blob: b88cf6e9cf806dc95bb413b0fcf7ecb0c74a90eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include "assembler_arm.h"
#include "jni_internal.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "stack_indirect_reference_table.h"
#define __ assembler->
namespace art {
namespace arm {
ByteArray* ArmCreateResolutionTrampoline(Runtime::TrampolineType type) {
UniquePtr<ArmAssembler> assembler(static_cast<ArmAssembler*>(Assembler::Create(kArm)));
// | Out args |
// | Method* | <- SP on entry
// | LR | return address into caller
// | ... | callee saves
// | R3 | possible argument
// | R2 | possible argument
// | R1 | possible argument
// | R0 | junk on call to UnresolvedDirectMethodTrampolineFromCode, holds result Method*
// | Method* | Callee save Method* set up by UnresolvedDirectMethodTrampolineFromCode
// Save callee saves and ready frame for exception delivery
RegList save = (1 << R1) | (1 << R2) | (1 << R3) | (1 << R5) | (1 << R6) | (1 << R7) | (1 << R8) |
(1 << R10) | (1 << R11) | (1 << LR);
// TODO: enable when GetCalleeSaveMethod is available at stub generation time
// DCHECK_EQ(save, Runtime::Current()->GetCalleeSaveMethod(Runtime::kRefsAndArgs)->GetCoreSpillMask());
__ PushList(save);
__ LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, R12, TR,
OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Thread, pUnresolvedDirectMethodTrampolineFromCode));
__ mov(R2, ShifterOperand(TR)); // Pass Thread::Current() in R2
__ LoadImmediate(R3, type);
__ IncreaseFrameSize(8); // 2 words of space for alignment
__ mov(R1, ShifterOperand(SP)); // Pass SP
// Call to unresolved direct method trampoline (method_idx, sp, Thread*, is_static)
__ blx(R12);
__ mov(R12, ShifterOperand(R0)); // Save code address returned into R12
// Restore registers which may have been modified by GC, "R0" will hold the Method*
__ DecreaseFrameSize(4);
__ PopList((1 << R0) | save);
__ bx(R12); // Leaf call to method's code
__ bkpt(0);
size_t cs = assembler->CodeSize();
SirtRef<ByteArray> resolution_trampoline(ByteArray::Alloc(cs));
CHECK(resolution_trampoline.get() != NULL);
MemoryRegion code(resolution_trampoline->GetData(), resolution_trampoline->GetLength());
return resolution_trampoline.get();
typedef void (*ThrowAme)(Method*, Thread*);
ByteArray* CreateAbstractMethodErrorStub() {
UniquePtr<ArmAssembler> assembler(static_cast<ArmAssembler*>(Assembler::Create(kArm)));
// Save callee saves and ready frame for exception delivery
RegList save = (1 << R4) | (1 << R5) | (1 << R6) | (1 << R7) | (1 << R8) | (1 << R9) |
(1 << R10) | (1 << R11) | (1 << LR);
// TODO: enable when GetCalleeSaveMethod is available at stub generation time
// DCHECK_EQ(save, Runtime::Current()->GetCalleeSaveMethod(Runtime::kSaveAll)->GetCoreSpillMask());
__ PushList(save); // push {r4-r11, lr} - 9 words of callee saves
// TODO: enable when GetCalleeSaveMethod is available at stub generation time
// DCHECK_EQ(Runtime::Current()->GetCalleeSaveMethod(Runtime::kSaveAll)->GetFpSpillMask(), 0xFFFFU);
__ Emit(0xed2d0a20); // vpush {s0-s31}
__ IncreaseFrameSize(12); // 3 words of space, bottom word will hold callee save Method*
// R0 is the Method* already
__ mov(R1, ShifterOperand(R9)); // Pass Thread::Current() in R1
__ mov(R2, ShifterOperand(SP)); // Pass SP in R2
// Call to throw AbstractMethodError
__ LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, R12, TR, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Thread, pThrowAbstractMethodErrorFromCode));
__ mov(PC, ShifterOperand(R12)); // Leaf call to routine that never returns
__ bkpt(0);
size_t cs = assembler->CodeSize();
SirtRef<ByteArray> abstract_stub(ByteArray::Alloc(cs));
CHECK(abstract_stub.get() != NULL);
MemoryRegion code(abstract_stub->GetData(), abstract_stub->GetLength());
return abstract_stub.get();
ByteArray* CreateJniDlysmLookupStub() {
UniquePtr<ArmAssembler> assembler(static_cast<ArmAssembler*>(Assembler::Create(kArm)));
// Build frame and save argument registers and LR.
RegList save = (1 << R0) | (1 << R1) | (1 << R2) | (1 << R3) | (1 << LR);
__ PushList(save);
__ AddConstant(SP, -12); // Ensure 16-byte alignment
__ mov(R0, ShifterOperand(R9)); // Pass Thread::Current() in R0
// Call FindNativeMethod
__ LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, R12, TR, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Thread, pFindNativeMethod));
__ blx(R12);
__ mov(R12, ShifterOperand(R0)); // Save result of FindNativeMethod in R12
__ AddConstant(SP, 12); // Restore registers (including outgoing arguments)
__ PopList(save);
__ cmp(R12, ShifterOperand(0));
__ bx(R12, NE); // If R12 != 0 tail call into native code
__ bx(LR); // Return to caller to handle exception
size_t cs = assembler->CodeSize();
SirtRef<ByteArray> jni_stub(ByteArray::Alloc(cs));
CHECK(jni_stub.get() != NULL);
MemoryRegion code(jni_stub->GetData(), jni_stub->GetLength());
return jni_stub.get();
} // namespace arm
} // namespace art