mtd: st_spi_fsm: remove SPINOR_OP_RDSR2 and use SPINOR_OP_RDCR instead
The 35h instruction op code has two aliases/macro definitions:
- SPINOR_OP_RDCR from include/linux/mtd/spi-nor.h
- SPINOR_OP_RDSR2 from drivers/mtd/devices/serial_flash_cmds.h
Actually, some manufacturers name the associated internal register Status
Register 2 whereas other manufacturers name it Configuration Register
hence the two different macros for the very same instruction op code.
Since the spi-nor.h file is the reference file for all SPI NOR instruction
op codes, this patch removes the definition of the SPINOR_OP_RDSR2 macro.
Also the SPINOR_OP_RDSR2 macro will be associated to another instruction
op code in a further patch so we need to avoid a conflict defining this
macro twice. Indeed the JESD216 rev B specification, defining the SFDP
tables, also refers to the 3Eh and 3Fh instruction op codes to write/read
the Status Register 2 on some SPI NOR flash memories, the 35h op code
still being used to read the Configuration Register/Status Register 2 on
other memories.
Signed-off-by: Cyrille Pitchen <>
Acked-by: Marek Vasut <>
2 files changed