kbuild: include Makefile.compiler only when compiler is needed

Since commit f2f02ebd8f38 ("kbuild: improve cc-option to clean up all
temporary files"), running 'make kernelversion' in a read-only source
tree emits a bunch of warnings:

  mkdir: cannot create directory '.tmp_12345': Permission denied

No-build targets such as kernelversion, clean, help, etc. do not
need to evaluate $(call cc-option,) or friends. Skip Makefile.compiler
so $(call cc-option,) becomes no-op.

This not only fixes the warnings, but also runs non-build targets much

Basically, all installation targets should also be non-build targets.
Unfortunately, vdso_install requires the compiler because it builds
vdso before installation. This is a problem that must be fixed by a
separate patch.

Reported-by: Israel Tsadok <itsadok@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Masahiro Yamada <masahiroy@kernel.org>
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 80bae8a..d798234 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -264,6 +264,10 @@
 			 $(version_h) headers headers_% archheaders archscripts \
 			 %asm-generic kernelversion %src-pkg dt_binding_check \
+# Installation targets should not require compiler. Unfortunately, vdso_install
+# is an exception where build artifacts may be updated. This must be fixed.
+no-compiler-targets := $(no-dot-config-targets) install dtbs_install \
+			headers_install modules_install kernelrelease image_name
 no-sync-config-targets := $(no-dot-config-targets) %install kernelrelease \
 single-targets := %.a %.i %.ko %.lds %.ll %.lst %.mod %.o %.s %.symtypes %/
@@ -271,6 +275,7 @@
 config-build	:=
 mixed-build	:=
 need-config	:= 1
+need-compiler	:= 1
 may-sync-config	:= 1
 single-build	:=
@@ -280,6 +285,12 @@
+ifneq ($(filter $(no-compiler-targets), $(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
+	ifeq ($(filter-out $(no-compiler-targets), $(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
+		need-compiler :=
+	endif
 ifneq ($(filter $(no-sync-config-targets), $(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
 	ifeq ($(filter-out $(no-sync-config-targets), $(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
 		may-sync-config :=
@@ -586,7 +597,9 @@
 # Include this also for config targets because some architectures need
 # cc-cross-prefix to determine CROSS_COMPILE.
+ifdef need-compiler
 include $(srctree)/scripts/Makefile.compiler
 ifdef config-build
 # ===========================================================================