41f8a8f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package rust
import (
var pctx = android.NewPackageContext("android/soong/rust")
func init() {
// Only allow rust modules to be defined for certain projects
android.RegisterModuleType("rust_defaults", defaultsFactory)
android.PreDepsMutators(func(ctx android.RegisterMutatorsContext) {
ctx.BottomUp("rust_libraries", LibraryMutator).Parallel()
type Flags struct {
GlobalRustFlags []string // Flags that apply globally to rust
GlobalLinkFlags []string // Flags that apply globally to linker
RustFlags []string // Flags that apply to rust
LinkFlags []string // Flags that apply to linker
RustFlagsDeps android.Paths // Files depended on by compiler flags
Toolchain config.Toolchain
type BaseProperties struct {
AndroidMkRlibs []string
AndroidMkDylibs []string
AndroidMkProcMacroLibs []string
AndroidMkSharedLibs []string
AndroidMkStaticLibs []string
type Module struct {
Properties BaseProperties
hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported
multilib android.Multilib
compiler compiler
cachedToolchain config.Toolchain
subAndroidMkOnce map[subAndroidMkProvider]bool
outputFile android.OptionalPath
type Deps struct {
Dylibs []string
Rlibs []string
ProcMacros []string
SharedLibs []string
StaticLibs []string
CrtBegin, CrtEnd string
type PathDeps struct {
DyLibs RustLibraries
RLibs RustLibraries
SharedLibs android.Paths
StaticLibs android.Paths
ProcMacros RustLibraries
linkDirs []string
depFlags []string
//ReexportedDeps android.Paths
CrtBegin android.OptionalPath
CrtEnd android.OptionalPath
type RustLibraries []RustLibrary
type RustLibrary struct {
Path android.Path
CrateName string
type compiler interface {
compilerFlags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags
compilerProps() []interface{}
compile(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags, deps PathDeps) android.Path
compilerDeps(ctx DepsContext, deps Deps) Deps
crateName() string
install(ctx ModuleContext, path android.Path)
relativeInstallPath() string
func defaultsFactory() android.Module {
return DefaultsFactory()
type Defaults struct {
func DefaultsFactory(props ...interface{}) android.Module {
module := &Defaults{}
return module
func (mod *Module) CrateName() string {
if mod.compiler != nil && mod.compiler.crateName() != "" {
return mod.compiler.crateName()
// Default crate names replace '-' in the name to '_'
return strings.Replace(mod.BaseModuleName(), "-", "_", -1)
func (mod *Module) Init() android.Module {
if mod.compiler != nil {
android.InitAndroidArchModule(mod, mod.hod, mod.multilib)
// Explicitly disable unsupported targets.
android.AddLoadHook(mod, func(ctx android.LoadHookContext) {
disableTargets := struct {
Target struct {
Darwin struct {
Enabled *bool
Linux_bionic struct {
Enabled *bool
disableTargets.Target.Darwin.Enabled = proptools.BoolPtr(false)
disableTargets.Target.Linux_bionic.Enabled = proptools.BoolPtr(false)
return mod
func newBaseModule(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported, multilib android.Multilib) *Module {
return &Module{
hod: hod,
multilib: multilib,
func newModule(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported, multilib android.Multilib) *Module {
module := newBaseModule(hod, multilib)
return module
type ModuleContext interface {
type BaseModuleContext interface {
type DepsContext interface {
type ModuleContextIntf interface {
toolchain() config.Toolchain
baseModuleName() string
CrateName() string
type depsContext struct {
type moduleContext struct {
type moduleContextImpl struct {
mod *Module
ctx BaseModuleContext
func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) toolchain() config.Toolchain {
return ctx.mod.toolchain(ctx.ctx)
func (mod *Module) toolchain(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) config.Toolchain {
if mod.cachedToolchain == nil {
mod.cachedToolchain = config.FindToolchain(ctx.Os(), ctx.Arch())
return mod.cachedToolchain
func (d *Defaults) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
func (mod *Module) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(actx android.ModuleContext) {
ctx := &moduleContext{
ModuleContext: actx,
moduleContextImpl: moduleContextImpl{
mod: mod,
ctx.ctx = ctx
toolchain := mod.toolchain(ctx)
if !toolchain.Supported() {
// This toolchain's unsupported, there's nothing to do for this mod.
deps := mod.depsToPaths(ctx)
flags := Flags{
Toolchain: toolchain,
if mod.compiler != nil {
flags = mod.compiler.compilerFlags(ctx, flags)
outputFile := mod.compiler.compile(ctx, flags, deps)
mod.outputFile = android.OptionalPathForPath(outputFile)
mod.compiler.install(ctx, mod.outputFile.Path())
func (mod *Module) deps(ctx DepsContext) Deps {
deps := Deps{}
if mod.compiler != nil {
deps = mod.compiler.compilerDeps(ctx, deps)
deps.Rlibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.Rlibs)
deps.Dylibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.Dylibs)
deps.ProcMacros = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.ProcMacros)
deps.SharedLibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.SharedLibs)
deps.StaticLibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.StaticLibs)
return deps
func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) baseModuleName() string {
return ctx.mod.ModuleBase.BaseModuleName()
func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) CrateName() string {
return ctx.mod.CrateName()
type dependencyTag struct {
name string
library bool
proc_macro bool
var (
rlibDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "rlibTag", library: true}
dylibDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "dylib", library: true}
procMacroDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "procMacro", proc_macro: true}
func (mod *Module) depsToPaths(ctx android.ModuleContext) PathDeps {
var depPaths PathDeps
directRlibDeps := []*Module{}
directDylibDeps := []*Module{}
directProcMacroDeps := []*Module{}
directSharedLibDeps := []*(cc.Module){}
directStaticLibDeps := []*(cc.Module){}
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(dep android.Module) {
depName := ctx.OtherModuleName(dep)
depTag := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(dep)
if rustDep, ok := dep.(*Module); ok {
//Handle Rust Modules
linkFile := rustDep.outputFile
if !linkFile.Valid() {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("Invalid output file when adding dep %q to %q", depName, ctx.ModuleName())
switch depTag {
case dylibDepTag:
dylib, ok := rustDep.compiler.(libraryInterface)
if !ok || !dylib.dylib() {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("mod %q not an dylib library", depName)
directDylibDeps = append(directDylibDeps, rustDep)
mod.Properties.AndroidMkDylibs = append(mod.Properties.AndroidMkDylibs, depName)
case rlibDepTag:
rlib, ok := rustDep.compiler.(libraryInterface)
if !ok || !rlib.rlib() {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("mod %q not an rlib library", depName)
directRlibDeps = append(directRlibDeps, rustDep)
mod.Properties.AndroidMkRlibs = append(mod.Properties.AndroidMkRlibs, depName)
case procMacroDepTag:
directProcMacroDeps = append(directProcMacroDeps, rustDep)
mod.Properties.AndroidMkProcMacroLibs = append(mod.Properties.AndroidMkProcMacroLibs, depName)
//Append the dependencies exportedDirs
if lib, ok := rustDep.compiler.(*libraryDecorator); ok {
depPaths.linkDirs = append(depPaths.linkDirs, lib.exportedDirs()...)
depPaths.depFlags = append(depPaths.depFlags, lib.exportedDepFlags()...)
// Append this dependencies output to this mod's linkDirs so they can be exported to dependencies
// This can be probably be refactored by defining a common exporter interface similar to cc's
if depTag == dylibDepTag || depTag == rlibDepTag || depTag == procMacroDepTag {
linkDir := linkPathFromFilePath(linkFile.Path())
if lib, ok := mod.compiler.(*libraryDecorator); ok {
lib.linkDirs = append(lib.linkDirs, linkDir)
} else if procMacro, ok := mod.compiler.(*procMacroDecorator); ok {
procMacro.linkDirs = append(procMacro.linkDirs, linkDir)
} else if ccDep, ok := dep.(*cc.Module); ok {
//Handle C dependencies
if ccDep.Target().Os != ctx.Os() {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("OS mismatch between %q and %q", ctx.ModuleName(), depName)
if ccDep.Target().Arch.ArchType != ctx.Arch().ArchType {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("Arch mismatch between %q and %q", ctx.ModuleName(), depName)
linkFile := ccDep.OutputFile()
linkPath := linkPathFromFilePath(linkFile.Path())
libName := libNameFromFilePath(linkFile.Path())
if !linkFile.Valid() {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("Invalid output file when adding dep %q to %q", depName, ctx.ModuleName())
exportDep := false
switch depTag {
case cc.StaticDepTag():
depPaths.linkDirs = append(depPaths.linkDirs, linkPath)
depPaths.depFlags = append(depPaths.depFlags, "-l"+libName)
directStaticLibDeps = append(directStaticLibDeps, ccDep)
mod.Properties.AndroidMkStaticLibs = append(mod.Properties.AndroidMkStaticLibs, depName)
case cc.SharedDepTag():
depPaths.linkDirs = append(depPaths.linkDirs, linkPath)
depPaths.depFlags = append(depPaths.depFlags, "-l"+libName)
directSharedLibDeps = append(directSharedLibDeps, ccDep)
mod.Properties.AndroidMkSharedLibs = append(mod.Properties.AndroidMkSharedLibs, depName)
exportDep = true
case cc.CrtBeginDepTag():
depPaths.CrtBegin = linkFile
case cc.CrtEndDepTag():
depPaths.CrtEnd = linkFile
// Make sure these dependencies are propagated
if lib, ok := mod.compiler.(*libraryDecorator); ok && (exportDep || lib.rlib()) {
lib.linkDirs = append(lib.linkDirs, linkPath)
lib.depFlags = append(lib.depFlags, "-l"+libName)
} else if procMacro, ok := mod.compiler.(*procMacroDecorator); ok && exportDep {
procMacro.linkDirs = append(procMacro.linkDirs, linkPath)
procMacro.depFlags = append(procMacro.depFlags, "-l"+libName)
var rlibDepFiles RustLibraries
for _, dep := range directRlibDeps {
rlibDepFiles = append(rlibDepFiles, RustLibrary{Path: dep.outputFile.Path(), CrateName: dep.CrateName()})
var dylibDepFiles RustLibraries
for _, dep := range directDylibDeps {
dylibDepFiles = append(dylibDepFiles, RustLibrary{Path: dep.outputFile.Path(), CrateName: dep.CrateName()})
var procMacroDepFiles RustLibraries
for _, dep := range directProcMacroDeps {
procMacroDepFiles = append(procMacroDepFiles, RustLibrary{Path: dep.outputFile.Path(), CrateName: dep.CrateName()})
var staticLibDepFiles android.Paths
for _, dep := range directStaticLibDeps {
staticLibDepFiles = append(staticLibDepFiles, dep.OutputFile().Path())
var sharedLibDepFiles android.Paths
for _, dep := range directSharedLibDeps {
sharedLibDepFiles = append(sharedLibDepFiles, dep.OutputFile().Path())
depPaths.RLibs = append(depPaths.RLibs, rlibDepFiles...)
depPaths.DyLibs = append(depPaths.DyLibs, dylibDepFiles...)
depPaths.SharedLibs = append(depPaths.SharedLibs, sharedLibDepFiles...)
depPaths.StaticLibs = append(depPaths.StaticLibs, staticLibDepFiles...)
depPaths.ProcMacros = append(depPaths.ProcMacros, procMacroDepFiles...)
// Dedup exported flags from dependencies
depPaths.linkDirs = android.FirstUniqueStrings(depPaths.linkDirs)
depPaths.depFlags = android.FirstUniqueStrings(depPaths.depFlags)
return depPaths
func linkPathFromFilePath(filepath android.Path) string {
return strings.Split(filepath.String(), filepath.Base())[0]
func libNameFromFilePath(filepath android.Path) string {
libName := strings.Split(filepath.Base(), filepath.Ext())[0]
if strings.Contains(libName, "lib") {
libName = strings.Split(libName, "lib")[1]
return libName
func (mod *Module) DepsMutator(actx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
ctx := &depsContext{
BottomUpMutatorContext: actx,
moduleContextImpl: moduleContextImpl{
mod: mod,
ctx.ctx = ctx
deps := mod.deps(ctx)
actx.AddVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{{Mutator: "rust_libraries", Variation: "rlib"}}, rlibDepTag, deps.Rlibs...)
actx.AddVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{{Mutator: "rust_libraries", Variation: "dylib"}}, dylibDepTag, deps.Dylibs...)
ccDepVariations := []blueprint.Variation{}
ccDepVariations = append(ccDepVariations, blueprint.Variation{Mutator: "version", Variation: ""})
if !mod.Host() {
ccDepVariations = append(ccDepVariations, blueprint.Variation{Mutator: "image", Variation: "core"})
actx.AddVariationDependencies(append(ccDepVariations, blueprint.Variation{Mutator: "link", Variation: "shared"}), cc.SharedDepTag(), deps.SharedLibs...)
actx.AddVariationDependencies(append(ccDepVariations, blueprint.Variation{Mutator: "link", Variation: "static"}), cc.StaticDepTag(), deps.StaticLibs...)
if deps.CrtBegin != "" {
actx.AddVariationDependencies(ccDepVariations, cc.CrtBeginDepTag(), deps.CrtBegin)
if deps.CrtEnd != "" {
actx.AddVariationDependencies(ccDepVariations, cc.CrtEndDepTag(), deps.CrtEnd)
// proc_macros are compiler plugins, and so we need the host arch variant as a dependendcy.
actx.AddFarVariationDependencies(ctx.Config().BuildOSTarget.Variations(), procMacroDepTag, deps.ProcMacros...)
func (mod *Module) Name() string {
name := mod.ModuleBase.Name()
if p, ok := mod.compiler.(interface {
Name(string) string
}); ok {
name = p.Name(name)
return name
var Bool = proptools.Bool
var BoolDefault = proptools.BoolDefault
var String = proptools.String
var StringPtr = proptools.StringPtr