blob: 0458deec008b14ba91f8c5b46075eb3dbaea6457 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
Status Key:
Open Problem is unresolved and final disposition unknown.
Verified Problem has been reproduced.
Understood Root cause of problem is understood.
Document Problem is to be fixed through improved documentation.
Fixed Problem has been resolved and changes committed.
Enquire Issues
Category Reported Status
---------------------------------------------- -------------- -----------
Main Issues
Category Reported Status
---------------------------------------------- -------------- -----------
1: The main() function should not be defined EFIAPI 2012 Fixed 1/2013
Python Issues
Category Reported Status
---------------------------------------------- -------------- -----------
1: Setup documentation is unclear. 2012 Understood
Not all sources in the Python tree are the patched version, yet the
documentation implies that they are.
2: The EDK II Python User's Manual is not on tianocore. 2012 Understood