net/mlx5e: CT: Introduce connection tracking

Add support for offloading tc ct action and ct matches.
We translate the tc filter with CT action the following HW model:

+-------------------+      +--------------------+    +--------------+
+ pre_ct (tc chain) +----->+ CT (nat or no nat) +--->+ post_ct      +----->
+ original match    +  |   + tuple + zone match + |  + fte_id match +  |
+-------------------+  |   +--------------------+ |  +--------------+  |
                       v                          v                    v
                      set chain miss mapping  set mark             original
                      set fte_id              set label            filter
                      set zone                set established      actions
                      set tunnel_id           do nat (if needed)
                      do decap

Signed-off-by: Paul Blakey <>
Reviewed-by: Oz Shlomo <>
Reviewed-by: Roi Dayan <>
Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
8 files changed