blob: ddaffae44c2f20dd0c115c1e6eb087b7c76beeec [file] [log] [blame]
# Brings local repository to a remote head state. Also removes all dryrun branches.
# set -ex
function finalize_revert_local_changes_main() {
local top="$(dirname "$0")"/../../../..
source $top/build/make/tools/finalization/
local m="$top/build/soong/soong_ui.bash --make-mode TARGET_PRODUCT=aosp_arm64 TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=userdebug"
# remove the out folder
$m clobber
repo selfupdate
repo forall -c '\
git checkout . ; git revert --abort ; git clean -fdx ;\
git checkout @ --detach ; git branch fina-step1 -D ; git reset --hard; \
repo start fina-step1 ; git checkout @ --detach ; git b fina-step1 -D ; \
git b $FINAL_PLATFORM_CODENAME-SDK-Finalization-DryRun -D; \
git b $FINAL_PLATFORM_CODENAME-SDK-Finalization-DryRun-Rel -D; '