blob: d18665e17a487c8e92fffc8f09a48fd57695cef6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package bazel
import (
analysis_v2_proto "prebuilts/bazel/common/proto/analysis_v2"
type artifactId int
type depsetId int
type pathFragmentId int
// artifact contains relevant portions of Bazel's aquery proto, Artifact.
// Represents a single artifact, whether it's a source file or a derived output file.
type artifact struct {
Id artifactId
PathFragmentId pathFragmentId
type pathFragment struct {
Id pathFragmentId
Label string
ParentId pathFragmentId
// KeyValuePair represents Bazel's aquery proto, KeyValuePair.
type KeyValuePair struct {
Key string
Value string
// AqueryDepset is a depset definition from Bazel's aquery response. This is
// akin to the `depSetOfFiles` in the response proto, except:
// - direct artifacts are enumerated by full path instead of by ID
// - it has a hash of the depset contents, instead of an int ID (for determinism)
// A depset is a data structure for efficient transitive handling of artifact
// paths. A single depset consists of one or more artifact paths and one or
// more "child" depsets.
type AqueryDepset struct {
ContentHash string
DirectArtifacts []string
TransitiveDepSetHashes []string
// depSetOfFiles contains relevant portions of Bazel's aquery proto, DepSetOfFiles.
// Represents a data structure containing one or more files. Depsets in Bazel are an efficient
// data structure for storing large numbers of file paths.
type depSetOfFiles struct {
Id depsetId
DirectArtifactIds []artifactId
TransitiveDepSetIds []depsetId
// action contains relevant portions of Bazel's aquery proto, Action.
// Represents a single command line invocation in the Bazel build graph.
type action struct {
Arguments []string
EnvironmentVariables []KeyValuePair
InputDepSetIds []depsetId
Mnemonic string
OutputIds []artifactId
TemplateContent string
Substitutions []KeyValuePair
FileContents string
// actionGraphContainer contains relevant portions of Bazel's aquery proto, ActionGraphContainer.
// An aquery response from Bazel contains a single ActionGraphContainer proto.
type actionGraphContainer struct {
Artifacts []artifact
Actions []action
DepSetOfFiles []depSetOfFiles
PathFragments []pathFragment
// BuildStatement contains information to register a build statement corresponding (one to one)
// with a Bazel action from Bazel's action graph.
type BuildStatement struct {
Command string
Depfile *string
OutputPaths []string
SymlinkPaths []string
Env []*analysis_v2_proto.KeyValuePair
Mnemonic string
// Inputs of this build statement, either as unexpanded depsets or expanded
// input paths. There should be no overlap between these fields; an input
// path should either be included as part of an unexpanded depset or a raw
// input path string, but not both.
InputDepsetHashes []string
InputPaths []string
FileContents string
// A helper type for aquery processing which facilitates retrieval of path IDs from their
// less readable Bazel structures (depset and path fragment).
type aqueryArtifactHandler struct {
// Maps depset id to AqueryDepset, a representation of depset which is
// post-processed for middleman artifact handling, unhandled artifact
// dropping, content hashing, etc.
depsetIdToAqueryDepset map[depsetId]AqueryDepset
emptyDepsetIds map[depsetId]struct{}
// Maps content hash to AqueryDepset.
depsetHashToAqueryDepset map[string]AqueryDepset
// depsetIdToArtifactIdsCache is a memoization of depset flattening, because flattening
// may be an expensive operation.
depsetHashToArtifactPathsCache map[string][]string
// Maps artifact ids to fully expanded paths.
artifactIdToPath map[artifactId]string
// The tokens should be substituted with the value specified here, instead of the
// one returned in 'substitutions' of TemplateExpand action.
var templateActionOverriddenTokens = map[string]string{
// Uses "python3" for %python_binary% instead of the value returned by aquery
// which is "". See removePy3wrapperScript.
"%python_binary%": "python3",
const (
middlemanMnemonic = "Middleman"
// The file name of, which is used by py_binary targets.
py3wrapperFileName = "/"
func indexBy[K comparable, V any](values []V, keyFn func(v V) K) map[K]V {
m := map[K]V{}
for _, v := range values {
m[keyFn(v)] = v
return m
func newAqueryHandler(aqueryResult *analysis_v2_proto.ActionGraphContainer) (*aqueryArtifactHandler, error) {
pathFragments := indexBy(aqueryResult.PathFragments, func(pf *analysis_v2_proto.PathFragment) pathFragmentId {
return pathFragmentId(pf.Id)
artifactIdToPath := make(map[artifactId]string, len(aqueryResult.Artifacts))
for _, artifact := range aqueryResult.Artifacts {
artifactPath, err := expandPathFragment(pathFragmentId(artifact.PathFragmentId), pathFragments)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
artifactIdToPath[artifactId(artifact.Id)] = artifactPath
// Map middleman artifact ContentHash to input artifact depset ID.
// Middleman artifacts are treated as "substitute" artifacts for mixed builds. For example,
// if we find a middleman action which has inputs [foo, bar], and output [baz_middleman], then,
// for each other action which has input [baz_middleman], we add [foo, bar] to the inputs for
// that action instead.
middlemanIdToDepsetIds := map[artifactId][]uint32{}
for _, actionEntry := range aqueryResult.Actions {
if actionEntry.Mnemonic == middlemanMnemonic {
for _, outputId := range actionEntry.OutputIds {
middlemanIdToDepsetIds[artifactId(outputId)] = actionEntry.InputDepSetIds
depsetIdToDepset := indexBy(aqueryResult.DepSetOfFiles, func(d *analysis_v2_proto.DepSetOfFiles) depsetId {
return depsetId(d.Id)
aqueryHandler := aqueryArtifactHandler{
depsetIdToAqueryDepset: map[depsetId]AqueryDepset{},
depsetHashToAqueryDepset: map[string]AqueryDepset{},
depsetHashToArtifactPathsCache: map[string][]string{},
emptyDepsetIds: make(map[depsetId]struct{}, 0),
artifactIdToPath: artifactIdToPath,
// Validate and adjust aqueryResult.DepSetOfFiles values.
for _, depset := range aqueryResult.DepSetOfFiles {
_, err := aqueryHandler.populateDepsetMaps(depset, middlemanIdToDepsetIds, depsetIdToDepset)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &aqueryHandler, nil
// Ensures that the handler's depsetIdToAqueryDepset map contains an entry for the given
// depset.
func (a *aqueryArtifactHandler) populateDepsetMaps(depset *analysis_v2_proto.DepSetOfFiles, middlemanIdToDepsetIds map[artifactId][]uint32, depsetIdToDepset map[depsetId]*analysis_v2_proto.DepSetOfFiles) (*AqueryDepset, error) {
if aqueryDepset, containsDepset := a.depsetIdToAqueryDepset[depsetId(depset.Id)]; containsDepset {
return &aqueryDepset, nil
transitiveDepsetIds := depset.TransitiveDepSetIds
directArtifactPaths := make([]string, 0, len(depset.DirectArtifactIds))
for _, id := range depset.DirectArtifactIds {
aId := artifactId(id)
path, pathExists := a.artifactIdToPath[aId]
if !pathExists {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("undefined input artifactId %d", aId)
// Filter out any inputs which are universally dropped, and swap middleman
// artifacts with their corresponding depsets.
if depsetsToUse, isMiddleman := middlemanIdToDepsetIds[aId]; isMiddleman {
// Swap middleman artifacts with their corresponding depsets and drop the middleman artifacts.
transitiveDepsetIds = append(transitiveDepsetIds, depsetsToUse...)
} else if strings.HasSuffix(path, py3wrapperFileName) ||
strings.HasPrefix(path, "../bazel_tools") {
// Drop these artifacts.
// See go/python-binary-host-mixed-build for more details.
// 1) Drop, just use python binary, the launcher script generated by the
// TemplateExpandAction handles everything necessary to launch a Pythin application.
// 2) ../bazel_tools: they have MODIFY timestamp 10years in the future and would cause the
// containing depset to always be considered newer than their outputs.
} else {
directArtifactPaths = append(directArtifactPaths, path)
childDepsetHashes := make([]string, 0, len(transitiveDepsetIds))
for _, id := range transitiveDepsetIds {
childDepsetId := depsetId(id)
childDepset, exists := depsetIdToDepset[childDepsetId]
if !exists {
if _, empty := a.emptyDepsetIds[childDepsetId]; empty {
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("undefined input depsetId %d (referenced by depsetId %d)", childDepsetId, depset.Id)
if childAqueryDepset, err := a.populateDepsetMaps(childDepset, middlemanIdToDepsetIds, depsetIdToDepset); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if childAqueryDepset == nil {
} else {
childDepsetHashes = append(childDepsetHashes, childAqueryDepset.ContentHash)
if len(directArtifactPaths) == 0 && len(childDepsetHashes) == 0 {
a.emptyDepsetIds[depsetId(depset.Id)] = struct{}{}
return nil, nil
aqueryDepset := AqueryDepset{
ContentHash: depsetContentHash(directArtifactPaths, childDepsetHashes),
DirectArtifacts: directArtifactPaths,
TransitiveDepSetHashes: childDepsetHashes,
a.depsetIdToAqueryDepset[depsetId(depset.Id)] = aqueryDepset
a.depsetHashToAqueryDepset[aqueryDepset.ContentHash] = aqueryDepset
return &aqueryDepset, nil
// getInputPaths flattens the depsets of the given IDs and returns all transitive
// input paths contained in these depsets.
// This is a potentially expensive operation, and should not be invoked except
// for actions which need specialized input handling.
func (a *aqueryArtifactHandler) getInputPaths(depsetIds []uint32) ([]string, error) {
var inputPaths []string
for _, id := range depsetIds {
inputDepSetId := depsetId(id)
depset := a.depsetIdToAqueryDepset[inputDepSetId]
inputArtifacts, err := a.artifactPathsFromDepsetHash(depset.ContentHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, inputPath := range inputArtifacts {
inputPaths = append(inputPaths, inputPath)
return inputPaths, nil
func (a *aqueryArtifactHandler) artifactPathsFromDepsetHash(depsetHash string) ([]string, error) {
if result, exists := a.depsetHashToArtifactPathsCache[depsetHash]; exists {
return result, nil
if depset, exists := a.depsetHashToAqueryDepset[depsetHash]; exists {
result := depset.DirectArtifacts
for _, childHash := range depset.TransitiveDepSetHashes {
childArtifactIds, err := a.artifactPathsFromDepsetHash(childHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result = append(result, childArtifactIds...)
a.depsetHashToArtifactPathsCache[depsetHash] = result
return result, nil
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("undefined input depset hash %s", depsetHash)
// AqueryBuildStatements returns a slice of BuildStatements and a slice of AqueryDepset
// which should be registered (and output to a ninja file) to correspond with Bazel's
// action graph, as described by the given action graph json proto.
// BuildStatements are one-to-one with actions in the given action graph, and AqueryDepsets
// are one-to-one with Bazel's depSetOfFiles objects.
func AqueryBuildStatements(aqueryJsonProto []byte, eventHandler *metrics.EventHandler) ([]BuildStatement, []AqueryDepset, error) {
aqueryProto := &analysis_v2_proto.ActionGraphContainer{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(aqueryJsonProto, aqueryProto)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var aqueryHandler *aqueryArtifactHandler
defer eventHandler.End("init_handler")
aqueryHandler, err = newAqueryHandler(aqueryProto)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
buildStatements := make([]BuildStatement, 0, len(aqueryProto.Actions))
defer eventHandler.End("build_statements")
var buildStatement *BuildStatement
for _, actionEntry := range aqueryProto.Actions {
buildStatement, err = aqueryHandler.actionToBuildStatement(actionEntry)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if buildStatement == nil {
buildStatements = append(buildStatements, *buildStatement)
depsetsByHash := map[string]AqueryDepset{}
depsets := make([]AqueryDepset, 0, len(aqueryHandler.depsetIdToAqueryDepset))
defer eventHandler.End("depsets")
for _, aqueryDepset := range aqueryHandler.depsetIdToAqueryDepset {
if prevEntry, hasKey := depsetsByHash[aqueryDepset.ContentHash]; hasKey {
// Two depsets collide on hash. Ensure that their contents are identical.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(aqueryDepset, prevEntry) {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("two different depsets have the same hash: %v, %v", prevEntry, aqueryDepset)
} else {
depsetsByHash[aqueryDepset.ContentHash] = aqueryDepset
depsets = append(depsets, aqueryDepset)
eventHandler.Do("build_statement_sort", func() {
// Build Statements and depsets must be sorted by their content hash to
// preserve determinism between builds (this will result in consistent ninja file
// output). Note they are not sorted by their original IDs nor their Bazel ordering,
// as Bazel gives nondeterministic ordering / identifiers in aquery responses.
sort.Slice(buildStatements, func(i, j int) bool {
// For build statements, compare output lists. In Bazel, each output file
// may only have one action which generates it, so this will provide
// a deterministic ordering.
outputs_i := buildStatements[i].OutputPaths
outputs_j := buildStatements[j].OutputPaths
if len(outputs_i) != len(outputs_j) {
return len(outputs_i) < len(outputs_j)
if len(outputs_i) == 0 {
// No outputs for these actions, so compare commands.
return buildStatements[i].Command < buildStatements[j].Command
// There may be multiple outputs, but the output ordering is deterministic.
return outputs_i[0] < outputs_j[0]
eventHandler.Do("depset_sort", func() {
sort.Slice(depsets, func(i, j int) bool {
return depsets[i].ContentHash < depsets[j].ContentHash
return buildStatements, depsets, nil
// depsetContentHash computes and returns a SHA256 checksum of the contents of
// the given depset. This content hash may serve as the depset's identifier.
// Using a content hash for an identifier is superior for determinism. (For example,
// using an integer identifier which depends on the order in which the depsets are
// created would result in nondeterministic depset IDs.)
func depsetContentHash(directPaths []string, transitiveDepsetHashes []string) string {
h := sha256.New()
// Use newline as delimiter, as paths cannot contain newline.
h.Write([]byte(strings.Join(directPaths, "\n")))
h.Write([]byte(strings.Join(transitiveDepsetHashes, "")))
fullHash := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
return fullHash
func (a *aqueryArtifactHandler) depsetContentHashes(inputDepsetIds []uint32) ([]string, error) {
var hashes []string
for _, id := range inputDepsetIds {
dId := depsetId(id)
if aqueryDepset, exists := a.depsetIdToAqueryDepset[dId]; !exists {
if _, empty := a.emptyDepsetIds[dId]; !empty {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("undefined (not even empty) input depsetId %d", dId)
} else {
hashes = append(hashes, aqueryDepset.ContentHash)
return hashes, nil
func (a *aqueryArtifactHandler) normalActionBuildStatement(actionEntry *analysis_v2_proto.Action) (*BuildStatement, error) {
command := strings.Join(proptools.ShellEscapeListIncludingSpaces(actionEntry.Arguments), " ")
inputDepsetHashes, err := a.depsetContentHashes(actionEntry.InputDepSetIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
outputPaths, depfile, err := a.getOutputPaths(actionEntry)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
buildStatement := &BuildStatement{
Command: command,
Depfile: depfile,
OutputPaths: outputPaths,
InputDepsetHashes: inputDepsetHashes,
Env: actionEntry.EnvironmentVariables,
Mnemonic: actionEntry.Mnemonic,
return buildStatement, nil
func (a *aqueryArtifactHandler) templateExpandActionBuildStatement(actionEntry *analysis_v2_proto.Action) (*BuildStatement, error) {
outputPaths, depfile, err := a.getOutputPaths(actionEntry)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(outputPaths) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Expect 1 output to template expand action, got: output %q", outputPaths)
expandedTemplateContent := expandTemplateContent(actionEntry)
// The expandedTemplateContent is escaped for being used in double quotes and shell unescape,
// and the new line characters (\n) are also changed to \\n which avoids some Ninja escape on \n, which might
// change \n to space and mess up the format of Python programs.
// sed is used to convert \\n back to \n before saving to output file.
// See go/python-binary-host-mixed-build for more details.
command := fmt.Sprintf(`/bin/bash -c 'echo "%[1]s" | sed "s/\\\\n/\\n/g" > %[2]s && chmod a+x %[2]s'`,
escapeCommandlineArgument(expandedTemplateContent), outputPaths[0])
inputDepsetHashes, err := a.depsetContentHashes(actionEntry.InputDepSetIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
buildStatement := &BuildStatement{
Command: command,
Depfile: depfile,
OutputPaths: outputPaths,
InputDepsetHashes: inputDepsetHashes,
Env: actionEntry.EnvironmentVariables,
Mnemonic: actionEntry.Mnemonic,
return buildStatement, nil
func (a *aqueryArtifactHandler) fileWriteActionBuildStatement(actionEntry *analysis_v2_proto.Action) (*BuildStatement, error) {
outputPaths, _, err := a.getOutputPaths(actionEntry)
var depsetHashes []string
if err == nil {
depsetHashes, err = a.depsetContentHashes(actionEntry.InputDepSetIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &BuildStatement{
Depfile: nil,
OutputPaths: outputPaths,
Env: actionEntry.EnvironmentVariables,
Mnemonic: actionEntry.Mnemonic,
InputDepsetHashes: depsetHashes,
FileContents: actionEntry.FileContents,
}, nil
func (a *aqueryArtifactHandler) symlinkTreeActionBuildStatement(actionEntry *analysis_v2_proto.Action) (*BuildStatement, error) {
outputPaths, _, err := a.getOutputPaths(actionEntry)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
inputPaths, err := a.getInputPaths(actionEntry.InputDepSetIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(inputPaths) != 1 || len(outputPaths) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Expect 1 input and 1 output to symlink action, got: input %q, output %q", inputPaths, outputPaths)
// The actual command is generated in bazelSingleton.GenerateBuildActions
return &BuildStatement{
Depfile: nil,
OutputPaths: outputPaths,
Env: actionEntry.EnvironmentVariables,
Mnemonic: actionEntry.Mnemonic,
InputPaths: inputPaths,
}, nil
func (a *aqueryArtifactHandler) symlinkActionBuildStatement(actionEntry *analysis_v2_proto.Action) (*BuildStatement, error) {
outputPaths, depfile, err := a.getOutputPaths(actionEntry)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
inputPaths, err := a.getInputPaths(actionEntry.InputDepSetIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(inputPaths) != 1 || len(outputPaths) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Expect 1 input and 1 output to symlink action, got: input %q, output %q", inputPaths, outputPaths)
out := outputPaths[0]
outDir := proptools.ShellEscapeIncludingSpaces(filepath.Dir(out))
out = proptools.ShellEscapeIncludingSpaces(out)
in := filepath.Join("$PWD", proptools.ShellEscapeIncludingSpaces(inputPaths[0]))
// Use absolute paths, because some soong actions don't play well with relative paths (for example, `cp -d`).
command := fmt.Sprintf("mkdir -p %[1]s && rm -f %[2]s && ln -sf %[3]s %[2]s", outDir, out, in)
symlinkPaths := outputPaths[:]
buildStatement := &BuildStatement{
Command: command,
Depfile: depfile,
OutputPaths: outputPaths,
InputPaths: inputPaths,
Env: actionEntry.EnvironmentVariables,
Mnemonic: actionEntry.Mnemonic,
SymlinkPaths: symlinkPaths,
return buildStatement, nil
func (a *aqueryArtifactHandler) getOutputPaths(actionEntry *analysis_v2_proto.Action) (outputPaths []string, depfile *string, err error) {
for _, outputId := range actionEntry.OutputIds {
outputPath, exists := a.artifactIdToPath[artifactId(outputId)]
if !exists {
err = fmt.Errorf("undefined outputId %d", outputId)
ext := filepath.Ext(outputPath)
if ext == ".d" {
if depfile != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("found multiple potential depfiles %q, %q", *depfile, outputPath)
} else {
depfile = &outputPath
} else {
outputPaths = append(outputPaths, outputPath)
// expandTemplateContent substitutes the tokens in a template.
func expandTemplateContent(actionEntry *analysis_v2_proto.Action) string {
replacerString := make([]string, len(actionEntry.Substitutions)*2)
for i, pair := range actionEntry.Substitutions {
value := pair.Value
if val, ok := templateActionOverriddenTokens[pair.Key]; ok {
value = val
replacerString[i*2] = pair.Key
replacerString[i*2+1] = value
replacer := strings.NewReplacer(replacerString...)
return replacer.Replace(actionEntry.TemplateContent)
// \->\\, $->\$, `->\`, "->\", \n->\\n, '->'"'"'
var commandLineArgumentReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(
`\`, `\\`,
`$`, `\$`,
"`", "\\`",
`"`, `\"`,
"\n", "\\n",
`'`, `'"'"'`,
func escapeCommandlineArgument(str string) string {
return commandLineArgumentReplacer.Replace(str)
func (a *aqueryArtifactHandler) actionToBuildStatement(actionEntry *analysis_v2_proto.Action) (*BuildStatement, error) {
switch actionEntry.Mnemonic {
// Middleman actions are not handled like other actions; they are handled separately as a
// preparatory step so that their inputs may be relayed to actions depending on middleman
// artifacts.
case middlemanMnemonic:
return nil, nil
// PythonZipper is bogus action returned by aquery, ignore it (b/236198693)
case "PythonZipper":
return nil, nil
// Skip "Fail" actions, which are placeholder actions designed to always fail.
case "Fail":
return nil, nil
case "BaselineCoverage":
return nil, nil
case "Symlink", "SolibSymlink", "ExecutableSymlink":
return a.symlinkActionBuildStatement(actionEntry)
case "TemplateExpand":
if len(actionEntry.Arguments) < 1 {
return a.templateExpandActionBuildStatement(actionEntry)
case "FileWrite", "SourceSymlinkManifest":
return a.fileWriteActionBuildStatement(actionEntry)
case "SymlinkTree":
return a.symlinkTreeActionBuildStatement(actionEntry)
if len(actionEntry.Arguments) < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("received action with no command: [%s]", actionEntry.Mnemonic)
return a.normalActionBuildStatement(actionEntry)
func expandPathFragment(id pathFragmentId, pathFragmentsMap map[pathFragmentId]*analysis_v2_proto.PathFragment) (string, error) {
var labels []string
currId := id
// Only positive IDs are valid for path fragments. An ID of zero indicates a terminal node.
for currId > 0 {
currFragment, ok := pathFragmentsMap[currId]
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("undefined path fragment id %d", currId)
labels = append([]string{currFragment.Label}, labels...)
parentId := pathFragmentId(currFragment.ParentId)
if currId == parentId {
return "", fmt.Errorf("fragment cannot refer to itself as parent %#v", currFragment)
currId = parentId
return filepath.Join(labels...), nil