blob: e951ade08bfc6f6b0f44088003fd73cf68875711 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include "compiler.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "UniquePtr.h"
#include "class_linker.h"
#include "common_test.h"
#include "dex_cache.h"
#include "dex_file.h"
#include "heap.h"
#include "object.h"
namespace art {
class CompilerTest : public CommonTest {
void AssertStaticIntMethod(jint expected, const ClassLoader* class_loader,
const char* class_name, const char* method, const char* signature,
...) {
EnsureCompiled(class_loader, class_name, method, signature, false);
#if defined(__arm__)
va_list args;
va_start(args, signature);
jint result = env_->CallStaticIntMethodV(class_, mid_, args);
LOG(INFO) << class_name << "." << method << "(...) result is " << result;
EXPECT_EQ(expected, result);
#endif // __arm__
void AssertStaticLongMethod(jlong expected, const ClassLoader* class_loader,
const char* class_name, const char* method, const char* signature,
...) {
EnsureCompiled(class_loader, class_name, method, signature, false);
#if defined(__arm__)
va_list args;
va_start(args, signature);
jlong result = env_->CallStaticLongMethodV(class_, mid_, args);
LOG(INFO) << class_name << "." << method << "(...) result is " << result;
EXPECT_EQ(expected, result);
#endif // __arm__
void CompileAll(const ClassLoader* class_loader) {
void EnsureCompiled(const ClassLoader* class_loader,
const char* class_name, const char* method, const char* signature, bool is_virtual) {
env_ = Thread::Current()->GetJniEnv();
class_ = env_->FindClass(class_name);
CHECK(class_ != NULL) << "Class not found: " << class_name;
if (is_virtual) {
mid_ = env_->GetMethodID(class_, method, signature);
} else {
mid_ = env_->GetStaticMethodID(class_, method, signature);
CHECK(mid_ != NULL) << "Method not found: " << class_name << "." << method << signature;
void MakeAllExecutable(const ClassLoader* class_loader) {
const std::vector<const DexFile*>& class_path = ClassLoader::GetClassPath(class_loader);
for (size_t i = 0; i != class_path.size(); ++i) {
const DexFile* dex_file = class_path[i];
CHECK(dex_file != NULL);
MakeDexFileExecutable(class_loader, *dex_file);
void MakeDexFileExecutable(const ClassLoader* class_loader, const DexFile& dex_file) {
ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
for (size_t i = 0; i < dex_file.NumClassDefs(); i++) {
const DexFile::ClassDef& class_def = dex_file.GetClassDef(i);
const char* descriptor = dex_file.GetClassDescriptor(class_def);
Class* c = class_linker->FindClass(descriptor, class_loader);
for (size_t i = 0; i < c->NumDirectMethods(); i++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < c->NumVirtualMethods(); i++) {
void MakeMethodExecutable(Method* m) {
if (m->GetCodeArray() != NULL) {
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "no code for " << PrettyMethod(m);
if (m->GetInvokeStubArray() != NULL) {
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "no invoke stub for " << PrettyMethod(m);
JNIEnv* env_;
jclass class_;
jmethodID mid_;
// Disabled due to 10 second runtime on host
TEST_F(CompilerTest, DISABLED_LARGE_CompileDexLibCore) {
// All libcore references should resolve
const DexFile* dex = java_lang_dex_file_.get();
DexCache* dex_cache = class_linker_->FindDexCache(*dex);
EXPECT_EQ(dex->NumStringIds(), dex_cache->NumStrings());
for (size_t i = 0; i < dex_cache->NumStrings(); i++) {
const String* string = dex_cache->GetResolvedString(i);
EXPECT_TRUE(string != NULL) << "string_idx=" << i;
EXPECT_EQ(dex->NumTypeIds(), dex_cache->NumResolvedTypes());
for (size_t i = 0; i < dex_cache->NumResolvedTypes(); i++) {
Class* type = dex_cache->GetResolvedType(i);
EXPECT_TRUE(type != NULL) << "type_idx=" << i
<< " " << dex->GetTypeDescriptor(dex->GetTypeId(i));
EXPECT_EQ(dex->NumMethodIds(), dex_cache->NumResolvedMethods());
for (size_t i = 0; i < dex_cache->NumResolvedMethods(); i++) {
Method* method = dex_cache->GetResolvedMethod(i);
EXPECT_TRUE(method != NULL) << "method_idx=" << i
<< " " << dex->GetMethodClassDescriptor(dex->GetMethodId(i))
<< " " << dex->GetMethodName(dex->GetMethodId(i));
EXPECT_TRUE(method->GetCode() != NULL) << "method_idx=" << i
<< " "
<< dex->GetMethodClassDescriptor(dex->GetMethodId(i))
<< " " << dex->GetMethodName(dex->GetMethodId(i));
EXPECT_EQ(dex->NumFieldIds(), dex_cache->NumResolvedFields());
for (size_t i = 0; i < dex_cache->NumResolvedFields(); i++) {
Field* field = dex_cache->GetResolvedField(i);
EXPECT_TRUE(field != NULL) << "field_idx=" << i
<< " " << dex->GetFieldClassDescriptor(dex->GetFieldId(i))
<< " " << dex->GetFieldName(dex->GetFieldId(i));
// TODO check Class::IsVerified for all classes
// TODO: check that all Method::GetCode() values are non-null
EXPECT_EQ(dex->NumMethodIds(), dex_cache->NumCodeAndDirectMethods());
CodeAndDirectMethods* code_and_direct_methods = dex_cache->GetCodeAndDirectMethods();
for (size_t i = 0; i < dex_cache->NumCodeAndDirectMethods(); i++) {
Method* method = dex_cache->GetResolvedMethod(i);
if (method->IsDirect()) {
EXPECT_EQ(method->GetCode(), code_and_direct_methods->GetResolvedCode(i));
EXPECT_EQ(method, code_and_direct_methods->GetResolvedMethod(i));
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(0U, code_and_direct_methods->GetResolvedCode(i));
EXPECT_TRUE(code_and_direct_methods->GetResolvedMethod(i) == NULL);
TEST_F(CompilerTest, AbstractMethodErrorStub) {
const ClassLoader* class_loader = LoadDex("AbstractMethod");
ASSERT_TRUE(class_loader != NULL);
EnsureCompiled(class_loader, "AbstractClass", "foo", "()V", true);
// Create a jobj_ of ConcreteClass, NOT AbstractClass.
jclass c_class = env_->FindClass("ConcreteClass");
jmethodID constructor = env_->GetMethodID(c_class, "<init>", "()V");
jobject jobj_ = env_->NewObject(c_class, constructor);
#if defined(__arm__)
Class* jlame = class_linker_->FindClass("Ljava/lang/AbstractMethodError;", class_loader);
// Force non-virtal call to AbstractClass foo, will throw AbstractMethodError exception.
env_->CallNonvirtualVoidMethod(jobj_, class_, mid_);
#endif // __arm__
// TODO: need check-cast test (when stub complete & we can throw/catch
} // namespace art