
Initial git repository build. I'm not bothering with the full history,
even though we have it. We can create a separate "historical" git
archive of that later if we want to, and in the meantime it's about
3.2GB when imported into git - space that would just make the early
git days unnecessarily complicated, when we don't have a lot of good
infrastructure for it.

Let it rip!
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d41116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+# Copyright (C) Martin Schlemmer <>
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL
+# Generate a newline separated list of entries from the file/directory
+# supplied as an argument.
+# If a file/directory is not supplied then generate a small dummy file.
+# The output is suitable for gen_init_cpio built from usr/gen_init_cpio.c.
+default_initramfs() {
+	cat <<-EOF
+		# This is a very simple, default initramfs
+		dir /dev 0755 0 0
+		nod /dev/console 0600 0 0 c 5 1
+		dir /root 0700 0 0
+filetype() {
+	local argv1="$1"
+	# symlink test must come before file test
+	if [ -L "${argv1}" ]; then
+		echo "slink"
+	elif [ -f "${argv1}" ]; then
+		echo "file"
+	elif [ -d "${argv1}" ]; then
+		echo "dir"
+	elif [ -b "${argv1}" -o -c "${argv1}" ]; then
+		echo "nod"
+	elif [ -p "${argv1}" ]; then
+		echo "pipe"
+	elif [ -S "${argv1}" ]; then
+		echo "sock"
+	else
+		echo "invalid"
+	fi
+	return 0
+print_mtime() {
+	local argv1="$1"
+	local my_mtime="0"
+	if [ -e "${argv1}" ]; then
+		my_mtime=$(find "${argv1}" -printf "%T@\n" | sort -r | head -n 1)
+	fi
+	echo "# Last modified: ${my_mtime}"
+	echo
+parse() {
+	local location="$1"
+	local name="${location/${srcdir}//}"
+	# change '//' into '/'
+	name="${name//\/\///}"
+	local mode="$2"
+	local uid="$3"
+	local gid="$4"
+	local ftype=$(filetype "${location}")
+	# remap uid/gid to 0 if necessary
+	[ "$uid" -eq "$root_uid" ] && uid=0
+	[ "$gid" -eq "$root_gid" ] && gid=0
+	local str="${mode} ${uid} ${gid}"
+	[ "${ftype}" == "invalid" ] && return 0
+	[ "${location}" == "${srcdir}" ] && return 0
+	case "${ftype}" in
+		"file")
+			str="${ftype} ${name} ${location} ${str}"
+			;;
+		"nod")
+			local dev_type=
+			local maj=$(LC_ALL=C ls -l "${location}" | \
+					gawk '{sub(/,/, "", $5); print $5}')
+			local min=$(LC_ALL=C ls -l "${location}" | \
+					gawk '{print $6}')
+			if [ -b "${location}" ]; then
+				dev_type="b"
+			else
+				dev_type="c"
+			fi
+			str="${ftype} ${name} ${str} ${dev_type} ${maj} ${min}"
+			;;
+		"slink")
+			local target=$(LC_ALL=C ls -l "${location}" | \
+					gawk '{print $11}')
+			str="${ftype} ${name} ${target} ${str}"
+			;;
+		*)
+			str="${ftype} ${name} ${str}"
+			;;
+	esac
+	echo "${str}"
+	return 0
+usage() {
+	printf    "Usage:\n"
+	printf    "$0 [ [-u <root_uid>] [-g <root_gid>] [-d | <cpio_source>] ] . . .\n"
+	printf    "\n"
+	printf -- "-u <root_uid>  User ID to map to user ID 0 (root).\n"
+	printf    "               <root_uid> is only meaningful if <cpio_source>\n"
+	printf    "               is a directory.\n"
+	printf -- "-g <root_gid>  Group ID to map to group ID 0 (root).\n"
+	printf    "               <root_gid> is only meaningful if <cpio_source>\n"
+	printf    "               is a directory.\n"
+	printf    "<cpio_source>  File list or directory for cpio archive.\n"
+	printf    "               If <cpio_source> is not provided then a\n"
+	printf    "               a default list will be output.\n"
+	printf -- "-d             Output the default cpio list.  If no <cpio_source>\n"
+	printf    "               is given then the default cpio list will be output.\n"
+	printf    "\n"
+	printf    "All options may be repeated and are interpreted sequentially\n"
+	printf    "and immediately.  -u and -g states are preserved across\n"
+	printf    "<cpio_source> options so an explicit \"-u 0 -g 0\" is required\n"
+	printf    "to reset the root/group mapping.\n"
+build_list() {
+	printf "\n#####################\n# $cpio_source\n"
+	if [ -f "$cpio_source" ]; then
+		print_mtime "$cpio_source"
+		cat "$cpio_source"
+	elif [ -d "$cpio_source" ]; then
+		srcdir=$(echo "$cpio_source" | sed -e 's://*:/:g')
+		dirlist=$(find "${srcdir}" -printf "%p %m %U %G\n" 2>/dev/null)
+		# If $dirlist is only one line, then the directory is empty
+		if [  "$(echo "${dirlist}" | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]; then
+			print_mtime "$cpio_source"
+			echo "${dirlist}" | \
+			while read x; do
+				parse ${x}
+			done
+		else
+			# Failsafe in case directory is empty
+			default_initramfs
+		fi
+	else
+		echo "  $0: Cannot open '$cpio_source'" >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+	arg="$1"
+	shift
+	case "$arg" in
+		"-u")
+			root_uid="$1"
+			shift
+			;;
+		"-g")
+			root_gid="$1"
+			shift
+			;;
+		"-d")
+			default_list="$arg"
+			default_initramfs
+			;;
+		"-h")
+			usage
+			exit 0
+			;;
+		*)
+			case "$arg" in
+				"-"*)
+					printf "ERROR: unknown option \"$arg\"\n" >&2
+					printf "If the filename validly begins with '-', then it must be prefixed\n" >&2
+					printf "by './' so that it won't be interpreted as an option." >&2
+					printf "\n" >&2
+					usage >&2
+					exit 1
+					;;
+				*)
+					cpio_source="$arg"
+					build_list
+					;;
+			esac
+			;;
+	esac
+# spit out the default cpio list if a source hasn't been specified
+[ -z "$cpio_source" -a -z "$default_list" ] && default_initramfs
+exit 0