blob: 75a2f60cd5cf018d4d5ef1f6ce557416cf0c4f2b [file] [log] [blame]
The binaries of EdkShellBinPkg are generated with (plus a security hot-fix see EdkShellbinPkg\SecurityPatch.diff) and build with Edk Compatibility & BaseTools Package
The following steps can help to re-generate these binaries for customization:
1. Check out EdkCompatibilityPkg (r9623) to $(WORKSPACE)\EdkCompatibilityPkg (svn
2. Check out EdkShellPkg(r9623) to $(WORKSPACE)\EdkShellPkg (svn
3a.Check out Edk Shell project source (r36) to $(WORKSPACE) (svn It is read-only and current revison (r36) is identical to
3b.Apply the security hot fix in EdkShellBinPkg\SecurityPatch.diff to patch in Shell\shellenv\exec.c
4. Update to the newest BaseTools package. (r9623 or later)
5. Under workspace directory (i.e. c:\EdkII),
To generate Minimum Shell, execute: "build -a IA32 -a X64 -a IPF -p EdkShellPkg\EdkShellPkg.dsc -m EdkShellPkg\Shell\Shell.inf"
To generate Full Shell, execute: "build -a IA32 -a X64 -a IPF -p EdkShellPkg\EdkShellPkg.dsc -m EdkShellPkg\Shell\ShellFull.inf"
6. In EdkShellBinPkg\Bin, we only provides the binary files of those applications which haven't been contained in Minmum Shell but in Full Shell.
To generate them, execute: "build -a IA32 -a X64 -a IPF -p EdkShellPkg\EdkShellPkg.dsc -m EdkShellPkg\Xxx\Xxx.inf". Xxx means the corresponding module name.