nls: fix (and rename) mac NLS table files and config options

The config options in the Kconfig file (with _CODEPAGE_ in the name)
didn't match the config option name in the Makefile (no _CODEPAGE_).

And both of them were of the hard-to-read MACXYZZY variety, which made
them hard to parse for normal humans: MACROMAN easily reads as "macro
man", not as "Mac Roman".

So rename the options to be consistent, and be NLS_MAC_xyzzy.  Rename
the files to be mac-xyzzy.c too, and drop the "nls" part entirely (it's
already in the directory name).

Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
diff --git a/fs/nls/Makefile b/fs/nls/Makefile
index 5d74647..8ae37c1 100644
--- a/fs/nls/Makefile
+++ b/fs/nls/Makefile
@@ -42,14 +42,14 @@
 obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_KOI8_R)	+= nls_koi8-r.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_KOI8_U)	+= nls_koi8-u.o nls_koi8-ru.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_UTF8)		+= nls_utf8.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MACCELTIC)     += nls_macceltic.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MACCENTEURO)   += nls_maccenteuro.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MACCROATIAN)   += nls_maccroatian.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MACCYRILLIC)   += nls_maccyrillic.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MACGAELIC)     += nls_macgaelic.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MACGREEK)      += nls_macgreek.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MACICELAND)    += nls_maciceland.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MACINUIT)      += nls_macinuit.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MACROMANIAN)   += nls_macromanian.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MACROMAN)      += nls_macroman.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MACTURKISH)    += nls_macturkish.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MAC_CELTIC)    += mac-celtic.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MAC_CENTEURO)  += mac-centeuro.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MAC_CROATIAN)  += mac-croatian.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MAC_CYRILLIC)  += mac-cyrillic.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MAC_GAELIC)    += mac-gaelic.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MAC_GREEK)     += mac-greek.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MAC_ICELAND)   += mac-iceland.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MAC_INUIT)     += mac-inuit.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MAC_ROMANIAN)  += mac-romanian.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MAC_ROMAN)     += mac-roman.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_NLS_MAC_TURKISH)   += mac-turkish.o