blob: 65190af2c552e12544178a50e4aa0987ce29669c [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 1999 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved
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Module Name:
IGD OpRegion/Software SCI Reference Code for the Baytrail Family.
This file contains the interrupt handler code for the Integrated
Graphics Device (IGD) OpRegion/Software SCI mechanism.
// (1) The code contained in this file inherits the scope in which it
// was included. So BIOS developers must be sure to include this
// file in the scope associated with the graphics device
// (ex. \_SB.PCI0.GFX0).
// (2) Create a _L06 method under the GPE scope to handle the event
// generated by the graphics driver. The _L06 method must call
// the GSCI method in this file.
// (3) The MCHP operation region assumes that _ADR and _BBN names
// corresponding to bus 0, device0, function 0 have been declared
// under the PCI0 scope.
// (4) Before the first execution of the GSCI method, the base address
// of the GMCH SCI OpRegion must be programmed where the driver can
// access it. A 32bit scratch register at 0xFC in the IGD PCI
// configuration space (B0/D2/F0/R0FCh) is used for this purpose.
// Define an OperationRegion to cover the GMCH PCI configuration space as
// described in the IGD OpRegion specificiation.
// Define an OperationRegion to cover the IGD PCI configuration space as
// described in the IGD OpRegion specificiation.
OperationRegion(IGDP, PCI_Config,0x00,0x100)
Field(IGDP, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
Offset(0x10), // GTTMMADR
MADR, 32,
Offset(0x50), // GMCH Graphics Control Register
, 1,
GIVD, 1, // IGD VGA disable bit
, 1,
GUMA, 5, // Stolen memory size
, 8,
, 4,
GMFN, 1, // Gfx function 1 enable
, 27,
Offset(0x5C), // Stolen Memory Base Address
GSTM, 32,
Offset(0xE0), // Reg 0xE8, SWSCI control register
GSSE, 1, // Graphics SCI event (1=event pending)
GSSB, 14, // Graphics SCI scratchpad bits
GSES, 1, // Graphics event select (1=SCI)
ASLE, 8, // Reg 0xE4, ASLE interrupt register
, 24, // Only use first byte of ASLE reg
ASLS, 32, // Reg 0xFC, Address of the IGD OpRegion
Method (MCHK, 0, Serialized)
If (LNotEqual (MADR, 0xFFFFFFFF))
Field(IGMM,AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
, 4,
// Define an OperationRegion to cover the IGD OpRegion layout.
OperationRegion(IGDM, SystemMemory, ASLB, 0x2000)
Field(IGDM, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
// OpRegion Header
SIGN, 128, // Signature-"IntelGraphicsMem"
SIZE, 32, // OpRegion Size
OVER, 32, // OpRegion Version
SVER, 256, // System BIOS Version
VVER, 128, // VBIOS Version
GVER, 128, // Driver version
MBOX, 32, // Mailboxes supported
DMOD, 32, // Driver Model
PCON, 32, // 96, Platform Configuration
// OpRegion Mailbox 1 (Public ACPI Methods)
// Note: Mailbox 1 is normally reserved for desktop platforms.
DRDY, 32, // Driver readiness (ACPI notification)
CSTS, 32, // Notification status
CEVT, 32, // Current event
DIDL, 32, // Supported display device ID list
DDL2, 32, // Allows for 8 devices
DDL3, 32,
DDL4, 32,
DDL5, 32,
DDL6, 32,
DDL7, 32,
DDL8, 32,
CPDL, 32, // Currently present display list
CPL2, 32, // Allows for 8 devices
CPL3, 32,
CPL4, 32,
CPL5, 32,
CPL6, 32,
CPL7, 32,
CPL8, 32,
CAD1, 32, // Currently active display list
CAL2, 32, // Allows for 8 devices
CAL3, 32,
CAL4, 32,
CAL5, 32,
CAL6, 32,
CAL7, 32,
CAL8, 32,
NADL, 32, // Next active display list
NDL2, 32, // Allows for 8 devices
NDL3, 32,
NDL4, 32,
NDL5, 32,
NDL6, 32,
NDL7, 32,
NDL8, 32,
ASLP, 32, // ASL sleep timeout
TIDX, 32, // Toggle table index
CHPD, 32, // Current hot plug enable indicator
CLID, 32, // Current lid state indicator
CDCK, 32, // Current docking state indicator
SXSW, 32, // Display switch notify on resume
EVTS, 32, // Events supported by ASL (diag only)
CNOT, 32, // Current OS notifications (diag only)
NRDY, 32,
// OpRegion Mailbox 2 (Software SCI Interface)
Offset(0x200), // SCIC
SCIE, 1, // SCI entry bit (1=call unserviced)
GEFC, 4, // Entry function code
GXFC, 3, // Exit result
GESF, 8, // Entry/exit sub-function/parameter
, 16, // SCIC[31:16] reserved
Offset(0x204), // PARM
PARM, 32, // PARM register (extra parameters)
DSLP, 32, // Driver sleep time out
// OpRegion Mailbox 3 (BIOS to Driver Notification)
// Note: Mailbox 3 is normally reserved for desktop platforms.
ARDY, 32, // Driver readiness (power conservation)
ASLC, 32, // ASLE interrupt command/status
TCHE, 32, // Technology enabled indicator
ALSI, 32, // Current ALS illuminance reading
BCLP, 32, // Backlight brightness
PFIT, 32, // Panel fitting state or request
CBLV, 32, // Current brightness level
BCLM, 320, // Backlight brightness level duty cycle mapping table
CPFM, 32, // Current panel fitting mode
EPFM, 32, // Enabled panel fitting modes
PLUT, 592, // Optional. 74-byte Panel LUT Table
PFMB, 32, // Optional. PWM Frequency and Minimum Brightness
CCDV, 32, // Optional. Gamma, Brightness, Contrast values.
PCFT, 32, // Optional. Power Conservation Features
STAT, 32, // Status register
// OpRegion Mailbox 4 (VBT)
GVD1, 0xC000, // 6K bytes maximum VBT image
// OpRegion Mailbox 5 (BIOS to Driver Notification Extension)
PHED, 32, // Panel Header
BDDC, 2048, // Panel EDID (Max 256 bytes)
// Convert boot display type into a port mask.
Name (DBTB, Package()
0x0000, // Automatic
0x0007, // Port-0 : Integrated CRT
0x0038, // Port-1 : DVO-A, or Integrated LVDS
0x01C0, // Port-2 : SDVO-B, or SDVO-B/C
0x0E00, // Port-3 : SDVO-C
0x003F, // [CRT + DVO-A / Integrated LVDS]
0x01C7, // [CRT + SDVO-B] or [CRT + SDVO-B/C]
0x0E07, // [CRT + SDVO-C]
0x01F8, // [DVO-A / Integrated LVDS + SDVO-B]
0x0E38, // [DVO-A / Integrated LVDS + SDVO-C]
0x0FC0, // [SDVO-B + SDVO-C]
0x0000, // Reserved
0x0000, // Reserved
0x0000, // Reserved
0x0000, // Reserved
0x0000, // Reserved
0x7000, // Port-4: Integrated TV
0x7007, // [Integrated TV + CRT]
0x7038, // [Integrated TV + LVDS]
0x71C0, // [Integrated TV + DVOB]
0x7E00 // [Integrated TV + DVOC]
// Core display clock value table.
Name (CDCT, Package()
Package() {160},
Package() {200},
Package() {267},
Package() {320},
Package() {356},
Package() {400},
// Defined exit result values:
Name (SUCC, 1) // Exit result: Success
Name (NVLD, 2) // Exit result: Invalid parameter
Name (CRIT, 4) // Exit result: Critical failure
Name (NCRT, 6) // Exit result: Non-critical failure
;* Name: GSCI
;* Description: Handles an SCI generated by the graphics driver. The
;* PARM and SCIC input fields are parsed to determine the
;* functionality requested by the driver. GBDA or SBCB
;* is called based on the input data in SCIC.
;* Usage: The method must be called in response to a GPE 06 event
;* which will be generated by the graphics driver.
;* Ex: Method(\_GPE._L06) {Return(\_SB.PCI0.GFX0.GSCI())}
;* Input: PARM and SCIC are indirect inputs
;* Output: PARM and SIC are indirect outputs
;* References: GBDA (Get BIOS Data method), SBCB (System BIOS Callback
;* method)
Method (GSCI, 0, Serialized)
Include("IgdOGBDA.ASL") // "Get BIOS Data" Functions
Include("IgdOSBCB.ASL") // "System BIOS CallBacks"
If (LEqual(GEFC, 4))
Store(GBDA(), GXFC) // Process Get BIOS Data functions
If (LEqual(GEFC, 6))
Store(SBCB(), GXFC) // Process BIOS Callback functions
Store(0, GEFC) // Wipe out the entry function code
Store(1, SCIS) // Clear the GUNIT SCI status bit in PCH ACPI I/O space.
Store(0, GSSE) // Clear the SCI generation bit in PCI space.
Store(0, SCIE) // Clr SCI serviced bit to signal completion
// Include MOBLFEAT.ASL for mobile systems only. Remove for desktop.
Include("IgdOMOBF.ASL") // IGD SCI mobile features