net/mlx5e: RX, Support multiple outstanding UMR posts
The buffers mapping of the Multi-Packet WQEs (of Striding RQ)
is done via UMR posts, one UMR WQE per an RX MPWQE.
A single MPWQE is capable of serving many incoming packets,
usually larger than the budget of a single napi cycle.
Hence, posting a single UMR WQE per napi cycle (and handling its
completion in the next cycle) works fine in many common cases,
but not always.
When an XDP program is loaded, every MPWQE is capable of serving less
packets, to satisfy the packet-per-page requirement.
Thus, for the same number of packets more MPWQEs (and UMR posts)
are needed (twice as much for the default MTU), giving less latency
room for the UMR completions.
In this patch, we add support for multiple outstanding UMR posts,
to allow faster gap closure between consuming MPWQEs and reposting
them back into the WQ.
For better SW and HW locality, we combine the UMR posts in bulks of
(at least) two.
This is expected to improve packet rate in high CPU scale.
Performance test:
As expected, huge improvement in large-scale (48 cores).
xdp_redirect_map, 64B UDP multi-stream.
Redirect from ConnectX-5 100Gbps to ConnectX-6 100Gbps.
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v3 @ 2.50GHz.
Before: Unstable, 7 to 30 Mpps
After: Stable, at 70.5 Mpps
No degradation in other tested scenarios.
Signed-off-by: Tariq Toukan <>
Signed-off-by: Saeed Mahameed <>
4 files changed